{ this is the default configuration file of the glBitmap.pas please uncomment you preferences below, rename this file to glBitmapConf.inc and make it available to your compilers include paths } // enable support for OpenGL ES 1.1 {.$DEFINE OPENGL_ES_1_1} // enable support for OpenGL ES 2.0 {.$DEFINE OPENGL_ES_2_0} // enable support for OpenGL ES 3.0 {.$DEFINE OPENGL_ES_3_0} // enable support for all OpenGL ES extensions {.$DEFINE OPENGL_ES_EXT} // activate to enable the support for SDL_surfaces {.$DEFINE GLB_SDL} // activate to enable the support for Delphi (including support for Delphi's (not Lazarus') TBitmap) {.$DEFINE GLB_DELPHI} // activate to enable the support for TLazIntfImage from Lazarus {.$DEFINE GLB_LAZARUS} // activate to enable the support of SDL_image to load files. (READ ONLY) // If you enable SDL_image all other libraries will be ignored! {.$DEFINE GLB_SDL_IMAGE} // activate to enable Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphic support // if you enable this pngImage and libPNG will be ignored {.$DEFINE GLB_LAZ_PNG} // activate to enable png support with the unit pngimage -> http://pngdelphi.sourceforge.net/ // if you enable pngimage the libPNG will be ignored {.$DEFINE GLB_PNGIMAGE} // activate to use the libPNG -> http://www.libpng.org/ // You will need an aditional header -> http://www.opengl24.de/index.php?cat=header&file=libpng {.$DEFINE GLB_LIB_PNG} // activate to enable Lazarus TJPEGImage support // if you enable this delphi jpegs and libJPEG will be ignored {.$DEFINE GLB_LAZ_JPEG} // if you enable delphi jpegs the libJPEG will be ignored {.$DEFINE GLB_DELPHI_JPEG} // activate to use the libJPEG -> http://www.ijg.org/ // You will need an aditional header -> http://www.opengl24.de/index.php?cat=header&file=libjpeg {.$DEFINE GLB_LIB_JPEG}