--- /dev/null
- procedure Bind(const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean = true); virtual;
+{ glBitmap by Steffen Xonna aka Lossy eX (2003-2008)
+ http://www.opengl24.de/index.php?cat=header&file=glbitmap
+ modified by Delphi OpenGL Community (http://delphigl.com/) (2013)
+ The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to
+ the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may
+ not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
+ obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
+ The glBitmap is a Delphi/FPC unit that contains several wrapper classes
+ to manage OpenGL texture objects. Below you can find a list of the main
+ functionality of this classes:
+ - load texture data from file (e.g. BMP, TGA, DDS, PNG, JPEG, ...)
+ - load texture data from several other image objects (e.g. TBitmap, TLazIntfImage, SDL Surface)
+ - save texture data to file (e.g. BMP, TGA, DDS, PNG, JPEG, ...)
+ - save texture data to several other image objects (e.g. TBitmap, TLazIntfImage, SDL Surface)
+ - support for many texture formats (e.g. RGB8, BGR8, RGBA8, BGRA8, ...)
+ - manage texture properties (e.g. Filter, Clamp, Mipmap, ...)
+ - upload texture data to video card
+ - download texture data from video card
+ - manipulate texture data (e.g. add alpha, remove alpha, convert to other format, switch RGB, ...) }
+unit uglcBitmap;
+{$I glBitmapConf.inc}
+// Delphi Versions
+{$IFDEF fpc}
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+ {$IFDEF CPUI386}
+ {$DEFINE CPU386}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$linklib c}
+ {$ENDIF}
+// Operation System
+// OpenGL ES
+// checking define combinations
+//SDL Image
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'SDL_image won''t work without SDL. SDL will be activated.'}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphics will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
+ {$undef GLB_LAZ_PNG}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The unit pngimage will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
+ {$undef GLB_PNGIMAGE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The Lazarus TJPEGImage will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
+ {$undef GLB_LAZ_JPEG}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The unit JPEG will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
+ {$undef GLB_DELPHI_JPEG}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libPNG will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
+ {$undef GLB_LIB_PNG}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libJPEG will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
+ {$undef GLB_LIB_JPEG}
+ {$ENDIF}
+// Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphic
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphic won''t work without Lazarus. Lazarus will be activated.'}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The pngimage will be ignored if you are using Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphic.'}
+ {$undef GLB_PNGIMAGE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libPNG will be ignored if you are using Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphic.'}
+ {$undef GLB_LIB_PNG}
+ {$ENDIF}
+// PNG Image
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libPNG will be ignored if you are using pngimage.'}
+ {$undef GLB_LIB_PNG}
+ {$ENDIF}
+// libPNG
+// Lazarus TJPEGImage
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'Lazarus TJPEGImage won''t work without Lazarus. Lazarus will be activated.'}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The Delphi JPEGImage will be ignored if you are using the Lazarus TJPEGImage.'}
+ {$undef GLB_DELPHI_JPEG}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libJPEG will be ignored if you are using the Lazarus TJPEGImage.'}
+ {$undef GLB_LIB_JPEG}
+ {$ENDIF}
+// JPEG Image
+ {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libJPEG will be ignored if you are using the unit JPEG.'}
+ {$undef GLB_LIB_JPEG}
+ {$ENDIF}
+// libJPEG
+// general options
+ {$ELSE} dglOpenGL, {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF GLB_LAZARUS} IntfGraphics, GraphType, Graphics, {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF GLB_DELPHI} Dialogs, Graphics, Types, {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF GLB_PNGIMAGE} pngimage, {$ENDIF}
+ Classes, SysUtils;
+{$IFNDEF fpc}
+ QWord = System.UInt64;
+ PQWord = ^QWord;
+ PtrInt = Longint;
+ PtrUInt = DWord;
+ { type that describes the format of the data stored in a texture.
+ the name of formats is composed of the following constituents:
+ - multiple channels:
+ - channel (e.g. R, G, B, A or Alpha, Luminance or X (reserved))
+ - width of the chanel in bit (4, 8, 16, ...)
+ - data type (e.g. ub, us, ui)
+ - number of elements of data types }
+ TglBitmapFormat = (
+ tfEmpty = 0,
+ tfAlpha4ub1, //< 1 x unsigned byte
+ tfAlpha8ub1, //< 1 x unsigned byte
+ tfAlpha16us1, //< 1 x unsigned short
+ tfLuminance4ub1, //< 1 x unsigned byte
+ tfLuminance8ub1, //< 1 x unsigned byte
+ tfLuminance16us1, //< 1 x unsigned short
+ tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2, //< 1 x unsigned byte (lum), 1 x unsigned byte (alpha)
+ tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2, //< 1 x unsigned byte (lum), 1 x unsigned byte (alpha)
+ tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2, //< 1 x unsigned byte (lum), 1 x unsigned byte (alpha)
+ tfLuminance12Alpha4us2, //< 1 x unsigned short (lum), 1 x unsigned short (alpha)
+ tfLuminance16Alpha16us2, //< 1 x unsigned short (lum), 1 x unsigned short (alpha)
+ tfR3G3B2ub1, //< 1 x unsigned byte (3bit red, 3bit green, 2bit blue)
+ tfRGBX4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit red, 4bit green, 4bit blue, 4bit reserverd)
+ tfXRGB4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit reserved, 4bit red, 4bit green, 4bit blue)
+ tfR5G6B5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit red, 6bit green, 5bit blue)
+ tfRGB5X1us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit red, 5bit green, 5bit blue, 1bit reserved)
+ tfX1RGB5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (1bit reserved, 5bit red, 5bit green, 5bit blue)
+ tfRGB8ub3, //< 1 x unsigned byte (red), 1 x unsigned byte (green), 1 x unsigned byte (blue)
+ tfRGBX8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit red, 8bit green, 8bit blue, 8bit reserved)
+ tfXRGB8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit reserved, 8bit red, 8bit green, 8bit blue)
+ tfRGB10X2ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (10bit red, 10bit green, 10bit blue, 2bit reserved)
+ tfX2RGB10ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (2bit reserved, 10bit red, 10bit green, 10bit blue)
+ tfRGB16us3, //< 1 x unsigned short (red), 1 x unsigned short (green), 1 x unsigned short (blue)
+ tfRGBA4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit red, 4bit green, 4bit blue, 4bit alpha)
+ tfARGB4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit alpha, 4bit red, 4bit green, 4bit blue)
+ tfRGB5A1us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit red, 5bit green, 5bit blue, 1bit alpha)
+ tfA1RGB5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (1bit alpha, 5bit red, 5bit green, 5bit blue)
+ tfRGBA8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit red, 8bit green, 8bit blue, 8 bit alpha)
+ tfARGB8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8 bit alpha, 8bit red, 8bit green, 8bit blue)
+ tfRGBA8ub4, //< 1 x unsigned byte (red), 1 x unsigned byte (green), 1 x unsigned byte (blue), 1 x unsigned byte (alpha)
+ tfRGB10A2ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (10bit red, 10bit green, 10bit blue, 2bit alpha)
+ tfA2RGB10ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (2bit alpha, 10bit red, 10bit green, 10bit blue)
+ tfRGBA16us4, //< 1 x unsigned short (red), 1 x unsigned short (green), 1 x unsigned short (blue), 1 x unsigned short (alpha)
+ tfBGRX4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit blue, 4bit green, 4bit red, 4bit reserved)
+ tfXBGR4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit reserved, 4bit blue, 4bit green, 4bit red)
+ tfB5G6R5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit blue, 6bit green, 5bit red)
+ tfBGR5X1us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit blue, 5bit green, 5bit red, 1bit reserved)
+ tfX1BGR5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (1bit reserved, 5bit blue, 5bit green, 5bit red)
+ tfBGR8ub3, //< 1 x unsigned byte (blue), 1 x unsigned byte (green), 1 x unsigned byte (red)
+ tfBGRX8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit blue, 8bit green, 8bit red, 8bit reserved)
+ tfXBGR8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit reserved, 8bit blue, 8bit green, 8bit red)
+ tfBGR10X2ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (10bit blue, 10bit green, 10bit red, 2bit reserved)
+ tfX2BGR10ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (2bit reserved, 10bit blue, 10bit green, 10bit red)
+ tfBGR16us3, //< 1 x unsigned short (blue), 1 x unsigned short (green), 1 x unsigned short (red)
+ tfBGRA4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit blue, 4bit green, 4bit red, 4bit alpha)
+ tfABGR4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit alpha, 4bit blue, 4bit green, 4bit red)
+ tfBGR5A1us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit blue, 5bit green, 5bit red, 1bit alpha)
+ tfA1BGR5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (1bit alpha, 5bit blue, 5bit green, 5bit red)
+ tfBGRA8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit blue, 8bit green, 8bit red, 8bit alpha)
+ tfABGR8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit alpha, 8bit blue, 8bit green, 8bit red)
+ tfBGRA8ub4, //< 1 x unsigned byte (blue), 1 x unsigned byte (green), 1 x unsigned byte (red), 1 x unsigned byte (alpha)
+ tfBGR10A2ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (10bit blue, 10bit green, 10bit red, 2bit alpha)
+ tfA2BGR10ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (2bit alpha, 10bit blue, 10bit green, 10bit red)
+ tfBGRA16us4, //< 1 x unsigned short (blue), 1 x unsigned short (green), 1 x unsigned short (red), 1 x unsigned short (alpha)
+ tfDepth16us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (depth)
+ tfDepth24ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (depth)
+ tfDepth32ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (depth)
+ tfS3tcDtx1RGBA,
+ tfS3tcDtx3RGBA,
+ tfS3tcDtx5RGBA
+ );
+ { type to define suitable file formats }
+ TglBitmapFileType = (
+ {$IFDEF GLB_SUPPORT_PNG_WRITE} ftPNG, {$ENDIF} //< Portable Network Graphic file (PNG)
+ ftDDS, //< Direct Draw Surface file (DDS)
+ ftTGA, //< Targa Image File (TGA)
+ ftBMP, //< Windows Bitmap File (BMP)
+ ftRAW); //< glBitmap RAW file format
+ TglBitmapFileTypes = set of TglBitmapFileType;
+ { possible mipmap types }
+ TglBitmapMipMap = (
+ mmNone, //< no mipmaps
+ mmMipmap, //< normal mipmaps
+ mmMipmapGlu); //< mipmaps generated with glu functions
+ { possible normal map functions }
+ TglBitmapNormalMapFunc = (
+ nm4Samples,
+ nmSobel,
+ nm3x3,
+ nm5x5);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ EglBitmap = class(Exception); //< glBitmap exception
+ EglBitmapNotSupported = class(Exception); //< exception for not supported functions
+ EglBitmapSizeToLarge = class(EglBitmap); //< exception for to large textures
+ EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo = class(EglBitmap); //< exception for non power of two textures
+ EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat = class(EglBitmap) //< exception for unsupporetd formats
+ public
+ constructor Create(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat); overload;
+ constructor Create(const aMsg: String; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat); overload;
+ end;
+ { record that stores 4 unsigned integer values }
+ TglBitmapRec4ui = packed record
+ case Integer of
+ 0: (r, g, b, a: Cardinal);
+ 1: (arr: array[0..3] of Cardinal);
+ end;
+ { record that stores 4 unsigned byte values }
+ TglBitmapRec4ub = packed record
+ case Integer of
+ 0: (r, g, b, a: Byte);
+ 1: (arr: array[0..3] of Byte);
+ end;
+ { record that stores 4 unsigned long integer values }
+ TglBitmapRec4ul = packed record
+ case Integer of
+ 0: (r, g, b, a: QWord);
+ 1: (arr: array[0..3] of QWord);
+ end;
+ { structure to store pixel data in }
+ TglBitmapPixelData = packed record
+ Data: TglBitmapRec4ui; //< color data for each color channel
+ Range: TglBitmapRec4ui; //< maximal color value for each channel
+ Format: TglBitmapFormat; //< format of the pixel
+ end;
+ PglBitmapPixelData = ^TglBitmapPixelData;
+ TglBitmapSizeFields = set of (ffX, ffY);
+ TglBitmapSize = packed record
+ Fields: TglBitmapSizeFields;
+ X: Word;
+ Y: Word;
+ end;
+ TglBitmapPixelPosition = TglBitmapSize;
+ { describes the properties of a given texture data format }
+ TglBitmapFormatDescriptor = class(TObject)
+ private
+ // cached properties
+ fBytesPerPixel: Single; //< number of bytes for each pixel
+ fChannelCount: Integer; //< number of color channels
+ fMask: TglBitmapRec4ul; //< bitmask for each color channel
+ fRange: TglBitmapRec4ui; //< maximal value of each color channel
+ { @return @true if the format has a red color channel, @false otherwise }
+ function GetHasRed: Boolean;
+ { @return @true if the format has a green color channel, @false otherwise }
+ function GetHasGreen: Boolean;
+ { @return @true if the format has a blue color channel, @false otherwise }
+ function GetHasBlue: Boolean;
+ { @return @true if the format has a alpha color channel, @false otherwise }
+ function GetHasAlpha: Boolean;
+ { @return @true if the format has any color color channel, @false otherwise }
+ function GetHasColor: Boolean;
+ { @return @true if the format is a grayscale format, @false otherwise }
+ function GetIsGrayscale: Boolean;
+ { @return @true if the format is supported by OpenGL, @false otherwise }
+ function GetHasOpenGLSupport: Boolean;
+ protected
+ fFormat: TglBitmapFormat; //< format this descriptor belongs to
+ fWithAlpha: TglBitmapFormat; //< suitable format with alpha channel
+ fWithoutAlpha: TglBitmapFormat; //< suitable format without alpha channel
+ fOpenGLFormat: TglBitmapFormat; //< suitable format that is supported by OpenGL
+ fRGBInverted: TglBitmapFormat; //< suitable format with inverted RGB channels
+ fUncompressed: TglBitmapFormat; //< suitable format with uncompressed data
+ fBitsPerPixel: Integer; //< number of bits per pixel
+ fIsCompressed: Boolean; //< @true if the format is compressed, @false otherwise
+ fPrecision: TglBitmapRec4ub; //< number of bits for each color channel
+ fShift: TglBitmapRec4ub; //< bit offset for each color channel
+ fglFormat: GLenum; //< OpenGL format enum (e.g. GL_RGB)
+ fglInternalFormat: GLenum; //< OpenGL internal format enum (e.g. GL_RGB8)
+ fglDataFormat: GLenum; //< OpenGL data format enum (e.g. GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
+ { set values for this format descriptor }
+ procedure SetValues; virtual;
+ { calculate cached values }
+ procedure CalcValues;
+ public
+ property Format: TglBitmapFormat read fFormat; //< format this descriptor belongs to
+ property ChannelCount: Integer read fChannelCount; //< number of color channels
+ property IsCompressed: Boolean read fIsCompressed; //< @true if the format is compressed, @false otherwise
+ property BitsPerPixel: Integer read fBitsPerPixel; //< number of bytes per pixel
+ property BytesPerPixel: Single read fBytesPerPixel; //< number of bits per pixel
+ property Precision: TglBitmapRec4ub read fPrecision; //< number of bits for each color channel
+ property Shift: TglBitmapRec4ub read fShift; //< bit offset for each color channel
+ property Range: TglBitmapRec4ui read fRange; //< maximal value of each color channel
+ property Mask: TglBitmapRec4ul read fMask; //< bitmask for each color channel
+ property RGBInverted: TglBitmapFormat read fRGBInverted; //< suitable format with inverted RGB channels
+ property WithAlpha: TglBitmapFormat read fWithAlpha; //< suitable format with alpha channel
+ property WithoutAlpha: TglBitmapFormat read fWithAlpha; //< suitable format without alpha channel
+ property OpenGLFormat: TglBitmapFormat read fOpenGLFormat; //< suitable format that is supported by OpenGL
+ property Uncompressed: TglBitmapFormat read fUncompressed; //< suitable format with uncompressed data
+ property glFormat: GLenum read fglFormat; //< OpenGL format enum (e.g. GL_RGB)
+ property glInternalFormat: GLenum read fglInternalFormat; //< OpenGL internal format enum (e.g. GL_RGB8)
+ property glDataFormat: GLenum read fglDataFormat; //< OpenGL data format enum (e.g. GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
+ property HasRed: Boolean read GetHasRed; //< @true if the format has a red color channel, @false otherwise
+ property HasGreen: Boolean read GetHasGreen; //< @true if the format has a green color channel, @false otherwise
+ property HasBlue: Boolean read GetHasBlue; //< @true if the format has a blue color channel, @false otherwise
+ property HasAlpha: Boolean read GetHasAlpha; //< @true if the format has a alpha color channel, @false otherwise
+ property HasColor: Boolean read GetHasColor; //< @true if the format has any color color channel, @false otherwise
+ property IsGrayscale: Boolean read GetIsGrayscale; //< @true if the format is a grayscale format, @false otherwise
+ property HasOpenGLSupport: Boolean read GetHasOpenGLSupport; //< @true if the format is supported by OpenGL, @false otherwise
+ function GetSize(const aSize: TglBitmapSize): Integer; overload; virtual;
+ function GetSize(const aWidth, aHeight: Integer): Integer; overload; virtual;
+ { constructor }
+ constructor Create;
+ public
+ { get the format descriptor by a given OpenGL internal format
+ @param aInternalFormat OpenGL internal format to get format descriptor for
+ @returns suitable format descriptor or tfEmpty-Descriptor }
+ class function GetByFormat(const aInternalFormat: GLenum): TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
+ end;
+ TglBitmapData = class;
+ { structure to store data for converting in }
+ TglBitmapFunctionRec = record
+ Sender: TglBitmapData; //< texture object that stores the data to convert
+ Size: TglBitmapSize; //< size of the texture
+ Position: TglBitmapPixelPosition; //< position of the currently pixel
+ Source: TglBitmapPixelData; //< pixel data of the current pixel
+ Dest: TglBitmapPixelData; //< new data of the pixel (must be filled in)
+ Args: Pointer; //< user defined args that was passed to the convert function
+ end;
+ { callback to use for converting texture data }
+ TglBitmapFunction = procedure(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ { class to store texture data in. used to load, save and
+ manipulate data before assigned to texture object
+ all operations on a data object can be done from a background thread }
+ TglBitmapData = class
+ private { fields }
+ fData: PByte; //< texture data
+ fDimension: TglBitmapSize; //< pixel size of the data
+ fFormat: TglBitmapFormat; //< format the texture data is stored in
+ fFilename: String; //< file the data was load from
+ fScanlines: array of PByte; //< pointer to begin of each line
+ fHasScanlines: Boolean; //< @true if scanlines are initialized, @false otherwise
+ private { getter / setter }
+ { @returns the format descriptor suitable to the texture data format }
+ function GetFormatDescriptor: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
+ { @returns the width of the texture data (in pixel) or -1 if no data is set }
+ function GetWidth: Integer;
+ { @returns the height of the texture data (in pixel) or -1 if no data is set }
+ function GetHeight: Integer;
+ { get scanline at index aIndex
+ @returns Pointer to start of line or @nil }
+ function GetScanlines(const aIndex: Integer): PByte;
+ { set new value for the data format. only possible if new format has the same pixel size.
+ if you want to convert the texture data, see ConvertTo function }
+ procedure SetFormat(const aValue: TglBitmapFormat);
+ private { internal misc }
+ { splits a resource identifier into the resource and it's type
+ @param aResource resource identifier to split and store name in
+ @param aResType type of the resource }
+ procedure PrepareResType(var aResource: String; var aResType: PChar);
+ { updates scanlines array }
+ procedure UpdateScanlines;
+ private { internal load and save }
+ { try to load a PNG from a stream
+ @param aStream stream to load PNG from
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function LoadPNG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
+ { save texture data as PNG to stream
+ @param aStream stream to save data to}
+ procedure SavePNG(const aStream: TStream); virtual;
+ { try to load a JPEG from a stream
+ @param aStream stream to load JPEG from
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
+ { save texture data as JPEG to stream
+ @param aStream stream to save data to}
+ procedure SaveJPEG(const aStream: TStream); virtual;
+ { try to load a RAW image from a stream
+ @param aStream stream to load RAW image from
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function LoadRAW(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ { save texture data as RAW image to stream
+ @param aStream stream to save data to}
+ procedure SaveRAW(const aStream: TStream);
+ { try to load a BMP from a stream
+ @param aStream stream to load BMP from
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function LoadBMP(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ { save texture data as BMP to stream
+ @param aStream stream to save data to}
+ procedure SaveBMP(const aStream: TStream);
+ { try to load a TGA from a stream
+ @param aStream stream to load TGA from
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function LoadTGA(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ { save texture data as TGA to stream
+ @param aStream stream to save data to}
+ procedure SaveTGA(const aStream: TStream);
+ { try to load a DDS from a stream
+ @param aStream stream to load DDS from
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function LoadDDS(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ { save texture data as DDS to stream
+ @param aStream stream to save data to}
+ procedure SaveDDS(const aStream: TStream);
+ public { properties }
+ property Data: PByte read fData; //< texture data (be carefull with this!)
+ property Dimension: TglBitmapSize read fDimension; //< size of the texture data (in pixel)
+ property Filename: String read fFilename; //< file the data was loaded from
+ property Width: Integer read GetWidth; //< width of the texture data (in pixel)
+ property Height: Integer read GetHeight; //< height of the texture data (in pixel)
+ property Format: TglBitmapFormat read fFormat write SetFormat; //< format the texture data is stored in
+ property Scanlines[const aIndex: Integer]: PByte read GetScanlines; //< pointer to begin of line at given index or @nil
+ property FormatDescriptor: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor read GetFormatDescriptor; //< descriptor object that describes the format of the stored data
+ public { flip }
+ { flip texture horizontal
+ @returns @true in success, @false otherwise }
+ function FlipHorz: Boolean; virtual;
+ { flip texture vertical
+ @returns @true in success, @false otherwise }
+ function FlipVert: Boolean; virtual;
+ public { load }
+ { load a texture from a file
+ @param aFilename file to load texuture from }
+ procedure LoadFromFile(const aFilename: String);
+ { load a texture from a stream
+ @param aStream stream to load texture from }
+ procedure LoadFromStream(const aStream: TStream); virtual;
+ { use a function to generate texture data
+ @param aSize size of the texture
+ @param aFormat format of the texture data
+ @param aFunc callback to use for generation
+ @param aArgs user defined paramaters (use at will) }
+ procedure LoadFromFunc(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer = nil);
+ { load a texture from a resource
+ @param aInstance resource handle
+ @param aResource resource indentifier
+ @param aResType resource type (if known) }
+ procedure LoadFromResource(const aInstance: Cardinal; aResource: String; aResType: PChar = nil);
+ { load a texture from a resource id
+ @param aInstance resource handle
+ @param aResource resource ID
+ @param aResType resource type }
+ procedure LoadFromResourceID(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar);
+ public { save }
+ { save texture data to a file
+ @param aFilename filename to store texture in
+ @param aFileType file type to store data into }
+ procedure SaveToFile(const aFilename: String; const aFileType: TglBitmapFileType);
+ { save texture data to a stream
+ @param aFilename filename to store texture in
+ @param aFileType file type to store data into }
+ procedure SaveToStream(const aStream: TStream; const aFileType: TglBitmapFileType); virtual;
+ public { convert }
+ { convert texture data using a user defined callback
+ @param aFunc callback to use for converting
+ @param aCreateTemp create a temporary buffer to use for converting
+ @param aArgs user defined paramters (use at will)
+ @returns @true if converting was successful, @false otherwise }
+ function Convert(const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aCreateTemp: Boolean; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean; overload;
+ { convert texture data using a user defined callback
+ @param aSource glBitmap to read data from
+ @param aFunc callback to use for converting
+ @param aCreateTemp create a temporary buffer to use for converting
+ @param aFormat format of the new data
+ @param aArgs user defined paramters (use at will)
+ @returns @true if converting was successful, @false otherwise }
+ function Convert(const aSource: TglBitmapData; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; aCreateTemp: Boolean;
+ const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean; overload;
+ { convert texture data using a specific format
+ @param aFormat new format of texture data
+ @returns @true if converting was successful, @false otherwise }
+ function ConvertTo(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): Boolean; virtual;
+ public { SDL }
+ { assign texture data to SDL surface
+ @param aSurface SDL surface to write data to
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AssignToSurface(out aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
+ { assign texture data from SDL surface
+ @param aSurface SDL surface to read data from
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AssignFromSurface(const aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
+ { assign alpha channel data to SDL surface
+ @param aSurface SDL surface to write alpha channel data to
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AssignAlphaToSurface(out aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
+ { assign alpha channel data from SDL surface
+ @param aSurface SDL surface to read data from
+ @param aFunc callback to use for converting
+ @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromSurface(const aSurface: PSDL_Surface; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
+ public { Delphi }
+ { assign texture data to TBitmap object
+ @param aBitmap TBitmap to write data to
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AssignToBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
+ { assign texture data from TBitmap object
+ @param aBitmap TBitmap to read data from
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AssignFromBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
+ { assign alpha channel data to TBitmap object
+ @param aBitmap TBitmap to write data to
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AssignAlphaToBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
+ { assign alpha channel data from TBitmap object
+ @param aBitmap TBitmap to read data from
+ @param aFunc callback to use for converting
+ @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
+ public { Lazarus }
+ { assign texture data to TLazIntfImage object
+ @param aImage TLazIntfImage to write data to
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AssignToLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
+ { assign texture data from TLazIntfImage object
+ @param aImage TLazIntfImage to read data from
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AssignFromLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
+ { assign alpha channel data to TLazIntfImage object
+ @param aImage TLazIntfImage to write data to
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AssignAlphaToLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
+ { assign alpha channel data from TLazIntfImage object
+ @param aImage TLazIntfImage to read data from
+ @param aFunc callback to use for converting
+ @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
+ public { Alpha }
+ { load alpha channel data from resource
+ @param aInstance resource handle
+ @param aResource resource ID
+ @param aResType resource type
+ @param aFunc callback to use for converting
+ @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromResource(const aInstance: Cardinal; aResource: String; aResType: PChar = nil; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
+ { load alpha channel data from resource ID
+ @param aInstance resource handle
+ @param aResourceID resource ID
+ @param aResType resource type
+ @param aFunc callback to use for converting
+ @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromResourceID(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
+ { add alpha channel data from function
+ @param aFunc callback to get data from
+ @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromFunc(const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean; virtual;
+ { add alpha channel data from file (macro for: new glBitmap, LoadFromFile, AddAlphaFromGlBitmap)
+ @param aFilename file to load alpha channel data from
+ @param aFunc callback to use for converting
+ @param aArgs SetFormat user defined parameters (use at will)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromFile(const aFileName: String; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
+ { add alpha channel data from stream (macro for: new glBitmap, LoadFromStream, AddAlphaFromGlBitmap)
+ @param aStream stream to load alpha channel data from
+ @param aFunc callback to use for converting
+ @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromStream(const aStream: TStream; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
+ { add alpha channel data from existing glBitmap object
+ @param aBitmap TglBitmap to copy alpha channel data from
+ @param aFunc callback to use for converting
+ @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromDataObj(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ { add alpha to pixel if the pixels color is greter than the given color value
+ @param aRed red threshold (0-255)
+ @param aGreen green threshold (0-255)
+ @param aBlue blue threshold (0-255)
+ @param aDeviatation accepted deviatation (0-255)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromColorKey(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Byte; const aDeviation: Byte = 0): Boolean;
+ { add alpha to pixel if the pixels color is greter than the given color value
+ @param aRed red threshold (0-Range.r)
+ @param aGreen green threshold (0-Range.g)
+ @param aBlue blue threshold (0-Range.b)
+ @param aDeviatation accepted deviatation (0-max(Range.rgb))
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromColorKeyRange(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Cardinal; const aDeviation: Cardinal = 0): Boolean;
+ { add alpha to pixel if the pixels color is greter than the given color value
+ @param aRed red threshold (0.0-1.0)
+ @param aGreen green threshold (0.0-1.0)
+ @param aBlue blue threshold (0.0-1.0)
+ @param aDeviatation accepted deviatation (0.0-1.0)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromColorKeyFloat(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Single; const aDeviation: Single = 0): Boolean;
+ { add a constand alpha value to all pixels
+ @param aAlpha alpha value to add (0-255)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromValue(const aAlpha: Byte): Boolean;
+ { add a constand alpha value to all pixels
+ @param aAlpha alpha value to add (0-max(Range.rgb))
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromValueRange(const aAlpha: Cardinal): Boolean;
+ { add a constand alpha value to all pixels
+ @param aAlpha alpha value to add (0.0-1.0)
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function AddAlphaFromValueFloat(const aAlpha: Single): Boolean;
+ { remove alpha channel
+ @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
+ function RemoveAlpha: Boolean; virtual;
+ public { fill }
+ { fill complete texture with one color
+ @param aRed red color for border (0-255)
+ @param aGreen green color for border (0-255)
+ @param aBlue blue color for border (0-255)
+ @param aAlpha alpha color for border (0-255) }
+ procedure FillWithColor(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Byte; const aAlpha: Byte = 255);
+ { fill complete texture with one color
+ @param aRed red color for border (0-Range.r)
+ @param aGreen green color for border (0-Range.g)
+ @param aBlue blue color for border (0-Range.b)
+ @param aAlpha alpha color for border (0-Range.a) }
+ procedure FillWithColorRange(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Cardinal; const aAlpha: Cardinal = $FFFFFFFF);
+ { fill complete texture with one color
+ @param aRed red color for border (0.0-1.0)
+ @param aGreen green color for border (0.0-1.0)
+ @param aBlue blue color for border (0.0-1.0)
+ @param aAlpha alpha color for border (0.0-1.0) }
+ procedure FillWithColorFloat(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Single; const aAlpha: Single = 1.0);
+ public { Misc }
+ { set data pointer of texture data
+ @param aData pointer to new texture data
+ @param aFormat format of the data stored at aData
+ @param aWidth width of the texture data
+ @param aHeight height of the texture data }
+ procedure SetData(const aData: PByte; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ const aWidth: Integer = -1; const aHeight: Integer = -1); virtual;
+ { create a clone of the current object
+ @returns clone of this object}
+ function Clone: TglBitmapData;
+ { invert color data (bitwise not)
+ @param aRed invert red channel
+ @param aGreen invert green channel
+ @param aBlue invert blue channel
+ @param aAlpha invert alpha channel }
+ procedure Invert(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aAlpha: Boolean);
+ { create normal map from texture data
+ @param aFunc normal map function to generate normalmap with
+ @param aScale scale of the normale stored in the normal map
+ @param aUseAlpha generate normalmap from alpha channel data (if present) }
+ procedure GenerateNormalMap(const aFunc: TglBitmapNormalMapFunc = nm3x3;
+ const aScale: Single = 2; const aUseAlpha: Boolean = false);
+ public { constructor }
+ { constructor - creates a texutre data object }
+ constructor Create; overload;
+ { constructor - creates a texture data object and loads it from a file
+ @param aFilename file to load texture from }
+ constructor Create(const aFileName: String); overload;
+ { constructor - creates a texture data object and loads it from a stream
+ @param aStream stream to load texture from }
+ constructor Create(const aStream: TStream); overload;
+ { constructor - creates a texture data object with the given size, format and data
+ @param aSize size of the texture
+ @param aFormat format of the given data
+ @param aData texture data - be carefull: the data will now be managed by the texture data object }
+ constructor Create(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; aData: PByte = nil); overload;
+ { constructor - creates a texture data object with the given size and format and uses the given callback to create the data
+ @param aSize size of the texture
+ @param aFormat format of the given data
+ @param aFunc callback to use for generating the data
+ @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will) }
+ constructor Create(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer = nil); overload;
+ { constructor - creates a texture data object and loads it from a resource
+ @param aInstance resource handle
+ @param aResource resource indentifier
+ @param aResType resource type (if known) }
+ constructor Create(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResource: String; const aResType: PChar = nil); overload;
+ { constructor - creates a texture data object and loads it from a resource
+ @param aInstance resource handle
+ @param aResourceID resource ID
+ @param aResType resource type (if known) }
+ constructor Create(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar); overload;
+ { destructor }
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ { base class for all glBitmap classes. used to manage OpenGL texture objects
+ all operations on a bitmap object must be done from the render thread }
+ TglBitmap = class
+ protected
+ fID: GLuint; //< name of the OpenGL texture object
+ fTarget: GLuint; //< texture target (e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D)
+ fDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean; //< delete OpenGL texture object when this object is destroyed
+ // texture properties
+ fFilterMin: GLenum; //< min filter to apply to the texture
+ fFilterMag: GLenum; //< mag filter to apply to the texture
+ fWrapS: GLenum; //< texture wrapping for x axis
+ fWrapT: GLenum; //< texture wrapping for y axis
+ fWrapR: GLenum; //< texture wrapping for z axis
+ fAnisotropic: Integer; //< anisotropic level
+ fBorderColor: array[0..3] of Single; //< color of the texture border
+ //Swizzle
+ fSwizzle: array[0..3] of GLenum; //< color channel swizzle
+ fIsResident: GLboolean; //< @true if OpenGL texture object has data, @false otherwise
+ fDimension: TglBitmapSize; //< size of this texture
+ fMipMap: TglBitmapMipMap; //< mipmap type
+ // CustomData
+ fCustomData: Pointer; //< user defined data
+ fCustomName: String; //< user defined name
+ fCustomNameW: WideString; //< user defined name
+ protected
+ { @returns the actual width of the texture }
+ function GetWidth: Integer; virtual;
+ { @returns the actual height of the texture }
+ function GetHeight: Integer; virtual;
+ protected
+ { set a new value for fCustomData }
+ procedure SetCustomData(const aValue: Pointer);
+ { set a new value for fCustomName }
+ procedure SetCustomName(const aValue: String);
+ { set a new value for fCustomNameW }
+ procedure SetCustomNameW(const aValue: WideString);
+ { set new value for fDeleteTextureOnFree }
+ procedure SetDeleteTextureOnFree(const aValue: Boolean);
+ { set name of OpenGL texture object }
+ procedure SetID(const aValue: Cardinal);
+ { set new value for fMipMap }
+ procedure SetMipMap(const aValue: TglBitmapMipMap);
+ { set new value for target }
+ procedure SetTarget(const aValue: Cardinal);
+ { set new value for fAnisotrophic }
+ procedure SetAnisotropic(const aValue: Integer);
+ protected
+ { create OpenGL texture object (delete exisiting object if exists) }
+ procedure CreateID;
+ { setup texture parameters }
+ procedure SetupParameters({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}out aBuildWithGlu: Boolean{$ENDIF});
+ protected
+ property Width: Integer read GetWidth; //< the actual width of the texture
+ property Height: Integer read GetHeight; //< the actual height of the texture
+ public
+ property ID: Cardinal read fID write SetID; //< name of the OpenGL texture object
+ property Target: Cardinal read fTarget write SetTarget; //< texture target (e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D)
+ property DeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean read fDeleteTextureOnFree write SetDeleteTextureOnFree; //< delete texture object when this object is destroyed
+ property MipMap: TglBitmapMipMap read fMipMap write SetMipMap; //< mipmap type
+ property Anisotropic: Integer read fAnisotropic write SetAnisotropic; //< anisotropic level
+ property CustomData: Pointer read fCustomData write SetCustomData; //< user defined data (use at will)
+ property CustomName: String read fCustomName write SetCustomName; //< user defined name (use at will)
+ property CustomNameW: WideString read fCustomNameW write SetCustomNameW; //< user defined name (as WideString; use at will)
+ property Dimension: TglBitmapSize read fDimension; //< size of the texture
+ property IsResident: GLboolean read fIsResident; //< @true if OpenGL texture object has data, @false otherwise
+ { this method is called after the constructor and sets the default values of this object }
+ procedure AfterConstruction; override;
+ { this method is called before the destructor and does some cleanup }
+ procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
+ public
+ { set the new value for texture border color
+ @param aRed red color for border (0.0-1.0)
+ @param aGreen green color for border (0.0-1.0)
+ @param aBlue blue color for border (0.0-1.0)
+ @param aAlpha alpha color for border (0.0-1.0) }
+ procedure SetBorderColor(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aAlpha: Single);
+ public
+ { set new texture filer
+ @param aMin min filter
+ @param aMag mag filter }
+ procedure SetFilter(const aMin, aMag: GLenum);
+ { set new texture wrapping
+ @param S texture wrapping for x axis
+ @param T texture wrapping for y axis
+ @param R texture wrapping for z axis }
+ procedure SetWrap(
+ const S: GLenum = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
+ const T: GLenum = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
+ const R: GLenum = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ { set new swizzle
+ @param r swizzle for red channel
+ @param g swizzle for green channel
+ @param b swizzle for blue channel
+ @param a swizzle for alpha channel }
+ procedure SetSwizzle(const r, g, b, a: GLenum);
+ public
+ { bind texture
+ @param aEnableTextureUnit enable texture unit for this texture (e.g. glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)) }
- procedure Unbind(const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean = true); virtual;
++ procedure Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean = true{$ENDIF}); virtual;
+ { bind texture
+ @param aDisableTextureUnit disable texture unit for this texture (e.g. glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)) }
- procedure Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aEnableTexCoordsGen: Boolean = true;{$ENDIF} const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean = true); reintroduce; virtual;
++ procedure Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean = true{$ENDIF}); virtual;
+ { upload texture data from given data object to video card
+ @param aData texture data object that contains the actual data
+ @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
+ procedure UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean = true); virtual;
+ { download texture data from video card and store it into given data object
+ @returns @true when download was successfull, @false otherwise }
+ function DownloadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ { constructor - creates an empty texture }
+ constructor Create; overload;
+ { constructor - creates an texture object and uploads the given data }
+ constructor Create(const aData: TglBitmapData); overload;
+ end;
+ { wrapper class for 1-dimensional textures (OpenGL target = GL_TEXTURE_1D
+ all operations on a bitmap object must be done from the render thread }
+ TglBitmap1D = class(TglBitmap)
+ protected
+ { upload the texture data to video card
+ @param aDataObj texture data object that contains the actual data
+ @param aBuildWithGlu use glu functions to build mipmaps }
+ procedure UploadDataIntern(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aBuildWithGlu: Boolean);
+ public
+ property Width; //< actual with of the texture
+ { this method is called after constructor and initializes the object }
+ procedure AfterConstruction; override;
+ { upload texture data from given data object to video card
+ @param aData texture data object that contains the actual data
+ @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
+ procedure UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean = true); override;
+ end;
+ { wrapper class for 2-dimensional textures (OpenGL target = GL_TEXTURE_2D)
+ all operations on a bitmap object must be done from the render thread }
+ TglBitmap2D = class(TglBitmap)
+ protected
+ { upload the texture data to video card
+ @param aDataObj texture data object that contains the actual data
+ @param aTarget target o upload data to (e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D)
+ @param aBuildWithGlu use glu functions to build mipmaps }
+ procedure UploadDataIntern(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aTarget: GLenum
+ {$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}; const aBuildWithGlu: Boolean{$ENDIF});
+ public
+ property Width; //< actual width of the texture
+ property Height; //< actual height of the texture
+ { this method is called after constructor and initializes the object }
+ procedure AfterConstruction; override;
+ { upload texture data from given data object to video card
+ @param aData texture data object that contains the actual data
+ @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
+ procedure UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean = true); override;
+ public
+ { copy a part of the frame buffer to the texture
+ @param aTop topmost pixel to copy
+ @param aLeft leftmost pixel to copy
+ @param aRight rightmost pixel to copy
+ @param aBottom bottommost pixel to copy
+ @param aFormat format to store data in
+ @param aDataObj texture data object to store the data in }
+ class procedure GrabScreen(const aTop, aLeft, aRight, aBottom: Integer; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aDataObj: TglBitmapData);
+ end;
+ { wrapper class for cube maps (OpenGL target = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
+ all operations on a bitmap object must be done from the render thread }
+ TglBitmapCubeMap = class(TglBitmap2D)
+ protected
+ fGenMode: Integer; //< generation mode for the cube map (e.g. GL_REFLECTION_MAP)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ public
+ { this method is called after constructor and initializes the object }
+ procedure AfterConstruction; override;
+ { upload texture data from given data object to video card
+ @param aData texture data object that contains the actual data
+ @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
+ procedure UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean = true); override;
+ { upload texture data from given data object to video card
+ @param aData texture data object that contains the actual data
+ @param aCubeTarget cube map target to upload data to (e.g. GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X)
+ @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
+ procedure UploadCubeMap(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCubeTarget: Cardinal; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
+ { bind texture
+ @param aEnableTexCoordsGen enable cube map generator
+ @param aEnableTextureUnit enable texture unit }
- procedure Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aDisableTexCoordsGen: Boolean = true;{$ENDIF} const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean = true); reintroduce; virtual;
++ procedure Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aEnableTexCoordsGen: Boolean = true; const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean = true{$ENDIF}); reintroduce; virtual;
+ { unbind texture
+ @param aDisableTexCoordsGen disable cube map generator
+ @param aDisableTextureUnit disable texture unit }
- Bind(false);
++ procedure Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aDisableTexCoordsGen: Boolean = true; const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean = true{$ENDIF}); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ { wrapper class for cube normal maps
+ all operations on a bitmap object must be done from the render thread }
+ TglBitmapNormalMap = class(TglBitmapCubeMap)
+ public
+ { this method is called after constructor and initializes the object }
+ procedure AfterConstruction; override;
+ { create cube normal map from texture data and upload it to video card
+ @param aSize size of each cube map texture
+ @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
+ procedure GenerateNormalMap(const aSize: Integer = 32; const aCheckSize: Boolean = true);
+ end;
+ TglcBitmapFormat = TglBitmapFormat;
+ TglcBitmap2D = TglBitmap2D;
+ TglcBitmapData = TglBitmapData;
+ TglcBitmap1D = TglBitmap1D;
+ TglcBitmapCubeMap = TglBitmapCubeMap;
+ TglcBitmapNormalMap = TglBitmapNormalMap;
+ TglcBitmapCubeMap = TglBitmapCubeMap;
+ TglcBitmapNormalMap = TglBitmapNormalMap;
+ NULL_SIZE: TglBitmapSize = (Fields: []; X: 0; Y: 0);
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree(const aDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean);
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTexture(const aFreeData: Boolean);
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultMipmap(const aValue: TglBitmapMipMap);
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFormat(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat);
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFilter(const aMin, aMag: Integer);
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultWrap(
+ const S: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
+ const T: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
+ const R: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultSwizzle(const r: GLenum = GL_RED; g: GLenum = GL_GREEN; b: GLenum = GL_BLUE; a: GLenum = GL_ALPHA);
+function glBitmapGetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean;
+function glBitmapGetDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTexture: Boolean;
+function glBitmapGetDefaultMipmap: TglBitmapMipMap;
+function glBitmapGetDefaultFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+procedure glBitmapGetDefaultFilter(var aMin, aMag: Cardinal);
+procedure glBitmapGetDefaultTextureWrap(var S, T, R: Cardinal);
+procedure glBitmapGetDefaultSwizzle(var r, g, b, a: GLenum);
+function glBitmapSize(X: Integer = -1; Y: Integer = -1): TglBitmapSize;
+function glBitmapPosition(X: Integer = -1; Y: Integer = -1): TglBitmapPixelPosition;
+function glBitmapRec4ub(const r, g, b, a: Byte): TglBitmapRec4ub;
+function glBitmapRec4ui(const r, g, b, a: Cardinal): TglBitmapRec4ui;
+function glBitmapRec4ul(const r, g, b, a: QWord): TglBitmapRec4ul;
+function glBitmapRec4ubCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ub): Boolean;
+function glBitmapRec4uiCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ui): Boolean;
+function glBitmapCreateTestData(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TglBitmapData;
+function CreateGrayPalette: HPALETTE;
+ Math, syncobjs, typinfo
+ glBitmapDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean;
+ glBitmapDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTextures: Boolean;
+ glBitmapDefaultFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ glBitmapDefaultMipmap: TglBitmapMipMap;
+ glBitmapDefaultFilterMin: Cardinal;
+ glBitmapDefaultFilterMag: Cardinal;
+ glBitmapDefaultWrapS: Cardinal;
+ glBitmapDefaultWrapT: Cardinal;
+ glBitmapDefaultWrapR: Cardinal;
+ glDefaultSwizzle: array[0..3] of GLenum;
+ TFormatDescriptor = class(TglBitmapFormatDescriptor)
+ public
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); virtual; abstract;
+ function CreateMappingData: Pointer; virtual;
+ procedure FreeMappingData(var aMappingData: Pointer); virtual;
+ function IsEmpty: Boolean; virtual;
+ function MaskMatch(const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure PreparePixel(out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData); virtual;
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ public
+ class procedure Init;
+ class function Get(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TFormatDescriptor;
+ class function GetAlpha(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TFormatDescriptor;
+ class function GetFromMask(const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul; const aBitCount: Integer = 0): TFormatDescriptor;
+ class function GetFromPrecShift(const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub; const aBitCount: Integer): TFormatDescriptor;
+ class procedure Clear;
+ class procedure Finalize;
+ end;
+ TFormatDescriptorClass = class of TFormatDescriptor;
+ TfdEmpty = class(TFormatDescriptor);
+ TfdAlphaUB1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned byte
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminanceUB1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned byte
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdUniversalUB1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned byte
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2 = class(TfdLuminanceUB1) //2* unsigned byte
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGBub3 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //3* unsigned byte
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGRub3 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //3* unsigned byte (inverse)
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGBAub4 = class(TfdRGBub3) //3* unsigned byte
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGRAub4 = class(TfdBGRub3) //3* unsigned byte (inverse)
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdAlphaUS1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned short
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminanceUS1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned short
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdUniversalUS1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned short
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdDepthUS1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned short
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminanceAlphaUS2 = class(TfdLuminanceUS1) //2* unsigned short
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGBus3 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //3* unsigned short
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGRus3 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //3* unsigned short (inverse)
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGBAus4 = class(TfdRGBus3) //4* unsigned short
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdARGBus4 = class(TfdRGBus3) //4* unsigned short
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGRAus4 = class(TfdBGRus3) //4* unsigned short (inverse)
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdABGRus4 = class(TfdBGRus3) //4* unsigned short (inverse)
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdUniversalUI1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned int
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdDepthUI1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned int
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TfdAlpha4ub1 = class(TfdAlphaUB1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdAlpha8ub1 = class(TfdAlphaUB1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdAlpha16us1 = class(TfdAlphaUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminance4ub1 = class(TfdLuminanceUB1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminance8ub1 = class(TfdLuminanceUB1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminance16us1 = class(TfdLuminanceUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminance4Alpha4ub2 = class(TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminance6Alpha2ub2 = class(TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminance8Alpha8ub2 = class(TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminance12Alpha4us2 = class(TfdLuminanceAlphaUS2)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdLuminance16Alpha16us2 = class(TfdLuminanceAlphaUS2)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdR3G3B2ub1 = class(TfdUniversalUB1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGBX4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdXRGB4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdR5G6B5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGB5X1us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdX1RGB5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGB8ub3 = class(TfdRGBub3)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGBX8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdXRGB8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGB10X2ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdX2RGB10ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGB16us3 = class(TfdRGBus3)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGBA4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdARGB4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGB5A1us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdA1RGB5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGBA8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdARGB8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGBA8ub4 = class(TfdRGBAub4)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGB10A2ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdA2RGB10ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdRGBA16us4 = class(TfdRGBAus4)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGRX4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdXBGR4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdB5G6R5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGR5X1us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdX1BGR5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGR8ub3 = class(TfdBGRub3)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGRX8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdXBGR8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGR10X2ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdX2BGR10ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGR16us3 = class(TfdBGRus3)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGRA4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdABGR4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGR5A1us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdA1BGR5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGRA8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdABGR8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGRA8ub4 = class(TfdBGRAub4)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGR10A2ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdA2BGR10ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdBGRA16us4 = class(TfdBGRAus4)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdDepth16us1 = class(TfdDepthUS1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdDepth24ui1 = class(TfdDepthUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdDepth32ui1 = class(TfdDepthUI1)
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA = class(TFormatDescriptor)
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA = class(TFormatDescriptor)
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA = class(TFormatDescriptor)
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ end;
+ TbmpBitfieldFormat = class(TFormatDescriptor)
+ public
+ procedure SetCustomValues(const aBPP: Integer; aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul); overload;
+ procedure SetCustomValues(const aBBP: Integer; const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub); overload;
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ end;
+ TbmpColorTableEnty = packed record
+ b, g, r, a: Byte;
+ end;
+ TbmpColorTable = array of TbmpColorTableEnty;
+ TbmpColorTableFormat = class(TFormatDescriptor)
+ private
+ fColorTable: TbmpColorTable;
+ protected
+ procedure SetValues; override;
+ public
+ property ColorTable: TbmpColorTable read fColorTable write fColorTable;
+ procedure SetCustomValues(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aBPP: Integer; const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub); overload;
+ procedure CalcValues;
+ procedure CreateColorTable;
+ function CreateMappingData: Pointer; override;
+ procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ ALPHA_WEIGHT_R = 0.30;
+ ALPHA_WEIGHT_G = 0.59;
+ ALPHA_WEIGHT_B = 0.11;
+ DEPTH_WEIGHT_R = 0.333333333;
+ DEPTH_WEIGHT_G = 0.333333333;
+ DEPTH_WEIGHT_B = 0.333333333;
+ FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR_CLASSES: array[TglBitmapFormat] of TFormatDescriptorClass = (
+ TfdEmpty,
+ TfdAlpha4ub1,
+ TfdAlpha8ub1,
+ TfdAlpha16us1,
+ TfdLuminance4ub1,
+ TfdLuminance8ub1,
+ TfdLuminance16us1,
+ TfdLuminance4Alpha4ub2,
+ TfdLuminance6Alpha2ub2,
+ TfdLuminance8Alpha8ub2,
+ TfdLuminance12Alpha4us2,
+ TfdLuminance16Alpha16us2,
+ TfdR3G3B2ub1,
+ TfdRGBX4us1,
+ TfdXRGB4us1,
+ TfdR5G6B5us1,
+ TfdRGB5X1us1,
+ TfdX1RGB5us1,
+ TfdRGB8ub3,
+ TfdRGBX8ui1,
+ TfdXRGB8ui1,
+ TfdRGB10X2ui1,
+ TfdX2RGB10ui1,
+ TfdRGB16us3,
+ TfdRGBA4us1,
+ TfdARGB4us1,
+ TfdRGB5A1us1,
+ TfdA1RGB5us1,
+ TfdRGBA8ui1,
+ TfdARGB8ui1,
+ TfdRGBA8ub4,
+ TfdRGB10A2ui1,
+ TfdA2RGB10ui1,
+ TfdRGBA16us4,
+ TfdBGRX4us1,
+ TfdXBGR4us1,
+ TfdB5G6R5us1,
+ TfdBGR5X1us1,
+ TfdX1BGR5us1,
+ TfdBGR8ub3,
+ TfdBGRX8ui1,
+ TfdXBGR8ui1,
+ TfdBGR10X2ui1,
+ TfdX2BGR10ui1,
+ TfdBGR16us3,
+ TfdBGRA4us1,
+ TfdABGR4us1,
+ TfdBGR5A1us1,
+ TfdA1BGR5us1,
+ TfdBGRA8ui1,
+ TfdABGR8ui1,
+ TfdBGRA8ub4,
+ TfdBGR10A2ui1,
+ TfdA2BGR10ui1,
+ TfdBGRA16us4,
+ TfdDepth16us1,
+ TfdDepth24ui1,
+ TfdDepth32ui1,
+ TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA,
+ TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA,
+ TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA
+ );
+ FormatDescriptorCS: TCriticalSection;
+ FormatDescriptors: array[TglBitmapFormat] of TFormatDescriptor;
+constructor EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat);
+ inherited Create('unsupported format: ' + GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TglBitmapFormat), Integer(aFormat)));
+constructor EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(const aMsg: String; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat);
+ inherited Create(aMsg + GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TglBitmapFormat), Integer(aFormat)));
+function glBitmapSize(X: Integer; Y: Integer): TglBitmapSize;
+ result.Fields := [];
+ if (X >= 0) then
+ result.Fields := result.Fields + [ffX];
+ if (Y >= 0) then
+ result.Fields := result.Fields + [ffY];
+ result.X := Max(0, X);
+ result.Y := Max(0, Y);
+function glBitmapPosition(X: Integer; Y: Integer): TglBitmapPixelPosition;
+ result := glBitmapSize(X, Y);
+function glBitmapRec4ub(const r, g, b, a: Byte): TglBitmapRec4ub;
+ result.r := r;
+ result.g := g;
+ result.b := b;
+ result.a := a;
+function glBitmapRec4ui(const r, g, b, a: Cardinal): TglBitmapRec4ui;
+ result.r := r;
+ result.g := g;
+ result.b := b;
+ result.a := a;
+function glBitmapRec4ul(const r, g, b, a: QWord): TglBitmapRec4ul;
+ result.r := r;
+ result.g := g;
+ result.b := b;
+ result.a := a;
+function glBitmapRec4ubCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ub): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ result := false;
+ for i := 0 to high(r1.arr) do
+ if (r1.arr[i] <> r2.arr[i]) then
+ exit;
+ result := true;
+function glBitmapRec4uiCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ui): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ result := false;
+ for i := 0 to high(r1.arr) do
+ if (r1.arr[i] <> r2.arr[i]) then
+ exit;
+ result := true;
+function glBitmapCreateTestData(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TglBitmapData;
+ desc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ p, tmp: PByte;
+ x, y, i: Integer;
+ md: Pointer;
+ px: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ result := nil;
+ desc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
+ if (desc.IsCompressed) or (desc.glFormat = 0) then
+ exit;
+ p := GetMemory(ceil(25 * desc.BytesPerPixel)); // 5 x 5 pixel
+ md := desc.CreateMappingData;
+ try
+ tmp := p;
+ desc.PreparePixel(px);
+ for y := 0 to 4 do
+ for x := 0 to 4 do begin
+ px.Data := glBitmapRec4ui(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ for i := 0 to 3 do begin
+ if ((y < 3) and (y = i)) or
+ ((y = 3) and (i < 3)) or
+ ((y = 4) and (i = 3))
+ then
+ px.Data.arr[i] := Trunc(px.Range.arr[i] / 4 * x)
+ else if ((y < 4) and (i = 3)) or
+ ((y = 4) and (i < 3))
+ then
+ px.Data.arr[i] := px.Range.arr[i]
+ else
+ px.Data.arr[i] := 0; //px.Range.arr[i];
+ end;
+ desc.Map(px, tmp, md);
+ end;
+ finally
+ desc.FreeMappingData(md);
+ end;
+ result := TglBitmapData.Create(glBitmapPosition(5, 5), aFormat, p);
+function glBitmapShiftRec(const r, g, b, a: Byte): TglBitmapRec4ub;
+ result.r := r;
+ result.g := g;
+ result.b := b;
+ result.a := a;
+function FormatGetSupportedFiles(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TglBitmapFileTypes;
+ result := [];
+ if (aFormat in [
+ //8bpp
+ tfAlpha4ub1, tfAlpha8ub1,
+ tfLuminance4ub1, tfLuminance8ub1, tfR3G3B2ub1,
+ //16bpp
+ tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2, tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2,
+ tfRGBX4us1, tfXRGB4us1, tfRGB5X1us1, tfX1RGB5us1, tfR5G6B5us1, tfRGB5A1us1, tfA1RGB5us1, tfRGBA4us1, tfARGB4us1,
+ tfBGRX4us1, tfXBGR4us1, tfBGR5X1us1, tfX1BGR5us1, tfB5G6R5us1, tfBGR5A1us1, tfA1BGR5us1, tfBGRA4us1, tfABGR4us1,
+ //24bpp
+ tfBGR8ub3, tfRGB8ub3,
+ //32bpp
+ tfRGBX8ui1, tfXRGB8ui1, tfRGB10X2ui1, tfX2RGB10ui1, tfRGBA8ui1, tfARGB8ui1, tfRGBA8ub4, tfRGB10A2ui1, tfA2RGB10ui1,
+ tfBGRX8ui1, tfXBGR8ui1, tfBGR10X2ui1, tfX2BGR10ui1, tfBGRA8ui1, tfABGR8ui1, tfBGRA8ub4, tfBGR10A2ui1, tfA2BGR10ui1])
+ then
+ result := result + [ ftBMP ];
+ if (aFormat in [
+ //8bbp
+ tfAlpha4ub1, tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance4ub1, tfLuminance8ub1,
+ //16bbp
+ tfAlpha16us1, tfLuminance16us1,
+ tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2, tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2,
+ tfX1RGB5us1, tfARGB4us1, tfA1RGB5us1, tfDepth16us1,
+ //24bbp
+ tfBGR8ub3,
+ //32bbp
+ tfX2RGB10ui1, tfARGB8ui1, tfBGRA8ub4, tfA2RGB10ui1,
+ tfDepth24ui1, tfDepth32ui1])
+ then
+ result := result + [ftTGA];
+ if not (aFormat in [tfEmpty, tfRGB16us3, tfBGR16us3]) then
+ result := result + [ftDDS];
+ if aFormat in [
+ tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2,
+ tfRGB8ub3, tfRGBA8ui1,
+ tfBGR8ub3, tfBGRA8ui1] then
+ result := result + [ftPNG];
+ if aFormat in [tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1, tfRGB8ub3, tfBGR8ub3] then
+ result := result + [ftJPEG];
+function IsPowerOfTwo(aNumber: Integer): Boolean;
+ while (aNumber and 1) = 0 do
+ aNumber := aNumber shr 1;
+ result := aNumber = 1;
+function GetTopMostBit(aBitSet: QWord): Integer;
+ result := 0;
+ while aBitSet > 0 do begin
+ inc(result);
+ aBitSet := aBitSet shr 1;
+ end;
+function CountSetBits(aBitSet: QWord): Integer;
+ result := 0;
+ while aBitSet > 0 do begin
+ if (aBitSet and 1) = 1 then
+ inc(result);
+ aBitSet := aBitSet shr 1;
+ end;
+function LuminanceWeight(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData): Cardinal;
+ result := Trunc(
+ LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_R * aPixel.Data.r +
+ LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_G * aPixel.Data.g +
+ LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_B * aPixel.Data.b);
+function DepthWeight(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData): Cardinal;
+ result := Trunc(
+ DEPTH_WEIGHT_R * aPixel.Data.r +
+ DEPTH_WEIGHT_G * aPixel.Data.g +
+ DEPTH_WEIGHT_B * aPixel.Data.b);
+// SDL Image Helper /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+function glBitmapRWseek(context: PSDL_RWops; offset: Integer; whence: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
+ result := TStream(context^.unknown.data1).Seek(offset, whence);
+function glBitmapRWread(context: PSDL_RWops; Ptr: Pointer; size: Integer; maxnum : Integer): Integer; cdecl;
+ result := TStream(context^.unknown.data1).Read(Ptr^, size * maxnum);
+function glBitmapRWwrite(context: PSDL_RWops; Ptr: Pointer; size: Integer; num: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
+ result := TStream(context^.unknown.data1).Write(Ptr^, size * num);
+function glBitmapRWclose(context: PSDL_RWops): Integer; cdecl;
+ result := 0;
+function glBitmapCreateRWops(Stream: TStream): PSDL_RWops;
+ result := SDL_AllocRW;
+ if result = nil then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('glBitmapCreateRWops - SDL_AllocRW failed.');
+ result^.seek := glBitmapRWseek;
+ result^.read := glBitmapRWread;
+ result^.write := glBitmapRWwrite;
+ result^.close := glBitmapRWclose;
+ result^.unknown.data1 := Stream;
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree(const aDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean);
+ glBitmapDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree := aDeleteTextureOnFree;
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTexture(const aFreeData: Boolean);
+ glBitmapDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTextures := aFreeData;
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultMipmap(const aValue: TglBitmapMipMap);
+ glBitmapDefaultMipmap := aValue;
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFormat(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat);
+ glBitmapDefaultFormat := aFormat;
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFilter(const aMin, aMag: Integer);
+ glBitmapDefaultFilterMin := aMin;
+ glBitmapDefaultFilterMag := aMag;
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultWrap(const S: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; const T: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; const R: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ glBitmapDefaultWrapS := S;
+ glBitmapDefaultWrapT := T;
+ glBitmapDefaultWrapR := R;
+procedure glBitmapSetDefaultSwizzle(const r: GLenum = GL_RED; g: GLenum = GL_GREEN; b: GLenum = GL_BLUE; a: GLenum = GL_ALPHA);
+ glDefaultSwizzle[0] := r;
+ glDefaultSwizzle[1] := g;
+ glDefaultSwizzle[2] := b;
+ glDefaultSwizzle[3] := a;
+function glBitmapGetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean;
+ result := glBitmapDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree;
+function glBitmapGetDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTexture: Boolean;
+ result := glBitmapDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTextures;
+function glBitmapGetDefaultMipmap: TglBitmapMipMap;
+ result := glBitmapDefaultMipmap;
+function glBitmapGetDefaultFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ result := glBitmapDefaultFormat;
+procedure glBitmapGetDefaultFilter(var aMin, aMag: Cardinal);
+ aMin := glBitmapDefaultFilterMin;
+ aMag := glBitmapDefaultFilterMag;
+procedure glBitmapGetDefaultTextureWrap(var S, T, R: Cardinal);
+ S := glBitmapDefaultWrapS;
+ T := glBitmapDefaultWrapT;
+ R := glBitmapDefaultWrapR;
+procedure glBitmapGetDefaultSwizzle(var r, g, b, a: GLenum);
+ r := glDefaultSwizzle[0];
+ g := glDefaultSwizzle[1];
+ b := glDefaultSwizzle[2];
+ a := glDefaultSwizzle[3];
+function TFormatDescriptor.CreateMappingData: Pointer;
+ result := nil;
+procedure TFormatDescriptor.FreeMappingData(var aMappingData: Pointer);
+function TFormatDescriptor.IsEmpty: Boolean;
+ result := (fFormat = tfEmpty);
+function TFormatDescriptor.MaskMatch(const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ m: TglBitmapRec4ul;
+ result := false;
+ if (aMask.r = 0) and (aMask.g = 0) and (aMask.b = 0) and (aMask.a = 0) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('FormatCheckFormat - All Masks are 0');
+ m := Mask;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ if (aMask.arr[i] <> m.arr[i]) then
+ exit;
+ result := true;
+procedure TFormatDescriptor.PreparePixel(out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData);
+ FillChar(aPixel{%H-}, SizeOf(aPixel), 0);
+ aPixel.Data := Range;
+ aPixel.Format := fFormat;
+ aPixel.Range := Range;
+constructor TFormatDescriptor.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+procedure TfdAlphaUB1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.a;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdAlphaUB1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.r := 0;
+ aPixel.Data.g := 0;
+ aPixel.Data.b := 0;
+ aPixel.Data.a := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdLuminanceUB1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aData^ := LuminanceWeight(aPixel);
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdLuminanceUB1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.r := aData^;
+ aPixel.Data.g := aData^;
+ aPixel.Data.b := aData^;
+ aPixel.Data.a := 0;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdUniversalUB1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ i: Integer;
+ aData^ := 0;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ if (Range.arr[i] > 0) then
+ aData^ := aData^ or ((aPixel.Data.arr[i] and Range.arr[i]) shl fShift.arr[i]);
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdUniversalUB1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ aPixel.Data.arr[i] := (aData^ shr fShift.arr[i]) and Range.arr[i];
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.a;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
+ aPixel.Data.a := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdRGBub3.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.r;
+ inc(aData);
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.g;
+ inc(aData);
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.b;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdRGBub3.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.r := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+ aPixel.Data.g := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+ aPixel.Data.b := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+ aPixel.Data.a := 0;
+procedure TfdBGRub3.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.b;
+ inc(aData);
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.g;
+ inc(aData);
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.r;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdBGRub3.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.b := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+ aPixel.Data.g := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+ aPixel.Data.r := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+ aPixel.Data.a := 0;
+procedure TfdRGBAub4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.a;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdRGBAub4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
+ aPixel.Data.a := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdBGRAub4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.a;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdBGRAub4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
+ aPixel.Data.a := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TfdAlphaUS1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdAlphaUS1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.r := 0;
+ aPixel.Data.g := 0;
+ aPixel.Data.b := 0;
+ aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdLuminanceUS1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ PWord(aData)^ := LuminanceWeight(aPixel);
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdLuminanceUS1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.r := PWord(aData)^;
+ aPixel.Data.g := PWord(aData)^;
+ aPixel.Data.b := PWord(aData)^;
+ aPixel.Data.a := 0;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdUniversalUS1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ i: Integer;
+ PWord(aData)^ := 0;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ if (Range.arr[i] > 0) then
+ PWord(aData)^ := PWord(aData)^ or ((aPixel.Data.arr[i] and Range.arr[i]) shl fShift.arr[i]);
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdUniversalUS1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ aPixel.Data.arr[i] := (PWord(aData)^ shr fShift.arr[i]) and Range.arr[i];
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdDepthUS1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ PWord(aData)^ := DepthWeight(aPixel);
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdDepthUS1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.r := PWord(aData)^;
+ aPixel.Data.g := PWord(aData)^;
+ aPixel.Data.b := PWord(aData)^;
+ aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdLuminanceAlphaUS2.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdLuminanceAlphaUS2.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
+ aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdRGBus3.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.r;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.g;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.b;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdRGBus3.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.r := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ aPixel.Data.g := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ aPixel.Data.b := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ aPixel.Data.a := 0;
+procedure TfdBGRus3.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.b;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.g;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.r;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdBGRus3.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.b := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ aPixel.Data.g := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ aPixel.Data.r := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ aPixel.Data.a := 0;
+procedure TfdRGBAus4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdRGBAus4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
+ aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdARGBus4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
+procedure TfdARGBus4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
+procedure TfdBGRAus4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdBGRAus4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
+ aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdABGRus4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
+procedure TfdABGRus4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 2);
+ inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
+procedure TfdUniversalUI1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ i: Integer;
+ PCardinal(aData)^ := 0;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ if (Range.arr[i] > 0) then
+ PCardinal(aData)^ := PCardinal(aData)^ or ((aPixel.Data.arr[i] and Range.arr[i]) shl fShift.arr[i]);
+ inc(aData, 4);
+procedure TfdUniversalUI1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ aPixel.Data.arr[i] := (PCardinal(aData)^ shr fShift.arr[i]) and Range.arr[i];
+ inc(aData, 2);
+procedure TfdDepthUI1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ PCardinal(aData)^ := DepthWeight(aPixel);
+ inc(aData, 4);
+procedure TfdDepthUI1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ aPixel.Data.r := PCardinal(aData)^;
+ aPixel.Data.g := PCardinal(aData)^;
+ aPixel.Data.b := PCardinal(aData)^;
+ aPixel.Data.a := PCardinal(aData)^;
+ inc(aData, 4);
+procedure TfdAlpha4ub1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 8;
+ fFormat := tfAlpha4ub1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfAlpha4ub1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfAlpha4ub1;
+ fglFormat := GL_ALPHA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_ALPHA4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfAlpha8ub1;
+procedure TfdAlpha8ub1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 8;
+ fFormat := tfAlpha8ub1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfAlpha8ub1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfAlpha8ub1;
+ fglFormat := GL_ALPHA;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+procedure TfdAlpha16us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfAlpha16us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfAlpha16us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 16);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfAlpha16us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_ALPHA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_ALPHA16;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfAlpha8ub1;
+procedure TfdLuminance4ub1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 8;
+ fFormat := tfLuminance4ub1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance4ub1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance4ub1;
+ fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
+procedure TfdLuminance8ub1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 8;
+ fFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+procedure TfdLuminance16us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfLuminance16us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfLuminance16Alpha16us2;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance16us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance16us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE16;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
+procedure TfdLuminance4Alpha4ub2.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2;
+ fWithAlpha := tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance4ub1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 8);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2;
+ fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
+procedure TfdLuminance6Alpha2ub2.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2;
+ fWithAlpha := tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 8);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2;
+ fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
+procedure TfdLuminance8Alpha8ub2.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
+ fWithAlpha := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 8);
+ fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+procedure TfdLuminance12Alpha4us2.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfLuminance12Alpha4us2;
+ fWithAlpha := tfLuminance12Alpha4us2;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance16us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 16);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 16);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance12Alpha4us2;
+ fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
+procedure TfdLuminance16Alpha16us2.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfLuminance16Alpha16us2;
+ fWithAlpha := tfLuminance16Alpha16us2;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance16us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 16);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 16);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance16Alpha16us2;
+ fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
+procedure TfdR3G3B2ub1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 8;
+ fFormat := tfR3G3B2ub1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGBA4us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfR3G3B2ub1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfEmpty;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(3, 3, 2, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(5, 2, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR3G3B2ub1;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGB;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_R3_G3_B2;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+procedure TfdRGBX4us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfRGBX4us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGBA4us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGBX4us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGRX4us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(12, 8, 4, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBX4us1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+procedure TfdXRGB4us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfXRGB4us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfARGB4us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfXRGB4us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfXBGR4us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(4, 4, 4, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 4, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfXRGB4us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+procedure TfdR5G6B5us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGB5A1us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfR5G6B5us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfB5G6R5us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 6, 5, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(11, 5, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGB;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB565;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+procedure TfdRGB5X1us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfRGB5X1us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGB5A1us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB5X1us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGR5X1us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(11, 6, 1, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB5X1us1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+procedure TfdX1RGB5us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfX1RGB5us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfA1RGB5us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfX1RGB5us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfX1BGR5us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 5, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfX1RGB5us1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+procedure TfdRGB8ub3.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 24;
+ fFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGBA8ub4;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB8ub3;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGR8ub3;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 8, 16, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGB;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+procedure TfdRGBX8ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfRGBX8ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGBA8ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGBX8ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGRX8ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(24, 16, 8, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBX8ui1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB8;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+procedure TfdXRGB8ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfXRGB8ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfXRGB8ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfXRGB8ui1;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfXRGB8ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfXBGR8ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 8, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfXRGB8ui1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB8;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+procedure TfdRGB10X2ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfRGB10X2ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGB10A2ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB10X2ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGR10X2ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(22, 12, 2, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB10X2ui1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
+procedure TfdX2RGB10ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfX2RGB10ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfA2RGB10ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfX2RGB10ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfX2BGR10ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(20, 10, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfX2RGB10ui1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
+procedure TfdRGB16us3.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 48;
+ fFormat := tfRGB16us3;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGBA16us4;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB16us3;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGR16us3;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 16, 32, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGB;
+ fglInternalFormat := {$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}GL_RGB16{$ELSE}GL_RGB16UI{$ENDIF};
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+procedure TfdRGBA4us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfRGBA4us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGBA4us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGBX4us1;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA4us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGRA4us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 4);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(12, 8, 4, 0);
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
+procedure TfdARGB4us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfARGB4us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfARGB4us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfXRGB4us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfABGR4us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 4);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 4, 0, 12);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfARGB4us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA4us1;
+procedure TfdRGB5A1us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGB5A1us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB5X1us1;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGR5A1us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 1);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(11, 6, 1, 0);
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
+procedure TfdA1RGB5us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfA1RGB5us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfA1RGB5us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfX1RGB5us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfA1BGR5us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 1);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 5, 0, 15);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfA1RGB5us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5_A1;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
+procedure TfdRGBA8ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfRGBA8ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGBA8ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGBX8ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGRA8ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(24, 16, 8, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA8;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
+procedure TfdARGB8ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfARGB8ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfARGB8ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfXRGB8ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfABGR8ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 8, 0, 24);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfARGB8ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA8;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
+procedure TfdRGBA8ub4.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGBA8ub4;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB8ub3;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGRA8ub4;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 8, 16, 24);
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+procedure TfdRGB10A2ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfRGB10A2ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGB10A2ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB10X2ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGR10A2ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 2);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(22, 12, 2, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB10A2ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10_A2;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
+procedure TfdA2RGB10ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfA2RGB10ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfX2RGB10ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfA2BGR10ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 2);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(20, 10, 0, 30);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10_A2;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10_A2;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ui1;
+procedure TfdRGBA16us4.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 64;
+ fFormat := tfRGBA16us4;
+ fWithAlpha := tfRGBA16us4;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB16us3;
+ fRGBInverted := tfBGRA16us4;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 16);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 16, 32, 48);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA16us4;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := {$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}GL_RGBA16{$ELSE}GL_RGBA16UI{$ENDIF};
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
+procedure TfdBGRX4us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfBGRX4us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGRA4us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGRX4us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGBX4us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 8, 12, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRX4us1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+procedure TfdXBGR4us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfXBGR4us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfABGR4us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfXBGR4us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfXRGB4us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 4, 8, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfXBGR4us1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+procedure TfdB5G6R5us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfB5G6R5us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGR5A1us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfB5G6R5us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfR5G6B5us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 6, 5, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 5, 11, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfB5G6R5us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGB;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB565;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+procedure TfdBGR5X1us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfBGR5X1us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGR5A1us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR5X1us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGB5X1us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 1, 6, 11, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR5X1us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+procedure TfdX1BGR5us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfX1BGR5us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfA1BGR5us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfX1BGR5us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfX1RGB5us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 5, 10, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfX1BGR5us1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+procedure TfdBGR8ub3.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 24;
+ fFormat := tfBGR8ub3;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGRA8ub4;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR8ub3;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGB8ub3;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 8, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR8ub3;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGR;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB8;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+procedure TfdBGRX8ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfBGRX8ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGRA8ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGRX8ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGBX8ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 16, 24, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRX8ui1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB8;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+procedure TfdXBGR8ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfXBGR8ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfABGR8ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfXBGR8ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfXRGB8ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 8, 16, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfXBGR8ui1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB8;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+procedure TfdBGR10X2ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfBGR10X2ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGR10A2ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR10X2ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGB10X2ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 2, 12, 22, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR10X2ui1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
+procedure TfdX2BGR10ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfX2BGR10ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfA2BGR10ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfX2BGR10ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfX2RGB10ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 10, 20, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfX2BGR10ui1;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
+procedure TfdBGR16us3.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 48;
+ fFormat := tfBGR16us3;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGRA16us4;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR16us3;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGB16us3;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 0);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(32, 16, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR16us3;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGR;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB16;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
+procedure TfdBGRA4us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfBGRA4us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGRA4us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGRX4us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGBA4us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 4);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 8, 12, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRA4us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA4us1;
+procedure TfdABGR4us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfABGR4us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfABGR4us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfXBGR4us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfARGB4us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 4);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 4, 8, 12);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfABGR4us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA4;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA4us1;
+procedure TfdBGR5A1us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfBGR5A1us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGR5A1us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR5X1us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGB5A1us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 1);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 1, 6, 11, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR5A1us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5_A1;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
+procedure TfdA1BGR5us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfA1BGR5us1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfA1BGR5us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfX1BGR5us1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfA1RGB5us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 1);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 5, 10, 15);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfA1BGR5us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5_A1;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
+procedure TfdBGRA8ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfBGRA8ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGRA8ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGRX8ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGBA8ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 16, 24, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRA8ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA8;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
+procedure TfdABGR8ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfABGR8ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfABGR8ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfXBGR8ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfARGB8ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 8, 16, 24);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfABGR8ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA8;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4
+procedure TfdBGRA8ub4.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfBGRA8ub4;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGRA8ub4;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR8ub3;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGBA8ub4;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 8, 0, 24);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRA8ub4;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA8;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
+procedure TfdBGR10A2ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfBGR10A2ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGR10A2ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR10X2ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGB10A2ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 2);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 2, 12, 22, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR10A2ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10_A2;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
+procedure TfdA2BGR10ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfA2BGR10ui1;
+ fWithAlpha := tfA2BGR10ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfX2BGR10ui1;
+ fRGBInverted := tfA2RGB10ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 2);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 10, 20, 30);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfA2BGR10ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10_A2;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
+procedure TfdBGRA16us4.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 64;
+ fFormat := tfBGRA16us4;
+ fWithAlpha := tfBGRA16us4;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR16us3;
+ fRGBInverted := tfRGBA16us4;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 16);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(32, 16, 0, 48);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRA16us4;
+ fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA16;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA16us4;
+procedure TfdDepth16us1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 16;
+ fFormat := tfDepth16us1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfDepth16us1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 16);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth16us1;
+ fglFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+procedure TfdDepth24ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfDepth24ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfDepth24ui1;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth24ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(32, 32, 32, 32);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth24ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
+procedure TfdDepth32ui1.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 32;
+ fFormat := tfDepth32ui1;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfDepth32ui1;
+ fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(32, 32, 32, 32);
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth32ui1;
+ fglFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth24ui1;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth16us1;
+procedure TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
+procedure TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
+procedure TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fFormat := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA;
+ fWithAlpha := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA;
+ fUncompressed := tfRGB5A1us1;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 4;
+ fIsCompressed := true;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA;
+ fglFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ fOpenGLFormat := fUncompressed;
+procedure TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
+procedure TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
+procedure TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
+ fWithAlpha := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
+ fUncompressed := tfRGBA8ub4;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 8;
+ fIsCompressed := true;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
+ fglFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ fOpenGLFormat := fUncompressed;
+procedure TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
+procedure TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
+procedure TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
+ fWithAlpha := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
+ fUncompressed := tfRGBA8ub4;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 8;
+ fIsCompressed := true;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
+ fglFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA;
+ fglInternalFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT;
+ fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ fOpenGLFormat := fUncompressed;
+function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasRed: Boolean;
+ result := (fPrecision.r > 0);
+function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasGreen: Boolean;
+ result := (fPrecision.g > 0);
+function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasBlue: Boolean;
+ result := (fPrecision.b > 0);
+function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasAlpha: Boolean;
+ result := (fPrecision.a > 0);
+function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasColor: Boolean;
+ result := HasRed or HasGreen or HasBlue;
+function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetIsGrayscale: Boolean;
+ result := (Mask.r = Mask.g) and (Mask.g = Mask.b) and (Mask.r > 0);
+function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasOpenGLSupport: Boolean;
+ result := (OpenGLFormat = Format);
+procedure TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.SetValues;
+ fFormat := tfEmpty;
+ fWithAlpha := tfEmpty;
+ fWithoutAlpha := tfEmpty;
+ fOpenGLFormat := tfEmpty;
+ fRGBInverted := tfEmpty;
+ fUncompressed := tfEmpty;
+ fBitsPerPixel := 0;
+ fIsCompressed := false;
+ fglFormat := 0;
+ fglInternalFormat := 0;
+ fglDataFormat := 0;
+ FillChar(fPrecision, 0, SizeOf(fPrecision));
+ FillChar(fShift, 0, SizeOf(fShift));
+procedure TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.CalcValues;
+ i: Integer;
+ fBytesPerPixel := fBitsPerPixel / 8;
+ fChannelCount := 0;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do begin
+ if (fPrecision.arr[i] > 0) then
+ inc(fChannelCount);
+ fRange.arr[i] := (1 shl fPrecision.arr[i]) - 1;
+ fMask.arr[i] := fRange.arr[i] shl fShift.arr[i];
+ end;
+function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetSize(const aSize: TglBitmapSize): Integer;
+ w, h: Integer;
+ if (ffX in aSize.Fields) or (ffY in aSize.Fields) then begin
+ w := Max(1, aSize.X);
+ h := Max(1, aSize.Y);
+ result := GetSize(w, h);
+ end else
+ result := 0;
+function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetSize(const aWidth, aHeight: Integer): Integer;
+ result := 0;
+ if (aWidth <= 0) or (aHeight <= 0) then
+ exit;
+ result := Ceil(aWidth * aHeight * BytesPerPixel);
+constructor TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ SetValues;
+ CalcValues;
+class function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetByFormat(const aInternalFormat: GLenum): TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
+ f: TglBitmapFormat;
+ for f := Low(TglBitmapFormat) to High(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
+ result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(f);
+ if (result.glInternalFormat = aInternalFormat) then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tfEmpty);
+class procedure TFormatDescriptor.Init;
+ if not Assigned(FormatDescriptorCS) then
+ FormatDescriptorCS := TCriticalSection.Create;
+class function TFormatDescriptor.Get(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TFormatDescriptor;
+ FormatDescriptorCS.Enter;
+ try
+ result := FormatDescriptors[aFormat];
+ if not Assigned(result) then begin
+ result := FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR_CLASSES[aFormat].Create;
+ FormatDescriptors[aFormat] := result;
+ end;
+ finally
+ FormatDescriptorCS.Leave;
+ end;
+class function TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TFormatDescriptor;
+ result := Get(Get(aFormat).WithAlpha);
+class function TFormatDescriptor.GetFromMask(const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul; const aBitCount: Integer): TFormatDescriptor;
+ ft: TglBitmapFormat;
+ // find matching format with OpenGL support
+ for ft := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
+ result := Get(ft);
+ if (result.MaskMatch(aMask)) and
+ (result.glFormat <> 0) and
+ (result.glInternalFormat <> 0) and
+ ((aBitCount = 0) or (aBitCount = result.BitsPerPixel))
+ then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // find matching format without OpenGL Support
+ for ft := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
+ result := Get(ft);
+ if result.MaskMatch(aMask) and ((aBitCount = 0) or (aBitCount = result.BitsPerPixel)) then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tfEmpty);
+class function TFormatDescriptor.GetFromPrecShift(const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub; const aBitCount: Integer): TFormatDescriptor;
+ ft: TglBitmapFormat;
+ // find matching format with OpenGL support
+ for ft := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
+ result := Get(ft);
+ if glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Shift, aShift) and
+ glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Precision, aPrec) and
+ (result.glFormat <> 0) and
+ (result.glInternalFormat <> 0) and
+ ((aBitCount = 0) or (aBitCount = result.BitsPerPixel))
+ then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // find matching format without OpenGL Support
+ for ft := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
+ result := Get(ft);
+ if glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Shift, aShift) and
+ glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Precision, aPrec) and
+ ((aBitCount = 0) or (aBitCount = result.BitsPerPixel)) then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tfEmpty);
+class procedure TFormatDescriptor.Clear;
+ f: TglBitmapFormat;
+ FormatDescriptorCS.Enter;
+ try
+ for f := low(FormatDescriptors) to high(FormatDescriptors) do
+ FreeAndNil(FormatDescriptors[f]);
+ finally
+ FormatDescriptorCS.Leave;
+ end;
+class procedure TFormatDescriptor.Finalize;
+ Clear;
+ FreeAndNil(FormatDescriptorCS);
+procedure TbmpBitfieldFormat.SetCustomValues(const aBPP: Integer; aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul);
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do begin
+ fShift.arr[i] := 0;
+ while (aMask.arr[i] > 0) and ((aMask.arr[i] and 1) = 0) do begin
+ aMask.arr[i] := aMask.arr[i] shr 1;
+ inc(fShift.arr[i]);
+ end;
+ fPrecision.arr[i] := CountSetBits(aMask.arr[i]);
+ end;
+ fBitsPerPixel := aBPP;
+ CalcValues;
+procedure TbmpBitfieldFormat.SetCustomValues(const aBBP: Integer; const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub);
+ fBitsPerPixel := aBBP;
+ fPrecision := aPrec;
+ fShift := aShift;
+ CalcValues;
+procedure TbmpBitfieldFormat.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ data: QWord;
+ data :=
+ ((aPixel.Data.r and Range.r) shl Shift.r) or
+ ((aPixel.Data.g and Range.g) shl Shift.g) or
+ ((aPixel.Data.b and Range.b) shl Shift.b) or
+ ((aPixel.Data.a and Range.a) shl Shift.a);
+ case BitsPerPixel of
+ 8: aData^ := data;
+ 16: PWord(aData)^ := data;
+ 32: PCardinal(aData)^ := data;
+ 64: PQWord(aData)^ := data;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmap.CreateFmt('invalid pixel size: %d', [BitsPerPixel]);
+ end;
+ inc(aData, Round(BytesPerPixel));
+procedure TbmpBitfieldFormat.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ data: QWord;
+ i: Integer;
+ case BitsPerPixel of
+ 8: data := aData^;
+ 16: data := PWord(aData)^;
+ 32: data := PCardinal(aData)^;
+ 64: data := PQWord(aData)^;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmap.CreateFmt('invalid pixel size: %d', [BitsPerPixel]);
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ aPixel.Data.arr[i] := (data shr fShift.arr[i]) and Range.arr[i];
+ inc(aData, Round(BytesPerPixel));
+procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.SetValues;
+ inherited SetValues;
+ fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 0);
+procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.SetCustomValues(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aBPP: Integer; const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub);
+ fFormat := aFormat;
+ fBitsPerPixel := aBPP;
+ fPrecision := aPrec;
+ fShift := aShift;
+ CalcValues;
+procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.CalcValues;
+ inherited CalcValues;
+procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.CreateColorTable;
+ i: Integer;
+ SetLength(fColorTable, 256);
+ if not HasColor then begin
+ // alpha
+ for i := 0 to High(fColorTable) do begin
+ fColorTable[i].r := Round(((i shr Shift.a) and Range.a) / Range.a * 255);
+ fColorTable[i].g := Round(((i shr Shift.a) and Range.a) / Range.a * 255);
+ fColorTable[i].b := Round(((i shr Shift.a) and Range.a) / Range.a * 255);
+ fColorTable[i].a := 0;
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ // normal
+ for i := 0 to High(fColorTable) do begin
+ fColorTable[i].r := Round(((i shr Shift.r) and Range.r) / Range.r * 255);
+ fColorTable[i].g := Round(((i shr Shift.g) and Range.g) / Range.g * 255);
+ fColorTable[i].b := Round(((i shr Shift.b) and Range.b) / Range.b * 255);
+ fColorTable[i].a := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TbmpColorTableFormat.CreateMappingData: Pointer;
+ result := Pointer(0);
+procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ if (BitsPerPixel <> 8) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('color table are only supported for 8bit formats');
+ if not HasColor then
+ // alpha
+ aData^ := aPixel.Data.a
+ else
+ // normal
+ aData^ := Round(
+ ((aPixel.Data.r shr Shift.r) and Range.r) * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_R +
+ ((aPixel.Data.g shr Shift.g) and Range.g) * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_G +
+ ((aPixel.Data.b shr Shift.b) and Range.b) * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_B);
+ inc(aData);
+procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
+ function ReadValue: Byte;
+ var
+ i: PtrUInt;
+ begin
+ if (BitsPerPixel = 8) then begin
+ result := aData^;
+ inc(aData);
+ end else begin
+ i := {%H-}PtrUInt(aMapData);
+ if (BitsPerPixel > 1) then
+ result := (aData^ shr i) and ((1 shl BitsPerPixel) - 1)
+ else
+ result := (aData^ shr (7-i)) and ((1 shl BitsPerPixel) - 1);
+ inc(i, BitsPerPixel);
+ while (i >= 8) do begin
+ inc(aData);
+ dec(i, 8);
+ end;
+ aMapData := {%H-}Pointer(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (BitsPerPixel > 8) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('color table are only supported for 8bit formats');
+ with fColorTable[ReadValue] do begin
+ aPixel.Data.r := r;
+ aPixel.Data.g := g;
+ aPixel.Data.b := b;
+ aPixel.Data.a := a;
+ end;
+destructor TbmpColorTableFormat.Destroy;
+ SetLength(fColorTable, 0);
+ inherited Destroy;
+//TglBitmap - Helper//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+procedure glBitmapConvertPixel(var aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; const aSourceFD, aDestFD: TFormatDescriptor);
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do begin
+ if (aSourceFD.Range.arr[i] <> aDestFD.Range.arr[i]) then begin
+ if (aSourceFD.Range.arr[i] > 0) then
+ aPixel.Data.arr[i] := Round(aPixel.Data.arr[i] / aSourceFD.Range.arr[i] * aDestFD.Range.arr[i])
+ else
+ aPixel.Data.arr[i] := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure glBitmapConvertCopyFunc(var aFuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ with aFuncRec do begin
+ if (Source.Range.r > 0) then
+ Dest.Data.r := Source.Data.r;
+ if (Source.Range.g > 0) then
+ Dest.Data.g := Source.Data.g;
+ if (Source.Range.b > 0) then
+ Dest.Data.b := Source.Data.b;
+ if (Source.Range.a > 0) then
+ Dest.Data.a := Source.Data.a;
+ end;
+procedure glBitmapConvertCalculateRGBAFunc(var aFuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ i: Integer;
+ with aFuncRec do begin
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ if (Source.Range.arr[i] > 0) then
+ Dest.Data.arr[i] := Round(Dest.Range.arr[i] * Source.Data.arr[i] / Source.Range.arr[i]);
+ end;
+ TShiftData = packed record
+ case Integer of
+ 0: (r, g, b, a: SmallInt);
+ 1: (arr: array[0..3] of SmallInt);
+ end;
+ PShiftData = ^TShiftData;
+procedure glBitmapConvertShiftRGBAFunc(var aFuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ i: Integer;
+ with aFuncRec do
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ if (Source.Range.arr[i] > 0) then
+ Dest.Data.arr[i] := Source.Data.arr[i] shr PShiftData(Args)^.arr[i];
+procedure glBitmapInvertFunc(var aFuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ i: Integer;
+ with aFuncRec do begin
+ Dest.Data := Source.Data;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ if ({%H-}PtrUInt(Args) and (1 shl i) > 0) then
+ Dest.Data.arr[i] := Dest.Data.arr[i] xor Dest.Range.arr[i];
+ end;
+procedure glBitmapFillWithColorFunc(var aFuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ i: Integer;
+ with aFuncRec do begin
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ Dest.Data.arr[i] := PglBitmapPixelData(Args)^.Data.arr[i];
+ end;
+procedure glBitmapAlphaFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ Temp: Single;
+ with FuncRec do begin
+ if (FuncRec.Args = nil) then begin //source has no alpha
+ Temp :=
+ Source.Data.r / Source.Range.r * ALPHA_WEIGHT_R +
+ Source.Data.g / Source.Range.g * ALPHA_WEIGHT_G +
+ Source.Data.b / Source.Range.b * ALPHA_WEIGHT_B;
+ Dest.Data.a := Round(Dest.Range.a * Temp);
+ end else
+ Dest.Data.a := Round(Source.Data.a / Source.Range.a * Dest.Range.a);
+ end;
+procedure glBitmapColorKeyAlphaFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ PglBitmapPixelData = ^TglBitmapPixelData;
+ with FuncRec do begin
+ Dest.Data.r := Source.Data.r;
+ Dest.Data.g := Source.Data.g;
+ Dest.Data.b := Source.Data.b;
+ with PglBitmapPixelData(Args)^ do
+ if ((Dest.Data.r <= Data.r) and (Dest.Data.r >= Range.r) and
+ (Dest.Data.g <= Data.g) and (Dest.Data.g >= Range.g) and
+ (Dest.Data.b <= Data.b) and (Dest.Data.b >= Range.b)) then
+ Dest.Data.a := 0
+ else
+ Dest.Data.a := Dest.Range.a;
+ end;
+procedure glBitmapValueAlphaFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ with FuncRec do begin
+ Dest.Data.r := Source.Data.r;
+ Dest.Data.g := Source.Data.g;
+ Dest.Data.b := Source.Data.b;
+ Dest.Data.a := PCardinal(Args)^;
+ end;
+procedure SwapRGB(aData: PByte; aWidth: Integer; const aHasAlpha: Boolean);
+ PRGBPix = ^TRGBPix;
+ TRGBPix = array [0..2] of byte;
+ Temp: Byte;
+ while aWidth > 0 do begin
+ Temp := PRGBPix(aData)^[0];
+ PRGBPix(aData)^[0] := PRGBPix(aData)^[2];
+ PRGBPix(aData)^[2] := Temp;
+ if aHasAlpha then
+ Inc(aData, 4)
+ else
+ Inc(aData, 3);
+ dec(aWidth);
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.GetFormatDescriptor: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
+ result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(fFormat);
+function TglBitmapData.GetWidth: Integer;
+ if (ffX in fDimension.Fields) then
+ result := fDimension.X
+ else
+ result := -1;
+function TglBitmapData.GetHeight: Integer;
+ if (ffY in fDimension.Fields) then
+ result := fDimension.Y
+ else
+ result := -1;
+function TglBitmapData.GetScanlines(const aIndex: Integer): PByte;
+ if fHasScanlines and (aIndex >= Low(fScanlines)) and (aIndex <= High(fScanlines)) then
+ result := fScanlines[aIndex]
+ else
+ result := nil;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SetFormat(const aValue: TglBitmapFormat);
+ if fFormat = aValue then
+ exit;
+ if TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).BitsPerPixel <> TFormatDescriptor.Get(aValue).BitsPerPixel then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ SetData(fData, aValue, Width, Height);
+procedure TglBitmapData.PrepareResType(var aResource: String; var aResType: PChar);
+ TempPos: Integer;
+ if not Assigned(aResType) then begin
+ TempPos := Pos('.', aResource);
+ aResType := PChar(UpperCase(Copy(aResource, TempPos + 1, Length(aResource) - TempPos)));
+ aResource := UpperCase(Copy(aResource, 0, TempPos -1));
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.UpdateScanlines;
+ w, h, i, LineWidth: Integer;
+ w := Width;
+ h := Height;
+ fHasScanlines := Assigned(fData) and (w > 0) and (h > 0);
+ if fHasScanlines then begin
+ SetLength(fScanlines, h);
+ LineWidth := Trunc(w * FormatDescriptor.BytesPerPixel);
+ for i := 0 to h-1 do begin
+ fScanlines[i] := fData;
+ Inc(fScanlines[i], i * LineWidth);
+ end;
+ end else
+ SetLength(fScanlines, 0);
+function TglBitmapData.LoadPNG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ MAGIC_LEN = 8;
+ PNG_MAGIC: String[MAGIC_LEN] = #$89#$50#$4E#$47#$0D#$0A#$1A#$0A;
+ reader: TLazReaderPNG;
+ intf: TLazIntfImage;
+ StreamPos: Int64;
+ magic: String[MAGIC_LEN];
+ result := true;
+ StreamPos := aStream.Position;
+ SetLength(magic, MAGIC_LEN);
+ aStream.Read(magic[1], MAGIC_LEN);
+ aStream.Position := StreamPos;
+ if (magic <> PNG_MAGIC) then begin
+ result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ intf := TLazIntfImage.Create(0, 0);
+ reader := TLazReaderPNG.Create;
+ try try
+ reader.UpdateDescription := true;
+ reader.ImageRead(aStream, intf);
+ AssignFromLazIntfImage(intf);
+ except
+ result := false;
+ aStream.Position := StreamPos;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ finally
+ reader.Free;
+ intf.Free;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.LoadPNG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ Surface: PSDL_Surface;
+ RWops: PSDL_RWops;
+ result := false;
+ RWops := glBitmapCreateRWops(aStream);
+ try
+ if IMG_isPNG(RWops) > 0 then begin
+ Surface := IMG_LoadPNG_RW(RWops);
+ try
+ AssignFromSurface(Surface);
+ result := true;
+ finally
+ SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ SDL_FreeRW(RWops);
+ end;
+procedure glBitmap_libPNG_read_func(png: png_structp; buffer: png_bytep; size: cardinal); cdecl;
+ TStream(png_get_io_ptr(png)).Read(buffer^, size);
+function TglBitmapData.LoadPNG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ StreamPos: Int64;
+ signature: array [0..7] of byte;
+ png: png_structp;
+ png_info: png_infop;
+ TempHeight, TempWidth: Integer;
+ Format: TglBitmapFormat;
+ png_data: pByte;
+ png_rows: array of pByte;
+ Row, LineSize: Integer;
+ result := false;
+ if not init_libPNG then
+ raise Exception.Create('LoadPNG - unable to initialize libPNG.');
+ try
+ // signature
+ StreamPos := aStream.Position;
+ aStream.Read(signature{%H-}, 8);
+ aStream.Position := StreamPos;
+ if png_check_sig(@signature, 8) <> 0 then begin
+ // png read struct
+ png := png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nil, nil, nil);
+ if png = nil then
+ raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadPng - couldn''t create read struct.');
+ // png info
+ png_info := png_create_info_struct(png);
+ if png_info = nil then begin
+ png_destroy_read_struct(@png, nil, nil);
+ raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadPng - couldn''t create info struct.');
+ end;
+ // set read callback
+ png_set_read_fn(png, aStream, glBitmap_libPNG_read_func);
+ // read informations
+ png_read_info(png, png_info);
+ // size
+ TempHeight := png_get_image_height(png, png_info);
+ TempWidth := png_get_image_width(png, png_info);
+ // format
+ case png_get_color_type(png, png_info) of
+ Format := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ Format := tfLuminance8Alpha8us1;
+ Format := tfRGB8ub3;
+ Format := tfRGBA8ub4;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmapException.Create ('LoadPng - Unsupported Colortype found.');
+ end;
+ // cut upper 8 bit from 16 bit formats
+ if png_get_bit_depth(png, png_info) > 8 then
+ png_set_strip_16(png);
+ // expand bitdepth smaller than 8
+ if png_get_bit_depth(png, png_info) < 8 then
+ png_set_expand(png);
+ // allocating mem for scanlines
+ LineSize := png_get_rowbytes(png, png_info);
+ GetMem(png_data, TempHeight * LineSize);
+ try
+ SetLength(png_rows, TempHeight);
+ for Row := Low(png_rows) to High(png_rows) do begin
+ png_rows[Row] := png_data;
+ Inc(png_rows[Row], Row * LineSize);
+ end;
+ // read complete image into scanlines
+ png_read_image(png, @png_rows[0]);
+ // read end
+ png_read_end(png, png_info);
+ // destroy read struct
+ png_destroy_read_struct(@png, @png_info, nil);
+ SetLength(png_rows, 0);
+ // set new data
+ SetData(png_data, Format, TempWidth, TempHeight);
+ result := true;
+ except
+ if Assigned(png_data) then
+ FreeMem(png_data);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ quit_libPNG;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.LoadPNG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ StreamPos: Int64;
+ Png: TPNGObject;
+ Header: String[8];
+ Row, Col, PixSize, LineSize: Integer;
+ NewImage, pSource, pDest, pAlpha: pByte;
+ PngFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ PngHeader: String[8] = #137#80#78#71#13#10#26#10;
+ result := false;
+ StreamPos := aStream.Position;
+ aStream.Read(Header[0], SizeOf(Header));
+ aStream.Position := StreamPos;
+ {Test if the header matches}
+ if Header = PngHeader then begin
+ Png := TPNGObject.Create;
+ try
+ Png.LoadFromStream(aStream);
+ case Png.Header.ColorType of
+ PngFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ PngFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8us1;
+ PngFormat := tfBGR8ub3;
+ PngFormat := tfBGRA8ub4;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmapException.Create ('LoadPng - Unsupported Colortype found.');
+ end;
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(PngFormat);
+ PixSize := Round(FormatDesc.PixelSize);
+ LineSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(Png.Header.Width, 1);
+ GetMem(NewImage, LineSize * Integer(Png.Header.Height));
+ try
+ pDest := NewImage;
+ case Png.Header.ColorType of
+ begin
+ for Row := 0 to Png.Height -1 do begin
+ Move (Png.Scanline[Row]^, pDest^, LineSize);
+ Inc(pDest, LineSize);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ PixSize := PixSize -1;
+ for Row := 0 to Png.Height -1 do begin
+ pSource := Png.Scanline[Row];
+ pAlpha := pByte(Png.AlphaScanline[Row]);
+ for Col := 0 to Png.Width -1 do begin
+ Move (pSource^, pDest^, PixSize);
+ Inc(pSource, PixSize);
+ Inc(pDest, PixSize);
+ pDest^ := pAlpha^;
+ inc(pAlpha);
+ Inc(pDest);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmapException.Create ('LoadPng - Unsupported Colortype found.');
+ end;
+ SetData(NewImage, PngFormat, Png.Header.Width, Png.Header.Height);
+ result := true;
+ except
+ if Assigned(NewImage) then
+ FreeMem(NewImage);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Png.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure glBitmap_libPNG_write_func(png: png_structp; buffer: png_bytep; size: cardinal); cdecl;
+ TStream(png_get_io_ptr(png)).Write(buffer^, size);
+procedure TglBitmapData.SavePNG(const aStream: TStream);
+ png: TPortableNetworkGraphic;
+ intf: TLazIntfImage;
+ raw: TRawImage;
+ png := TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
+ intf := TLazIntfImage.Create(0, 0);
+ try
+ if not AssignToLazIntfImage(intf) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('unable to create LazIntfImage from glBitmap');
+ intf.GetRawImage(raw);
+ png.LoadFromRawImage(raw, false);
+ png.SaveToStream(aStream);
+ finally
+ png.Free;
+ intf.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SavePNG(const aStream: TStream);
+ png: png_structp;
+ png_info: png_infop;
+ png_rows: array of pByte;
+ LineSize: Integer;
+ ColorType: Integer;
+ Row: Integer;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ if not (ftPNG in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ if not init_libPNG then
+ raise Exception.Create('unable to initialize libPNG.');
+ try
+ case Format of
+ tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1:
+ tfLuminance8Alpha8us1:
+ tfBGR8ub3, tfRGB8ub3:
+ ColorType := PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
+ tfBGRA8ub4, tfRGBA8ub4:
+ else
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ end;
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ LineSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(Width, 1);
+ // creating array for scanline
+ SetLength(png_rows, Height);
+ try
+ for Row := 0 to Height - 1 do begin
+ png_rows[Row] := Data;
+ Inc(png_rows[Row], Row * LineSize)
+ end;
+ // write struct
+ png := png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nil, nil, nil);
+ if png = nil then
+ raise EglBitmapException.Create('SavePng - couldn''t create write struct.');
+ // create png info
+ png_info := png_create_info_struct(png);
+ if png_info = nil then begin
+ png_destroy_write_struct(@png, nil);
+ raise EglBitmapException.Create('SavePng - couldn''t create info struct.');
+ end;
+ // set read callback
+ png_set_write_fn(png, aStream, glBitmap_libPNG_write_func, nil);
+ // set compression
+ png_set_compression_level(png, 6);
+ if Format in [tfBGR8ub3, tfBGRA8ub4] then
+ png_set_bgr(png);
+ png_write_info(png, png_info);
+ png_write_image(png, @png_rows[0]);
+ png_write_end(png, png_info);
+ png_destroy_write_struct(@png, @png_info);
+ finally
+ SetLength(png_rows, 0);
+ end;
+ finally
+ quit_libPNG;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SavePNG(const aStream: TStream);
+ Png: TPNGObject;
+ pSource, pDest: pByte;
+ X, Y, PixSize: Integer;
+ ColorType: Cardinal;
+ Alpha: Boolean;
+ pTemp: pByte;
+ Temp: Byte;
+ if not (ftPNG in FormatGetSupportedFiles (Format)) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ case Format of
+ tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1: begin
+ PixSize := 1;
+ Alpha := false;
+ end;
+ tfLuminance8Alpha8us1: begin
+ PixSize := 1;
+ Alpha := true;
+ end;
+ tfBGR8ub3, tfRGB8ub3: begin
+ ColorType := COLOR_RGB;
+ PixSize := 3;
+ Alpha := false;
+ end;
+ tfBGRA8ub4, tfRGBA8ub4: begin
+ ColorType := COLOR_RGBALPHA;
+ PixSize := 3;
+ Alpha := true
+ end;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ end;
+ Png := TPNGObject.CreateBlank(ColorType, 8, Width, Height);
+ try
+ // Copy ImageData
+ pSource := Data;
+ for Y := 0 to Height -1 do begin
+ pDest := png.ScanLine[Y];
+ for X := 0 to Width -1 do begin
+ Move(pSource^, pDest^, PixSize);
+ Inc(pDest, PixSize);
+ Inc(pSource, PixSize);
+ if Alpha then begin
+ png.AlphaScanline[Y]^[X] := pSource^;
+ Inc(pSource);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // convert RGB line to BGR
+ if Format in [tfRGB8ub3, tfRGBA8ub4] then begin
+ pTemp := png.ScanLine[Y];
+ for X := 0 to Width -1 do begin
+ Temp := pByteArray(pTemp)^[0];
+ pByteArray(pTemp)^[0] := pByteArray(pTemp)^[2];
+ pByteArray(pTemp)^[2] := Temp;
+ Inc(pTemp, 3);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Save to Stream
+ Png.CompressionLevel := 6;
+ Png.SaveToStream(aStream);
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(Png);
+ end;
+ glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr = ^glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr;
+ glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr = record
+ pub: jpeg_source_mgr;
+ SrcStream: TStream;
+ SrcBuffer: array [1..4096] of byte;
+ end;
+ glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr = ^glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr;
+ glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr = record
+ pub: jpeg_destination_mgr;
+ DestStream: TStream;
+ DestBuffer: array [1..4096] of byte;
+ end;
+procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_error_exit(cinfo: j_common_ptr); cdecl;
+procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_output_message(cinfo: j_common_ptr); cdecl;
+procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_init_source(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr); cdecl;
+procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_term_source(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr); cdecl;
+procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_init_destination(cinfo: j_compress_ptr); cdecl;
+function glBitmap_libJPEG_fill_input_buffer(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr): boolean; cdecl;
+ src: glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr;
+ bytes: integer;
+ src := glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr(cinfo^.src);
+ bytes := src^.SrcStream.Read(src^.SrcBuffer[1], 4096);
+ if (bytes <= 0) then begin
+ src^.SrcBuffer[1] := $FF;
+ src^.SrcBuffer[2] := JPEG_EOI;
+ bytes := 2;
+ end;
+ src^.pub.next_input_byte := @(src^.SrcBuffer[1]);
+ src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer := bytes;
+ result := true;
+procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_skip_input_data(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr; num_bytes: Longint); cdecl;
+ src: glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr;
+ src := glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr(cinfo^.src);
+ if num_bytes > 0 then begin
+ // wanted byte isn't in buffer so set stream position and read buffer
+ if num_bytes > src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer then begin
+ src^.SrcStream.Position := src^.SrcStream.Position + num_bytes - src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer;
+ src^.pub.fill_input_buffer(cinfo);
+ end else begin
+ // wanted byte is in buffer so only skip
+ inc(src^.pub.next_input_byte, num_bytes);
+ dec(src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer, num_bytes);
+ end;
+ end;
+function glBitmap_libJPEG_empty_output_buffer(cinfo: j_compress_ptr): boolean; cdecl;
+ dest: glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr;
+ dest := glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr(cinfo^.dest);
+ if dest^.pub.free_in_buffer < Cardinal(Length(dest^.DestBuffer)) then begin
+ // write complete buffer
+ dest^.DestStream.Write(dest^.DestBuffer[1], SizeOf(dest^.DestBuffer));
+ // reset buffer
+ dest^.pub.next_output_byte := @dest^.DestBuffer[1];
+ dest^.pub.free_in_buffer := Length(dest^.DestBuffer);
+ end;
+ result := true;
+procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_term_destination(cinfo: j_compress_ptr); cdecl;
+ Idx: Integer;
+ dest: glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr;
+ dest := glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr(cinfo^.dest);
+ for Idx := Low(dest^.DestBuffer) to High(dest^.DestBuffer) do begin
+ // check for endblock
+ if (Idx < High(dest^.DestBuffer)) and (dest^.DestBuffer[Idx] = $FF) and (dest^.DestBuffer[Idx +1] = JPEG_EOI) then begin
+ // write endblock
+ dest^.DestStream.Write(dest^.DestBuffer[Idx], 2);
+ // leave
+ break;
+ end else
+ dest^.DestStream.Write(dest^.DestBuffer[Idx], 1);
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ MAGIC_LEN = 2;
+ JPEG_MAGIC: String[MAGIC_LEN] = #$FF#$D8;
+ intf: TLazIntfImage;
+ reader: TFPReaderJPEG;
+ StreamPos: Int64;
+ magic: String[MAGIC_LEN];
+ result := true;
+ StreamPos := aStream.Position;
+ SetLength(magic, MAGIC_LEN);
+ aStream.Read(magic[1], MAGIC_LEN);
+ aStream.Position := StreamPos;
+ if (magic <> JPEG_MAGIC) then begin
+ result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ reader := TFPReaderJPEG.Create;
+ intf := TLazIntfImage.Create(0, 0);
+ try try
+ intf.DataDescription := GetDescriptionFromDevice(0, 0, 0);
+ reader.ImageRead(aStream, intf);
+ AssignFromLazIntfImage(intf);
+ except
+ result := false;
+ aStream.Position := StreamPos;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ finally
+ reader.Free;
+ intf.Free;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ Surface: PSDL_Surface;
+ RWops: PSDL_RWops;
+ result := false;
+ RWops := glBitmapCreateRWops(aStream);
+ try
+ if IMG_isJPG(RWops) > 0 then begin
+ Surface := IMG_LoadJPG_RW(RWops);
+ try
+ AssignFromSurface(Surface);
+ result := true;
+ finally
+ SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ SDL_FreeRW(RWops);
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ StreamPos: Int64;
+ Temp: array[0..1]of Byte;
+ jpeg: jpeg_decompress_struct;
+ jpeg_err: jpeg_error_mgr;
+ IntFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ pImage: pByte;
+ TempHeight, TempWidth: Integer;
+ pTemp: pByte;
+ Row: Integer;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ result := false;
+ if not init_libJPEG then
+ raise Exception.Create('LoadJPG - unable to initialize libJPEG.');
+ try
+ // reading first two bytes to test file and set cursor back to begin
+ StreamPos := aStream.Position;
+ aStream.Read({%H-}Temp[0], 2);
+ aStream.Position := StreamPos;
+ // if Bitmap then read file.
+ if ((Temp[0] = $FF) and (Temp[1] = $D8)) then begin
+ FillChar(jpeg{%H-}, SizeOf(jpeg_decompress_struct), $00);
+ FillChar(jpeg_err{%H-}, SizeOf(jpeg_error_mgr), $00);
+ // error managment
+ jpeg.err := jpeg_std_error(@jpeg_err);
+ jpeg_err.error_exit := glBitmap_libJPEG_error_exit;
+ jpeg_err.output_message := glBitmap_libJPEG_output_message;
+ // decompression struct
+ jpeg_create_decompress(@jpeg);
+ // allocation space for streaming methods
+ jpeg.src := jpeg.mem^.alloc_small(@jpeg, JPOOL_PERMANENT, SizeOf(glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr));
+ // seeting up custom functions
+ with glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr(jpeg.src)^ do begin
+ pub.init_source := glBitmap_libJPEG_init_source;
+ pub.fill_input_buffer := glBitmap_libJPEG_fill_input_buffer;
+ pub.skip_input_data := glBitmap_libJPEG_skip_input_data;
+ pub.resync_to_restart := jpeg_resync_to_restart; // use default method
+ pub.term_source := glBitmap_libJPEG_term_source;
+ pub.bytes_in_buffer := 0; // forces fill_input_buffer on first read
+ pub.next_input_byte := nil; // until buffer loaded
+ SrcStream := aStream;
+ end;
+ // set global decoding state
+ jpeg.global_state := DSTATE_START;
+ // read header of jpeg
+ jpeg_read_header(@jpeg, false);
+ // setting output parameter
+ case jpeg.jpeg_color_space of
+ begin
+ jpeg.out_color_space := JCS_GRAYSCALE;
+ IntFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ end;
+ else
+ jpeg.out_color_space := JCS_RGB;
+ IntFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+ end;
+ // reading image
+ jpeg_start_decompress(@jpeg);
+ TempHeight := jpeg.output_height;
+ TempWidth := jpeg.output_width;
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(IntFormat);
+ // creating new image
+ GetMem(pImage, FormatDesc.GetSize(TempWidth, TempHeight));
+ try
+ pTemp := pImage;
+ for Row := 0 to TempHeight -1 do begin
+ jpeg_read_scanlines(@jpeg, @pTemp, 1);
+ Inc(pTemp, FormatDesc.GetSize(TempWidth, 1));
+ end;
+ // finish decompression
+ jpeg_finish_decompress(@jpeg);
+ // destroy decompression
+ jpeg_destroy_decompress(@jpeg);
+ SetData(pImage, IntFormat, TempWidth, TempHeight);
+ result := true;
+ except
+ if Assigned(pImage) then
+ FreeMem(pImage);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ quit_libJPEG;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ bmp: TBitmap;
+ jpg: TJPEGImage;
+ StreamPos: Int64;
+ Temp: array[0..1]of Byte;
+ result := false;
+ // reading first two bytes to test file and set cursor back to begin
+ StreamPos := aStream.Position;
+ aStream.Read(Temp[0], 2);
+ aStream.Position := StreamPos;
+ // if Bitmap then read file.
+ if ((Temp[0] = $FF) and (Temp[1] = $D8)) then begin
+ bmp := TBitmap.Create;
+ try
+ jpg := TJPEGImage.Create;
+ try
+ jpg.LoadFromStream(aStream);
+ bmp.Assign(jpg);
+ result := AssignFromBitmap(bmp);
+ finally
+ jpg.Free;
+ end;
+ finally
+ bmp.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SaveJPEG(const aStream: TStream);
+ jpeg: TJPEGImage;
+ intf: TLazIntfImage;
+ raw: TRawImage;
+ jpeg := TJPEGImage.Create;
+ intf := TLazIntfImage.Create(0, 0);
+ try
+ if not AssignToLazIntfImage(intf) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('unable to create LazIntfImage from glBitmap');
+ intf.GetRawImage(raw);
+ jpeg.LoadFromRawImage(raw, false);
+ jpeg.SaveToStream(aStream);
+ finally
+ intf.Free;
+ jpeg.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SaveJPEG(const aStream: TStream);
+ jpeg: jpeg_compress_struct;
+ jpeg_err: jpeg_error_mgr;
+ Row: Integer;
+ pTemp, pTemp2: pByte;
+ procedure CopyRow(pDest, pSource: pByte);
+ var
+ X: Integer;
+ begin
+ for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin
+ pByteArray(pDest)^[0] := pByteArray(pSource)^[2];
+ pByteArray(pDest)^[1] := pByteArray(pSource)^[1];
+ pByteArray(pDest)^[2] := pByteArray(pSource)^[0];
+ Inc(pDest, 3);
+ Inc(pSource, 3);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not (ftJPEG in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ if not init_libJPEG then
+ raise Exception.Create('SaveJPG - unable to initialize libJPEG.');
+ try
+ FillChar(jpeg{%H-}, SizeOf(jpeg_compress_struct), $00);
+ FillChar(jpeg_err{%H-}, SizeOf(jpeg_error_mgr), $00);
+ // error managment
+ jpeg.err := jpeg_std_error(@jpeg_err);
+ jpeg_err.error_exit := glBitmap_libJPEG_error_exit;
+ jpeg_err.output_message := glBitmap_libJPEG_output_message;
+ // compression struct
+ jpeg_create_compress(@jpeg);
+ // allocation space for streaming methods
+ jpeg.dest := jpeg.mem^.alloc_small(@jpeg, JPOOL_PERMANENT, SizeOf(glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr));
+ // seeting up custom functions
+ with glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr(jpeg.dest)^ do begin
+ pub.init_destination := glBitmap_libJPEG_init_destination;
+ pub.empty_output_buffer := glBitmap_libJPEG_empty_output_buffer;
+ pub.term_destination := glBitmap_libJPEG_term_destination;
+ pub.next_output_byte := @DestBuffer[1];
+ pub.free_in_buffer := Length(DestBuffer);
+ DestStream := aStream;
+ end;
+ // very important state
+ jpeg.global_state := CSTATE_START;
+ jpeg.image_width := Width;
+ jpeg.image_height := Height;
+ case Format of
+ tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1: begin
+ jpeg.input_components := 1;
+ jpeg.in_color_space := JCS_GRAYSCALE;
+ end;
+ tfRGB8ub3, tfBGR8ub3: begin
+ jpeg.input_components := 3;
+ jpeg.in_color_space := JCS_RGB;
+ end;
+ end;
+ jpeg_set_defaults(@jpeg);
+ jpeg_set_quality(@jpeg, 95, true);
+ jpeg_start_compress(@jpeg, true);
+ pTemp := Data;
+ if Format = tfBGR8ub3 then
+ GetMem(pTemp2, fRowSize)
+ else
+ pTemp2 := pTemp;
+ try
+ for Row := 0 to jpeg.image_height -1 do begin
+ // prepare row
+ if Format = tfBGR8ub3 then
+ CopyRow(pTemp2, pTemp)
+ else
+ pTemp2 := pTemp;
+ // write row
+ jpeg_write_scanlines(@jpeg, @pTemp2, 1);
+ inc(pTemp, fRowSize);
+ end;
+ finally
+ // free memory
+ if Format = tfBGR8ub3 then
+ FreeMem(pTemp2);
+ end;
+ jpeg_finish_compress(@jpeg);
+ jpeg_destroy_compress(@jpeg);
+ finally
+ quit_libJPEG;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SaveJPEG(const aStream: TStream);
+ Bmp: TBitmap;
+ Jpg: TJPEGImage;
+ if not (ftJPEG in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
+ try
+ Jpg := TJPEGImage.Create;
+ try
+ AssignToBitmap(Bmp);
+ if (Format in [tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1]) then begin
+ Jpg.Grayscale := true;
+ Jpg.PixelFormat := jf8Bit;
+ end;
+ Jpg.Assign(Bmp);
+ Jpg.SaveToStream(aStream);
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(Jpg);
+ end;
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(Bmp);
+ end;
+ RawHeader = packed record
+ Magic: String[5];
+ Version: Byte;
+ Width: Integer;
+ Height: Integer;
+ DataSize: Integer;
+ BitsPerPixel: Integer;
+ Precision: TglBitmapRec4ub;
+ Shift: TglBitmapRec4ub;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.LoadRAW(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ header: RawHeader;
+ StartPos: Int64;
+ fd: TFormatDescriptor;
+ buf: PByte;
+ result := false;
+ StartPos := aStream.Position;
+ aStream.Read(header{%H-}, SizeOf(header));
+ if (header.Magic <> 'glBMP') then begin
+ aStream.Position := StartPos;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ fd := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromPrecShift(header.Precision, header.Shift, header.BitsPerPixel);
+ if (fd.Format = tfEmpty) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('no supported format found');
+ buf := GetMemory(header.DataSize);
+ aStream.Read(buf^, header.DataSize);
+ SetData(buf, fd.Format, header.Width, header.Height);
+ result := true;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SaveRAW(const aStream: TStream);
+ header: RawHeader;
+ fd: TFormatDescriptor;
+ fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ header.Magic := 'glBMP';
+ header.Version := 1;
+ header.Width := Width;
+ header.Height := Height;
+ header.DataSize := fd.GetSize(fDimension);
+ header.BitsPerPixel := fd.BitsPerPixel;
+ header.Precision := fd.Precision;
+ header.Shift := fd.Shift;
+ aStream.Write(header, SizeOf(header));
+ aStream.Write(Data^, header.DataSize);
+ BMP_MAGIC = $4D42;
+ BMP_COMP_RLE8 = 1;
+ BMP_COMP_RLE4 = 2;
+ TBMPHeader = packed record
+ bfType: Word;
+ bfSize: Cardinal;
+ bfReserved1: Word;
+ bfReserved2: Word;
+ bfOffBits: Cardinal;
+ end;
+ TBMPInfo = packed record
+ biSize: Cardinal;
+ biWidth: Longint;
+ biHeight: Longint;
+ biPlanes: Word;
+ biBitCount: Word;
+ biCompression: Cardinal;
+ biSizeImage: Cardinal;
+ biXPelsPerMeter: Longint;
+ biYPelsPerMeter: Longint;
+ biClrUsed: Cardinal;
+ biClrImportant: Cardinal;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.LoadBMP(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function ReadInfo(out aInfo: TBMPInfo; out aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul): TglBitmapFormat;
+ var
+ tmp, i: Cardinal;
+ begin
+ result := tfEmpty;
+ aStream.Read(aInfo{%H-}, SizeOf(aInfo));
+ FillChar(aMask{%H-}, SizeOf(aMask), 0);
+ //Read Compression
+ case aInfo.biCompression of
+ BMP_COMP_RLE8: begin
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('RLE compression is not supported');
+ end;
+ if (aInfo.biBitCount = 16) or (aInfo.biBitCount = 32) then begin
+ for i := 0 to 2 do begin
+ aStream.Read(tmp{%H-}, SizeOf(tmp));
+ aMask.arr[i] := tmp;
+ end;
+ end else
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('Bitfields are only supported for 16bit and 32bit formats');
+ end;
+ end;
+ //get suitable format
+ case aInfo.biBitCount of
+ 8: result := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ 16: result := tfX1RGB5us1;
+ 24: result := tfBGR8ub3;
+ 32: result := tfXRGB8ui1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function ReadColorTable(var aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aInfo: TBMPInfo): TbmpColorTableFormat;
+ var
+ i, c: Integer;
+ fd: TFormatDescriptor;
+ ColorTable: TbmpColorTable;
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ if (aInfo.biBitCount >= 16) then
+ exit;
+ aFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ c := aInfo.biClrUsed;
+ if (c = 0) then
+ c := 1 shl aInfo.biBitCount;
+ SetLength(ColorTable, c);
+ for i := 0 to c-1 do begin
+ aStream.Read(ColorTable[i], SizeOf(TbmpColorTableEnty));
+ if (ColorTable[i].r <> ColorTable[i].g) or (ColorTable[i].g <> ColorTable[i].b) then
+ aFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
+ end;
+ fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
+ result := TbmpColorTableFormat.Create;
+ result.ColorTable := ColorTable;
+ result.SetCustomValues(aFormat, aInfo.biBitCount, fd.Precision, fd.Shift);
+ end;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function CheckBitfields(var aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul; const aInfo: TBMPInfo): TbmpBitfieldFormat;
+ var
+ fd: TFormatDescriptor;
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ if (aMask.r <> 0) or (aMask.g <> 0) or (aMask.b <> 0) or (aMask.a <> 0) then begin
+ // find suitable format ...
+ fd := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromMask(aMask);
+ if (fd.Format <> tfEmpty) then begin
+ aFormat := fd.Format;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // or create custom bitfield format
+ result := TbmpBitfieldFormat.Create;
+ result.SetCustomValues(aInfo.biBitCount, aMask);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //simple types
+ StartPos: Int64;
+ ImageSize, rbLineSize, wbLineSize, Padding, i: Integer;
+ PaddingBuff: Cardinal;
+ LineBuf, ImageData, TmpData: PByte;
+ SourceMD, DestMD: Pointer;
+ BmpFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ //records
+ Mask: TglBitmapRec4ul;
+ Header: TBMPHeader;
+ Info: TBMPInfo;
+ //classes
+ SpecialFormat: TFormatDescriptor;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ procedure SpecialFormatReadLine(aData: PByte; aLineBuf: PByte);
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ Pixel: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ begin
+ aStream.Read(aLineBuf^, rbLineSize);
+ SpecialFormat.PreparePixel(Pixel);
+ for i := 0 to Info.biWidth-1 do begin
+ SpecialFormat.Unmap(aLineBuf, Pixel, SourceMD);
+ glBitmapConvertPixel(Pixel, SpecialFormat, FormatDesc);
+ FormatDesc.Map(Pixel, aData, DestMD);
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := false;
+ BmpFormat := tfEmpty;
+ SpecialFormat := nil;
+ LineBuf := nil;
+ SourceMD := nil;
+ DestMD := nil;
+ // Header
+ StartPos := aStream.Position;
+ aStream.Read(Header{%H-}, SizeOf(Header));
+ if Header.bfType = BMP_MAGIC then begin
+ try try
+ BmpFormat := ReadInfo(Info, Mask);
+ SpecialFormat := ReadColorTable(BmpFormat, Info);
+ if not Assigned(SpecialFormat) then
+ SpecialFormat := CheckBitfields(BmpFormat, Mask, Info);
+ aStream.Position := StartPos + Header.bfOffBits;
+ if (BmpFormat <> tfEmpty) then begin
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(BmpFormat);
+ rbLineSize := Round(Info.biWidth * Info.biBitCount / 8); //ReadBuffer LineSize
+ wbLineSize := Trunc(Info.biWidth * FormatDesc.BytesPerPixel);
+ Padding := (((Info.biWidth * Info.biBitCount + 31) and - 32) shr 3) - rbLineSize;
+ //get Memory
+ DestMD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData;
+ ImageSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(Info.biWidth, abs(Info.biHeight));
+ GetMem(ImageData, ImageSize);
+ if Assigned(SpecialFormat) then begin
+ GetMem(LineBuf, rbLineSize); //tmp Memory for converting Bitfields
+ SourceMD := SpecialFormat.CreateMappingData;
+ end;
+ //read Data
+ try try
+ FillChar(ImageData^, ImageSize, $FF);
+ TmpData := ImageData;
+ if (Info.biHeight > 0) then
+ Inc(TmpData, wbLineSize * (Info.biHeight-1));
+ for i := 0 to Abs(Info.biHeight)-1 do begin
+ if Assigned(SpecialFormat) then
+ SpecialFormatReadLine(TmpData, LineBuf) //if is special format read and convert data
+ else
+ aStream.Read(TmpData^, wbLineSize); //else only read data
+ if (Info.biHeight > 0) then
+ dec(TmpData, wbLineSize)
+ else
+ inc(TmpData, wbLineSize);
+ aStream.Read(PaddingBuff{%H-}, Padding);
+ end;
+ SetData(ImageData, BmpFormat, Info.biWidth, abs(Info.biHeight));
+ result := true;
+ finally
+ if Assigned(LineBuf) then
+ FreeMem(LineBuf);
+ if Assigned(SourceMD) then
+ SpecialFormat.FreeMappingData(SourceMD);
+ FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(DestMD);
+ end;
+ except
+ if Assigned(ImageData) then
+ FreeMem(ImageData);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end else
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadBMP - No suitable format found');
+ except
+ aStream.Position := StartPos;
+ raise;
+ end;
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(SpecialFormat);
+ end;
+ end
+ else aStream.Position := StartPos;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SaveBMP(const aStream: TStream);
+ Header: TBMPHeader;
+ Info: TBMPInfo;
+ Converter: TFormatDescriptor;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ SourceFD, DestFD: Pointer;
+ pData, srcData, dstData, ConvertBuffer: pByte;
+ Pixel: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ ImageSize, wbLineSize, rbLineSize, Padding, LineIdx, PixelIdx: Integer;
+ RedMask, GreenMask, BlueMask, AlphaMask: Cardinal;
+ PaddingBuff: Cardinal;
+ function GetLineWidth : Integer;
+ begin
+ result := ((Info.biWidth * Info.biBitCount + 31) and - 32) shr 3;
+ end;
+ if not (ftBMP in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ Converter := nil;
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ ImageSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(Dimension);
+ FillChar(Header{%H-}, SizeOf(Header), 0);
+ Header.bfType := BMP_MAGIC;
+ Header.bfSize := SizeOf(Header) + SizeOf(Info) + ImageSize;
+ Header.bfReserved1 := 0;
+ Header.bfReserved2 := 0;
+ Header.bfOffBits := SizeOf(Header) + SizeOf(Info);
+ FillChar(Info{%H-}, SizeOf(Info), 0);
+ Info.biSize := SizeOf(Info);
+ Info.biWidth := Width;
+ Info.biHeight := Height;
+ Info.biPlanes := 1;
+ Info.biCompression := BMP_COMP_RGB;
+ Info.biSizeImage := ImageSize;
+ try
+ case Format of
+ tfAlpha4ub1, tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance4ub1, tfLuminance8ub1, tfR3G3B2ub1:
+ begin
+ Info.biBitCount := 8;
+ Header.bfSize := Header.bfSize + 256 * SizeOf(Cardinal);
+ Header.bfOffBits := Header.bfOffBits + 256 * SizeOf(Cardinal); //256 ColorTable entries
+ Converter := TbmpColorTableFormat.Create;
+ with (Converter as TbmpColorTableFormat) do begin
+ SetCustomValues(fFormat, 8, FormatDesc.Precision, FormatDesc.Shift);
+ CreateColorTable;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2, tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2,
+ tfRGBX4us1, tfXRGB4us1, tfRGB5X1us1, tfX1RGB5us1, tfR5G6B5us1, tfRGB5A1us1, tfA1RGB5us1, tfRGBA4us1, tfARGB4us1,
+ tfBGRX4us1, tfXBGR4us1, tfBGR5X1us1, tfX1BGR5us1, tfB5G6R5us1, tfBGR5A1us1, tfA1BGR5us1, tfBGRA4us1, tfABGR4us1:
+ begin
+ Info.biBitCount := 16;
+ Info.biCompression := BMP_COMP_BITFIELDS;
+ end;
+ tfBGR8ub3, tfRGB8ub3:
+ begin
+ Info.biBitCount := 24;
+ if (Format = tfRGB8ub3) then
+ Converter := TfdBGR8ub3.Create; //use BGR8 Format Descriptor to Swap RGB Values
+ end;
+ tfRGBX8ui1, tfXRGB8ui1, tfRGB10X2ui1, tfX2RGB10ui1, tfRGBA8ui1, tfARGB8ui1, tfRGBA8ub4, tfRGB10A2ui1, tfA2RGB10ui1,
+ tfBGRX8ui1, tfXBGR8ui1, tfBGR10X2ui1, tfX2BGR10ui1, tfBGRA8ui1, tfABGR8ui1, tfBGRA8ub4, tfBGR10A2ui1, tfA2BGR10ui1:
+ begin
+ Info.biBitCount := 32;
+ Info.biCompression := BMP_COMP_BITFIELDS;
+ end;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ end;
+ Info.biXPelsPerMeter := 2835;
+ Info.biYPelsPerMeter := 2835;
+ // prepare bitmasks
+ if Info.biCompression = BMP_COMP_BITFIELDS then begin
+ Header.bfSize := Header.bfSize + 4 * SizeOf(Cardinal);
+ Header.bfOffBits := Header.bfOffBits + 4 * SizeOf(Cardinal);
+ RedMask := FormatDesc.Mask.r;
+ GreenMask := FormatDesc.Mask.g;
+ BlueMask := FormatDesc.Mask.b;
+ AlphaMask := FormatDesc.Mask.a;
+ end;
+ // headers
+ aStream.Write(Header, SizeOf(Header));
+ aStream.Write(Info, SizeOf(Info));
+ // colortable
+ if Assigned(Converter) and (Converter is TbmpColorTableFormat) then
+ with (Converter as TbmpColorTableFormat) do
+ aStream.Write(ColorTable[0].b,
+ SizeOf(TbmpColorTableEnty) * Length(ColorTable));
+ // bitmasks
+ if Info.biCompression = BMP_COMP_BITFIELDS then begin
+ aStream.Write(RedMask, SizeOf(Cardinal));
+ aStream.Write(GreenMask, SizeOf(Cardinal));
+ aStream.Write(BlueMask, SizeOf(Cardinal));
+ aStream.Write(AlphaMask, SizeOf(Cardinal));
+ end;
+ // image data
+ rbLineSize := Round(Info.biWidth * FormatDesc.BytesPerPixel);
+ wbLineSize := Round(Info.biWidth * Info.biBitCount / 8);
+ Padding := GetLineWidth - wbLineSize;
+ PaddingBuff := 0;
+ pData := Data;
+ inc(pData, (Height-1) * rbLineSize);
+ // prepare row buffer. But only for RGB because RGBA supports color masks
+ // so it's possible to change color within the image.
+ if Assigned(Converter) then begin
+ FormatDesc.PreparePixel(Pixel);
+ GetMem(ConvertBuffer, wbLineSize);
+ SourceFD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData;
+ DestFD := Converter.CreateMappingData;
+ end else
+ ConvertBuffer := nil;
+ try
+ for LineIdx := 0 to Height - 1 do begin
+ // preparing row
+ if Assigned(Converter) then begin
+ srcData := pData;
+ dstData := ConvertBuffer;
+ for PixelIdx := 0 to Info.biWidth-1 do begin
+ FormatDesc.Unmap(srcData, Pixel, SourceFD);
+ glBitmapConvertPixel(Pixel, FormatDesc, Converter);
+ Converter.Map(Pixel, dstData, DestFD);
+ end;
+ aStream.Write(ConvertBuffer^, wbLineSize);
+ end else begin
+ aStream.Write(pData^, rbLineSize);
+ end;
+ dec(pData, rbLineSize);
+ if (Padding > 0) then
+ aStream.Write(PaddingBuff, Padding);
+ end;
+ finally
+ // destroy row buffer
+ if Assigned(ConvertBuffer) then begin
+ FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(SourceFD);
+ Converter.FreeMappingData(DestFD);
+ FreeMem(ConvertBuffer);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ if Assigned(Converter) then
+ Converter.Free;
+ end;
+ TTGAHeader = packed record
+ ImageID: Byte;
+ ColorMapType: Byte;
+ ImageType: Byte;
+ //ColorMapSpec: Array[0..4] of Byte;
+ ColorMapStart: Word;
+ ColorMapLength: Word;
+ ColorMapEntrySize: Byte;
+ OrigX: Word;
+ OrigY: Word;
+ Width: Word;
+ Height: Word;
+ Bpp: Byte;
+ ImageDesc: Byte;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.LoadTGA(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ Header: TTGAHeader;
+ ImageData: System.PByte;
+ StartPosition: Int64;
+ PixelSize, LineSize: Integer;
+ tgaFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ Counter: packed record
+ X, Y: packed record
+ low, high, dir: Integer;
+ end;
+ end;
+ CACHE_SIZE = $4000;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ procedure ReadUncompressed;
+ var
+ i, j: Integer;
+ buf, tmp1, tmp2: System.PByte;
+ begin
+ buf := nil;
+ if (Counter.X.dir < 0) then
+ GetMem(buf, LineSize);
+ try
+ while (Counter.Y.low <> Counter.Y.high + counter.Y.dir) do begin
+ tmp1 := ImageData;
+ inc(tmp1, (Counter.Y.low * LineSize)); //pointer to LineStart
+ if (Counter.X.dir < 0) then begin //flip X
+ aStream.Read(buf^, LineSize);
+ tmp2 := buf;
+ inc(tmp2, LineSize - PixelSize); //pointer to last pixel in line
+ for i := 0 to Header.Width-1 do begin //for all pixels in line
+ for j := 0 to PixelSize-1 do begin //for all bytes in pixel
+ tmp1^ := tmp2^;
+ inc(tmp1);
+ inc(tmp2);
+ end;
+ dec(tmp2, 2*PixelSize); //move 2 backwards, because j-loop moved 1 forward
+ end;
+ end else
+ aStream.Read(tmp1^, LineSize);
+ inc(Counter.Y.low, Counter.Y.dir); //move to next line index
+ end;
+ finally
+ if Assigned(buf) then
+ FreeMem(buf);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ procedure ReadCompressed;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ var
+ TmpData: System.PByte;
+ LinePixelsRead: Integer;
+ procedure CheckLine;
+ begin
+ if (LinePixelsRead >= Header.Width) then begin
+ LinePixelsRead := 0;
+ inc(Counter.Y.low, Counter.Y.dir); //next line index
+ TmpData := ImageData;
+ inc(TmpData, Counter.Y.low * LineSize); //set line
+ if (Counter.X.dir < 0) then //if x flipped then
+ inc(TmpData, LineSize - PixelSize); //set last pixel
+ end;
+ end;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ var
+ Cache: PByte;
+ CacheSize, CachePos: Integer;
+ procedure CachedRead(out Buffer; Count: Integer);
+ var
+ BytesRead: Integer;
+ begin
+ if (CachePos + Count > CacheSize) then begin
+ //if buffer overflow save non read bytes
+ BytesRead := 0;
+ if (CacheSize - CachePos > 0) then begin
+ BytesRead := CacheSize - CachePos;
+ Move(PByteArray(Cache)^[CachePos], Buffer{%H-}, BytesRead);
+ inc(CachePos, BytesRead);
+ end;
+ //load cache from file
+ CacheSize := Min(CACHE_SIZE, aStream.Size - aStream.Position);
+ aStream.Read(Cache^, CacheSize);
+ CachePos := 0;
+ //read rest of requested bytes
+ if (Count - BytesRead > 0) then begin
+ Move(PByteArray(Cache)^[CachePos], TByteArray(Buffer)[BytesRead], Count - BytesRead);
+ inc(CachePos, Count - BytesRead);
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ //if no buffer overflow just read the data
+ Move(PByteArray(Cache)^[CachePos], Buffer, Count);
+ inc(CachePos, Count);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure PixelToBuffer(const aData: PByte; var aBuffer: PByte);
+ begin
+ case PixelSize of
+ 1: begin
+ aBuffer^ := aData^;
+ inc(aBuffer, Counter.X.dir);
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ PWord(aBuffer)^ := PWord(aData)^;
+ inc(aBuffer, 2 * Counter.X.dir);
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ PByteArray(aBuffer)^[0] := PByteArray(aData)^[0];
+ PByteArray(aBuffer)^[1] := PByteArray(aData)^[1];
+ PByteArray(aBuffer)^[2] := PByteArray(aData)^[2];
+ inc(aBuffer, 3 * Counter.X.dir);
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ PCardinal(aBuffer)^ := PCardinal(aData)^;
+ inc(aBuffer, 4 * Counter.X.dir);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ var
+ TotalPixelsToRead, TotalPixelsRead: Integer;
+ Temp: Byte;
+ buf: array [0..3] of Byte; //1 pixel is max 32bit long
+ PixelRepeat: Boolean;
+ PixelsToRead, PixelCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ CacheSize := 0;
+ CachePos := 0;
+ TotalPixelsToRead := Header.Width * Header.Height;
+ TotalPixelsRead := 0;
+ LinePixelsRead := 0;
+ GetMem(Cache, CACHE_SIZE);
+ try
+ TmpData := ImageData;
+ inc(TmpData, Counter.Y.low * LineSize); //set line
+ if (Counter.X.dir < 0) then //if x flipped then
+ inc(TmpData, LineSize - PixelSize); //set last pixel
+ repeat
+ //read CommandByte
+ CachedRead(Temp, 1);
+ PixelRepeat := (Temp and $80) > 0;
+ PixelsToRead := (Temp and $7F) + 1;
+ inc(TotalPixelsRead, PixelsToRead);
+ if PixelRepeat then
+ CachedRead(buf[0], PixelSize);
+ while (PixelsToRead > 0) do begin
+ CheckLine;
+ PixelCount := Min(Header.Width - LinePixelsRead, PixelsToRead); //max read to EOL or EOF
+ while (PixelCount > 0) do begin
+ if not PixelRepeat then
+ CachedRead(buf[0], PixelSize);
+ PixelToBuffer(@buf[0], TmpData);
+ inc(LinePixelsRead);
+ dec(PixelsToRead);
+ dec(PixelCount);
+ end;
+ end;
+ until (TotalPixelsRead >= TotalPixelsToRead);
+ finally
+ FreeMem(Cache);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function IsGrayFormat: Boolean;
+ begin
+ end;
+ result := false;
+ // reading header to test file and set cursor back to begin
+ StartPosition := aStream.Position;
+ aStream.Read(Header{%H-}, SizeOf(Header));
+ // no colormapped files
+ if (Header.ColorMapType = TGA_NONE_COLOR_TABLE) and (Header.ImageType in [
+ begin
+ try
+ if Header.ImageID <> 0 then // skip image ID
+ aStream.Position := aStream.Position + Header.ImageID;
+ tgaFormat := tfEmpty;
+ case Header.Bpp of
+ 8: if IsGrayFormat then case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
+ 0: tgaFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ 8: tgaFormat := tfAlpha8ub1;
+ end;
+ 16: if IsGrayFormat then case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
+ 0: tgaFormat := tfLuminance16us1;
+ 8: tgaFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
+ end else case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
+ 0: tgaFormat := tfX1RGB5us1;
+ 1: tgaFormat := tfA1RGB5us1;
+ 4: tgaFormat := tfARGB4us1;
+ end;
+ 24: if not IsGrayFormat then case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
+ 0: tgaFormat := tfBGR8ub3;
+ end;
+ 32: if IsGrayFormat then case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
+ 0: tgaFormat := tfDepth32ui1;
+ end else case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
+ 0: tgaFormat := tfX2RGB10ui1;
+ 2: tgaFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
+ 8: tgaFormat := tfARGB8ui1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (tgaFormat = tfEmpty) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadTga - unsupported format');
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tgaFormat);
+ PixelSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(1, 1);
+ LineSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(Header.Width, 1);
+ GetMem(ImageData, LineSize * Header.Height);
+ try
+ //column direction
+ if ((Header.ImageDesc and (1 shl 4)) > 0) then begin
+ Counter.X.low := Header.Height-1;;
+ Counter.X.high := 0;
+ Counter.X.dir := -1;
+ end else begin
+ Counter.X.low := 0;
+ Counter.X.high := Header.Height-1;
+ Counter.X.dir := 1;
+ end;
+ // Row direction
+ if ((Header.ImageDesc and (1 shl 5)) > 0) then begin
+ Counter.Y.low := 0;
+ Counter.Y.high := Header.Height-1;
+ Counter.Y.dir := 1;
+ end else begin
+ Counter.Y.low := Header.Height-1;;
+ Counter.Y.high := 0;
+ Counter.Y.dir := -1;
+ end;
+ // Read Image
+ case Header.ImageType of
+ ReadUncompressed;
+ ReadCompressed;
+ end;
+ SetData(ImageData, tgaFormat, Header.Width, Header.Height);
+ result := true;
+ except
+ if Assigned(ImageData) then
+ FreeMem(ImageData);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ finally
+ aStream.Position := StartPosition;
+ end;
+ end
+ else aStream.Position := StartPosition;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SaveTGA(const aStream: TStream);
+ Header: TTGAHeader;
+ Size: Integer;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ if not (ftTGA in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ //prepare header
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ FillChar(Header{%H-}, SizeOf(Header), 0);
+ Header.ImageDesc := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.a) and $F;
+ Header.Bpp := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
+ Header.Width := Width;
+ Header.Height := Height;
+ Header.ImageDesc := Header.ImageDesc or $20; //flip y
+ if FormatDesc.IsGrayscale or (not FormatDesc.IsGrayscale and not FormatDesc.HasRed and FormatDesc.HasAlpha) then
+ else
+ Header.ImageType := TGA_UNCOMPRESSED_RGB;
+ aStream.Write(Header, SizeOf(Header));
+ // write Data
+ Size := FormatDesc.GetSize(Dimension);
+ aStream.Write(Data^, Size);
+ DDS_MAGIC: Cardinal = $20534444;
+ // DDS_header.dwFlags
+ DDSD_CAPS = $00000001;
+ DDSD_HEIGHT = $00000002;
+ DDSD_WIDTH = $00000004;
+ DDSD_PIXELFORMAT = $00001000;
+ // DDS_header.sPixelFormat.dwFlags
+ DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS = $00000001;
+ DDPF_ALPHA = $00000002;
+ DDPF_FOURCC = $00000004;
+ DDPF_RGB = $00000040;
+ DDPF_LUMINANCE = $00020000;
+ // DDS_header.sCaps.dwCaps1
+ DDSCAPS_TEXTURE = $00001000;
+ // DDS_header.sCaps.dwCaps2
+ DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP = $00000200;
+ D3DFMT_DXT1 = $31545844;
+ D3DFMT_DXT3 = $33545844;
+ D3DFMT_DXT5 = $35545844;
+ TDDSPixelFormat = packed record
+ dwSize: Cardinal;
+ dwFlags: Cardinal;
+ dwFourCC: Cardinal;
+ dwRGBBitCount: Cardinal;
+ dwRBitMask: Cardinal;
+ dwGBitMask: Cardinal;
+ dwBBitMask: Cardinal;
+ dwABitMask: Cardinal;
+ end;
+ TDDSCaps = packed record
+ dwCaps1: Cardinal;
+ dwCaps2: Cardinal;
+ dwDDSX: Cardinal;
+ dwReserved: Cardinal;
+ end;
+ TDDSHeader = packed record
+ dwSize: Cardinal;
+ dwFlags: Cardinal;
+ dwHeight: Cardinal;
+ dwWidth: Cardinal;
+ dwPitchOrLinearSize: Cardinal;
+ dwDepth: Cardinal;
+ dwMipMapCount: Cardinal;
+ dwReserved: array[0..10] of Cardinal;
+ PixelFormat: TDDSPixelFormat;
+ Caps: TDDSCaps;
+ dwReserved2: Cardinal;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.LoadDDS(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ Header: TDDSHeader;
+ Converter: TbmpBitfieldFormat;
+ function GetDDSFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ var
+ fd: TFormatDescriptor;
+ i: Integer;
+ Mask: TglBitmapRec4ul;
+ Range: TglBitmapRec4ui;
+ match: Boolean;
+ begin
+ result := tfEmpty;
+ with Header.PixelFormat do begin
+ // Compresses
+ if ((dwFlags and DDPF_FOURCC) > 0) then begin
+ case Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC of
+ D3DFMT_DXT1: result := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA;
+ D3DFMT_DXT3: result := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
+ D3DFMT_DXT5: result := tfS3tcDtx5RGBA;
+ end;
+ end else if ((dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS or DDPF_LUMINANCE or DDPF_ALPHA)) > 0) then begin
+ // prepare masks
+ if ((dwFlags and DDPF_LUMINANCE) = 0) then begin
+ Mask.r := dwRBitMask;
+ Mask.g := dwGBitMask;
+ Mask.b := dwBBitMask;
+ end else begin
+ Mask.r := dwRBitMask;
+ Mask.g := dwRBitMask;
+ Mask.b := dwRBitMask;
+ end;
+ if (dwFlags and DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS > 0) then
+ Mask.a := dwABitMask
+ else
+ Mask.a := 0;;
+ //find matching format
+ fd := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromMask(Mask, dwRGBBitCount);
+ result := fd.Format;
+ if (result <> tfEmpty) then
+ exit;
+ //find format with same Range
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ Range.arr[i] := (2 shl CountSetBits(Mask.arr[i])) - 1;
+ for result := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
+ fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(result);
+ match := true;
+ for i := 0 to 3 do
+ if (fd.Range.arr[i] <> Range.arr[i]) then begin
+ match := false;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if match then
+ break;
+ end;
+ //no format with same range found -> use default
+ if (result = tfEmpty) then begin
+ if (dwABitMask > 0) then
+ result := tfRGBA8ui1
+ else
+ result := tfRGB8ub3;
+ end;
+ Converter := TbmpBitfieldFormat.Create;
+ Converter.SetCustomValues(dwRGBBitCount, glBitmapRec4ul(dwRBitMask, dwGBitMask, dwBBitMask, dwABitMask));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ StreamPos: Int64;
+ x, y, LineSize, RowSize, Magic: Cardinal;
+ NewImage, TmpData, RowData, SrcData: System.PByte;
+ SourceMD, DestMD: Pointer;
+ Pixel: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ ddsFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ result := false;
+ Converter := nil;
+ StreamPos := aStream.Position;
+ // Magic
+ aStream.Read(Magic{%H-}, sizeof(Magic));
+ if (Magic <> DDS_MAGIC) then begin
+ aStream.Position := StreamPos;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ //Header
+ aStream.Read(Header{%H-}, sizeof(Header));
+ if (Header.dwSize <> SizeOf(Header)) or
+ begin
+ aStream.Position := StreamPos;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if ((Header.Caps.dwCaps1 and DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP) > 0) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadDDS - CubeMaps are not supported');
+ ddsFormat := GetDDSFormat;
+ try
+ if (ddsFormat = tfEmpty) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadDDS - unsupported Pixelformat found.');
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(ddsFormat);
+ LineSize := Trunc(Header.dwWidth * FormatDesc.BytesPerPixel);
+ GetMem(NewImage, Header.dwHeight * LineSize);
+ try
+ TmpData := NewImage;
+ //Converter needed
+ if Assigned(Converter) then begin
+ RowSize := Round(Header.dwWidth * Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount / 8);
+ GetMem(RowData, RowSize);
+ SourceMD := Converter.CreateMappingData;
+ DestMD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData;
+ try
+ for y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin
+ TmpData := NewImage;
+ inc(TmpData, y * LineSize);
+ SrcData := RowData;
+ aStream.Read(SrcData^, RowSize);
+ for x := 0 to Header.dwWidth-1 do begin
+ Converter.Unmap(SrcData, Pixel, SourceMD);
+ glBitmapConvertPixel(Pixel, Converter, FormatDesc);
+ FormatDesc.Map(Pixel, TmpData, DestMD);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Converter.FreeMappingData(SourceMD);
+ FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(DestMD);
+ FreeMem(RowData);
+ end;
+ end else
+ // Compressed
+ if ((Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and DDPF_FOURCC) > 0) then begin
+ RowSize := Header.dwPitchOrLinearSize div Header.dwWidth;
+ for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin
+ aStream.Read(TmpData^, RowSize);
+ Inc(TmpData, LineSize);
+ end;
+ end else
+ // Uncompressed
+ if (Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS or DDPF_LUMINANCE)) > 0 then begin
+ RowSize := (Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount * Header.dwWidth) shr 3;
+ for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin
+ aStream.Read(TmpData^, RowSize);
+ Inc(TmpData, LineSize);
+ end;
+ end else
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadDDS - unsupported Pixelformat found.');
+ SetData(NewImage, ddsFormat, Header.dwWidth, Header.dwHeight);
+ result := true;
+ except
+ if Assigned(NewImage) then
+ FreeMem(NewImage);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(Converter);
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SaveDDS(const aStream: TStream);
+ Header: TDDSHeader;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ if not (ftDDS in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ // Generell
+ FillChar(Header{%H-}, SizeOf(Header), 0);
+ Header.dwSize := SizeOf(Header);
+ Header.dwWidth := Max(1, Width);
+ Header.dwHeight := Max(1, Height);
+ // Caps
+ Header.Caps.dwCaps1 := DDSCAPS_TEXTURE;
+ // Pixelformat
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwSize := sizeof(Header);
+ if (FormatDesc.IsCompressed) then begin
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_FOURCC;
+ case Format of
+ tfS3tcDtx1RGBA: Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC := D3DFMT_DXT1;
+ tfS3tcDtx3RGBA: Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC := D3DFMT_DXT3;
+ tfS3tcDtx5RGBA: Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC := D3DFMT_DXT5;
+ end;
+ end else if not FormatDesc.HasColor and FormatDesc.HasAlpha then begin
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_ALPHA;
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwABitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.a;
+ end else if FormatDesc.IsGrayscale then begin
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_LUMINANCE;
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwRBitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.r;
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwABitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.a;
+ end else begin
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_RGB;
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwRBitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.r;
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwGBitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.g;
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwBBitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.b;
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwABitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.a;
+ end;
+ if (FormatDesc.HasAlpha) then
+ Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS;
+ aStream.Write(DDS_MAGIC, sizeof(DDS_MAGIC));
+ aStream.Write(Header, SizeOf(Header));
+ aStream.Write(Data^, FormatDesc.GetSize(Dimension));
+function TglBitmapData.FlipHorz: Boolean;
+ fd: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
+ Col, RowSize, PixelSize: Integer;
+ pTempDest, pDest, pSource: PByte;
+ result := false;
+ fd := FormatDescriptor;
+ PixelSize := Ceil(fd.BytesPerPixel);
+ RowSize := fd.GetSize(Width, 1);
+ if Assigned(Data) and not fd.IsCompressed then begin
+ pSource := Data;
+ GetMem(pDest, RowSize);
+ try
+ pTempDest := pDest;
+ Inc(pTempDest, RowSize);
+ for Col := 0 to Width-1 do begin
+ dec(pTempDest, PixelSize); //dec before, because ptr is behind last byte of data
+ Move(pSource^, pTempDest^, PixelSize);
+ Inc(pSource, PixelSize);
+ end;
+ SetData(pDest, Format, Width);
+ result := true;
+ except
+ if Assigned(pDest) then
+ FreeMem(pDest);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.FlipVert: Boolean;
+ fd: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
+ Row, RowSize, PixelSize: Integer;
+ TempDestData, DestData, SourceData: PByte;
+ result := false;
+ fd := FormatDescriptor;
+ PixelSize := Ceil(fd.BytesPerPixel);
+ RowSize := fd.GetSize(Width, 1);
+ if Assigned(Data) then begin
+ SourceData := Data;
+ GetMem(DestData, Height * RowSize);
+ try
+ TempDestData := DestData;
+ Inc(TempDestData, Width * (Height -1) * PixelSize);
+ for Row := 0 to Height -1 do begin
+ Move(SourceData^, TempDestData^, RowSize);
+ Dec(TempDestData, RowSize);
+ Inc(SourceData, RowSize);
+ end;
+ SetData(DestData, Format, Width, Height);
+ result := true;
+ except
+ if Assigned(DestData) then
+ FreeMem(DestData);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.LoadFromFile(const aFilename: String);
+ fs: TFileStream;
+ if not FileExists(aFilename) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('file does not exist: ' + aFilename);
+ fs := TFileStream.Create(aFilename, fmOpenRead);
+ try
+ fs.Position := 0;
+ LoadFromStream(fs);
+ fFilename := aFilename;
+ finally
+ fs.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.LoadFromStream(const aStream: TStream);
+ if not LoadPNG(aStream) then
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if not LoadJPEG(aStream) then
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if not LoadDDS(aStream) then
+ if not LoadTGA(aStream) then
+ if not LoadBMP(aStream) then
+ if not LoadRAW(aStream) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadFromStream - Couldn''t load Stream. It''s possible to be an unknow Streamtype.');
+procedure TglBitmapData.LoadFromFunc(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer);
+ tmpData: PByte;
+ size: Integer;
+ size := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat).GetSize(aSize);
+ GetMem(tmpData, size);
+ try
+ FillChar(tmpData^, size, #$FF);
+ SetData(tmpData, aFormat, aSize.X, aSize.Y);
+ except
+ if Assigned(tmpData) then
+ FreeMem(tmpData);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ Convert(Self, aFunc, false, aFormat, aArgs);
+procedure TglBitmapData.LoadFromResource(const aInstance: Cardinal; aResource: String; aResType: PChar);
+ rs: TResourceStream;
+ PrepareResType(aResource, aResType);
+ rs := TResourceStream.Create(aInstance, aResource, aResType);
+ try
+ LoadFromStream(rs);
+ finally
+ rs.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.LoadFromResourceID(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar);
+ rs: TResourceStream;
+ rs := TResourceStream.CreateFromID(aInstance, aResourceID, aResType);
+ try
+ LoadFromStream(rs);
+ finally
+ rs.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SaveToFile(const aFilename: String; const aFileType: TglBitmapFileType);
+ fs: TFileStream;
+ fs := TFileStream.Create(aFileName, fmCreate);
+ try
+ fs.Position := 0;
+ SaveToStream(fs, aFileType);
+ finally
+ fs.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.SaveToStream(const aStream: TStream; const aFileType: TglBitmapFileType);
+ case aFileType of
+ ftPNG: SavePNG(aStream);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ftJPEG: SaveJPEG(aStream);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ftDDS: SaveDDS(aStream);
+ ftTGA: SaveTGA(aStream);
+ ftBMP: SaveBMP(aStream);
+ ftRAW: SaveRAW(aStream);
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.Convert(const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aCreateTemp: Boolean; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ result := Convert(Self, aFunc, aCreateTemp, Format, aArgs);
+function TglBitmapData.Convert(const aSource: TglBitmapData; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; aCreateTemp: Boolean;
+ const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ DestData, TmpData, SourceData: pByte;
+ TempHeight, TempWidth: Integer;
+ SourceFD, DestFD: TFormatDescriptor;
+ SourceMD, DestMD: Pointer;
+ FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec;
+ Assert(Assigned(Data));
+ Assert(Assigned(aSource));
+ Assert(Assigned(aSource.Data));
+ result := false;
+ if Assigned(aSource.Data) and ((aSource.Height > 0) or (aSource.Width > 0)) then begin
+ SourceFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aSource.Format);
+ DestFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
+ if (SourceFD.IsCompressed) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('compressed formats are not supported: ', SourceFD.Format);
+ if (DestFD.IsCompressed) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('compressed formats are not supported: ', DestFD.Format);
+ // inkompatible Formats so CreateTemp
+ if (SourceFD.BitsPerPixel <> DestFD.BitsPerPixel) then
+ aCreateTemp := true;
+ // Values
+ TempHeight := Max(1, aSource.Height);
+ TempWidth := Max(1, aSource.Width);
+ FuncRec.Sender := Self;
+ FuncRec.Args := aArgs;
+ TmpData := nil;
+ if aCreateTemp then begin
+ GetMem(TmpData, DestFD.GetSize(TempWidth, TempHeight));
+ DestData := TmpData;
+ end else
+ DestData := Data;
+ try
+ SourceFD.PreparePixel(FuncRec.Source);
+ DestFD.PreparePixel (FuncRec.Dest);
+ SourceMD := SourceFD.CreateMappingData;
+ DestMD := DestFD.CreateMappingData;
+ FuncRec.Size := aSource.Dimension;
+ FuncRec.Position.Fields := FuncRec.Size.Fields;
+ try
+ SourceData := aSource.Data;
+ FuncRec.Position.Y := 0;
+ while FuncRec.Position.Y < TempHeight do begin
+ FuncRec.Position.X := 0;
+ while FuncRec.Position.X < TempWidth do begin
+ SourceFD.Unmap(SourceData, FuncRec.Source, SourceMD);
+ aFunc(FuncRec);
+ DestFD.Map(FuncRec.Dest, DestData, DestMD);
+ inc(FuncRec.Position.X);
+ end;
+ inc(FuncRec.Position.Y);
+ end;
+ // Updating Image or InternalFormat
+ if aCreateTemp then
+ SetData(TmpData, aFormat, aSource.Width, aSource.Height)
+ else if (aFormat <> fFormat) then
+ Format := aFormat;
+ result := true;
+ finally
+ SourceFD.FreeMappingData(SourceMD);
+ DestFD.FreeMappingData(DestMD);
+ end;
+ except
+ if aCreateTemp and Assigned(TmpData) then
+ FreeMem(TmpData);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.ConvertTo(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): Boolean;
+ SourceFD, DestFD: TFormatDescriptor;
+ SourcePD, DestPD: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ ShiftData: TShiftData;
+ function DataIsIdentical: Boolean;
+ begin
+ result := SourceFD.MaskMatch(DestFD.Mask);
+ end;
+ function CanCopyDirect: Boolean;
+ begin
+ result :=
+ ((SourcePD.Range.r = DestPD.Range.r) or (SourcePD.Range.r = 0) or (DestPD.Range.r = 0)) and
+ ((SourcePD.Range.g = DestPD.Range.g) or (SourcePD.Range.g = 0) or (DestPD.Range.g = 0)) and
+ ((SourcePD.Range.b = DestPD.Range.b) or (SourcePD.Range.b = 0) or (DestPD.Range.b = 0)) and
+ ((SourcePD.Range.a = DestPD.Range.a) or (SourcePD.Range.a = 0) or (DestPD.Range.a = 0));
+ end;
+ function CanShift: Boolean;
+ begin
+ result :=
+ ((SourcePD.Range.r >= DestPD.Range.r) or (SourcePD.Range.r = 0) or (DestPD.Range.r = 0)) and
+ ((SourcePD.Range.g >= DestPD.Range.g) or (SourcePD.Range.g = 0) or (DestPD.Range.g = 0)) and
+ ((SourcePD.Range.b >= DestPD.Range.b) or (SourcePD.Range.b = 0) or (DestPD.Range.b = 0)) and
+ ((SourcePD.Range.a >= DestPD.Range.a) or (SourcePD.Range.a = 0) or (DestPD.Range.a = 0));
+ end;
+ function GetShift(aSource, aDest: Cardinal) : ShortInt;
+ begin
+ result := 0;
+ while (aSource > aDest) and (aSource > 0) do begin
+ inc(result);
+ aSource := aSource shr 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (aFormat <> fFormat) and (aFormat <> tfEmpty) then begin
+ SourceFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ DestFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
+ if DataIsIdentical then begin
+ result := true;
+ Format := aFormat;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SourceFD.PreparePixel(SourcePD);
+ DestFD.PreparePixel (DestPD);
+ if CanCopyDirect then
+ result := Convert(Self, glBitmapConvertCopyFunc, false, aFormat)
+ else if CanShift then begin
+ ShiftData.r := GetShift(SourcePD.Range.r, DestPD.Range.r);
+ ShiftData.g := GetShift(SourcePD.Range.g, DestPD.Range.g);
+ ShiftData.b := GetShift(SourcePD.Range.b, DestPD.Range.b);
+ ShiftData.a := GetShift(SourcePD.Range.a, DestPD.Range.a);
+ result := Convert(Self, glBitmapConvertShiftRGBAFunc, false, aFormat, @ShiftData);
+ end else
+ result := Convert(Self, glBitmapConvertCalculateRGBAFunc, false, aFormat);
+ end else
+ result := true;
+function TglBitmapData.AssignToSurface(out aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
+ Row, RowSize: Integer;
+ SourceData, TmpData: PByte;
+ TempDepth: Integer;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ function GetRowPointer(Row: Integer): pByte;
+ begin
+ result := aSurface.pixels;
+ Inc(result, Row * RowSize);
+ end;
+ result := false;
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ if Assigned(Data) then begin
+ case Trunc(FormatDesc.PixelSize) of
+ 1: TempDepth := 8;
+ 2: TempDepth := 16;
+ 3: TempDepth := 24;
+ 4: TempDepth := 32;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ end;
+ aSurface := SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, Width, Height, TempDepth,
+ FormatDesc.RedMask, FormatDesc.GreenMask, FormatDesc.BlueMask, FormatDesc.AlphaMask);
+ SourceData := Data;
+ RowSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(FileWidth, 1);
+ for Row := 0 to FileHeight-1 do begin
+ TmpData := GetRowPointer(Row);
+ if Assigned(TmpData) then begin
+ Move(SourceData^, TmpData^, RowSize);
+ inc(SourceData, RowSize);
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := true;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AssignFromSurface(const aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
+ pSource, pData, pTempData: PByte;
+ Row, RowSize, TempWidth, TempHeight: Integer;
+ IntFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ fd: TFormatDescriptor;
+ Mask: TglBitmapMask;
+ function GetRowPointer(Row: Integer): pByte;
+ begin
+ result := aSurface^.pixels;
+ Inc(result, Row * RowSize);
+ end;
+ result := false;
+ if (Assigned(aSurface)) then begin
+ with aSurface^.format^ do begin
+ Mask.r := RMask;
+ Mask.g := GMask;
+ Mask.b := BMask;
+ Mask.a := AMask;
+ IntFormat := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromMask(Mask).Format;
+ if (IntFormat = tfEmpty) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('AssignFromSurface - Invalid Pixelformat.');
+ end;
+ fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(IntFormat);
+ TempWidth := aSurface^.w;
+ TempHeight := aSurface^.h;
+ RowSize := fd.GetSize(TempWidth, 1);
+ GetMem(pData, TempHeight * RowSize);
+ try
+ pTempData := pData;
+ for Row := 0 to TempHeight -1 do begin
+ pSource := GetRowPointer(Row);
+ if (Assigned(pSource)) then begin
+ Move(pSource^, pTempData^, RowSize);
+ Inc(pTempData, RowSize);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetData(pData, IntFormat, TempWidth, TempHeight);
+ result := true;
+ except
+ if Assigned(pData) then
+ FreeMem(pData);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AssignAlphaToSurface(out aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
+ Row, Col, AlphaInterleave: Integer;
+ pSource, pDest: PByte;
+ function GetRowPointer(Row: Integer): pByte;
+ begin
+ result := aSurface.pixels;
+ Inc(result, Row * Width);
+ end;
+ result := false;
+ if Assigned(Data) then begin
+ if Format in [tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2, tfBGRA8ub4, tfRGBA8ub4] then begin
+ aSurface := SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, Width, Height, 8, $FF, $FF, $FF, 0);
+ AlphaInterleave := 0;
+ case Format of
+ tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2:
+ AlphaInterleave := 1;
+ tfBGRA8ub4, tfRGBA8ub4:
+ AlphaInterleave := 3;
+ end;
+ pSource := Data;
+ for Row := 0 to Height -1 do begin
+ pDest := GetRowPointer(Row);
+ if Assigned(pDest) then begin
+ for Col := 0 to Width -1 do begin
+ Inc(pSource, AlphaInterleave);
+ pDest^ := pSource^;
+ Inc(pDest);
+ Inc(pSource);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromSurface(const aSurface: PSDL_Surface; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
+ bmp: TglBitmap2D;
+ bmp := TglBitmap2D.Create;
+ try
+ bmp.AssignFromSurface(aSurface);
+ result := AddAlphaFromGlBitmap(bmp, aFunc, aArgs);
+ finally
+ bmp.Free;
+ end;
+function CreateGrayPalette: HPALETTE;
+ Idx: Integer;
+ Pal: PLogPalette;
+ GetMem(Pal, SizeOf(TLogPalette) + (SizeOf(TPaletteEntry) * 256));
+ Pal.palVersion := $300;
+ Pal.palNumEntries := 256;
+ for Idx := 0 to Pal.palNumEntries - 1 do begin
+ Pal.palPalEntry[Idx].peRed := Idx;
+ Pal.palPalEntry[Idx].peGreen := Idx;
+ Pal.palPalEntry[Idx].peBlue := Idx;
+ Pal.palPalEntry[Idx].peFlags := 0;
+ end;
+ Result := CreatePalette(Pal^);
+ FreeMem(Pal);
+function TglBitmapData.AssignToBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
+ Row, RowSize: Integer;
+ pSource, pData: PByte;
+ result := false;
+ if Assigned(Data) then begin
+ if Assigned(aBitmap) then begin
+ aBitmap.Width := Width;
+ aBitmap.Height := Height;
+ case Format of
+ tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1: begin
+ aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit;
+ aBitmap.Palette := CreateGrayPalette;
+ end;
+ tfRGB5A1us1:
+ aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf15bit;
+ tfR5G6B5us1:
+ aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf16bit;
+ tfRGB8ub3, tfBGR8ub3:
+ aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ tfRGBA8ub4, tfBGRA8ub4:
+ aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf32bit;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('AssignToBitmap - Invalid Pixelformat.');
+ end;
+ RowSize := FormatDescriptor.GetSize(Width, 1);
+ pSource := Data;
+ for Row := 0 to Height-1 do begin
+ pData := aBitmap.Scanline[Row];
+ Move(pSource^, pData^, RowSize);
+ Inc(pSource, RowSize);
+ if (Format in [tfRGB8ub3, tfRGBA8ub4]) then // swap RGB(A) to BGR(A)
+ SwapRGB(pData, Width, Format = tfRGBA8ub4);
+ end;
+ result := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AssignFromBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
+ pSource, pData, pTempData: PByte;
+ Row, RowSize, TempWidth, TempHeight: Integer;
+ IntFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ result := false;
+ if (Assigned(aBitmap)) then begin
+ case aBitmap.PixelFormat of
+ pf8bit:
+ IntFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
+ pf15bit:
+ IntFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
+ pf16bit:
+ IntFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
+ pf24bit:
+ IntFormat := tfBGR8ub3;
+ pf32bit:
+ IntFormat := tfBGRA8ub4;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('AssignFromBitmap - Invalid Pixelformat.');
+ end;
+ TempWidth := aBitmap.Width;
+ TempHeight := aBitmap.Height;
+ RowSize := TFormatDescriptor.Get(IntFormat).GetSize(TempWidth, 1);
+ GetMem(pData, TempHeight * RowSize);
+ try
+ pTempData := pData;
+ for Row := 0 to TempHeight -1 do begin
+ pSource := aBitmap.Scanline[Row];
+ if (Assigned(pSource)) then begin
+ Move(pSource^, pTempData^, RowSize);
+ Inc(pTempData, RowSize);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetData(pData, IntFormat, TempWidth, TempHeight);
+ result := true;
+ except
+ if Assigned(pData) then
+ FreeMem(pData);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AssignAlphaToBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
+ Row, Col, AlphaInterleave: Integer;
+ pSource, pDest: PByte;
+ result := false;
+ if Assigned(Data) then begin
+ if (Format in [tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2, tfRGBA8ub4, tfBGRA8ub4]) then begin
+ if Assigned(aBitmap) then begin
+ aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit;
+ aBitmap.Palette := CreateGrayPalette;
+ aBitmap.Width := Width;
+ aBitmap.Height := Height;
+ case Format of
+ tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2:
+ AlphaInterleave := 1;
+ tfRGBA8ub4, tfBGRA8ub4:
+ AlphaInterleave := 3;
+ else
+ AlphaInterleave := 0;
+ end;
+ // Copy Data
+ pSource := Data;
+ for Row := 0 to Height -1 do begin
+ pDest := aBitmap.Scanline[Row];
+ if Assigned(pDest) then begin
+ for Col := 0 to Width -1 do begin
+ Inc(pSource, AlphaInterleave);
+ pDest^ := pSource^;
+ Inc(pDest);
+ Inc(pSource);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ data: TglBitmapData;
+ data := TglBitmapData.Create;
+ try
+ data.AssignFromBitmap(aBitmap);
+ result := AddAlphaFromDataObj(data, aFunc, aArgs);
+ finally
+ data.Free;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AssignToLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
+ rid: TRawImageDescription;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ if not Assigned(Data) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('no pixel data assigned. load data before save');
+ result := false;
+ if not Assigned(aImage) or (Format = tfEmpty) then
+ exit;
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then
+ exit;
+ FillChar(rid{%H-}, SizeOf(rid), 0);
+ if FormatDesc.IsGrayscale then
+ rid.Format := ricfGray
+ else
+ rid.Format := ricfRGBA;
+ rid.Width := Width;
+ rid.Height := Height;
+ rid.Depth := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
+ rid.BitOrder := riboBitsInOrder;
+ rid.ByteOrder := riboLSBFirst;
+ rid.LineOrder := riloTopToBottom;
+ rid.LineEnd := rileTight;
+ rid.BitsPerPixel := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
+ rid.RedPrec := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.r);
+ rid.GreenPrec := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.g);
+ rid.BluePrec := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.b);
+ rid.AlphaPrec := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.a);
+ rid.RedShift := FormatDesc.Shift.r;
+ rid.GreenShift := FormatDesc.Shift.g;
+ rid.BlueShift := FormatDesc.Shift.b;
+ rid.AlphaShift := FormatDesc.Shift.a;
+ rid.MaskBitsPerPixel := 0;
+ rid.PaletteColorCount := 0;
+ aImage.DataDescription := rid;
+ aImage.CreateData;
+ if not Assigned(aImage.PixelData) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('error while creating LazIntfImage');
+ Move(Data^, aImage.PixelData^, FormatDesc.GetSize(Dimension));
+ result := true;
+function TglBitmapData.AssignFromLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
+ f: TglBitmapFormat;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ ImageData: PByte;
+ ImageSize: Integer;
+ CanCopy: Boolean;
+ Mask: TglBitmapRec4ul;
+ procedure CopyConvert;
+ var
+ bfFormat: TbmpBitfieldFormat;
+ pSourceLine, pDestLine: PByte;
+ pSourceMD, pDestMD: Pointer;
+ Shift, Prec: TglBitmapRec4ub;
+ x, y: Integer;
+ pixel: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ begin
+ bfFormat := TbmpBitfieldFormat.Create;
+ with aImage.DataDescription do begin
+ Prec.r := RedPrec;
+ Prec.g := GreenPrec;
+ Prec.b := BluePrec;
+ Prec.a := AlphaPrec;
+ Shift.r := RedShift;
+ Shift.g := GreenShift;
+ Shift.b := BlueShift;
+ Shift.a := AlphaShift;
+ bfFormat.SetCustomValues(BitsPerPixel, Prec, Shift);
+ end;
+ pSourceMD := bfFormat.CreateMappingData;
+ pDestMD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData;
+ try
+ for y := 0 to aImage.Height-1 do begin
+ pSourceLine := aImage.PixelData + y {%H-}* aImage.DataDescription.BytesPerLine;
+ pDestLine := ImageData + y * Round(FormatDesc.BytesPerPixel * aImage.Width);
+ for x := 0 to aImage.Width-1 do begin
+ bfFormat.Unmap(pSourceLine, pixel, pSourceMD);
+ FormatDesc.Map(pixel, pDestLine, pDestMD);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(pDestMD);
+ bfFormat.FreeMappingData(pSourceMD);
+ bfFormat.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := false;
+ if not Assigned(aImage) then
+ exit;
+ with aImage.DataDescription do begin
+ Mask.r := (QWord(1 shl RedPrec )-1) shl RedShift;
+ Mask.g := (QWord(1 shl GreenPrec)-1) shl GreenShift;
+ Mask.b := (QWord(1 shl BluePrec )-1) shl BlueShift;
+ Mask.a := (QWord(1 shl AlphaPrec)-1) shl AlphaShift;
+ end;
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromMask(Mask);
+ f := FormatDesc.Format;
+ if (f = tfEmpty) then
+ exit;
+ CanCopy :=
+ (FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel = aImage.DataDescription.Depth) and
+ (aImage.DataDescription.BitsPerPixel = aImage.DataDescription.Depth);
+ ImageSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(aImage.Width, aImage.Height);
+ ImageData := GetMem(ImageSize);
+ try
+ if CanCopy then
+ Move(aImage.PixelData^, ImageData^, ImageSize)
+ else
+ CopyConvert;
+ SetData(ImageData, f, aImage.Width, aImage.Height);
+ except
+ if Assigned(ImageData) then
+ FreeMem(ImageData);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ result := true;
+function TglBitmapData.AssignAlphaToLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
+ rid: TRawImageDescription;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ Pixel: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ x, y: Integer;
+ srcMD: Pointer;
+ src, dst: PByte;
+ result := false;
+ if not Assigned(aImage) or (Format = tfEmpty) then
+ exit;
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ if FormatDesc.IsCompressed or not FormatDesc.HasAlpha then
+ exit;
+ FillChar(rid{%H-}, SizeOf(rid), 0);
+ rid.Format := ricfGray;
+ rid.Width := Width;
+ rid.Height := Height;
+ rid.Depth := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.a);
+ rid.BitOrder := riboBitsInOrder;
+ rid.ByteOrder := riboLSBFirst;
+ rid.LineOrder := riloTopToBottom;
+ rid.LineEnd := rileTight;
+ rid.BitsPerPixel := 8 * Ceil(rid.Depth / 8);
+ rid.RedPrec := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.a);
+ rid.GreenPrec := 0;
+ rid.BluePrec := 0;
+ rid.AlphaPrec := 0;
+ rid.RedShift := 0;
+ rid.GreenShift := 0;
+ rid.BlueShift := 0;
+ rid.AlphaShift := 0;
+ rid.MaskBitsPerPixel := 0;
+ rid.PaletteColorCount := 0;
+ aImage.DataDescription := rid;
+ aImage.CreateData;
+ srcMD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData;
+ try
+ FormatDesc.PreparePixel(Pixel);
+ src := Data;
+ dst := aImage.PixelData;
+ for y := 0 to Height-1 do
+ for x := 0 to Width-1 do begin
+ FormatDesc.Unmap(src, Pixel, srcMD);
+ case rid.BitsPerPixel of
+ 8: begin
+ dst^ := Pixel.Data.a;
+ inc(dst);
+ end;
+ 16: begin
+ PWord(dst)^ := Pixel.Data.a;
+ inc(dst, 2);
+ end;
+ 24: begin
+ PByteArray(dst)^[0] := PByteArray(@Pixel.Data.a)^[0];
+ PByteArray(dst)^[1] := PByteArray(@Pixel.Data.a)^[1];
+ PByteArray(dst)^[2] := PByteArray(@Pixel.Data.a)^[2];
+ inc(dst, 3);
+ end;
+ 32: begin
+ PCardinal(dst)^ := Pixel.Data.a;
+ inc(dst, 4);
+ end;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(srcMD);
+ end;
+ result := true;
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ data: TglBitmapData;
+ data := TglBitmapData.Create;
+ try
+ data.AssignFromLazIntfImage(aImage);
+ result := AddAlphaFromDataObj(data, aFunc, aArgs);
+ finally
+ data.Free;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromResource(const aInstance: Cardinal; aResource: String; aResType: PChar;
+ const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ rs: TResourceStream;
+ PrepareResType(aResource, aResType);
+ rs := TResourceStream.Create(aInstance, aResource, aResType);
+ try
+ result := AddAlphaFromStream(rs, aFunc, aArgs);
+ finally
+ rs.Free;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromResourceID(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar;
+ const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ rs: TResourceStream;
+ rs := TResourceStream.CreateFromID(aInstance, aResourceID, aResType);
+ try
+ result := AddAlphaFromStream(rs, aFunc, aArgs);
+ finally
+ rs.Free;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromFunc(const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ if TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).IsCompressed then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ result := Convert(Self, aFunc, false, TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).WithAlpha, aArgs);
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromFile(const aFileName: String; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ FS: TFileStream;
+ FS := TFileStream.Create(aFileName, fmOpenRead);
+ try
+ result := AddAlphaFromStream(FS, aFunc, aArgs);
+ finally
+ FS.Free;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromStream(const aStream: TStream; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ data: TglBitmapData;
+ data := TglBitmapData.Create(aStream);
+ try
+ result := AddAlphaFromDataObj(data, aFunc, aArgs);
+ finally
+ data.Free;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromDataObj(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
+ DestData, DestData2, SourceData: pByte;
+ TempHeight, TempWidth: Integer;
+ SourceFD, DestFD: TFormatDescriptor;
+ SourceMD, DestMD, DestMD2: Pointer;
+ FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec;
+ result := false;
+ Assert(Assigned(Data));
+ Assert(Assigned(aDataObj));
+ Assert(Assigned(aDataObj.Data));
+ if ((aDataObj.Width = Width) and (aDataObj.Height = Height)) then begin
+ result := ConvertTo(TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).WithAlpha);
+ SourceFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aDataObj.Format);
+ DestFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ if not Assigned(aFunc) then begin
+ aFunc := glBitmapAlphaFunc;
+ FuncRec.Args := {%H-}Pointer(SourceFD.HasAlpha);
+ end else
+ FuncRec.Args := aArgs;
+ // Values
+ TempWidth := aDataObj.Width;
+ TempHeight := aDataObj.Height;
+ if (TempWidth <= 0) or (TempHeight <= 0) then
+ exit;
+ FuncRec.Sender := Self;
+ FuncRec.Size := Dimension;
+ FuncRec.Position.Fields := FuncRec.Size.Fields;
+ DestData := Data;
+ DestData2 := Data;
+ SourceData := aDataObj.Data;
+ // Mapping
+ SourceFD.PreparePixel(FuncRec.Source);
+ DestFD.PreparePixel (FuncRec.Dest);
+ SourceMD := SourceFD.CreateMappingData;
+ DestMD := DestFD.CreateMappingData;
+ DestMD2 := DestFD.CreateMappingData;
+ try
+ FuncRec.Position.Y := 0;
+ while FuncRec.Position.Y < TempHeight do begin
+ FuncRec.Position.X := 0;
+ while FuncRec.Position.X < TempWidth do begin
+ SourceFD.Unmap(SourceData, FuncRec.Source, SourceMD);
+ DestFD.Unmap (DestData, FuncRec.Dest, DestMD);
+ aFunc(FuncRec);
+ DestFD.Map(FuncRec.Dest, DestData2, DestMD2);
+ inc(FuncRec.Position.X);
+ end;
+ inc(FuncRec.Position.Y);
+ end;
+ finally
+ SourceFD.FreeMappingData(SourceMD);
+ DestFD.FreeMappingData(DestMD);
+ DestFD.FreeMappingData(DestMD2);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromColorKey(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Byte; const aDeviation: Byte): Boolean;
+ result := AddAlphaFromColorKeyFloat(aRed / $FF, aGreen / $FF, aBlue / $FF, aDeviation / $FF);
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromColorKeyRange(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Cardinal; const aDeviation: Cardinal): Boolean;
+ PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
+ result := AddAlphaFromColorKeyFloat(
+ aRed / PixelData.Range.r,
+ aGreen / PixelData.Range.g,
+ aBlue / PixelData.Range.b,
+ aDeviation / Max(PixelData.Range.r, Max(PixelData.Range.g, PixelData.Range.b)));
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromColorKeyFloat(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Single; const aDeviation: Single): Boolean;
+ values: array[0..2] of Single;
+ tmp: Cardinal;
+ i: Integer;
+ PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
+ with PixelData do begin
+ values[0] := aRed;
+ values[1] := aGreen;
+ values[2] := aBlue;
+ for i := 0 to 2 do begin
+ tmp := Trunc(Range.arr[i] * aDeviation);
+ Data.arr[i] := Min(Range.arr[i], Trunc(Range.arr[i] * values[i] + tmp));
+ Range.arr[i] := Max(0, Trunc(Range.arr[i] * values[i] - tmp));
+ end;
+ Data.a := 0;
+ Range.a := 0;
+ end;
+ result := AddAlphaFromFunc(glBitmapColorKeyAlphaFunc, @PixelData);
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromValue(const aAlpha: Byte): Boolean;
+ result := AddAlphaFromValueFloat(aAlpha / $FF);
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromValueRange(const aAlpha: Cardinal): Boolean;
+ PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
+ result := AddAlphaFromValueFloat(aAlpha / PixelData.Range.a);
+function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromValueFloat(const aAlpha: Single): Boolean;
+ PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
+ with PixelData do
+ Data.a := Min(Range.a, Max(0, Round(Range.a * aAlpha)));
+ result := AddAlphaFromFunc(glBitmapValueAlphaFunc, @PixelData.Data.a);
+function TglBitmapData.RemoveAlpha: Boolean;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ result := false;
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ if Assigned(Data) then begin
+ if FormatDesc.IsCompressed or not FormatDesc.HasAlpha then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ result := ConvertTo(FormatDesc.WithoutAlpha);
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.FillWithColor(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Byte;
+ const aAlpha: Byte);
+ FillWithColorFloat(aRed/$FF, aGreen/$FF, aBlue/$FF, aAlpha/$FF);
+procedure TglBitmapData.FillWithColorRange(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Cardinal; const aAlpha: Cardinal);
+ PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
+ FillWithColorFloat(
+ aRed / PixelData.Range.r,
+ aGreen / PixelData.Range.g,
+ aBlue / PixelData.Range.b,
+ aAlpha / PixelData.Range.a);
+procedure TglBitmapData.FillWithColorFloat(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Single; const aAlpha: Single);
+ PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
+ TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
+ with PixelData do begin
+ Data.r := Max(0, Min(Range.r, Trunc(Range.r * aRed)));
+ Data.g := Max(0, Min(Range.g, Trunc(Range.g * aGreen)));
+ Data.b := Max(0, Min(Range.b, Trunc(Range.b * aBlue)));
+ Data.a := Max(0, Min(Range.a, Trunc(Range.a * aAlpha)));
+ end;
+ Convert(glBitmapFillWithColorFunc, false, @PixelData);
+procedure TglBitmapData.SetData(const aData: PByte; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aWidth: Integer; const aHeight: Integer);
+ if (Data <> aData) then begin
+ if (Assigned(Data)) then
+ FreeMem(Data);
+ fData := aData;
+ end;
+ if Assigned(fData) then begin
+ FillChar(fDimension, SizeOf(fDimension), 0);
+ if aWidth <> -1 then begin
+ fDimension.Fields := fDimension.Fields + [ffX];
+ fDimension.X := aWidth;
+ end;
+ if aHeight <> -1 then begin
+ fDimension.Fields := fDimension.Fields + [ffY];
+ fDimension.Y := aHeight;
+ end;
+ fFormat := aFormat;
+ end else
+ fFormat := tfEmpty;
+ UpdateScanlines;
+function TglBitmapData.Clone: TglBitmapData;
+ Temp: TglBitmapData;
+ TempPtr: PByte;
+ Size: Integer;
+ result := nil;
+ Temp := (ClassType.Create as TglBitmapData);
+ try
+ // copy texture data if assigned
+ if Assigned(Data) then begin
+ Size := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).GetSize(fDimension);
+ GetMem(TempPtr, Size);
+ try
+ Move(Data^, TempPtr^, Size);
+ Temp.SetData(TempPtr, Format, Width, Height);
+ except
+ if Assigned(TempPtr) then
+ FreeMem(TempPtr);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ TempPtr := nil;
+ Temp.SetData(TempPtr, Format, Width, Height);
+ end;
+ // copy properties
+ Temp.fFormat := Format;
+ result := Temp;
+ except
+ FreeAndNil(Temp);
+ raise;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.Invert(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aAlpha: Boolean);
+ mask: PtrInt;
+ mask :=
+ (Byte(aRed) and 1) or
+ ((Byte(aGreen) and 1) shl 1) or
+ ((Byte(aBlue) and 1) shl 2) or
+ ((Byte(aAlpha) and 1) shl 3);
+ if (mask > 0) then
+ Convert(glBitmapInvertFunc, false, {%H-}Pointer(mask));
+ TMatrixItem = record
+ X, Y: Integer;
+ W: Single;
+ end;
+ PglBitmapToNormalMapRec = ^TglBitmapToNormalMapRec;
+ TglBitmapToNormalMapRec = Record
+ Scale: Single;
+ Heights: array of Single;
+ MatrixU : array of TMatrixItem;
+ MatrixV : array of TMatrixItem;
+ end;
+ ONE_OVER_255 = 1 / 255;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+procedure glBitmapToNormalMapPrepareFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ Val: Single;
+ with FuncRec do begin
+ Val :=
+ Source.Data.r * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_R +
+ Source.Data.g * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_G +
+ Source.Data.b * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_B;
+ PglBitmapToNormalMapRec(Args)^.Heights[Position.Y * Size.X + Position.X] := Val * ONE_OVER_255;
+ end;
+procedure glBitmapToNormalMapPrepareAlphaFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ with FuncRec do
+ PglBitmapToNormalMapRec(Args)^.Heights[Position.Y * Size.X + Position.X] := Source.Data.a * ONE_OVER_255;
+procedure glBitmapToNormalMapFunc (var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ TVec = Array[0..2] of Single;
+ Idx: Integer;
+ du, dv: Double;
+ Len: Single;
+ Vec: TVec;
+ function GetHeight(X, Y: Integer): Single;
+ begin
+ with FuncRec do begin
+ X := Max(0, Min(Size.X -1, X));
+ Y := Max(0, Min(Size.Y -1, Y));
+ result := PglBitmapToNormalMapRec(Args)^.Heights[Y * Size.X + X];
+ end;
+ end;
+ with FuncRec do begin
+ with PglBitmapToNormalMapRec(Args)^ do begin
+ du := 0;
+ for Idx := Low(MatrixU) to High(MatrixU) do
+ du := du + GetHeight(Position.X + MatrixU[Idx].X, Position.Y + MatrixU[Idx].Y) * MatrixU[Idx].W;
+ dv := 0;
+ for Idx := Low(MatrixU) to High(MatrixU) do
+ dv := dv + GetHeight(Position.X + MatrixV[Idx].X, Position.Y + MatrixV[Idx].Y) * MatrixV[Idx].W;
+ Vec[0] := -du * Scale;
+ Vec[1] := -dv * Scale;
+ Vec[2] := 1;
+ end;
+ // Normalize
+ Len := 1 / Sqrt(Sqr(Vec[0]) + Sqr(Vec[1]) + Sqr(Vec[2]));
+ if Len <> 0 then begin
+ Vec[0] := Vec[0] * Len;
+ Vec[1] := Vec[1] * Len;
+ Vec[2] := Vec[2] * Len;
+ end;
+ // Farbe zuweisem
+ Dest.Data.r := Trunc((Vec[0] + 1) * 127.5);
+ Dest.Data.g := Trunc((Vec[1] + 1) * 127.5);
+ Dest.Data.b := Trunc((Vec[2] + 1) * 127.5);
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapData.GenerateNormalMap(const aFunc: TglBitmapNormalMapFunc; const aScale: Single; const aUseAlpha: Boolean);
+ Rec: TglBitmapToNormalMapRec;
+ procedure SetEntry (var Matrix: array of TMatrixItem; Index, X, Y: Integer; W: Single);
+ begin
+ if (Index >= Low(Matrix)) and (Index <= High(Matrix)) then begin
+ Matrix[Index].X := X;
+ Matrix[Index].Y := Y;
+ Matrix[Index].W := W;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).IsCompressed then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
+ if aScale > 100 then
+ Rec.Scale := 100
+ else if aScale < -100 then
+ Rec.Scale := -100
+ else
+ Rec.Scale := aScale;
+ SetLength(Rec.Heights, Width * Height);
+ try
+ case aFunc of
+ nm4Samples: begin
+ SetLength(Rec.MatrixU, 2);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 0, -1, 0, -0.5);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 1, 1, 0, 0.5);
+ SetLength(Rec.MatrixV, 2);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 0, 0, 1, 0.5);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 1, 0, -1, -0.5);
+ end;
+ nmSobel: begin
+ SetLength(Rec.MatrixU, 6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 0, -1, 1, -1.0);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 1, -1, 0, -2.0);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 2, -1, -1, -1.0);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 3, 1, 1, 1.0);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 4, 1, 0, 2.0);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 5, 1, -1, 1.0);
+ SetLength(Rec.MatrixV, 6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 0, -1, 1, 1.0);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 1, 0, 1, 2.0);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 2, 1, 1, 1.0);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 3, -1, -1, -1.0);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 4, 0, -1, -2.0);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 5, 1, -1, -1.0);
+ end;
+ nm3x3: begin
+ SetLength(Rec.MatrixU, 6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 0, -1, 1, -1/6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 1, -1, 0, -1/6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 2, -1, -1, -1/6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 3, 1, 1, 1/6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 4, 1, 0, 1/6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 5, 1, -1, 1/6);
+ SetLength(Rec.MatrixV, 6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 0, -1, 1, 1/6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 1, 0, 1, 1/6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 2, 1, 1, 1/6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 3, -1, -1, -1/6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 4, 0, -1, -1/6);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 5, 1, -1, -1/6);
+ end;
+ nm5x5: begin
+ SetLength(Rec.MatrixU, 20);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 0, -2, 2, -1 / 16);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 1, -1, 2, -1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 2, 1, 2, 1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 3, 2, 2, 1 / 16);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 4, -2, 1, -1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 5, -1, 1, -1 / 8);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 6, 1, 1, 1 / 8);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 7, 2, 1, 1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 8, -2, 0, -1 / 2.8);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 9, -1, 0, -0.5);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 10, 1, 0, 0.5);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 11, 2, 0, 1 / 2.8);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 12, -2, -1, -1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 13, -1, -1, -1 / 8);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 14, 1, -1, 1 / 8);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 15, 2, -1, 1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 16, -2, -2, -1 / 16);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 17, -1, -2, -1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 18, 1, -2, 1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 19, 2, -2, 1 / 16);
+ SetLength(Rec.MatrixV, 20);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 0, -2, 2, 1 / 16);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 1, -1, 2, 1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 2, 0, 2, 0.25);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 3, 1, 2, 1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 4, 2, 2, 1 / 16);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 5, -2, 1, 1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 6, -1, 1, 1 / 8);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 7, 0, 1, 0.5);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 8, 1, 1, 1 / 8);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 9, 2, 1, 1 / 16);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 10, -2, -1, -1 / 16);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 11, -1, -1, -1 / 8);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 12, 0, -1, -0.5);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 13, 1, -1, -1 / 8);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 14, 2, -1, -1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 15, -2, -2, -1 / 16);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 16, -1, -2, -1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 17, 0, -2, -0.25);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 18, 1, -2, -1 / 10);
+ SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 19, 2, -2, -1 / 16);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Daten Sammeln
+ if aUseAlpha and TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).HasAlpha then
+ Convert(glBitmapToNormalMapPrepareAlphaFunc, false, @Rec)
+ else
+ Convert(glBitmapToNormalMapPrepareFunc, false, @Rec);
+ Convert(glBitmapToNormalMapFunc, false, @Rec);
+ finally
+ SetLength(Rec.Heights, 0);
+ end;
+constructor TglBitmapData.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ fFormat := glBitmapDefaultFormat;
+constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aFileName: String);
+ Create;
+ LoadFromFile(aFileName);
+constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aStream: TStream);
+ Create;
+ LoadFromStream(aStream);
+constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; aData: PByte);
+ ImageSize: Integer;
+ Create;
+ if not Assigned(aData) then begin
+ ImageSize := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat).GetSize(aSize);
+ GetMem(aData, ImageSize);
+ try
+ FillChar(aData^, ImageSize, #$FF);
+ SetData(aData, aFormat, aSize.X, aSize.Y);
+ except
+ if Assigned(aData) then
+ FreeMem(aData);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ SetData(aData, aFormat, aSize.X, aSize.Y);
+ end;
+constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer);
+ Create;
+ LoadFromFunc(aSize, aFormat, aFunc, aArgs);
+constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResource: String; const aResType: PChar);
+ Create;
+ LoadFromResource(aInstance, aResource, aResType);
+constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar);
+ Create;
+ LoadFromResourceID(aInstance, aResourceID, aResType);
+destructor TglBitmapData.Destroy;
+ SetData(nil, tfEmpty);
+ inherited Destroy;
+//TglBitmap - PROTECTED///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+function TglBitmap.GetWidth: Integer;
+ if (ffX in fDimension.Fields) then
+ result := fDimension.X
+ else
+ result := -1;
+function TglBitmap.GetHeight: Integer;
+ if (ffY in fDimension.Fields) then
+ result := fDimension.Y
+ else
+ result := -1;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetCustomData(const aValue: Pointer);
+ if fCustomData = aValue then
+ exit;
+ fCustomData := aValue;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetCustomName(const aValue: String);
+ if fCustomName = aValue then
+ exit;
+ fCustomName := aValue;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetCustomNameW(const aValue: WideString);
+ if fCustomNameW = aValue then
+ exit;
+ fCustomNameW := aValue;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetDeleteTextureOnFree(const aValue: Boolean);
+ if fDeleteTextureOnFree = aValue then
+ exit;
+ fDeleteTextureOnFree := aValue;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetID(const aValue: Cardinal);
+ if fID = aValue then
+ exit;
+ fID := aValue;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetMipMap(const aValue: TglBitmapMipMap);
+ if fMipMap = aValue then
+ exit;
+ fMipMap := aValue;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetTarget(const aValue: Cardinal);
+ if fTarget = aValue then
+ exit;
+ fTarget := aValue;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetAnisotropic(const aValue: Integer);
+ MaxAnisotropic: Integer;
+ fAnisotropic := aValue;
+ if (ID > 0) then begin
+ if GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic then begin
+ if fAnisotropic > 0 then begin
- Bind(false);
++ Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}false{$ENDIF});
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, @MaxAnisotropic);
+ if aValue > MaxAnisotropic then
+ fAnisotropic := MaxAnisotropic;
+ glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, fAnisotropic);
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ fAnisotropic := 0;
+ end;
+ fAnisotropic := 0;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmap.CreateID;
+ if (ID <> 0) then
+ glDeleteTextures(1, @fID);
+ glGenTextures(1, @fID);
- glTexParameteri(Target, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GLint(GL_TRUE));
++ Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}false{$ENDIF});
+procedure TglBitmap.SetupParameters({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}out aBuildWithGlu: Boolean{$ENDIF});
+ // Set Up Parameters
+ SetWrap(fWrapS, fWrapT, fWrapR);
+ SetFilter(fFilterMin, fFilterMag);
+ SetAnisotropic(fAnisotropic);
+ SetBorderColor(fBorderColor[0], fBorderColor[1], fBorderColor[2], fBorderColor[3]);
+ if (GL_ARB_texture_swizzle or GL_EXT_texture_swizzle or GL_VERSION_3_3) then
+ SetSwizzle(fSwizzle[0], fSwizzle[1], fSwizzle[2], fSwizzle[3]);
+ // Mip Maps Generation Mode
+ aBuildWithGlu := false;
+ if (MipMap = mmMipmap) then begin
+ if (GL_VERSION_1_4 or GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap) then
+ glTexParameteri(Target, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GLint(GL_TRUE))
+ else
+ aBuildWithGlu := true;
+ end else if (MipMap = mmMipmapGlu) then
+ aBuildWithGlu := true;
+ if (MipMap = mmMipmap) then
- Bind(false);
++ glGenerateMipmap(Target);
+//TglBitmap - PUBLIC//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+procedure TglBitmap.AfterConstruction;
+ inherited AfterConstruction;
+ fID := 0;
+ fTarget := 0;
+ fIsResident := false;
+ fMipMap := glBitmapDefaultMipmap;
+ fDeleteTextureOnFree := glBitmapGetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree;
+ glBitmapGetDefaultFilter (fFilterMin, fFilterMag);
+ glBitmapGetDefaultTextureWrap(fWrapS, fWrapT, fWrapR);
+ glBitmapGetDefaultSwizzle (fSwizzle[0], fSwizzle[1], fSwizzle[2], fSwizzle[3]);
+procedure TglBitmap.BeforeDestruction;
+ if (fID > 0) and fDeleteTextureOnFree then
+ glDeleteTextures(1, @fID);
+ inherited BeforeDestruction;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetBorderColor(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aAlpha: Single);
+ fBorderColor[0] := aRed;
+ fBorderColor[1] := aGreen;
+ fBorderColor[2] := aBlue;
+ fBorderColor[3] := aAlpha;
+ if (ID > 0) then begin
+ Bind(false);
+ glTexParameterfv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, @fBorderColor[0]);
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetFilter(const aMin, aMag: GLenum);
+ //check MIN filter
+ case aMin of
+ fFilterMin := GL_NEAREST;
+ fFilterMin := GL_LINEAR;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('SetFilter - Unknow MIN filter.');
+ end;
+ //check MAG filter
+ case aMag of
+ fFilterMag := GL_NEAREST;
+ fFilterMag := GL_LINEAR;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('SetFilter - Unknow MAG filter.');
+ end;
+ //apply filter
+ if (ID > 0) then begin
- Bind(false);
++ Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}false{$ENDIF});
+ glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, fFilterMag);
+ if (MipMap = mmNone) {$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}or (Target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE){$ENDIF} then begin
+ case fFilterMin of
+ glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, fFilterMin);
+ glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
+ glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
+ end;
+ end else
+ glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, fFilterMin);
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetWrap(const S: GLenum; const T: GLenum; const R: GLenum);
+ procedure CheckAndSetWrap(const aValue: Cardinal; var aTarget: Cardinal);
+ begin
+ case aValue of
+ aTarget := GL_CLAMP;
+ aTarget := GL_REPEAT;
+ if not GL_VERSION_1_2 and not GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp then
+ aTarget := GL_CLAMP
+ else
+ aTarget := GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
+ end;
+ if GL_VERSION_1_3 or GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp then
+ else
+ aTarget := GL_CLAMP;
+ end;
+ if GL_VERSION_1_4 or GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat or GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat then
+ {$ELSE}
+ if GL_VERSION_2_0 then
+ {$ENDIF}
+ else
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('SetWrap - Unsupported Texturewrap GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT (S).');
+ end;
+ else
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('SetWrap - Unknow Texturewrap');
+ end;
+ end;
+ CheckAndSetWrap(S, fWrapS);
+ CheckAndSetWrap(T, fWrapT);
+ CheckAndSetWrap(R, fWrapR);
+ if (ID > 0) then begin
- procedure TglBitmap.Bind(const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean);
++ Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}false{$ENDIF});
+ glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, fWrapS);
+ glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, fWrapT);
+ glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, fWrapR);
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmap.SetSwizzle(const r, g, b, a: GLenum);
+ procedure CheckAndSetValue(const aValue: GLenum; const aIndex: Integer);
+ begin
+ if (aValue = GL_ZERO) or (aValue = GL_ONE) or (aValue = GL_ALPHA) or
+ (aValue = GL_RED) or (aValue = GL_GREEN) or (aValue = GL_BLUE) then
+ fSwizzle[aIndex] := aValue
+ else
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('SetSwizzle - Unknow Swizle Value');
+ end;
+ if not (GL_ARB_texture_swizzle or GL_EXT_texture_swizzle or GL_VERSION_3_3) then
+ raise EglBitmapNotSupported.Create('texture swizzle is not supported');
+ if not GL_VERSION_3_0 then
+ raise EglBitmapNotSupported.Create('texture swizzle is not supported');
+ CheckAndSetValue(r, 0);
+ CheckAndSetValue(g, 1);
+ CheckAndSetValue(b, 2);
+ CheckAndSetValue(a, 3);
+ if (ID > 0) then begin
+ Bind(false);
+ glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA, PGLint(@fSwizzle[0]));
+ glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, PGLint(@fSwizzle[0]));
+ glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G, PGLint(@fSwizzle[1]));
+ glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, PGLint(@fSwizzle[2]));
+ glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A, PGLint(@fSwizzle[3]));
+ end;
- procedure TglBitmap.Unbind(const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean);
++procedure TglBitmap.Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean{$ENDIF});
+ if aEnableTextureUnit then
+ glEnable(Target);
+ if (ID > 0) then
+ glBindTexture(Target, ID);
- procedure TglBitmap2D.UploadDataIntern(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aTarget: GLenum; const aBuildWithGlu: Boolean);
++procedure TglBitmap.Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean{$ENDIF});
+ if aDisableTextureUnit then
+ glDisable(Target);
+ glBindTexture(Target, 0);
+procedure TglBitmap.UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
+ w, h: Integer;
+ w := aDataObj.Width;
+ h := aDataObj.Height;
+ fDimension.Fields := [];
+ if (w > 0) then
+ fDimension.Fields := fDimension.Fields + [ffX];
+ if (h > 0) then
+ fDimension.Fields := fDimension.Fields + [ffY];
+ fDimension.X := w;
+ fDimension.Y := h;
+function TglBitmap.DownloadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData): Boolean;
+ Temp: PByte;
+ TempWidth, TempHeight: Integer;
+ TempIntFormat: GLint;
+ IntFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ result := false;
+ Bind;
+ // Request Data
+ glGetTexLevelParameteriv(Target, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, @TempWidth);
+ glGetTexLevelParameteriv(Target, 0, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, @TempHeight);
+ glGetTexLevelParameteriv(Target, 0, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, @TempIntFormat);
+ FormatDesc := (TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetByFormat(TempIntFormat) as TFormatDescriptor);
+ IntFormat := FormatDesc.Format;
+ // Getting data from OpenGL
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(IntFormat);
+ GetMem(Temp, FormatDesc.GetSize(TempWidth, TempHeight));
+ try
+ if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then begin
+ if not Assigned(glGetCompressedTexImage) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('compressed formats not supported by video adapter');
+ glGetCompressedTexImage(Target, 0, Temp)
+ end else
+ glGetTexImage(Target, 0, FormatDesc.glFormat, FormatDesc.glDataFormat, Temp);
+ aDataObj.SetData(Temp, IntFormat, TempWidth, TempHeight);
+ result := true;
+ except
+ if Assigned(Temp) then
+ FreeMem(Temp);
+ raise;
+ end;
+constructor TglBitmap.Create;
+ if (ClassType = TglBitmap) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('Don''t create TglBitmap directly. Use one of the deviated classes (TglBitmap2D) instead.');
+ inherited Create;
+constructor TglBitmap.Create(const aData: TglBitmapData);
+ Create;
+ UploadData(aData);
+procedure TglBitmap1D.UploadDataIntern(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aBuildWithGlu: Boolean);
+ fd: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
+ // Upload data
+ fd := aDataObj.FormatDescriptor;
+ if (fd.glFormat = 0) or (fd.glInternalFormat = 0) or (fd.glDataFormat = 0) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('format is not supported by video adapter, please convert before uploading data');
+ if fd.IsCompressed then begin
+ if not Assigned(glCompressedTexImage1D) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('compressed formats not supported by video adapter');
+ glCompressedTexImage1D(Target, 0, fd.glInternalFormat, aDataObj.Width, 0, fd.GetSize(aDataObj.Width, 1), aDataObj.Data)
+ end else if aBuildWithGlu then
+ gluBuild1DMipmaps(Target, fd.glInternalFormat, aDataObj.Width, fd.glFormat, fd.glDataFormat, aDataObj.Data)
+ else
+ glTexImage1D(Target, 0, fd.glInternalFormat, aDataObj.Width, 0, fd.glFormat, fd.glDataFormat, aDataObj.Data);
+procedure TglBitmap1D.AfterConstruction;
+ inherited;
+ Target := GL_TEXTURE_1D;
+procedure TglBitmap1D.UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
+ BuildWithGlu, TexRec: Boolean;
+ TexSize: Integer;
+ if not Assigned(aDataObj) then
+ exit;
+ // Check Texture Size
+ if (aCheckSize) then begin
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @TexSize);
+ if (aDataObj.Width > TexSize) then
+ raise EglBitmapSizeToLarge.Create('TglBitmap1D.GenTexture - The size for the texture is to large. It''s may be not conform with the Hardware.');
+ TexRec := (GL_ARB_texture_rectangle or GL_EXT_texture_rectangle or GL_NV_texture_rectangle) and
+ if not (IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Width) or GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two or GL_VERSION_2_0 or TexRec) then
+ raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmap1D.GenTexture - Rendercontex dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
+ end;
+ if (fID = 0) then
+ CreateID;
+ SetupParameters(BuildWithGlu);
+ UploadDataIntern(aDataObj, BuildWithGlu);
+ glAreTexturesResident(1, @fID, @fIsResident);
+ inherited UploadData(aDataObj, aCheckSize);
- procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aEnableTexCoordsGen: Boolean;{$ENDIF} const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean);
++procedure TglBitmap2D.UploadDataIntern(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aTarget: GLenum{$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}; const aBuildWithGlu: Boolean{$ENDIF});
+ fd: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
+ fd := aDataObj.FormatDescriptor;
+ if (fd.glFormat = 0) or (fd.glInternalFormat = 0) or (fd.glDataFormat = 0) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('format is not supported by video adapter, please convert before uploading data');
+ glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+ if fd.IsCompressed then begin
+ if not Assigned(glCompressedTexImage2D) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('compressed formats not supported by video adapter');
+ glCompressedTexImage2D(aTarget, 0, fd.glInternalFormat, aDataObj.Width, aDataObj.Height, 0, fd.GetSize(fDimension), aDataObj.Data)
+ end else if aBuildWithGlu then begin
+ gluBuild2DMipmaps(aTarget, fd.ChannelCount, aDataObj.Width, aDataObj.Height, fd.glFormat, fd.glDataFormat, aDataObj.Data)
+ end else begin
+ glTexImage2D(aTarget, 0, fd.glInternalFormat, aDataObj.Width, aDataObj.Height, 0, fd.glFormat, fd.glDataFormat, aDataObj.Data);
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmap2D.AfterConstruction;
+ inherited;
+ Target := GL_TEXTURE_2D;
+procedure TglBitmap2D.UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
+ BuildWithGlu, TexRec: Boolean;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ PotTex: Boolean;
+ TexSize: Integer;
+ if not Assigned(aDataObj) then
+ exit;
+ // Check Texture Size
+ if (aCheckSize) then begin
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @TexSize);
+ if ((aDataObj.Width > TexSize) or (aDataObj.Height > TexSize)) then
+ raise EglBitmapSizeToLarge.Create('TglBitmap2D.GenTexture - The size for the texture is to large. It''s may be not conform with the Hardware.');
+ PotTex := IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Width) and IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Height);
+ TexRec := (GL_ARB_texture_rectangle or GL_EXT_texture_rectangle or GL_NV_texture_rectangle) and (Target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE);
+ if not (PotTex or GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two or GL_VERSION_2_0 or TexRec) then
+ raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmap2D.GenTexture - Rendercontex dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
+ if not PotTex and not GL_OES_texture_npot then
+ raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmap2D.GenTexture - Rendercontex dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
+ if not PotTex then
+ raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmap2D.GenTexture - Rendercontex dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
+ end;
+ if (fID = 0) then
+ CreateID;
+ SetupParameters({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}BuildWithGlu{$ENDIF});
+ UploadDataIntern(aDataObj, Target{$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}, BuildWithGlu{$ENDIF});
+ glAreTexturesResident(1, @fID, @fIsResident);
+ inherited UploadData(aDataObj, aCheckSize);
+class procedure TglBitmap2D.GrabScreen(const aTop, aLeft, aRight, aBottom: Integer; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aDataObj: TglBitmapData);
+ Temp: pByte;
+ Size, w, h: Integer;
+ FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
+ FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
+ if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(aFormat);
+ w := aRight - aLeft;
+ h := aBottom - aTop;
+ Size := FormatDesc.GetSize(w, h);
+ GetMem(Temp, Size);
+ try
+ glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+ glReadPixels(aLeft, aTop, w, h, FormatDesc.glFormat, FormatDesc.glDataFormat, Temp);
+ aDataObj.SetData(Temp, aFormat, w, h);
+ aDataObj.FlipVert;
+ except
+ if Assigned(Temp) then
+ FreeMem(Temp);
+ raise;
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.AfterConstruction;
+ inherited;
+ if not (GL_VERSION_1_3 or GL_ARB_texture_cube_map or GL_EXT_texture_cube_map) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.AfterConstruction - CubeMaps are unsupported.');
+ if not (GL_VERSION_2_0) then
+ raise EglBitmap.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.AfterConstruction - CubeMaps are unsupported.');
+ SetWrap;
+procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
+ Assert(false, 'TglBitmapCubeMap.UploadData - Don''t call UploadData directly, use UploadCubeMap instead');
+procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.UploadCubeMap(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCubeTarget: Cardinal; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
+ BuildWithGlu: Boolean;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TexSize: Integer;
+ if (aCheckSize) then begin
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE, @TexSize);
+ if (aDataObj.Width > TexSize) or (aDataObj.Height > TexSize) then
+ raise EglBitmapSizeToLarge.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.GenerateCubeMap - The size for the Cubemap is to large. It''s may be not conform with the Hardware.');
+ if not ((IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Width) and IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Height)) or GL_VERSION_2_0 or GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two) then
+ raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.GenerateCubeMap - Cubemaps dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
+ if not (IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Width) and IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Height)) and not GL_OES_texture_npot then
+ raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.GenerateCubeMap - Cubemaps dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
+ if not (IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Width) and IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Height)) then
+ raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.GenerateCubeMap - Cubemaps dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
+ end;
+ if (fID = 0) then
+ CreateID;
+ SetupParameters({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}BuildWithGlu{$ENDIF});
+ UploadDataIntern(aDataObj, aCubeTarget{$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}, BuildWithGlu{$ENDIF});
+ inherited UploadData(aDataObj, aCheckSize);
- inherited Bind (aEnableTextureUnit);
++procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aEnableTexCoordsGen: Boolean; const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean{$ENDIF});
- procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aDisableTexCoordsGen: Boolean;{$ENDIF} const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean);
++ inherited Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}aEnableTextureUnit{$ENDIF});
+ if aEnableTexCoordsGen then begin
+ glTexGeni(GL_S, GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, fGenMode);
+ glTexGeni(GL_T, GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, fGenMode);
+ glTexGeni(GL_R, GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, fGenMode);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R);
+ end;
- inherited Unbind(aDisableTextureUnit);
++procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aDisableTexCoordsGen: Boolean; const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean{$ENDIF});
++ inherited Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}aDisableTextureUnit{$ENDIF});
+ if aDisableTexCoordsGen then begin
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R);
+ end;
+ TVec = Array[0..2] of Single;
+ TglBitmapNormalMapGetVectorFunc = procedure (out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
+ PglBitmapNormalMapRec = ^TglBitmapNormalMapRec;
+ TglBitmapNormalMapRec = record
+ HalfSize : Integer;
+ Func: TglBitmapNormalMapGetVectorFunc;
+ end;
+procedure glBitmapNormalMapPosX(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
+ aVec[0] := aHalfSize;
+ aVec[1] := - (aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
+ aVec[2] := - (aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
+procedure glBitmapNormalMapNegX(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
+ aVec[0] := - aHalfSize;
+ aVec[1] := - (aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
+ aVec[2] := aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize;
+procedure glBitmapNormalMapPosY(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
+ aVec[0] := aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize;
+ aVec[1] := aHalfSize;
+ aVec[2] := aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize;
+procedure glBitmapNormalMapNegY(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
+ aVec[0] := aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize;
+ aVec[1] := - aHalfSize;
+ aVec[2] := - (aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
+procedure glBitmapNormalMapPosZ(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
+ aVec[0] := aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize;
+ aVec[1] := - (aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
+ aVec[2] := aHalfSize;
+procedure glBitmapNormalMapNegZ(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
+ aVec[0] := - (aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
+ aVec[1] := - (aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
+ aVec[2] := - aHalfSize;
+procedure glBitmapNormalMapFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
+ i: Integer;
+ Vec: TVec;
+ Len: Single;
+ with FuncRec do begin
+ with PglBitmapNormalMapRec(Args)^ do begin
+ Func(Vec, Position, HalfSize);
+ // Normalize
+ Len := 1 / Sqrt(Sqr(Vec[0]) + Sqr(Vec[1]) + Sqr(Vec[2]));
+ if Len <> 0 then begin
+ Vec[0] := Vec[0] * Len;
+ Vec[1] := Vec[1] * Len;
+ Vec[2] := Vec[2] * Len;
+ end;
+ // Scale Vector and AddVectro
+ Vec[0] := Vec[0] * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ Vec[1] := Vec[1] * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ Vec[2] := Vec[2] * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ end;
+ // Set Color
+ for i := 0 to 2 do
+ Dest.Data.arr[i] := Round(Vec[i] * 255);
+ end;
+procedure TglBitmapNormalMap.AfterConstruction;
+ inherited;
+ fGenMode := GL_NORMAL_MAP;
+procedure TglBitmapNormalMap.GenerateNormalMap(const aSize: Integer; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
+ Rec: TglBitmapNormalMapRec;
+ SizeRec: TglBitmapSize;
+ DataObj: TglBitmapData;
+ Rec.HalfSize := aSize div 2;
+ SizeRec.Fields := [ffX, ffY];
+ SizeRec.X := aSize;
+ SizeRec.Y := aSize;
+ DataObj := TglBitmapData.Create;
+ try
+ // Positive X
+ Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapPosX;
+ DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
+ UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, aCheckSize);
+ // Negative X
+ Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapNegX;
+ DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
+ UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, aCheckSize);
+ // Positive Y
+ Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapPosY;
+ DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
+ UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, aCheckSize);
+ // Negative Y
+ Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapNegY;
+ DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
+ UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, aCheckSize);
+ // Positive Z
+ Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapPosZ;
+ DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
+ UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, aCheckSize);
+ // Negative Z
+ Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapNegZ;
+ DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
+ UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, aCheckSize);
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(DataObj);
+ end;
+ glBitmapSetDefaultFormat (tfEmpty);
+ glBitmapSetDefaultMipmap (mmMipmap);
+ glBitmapSetDefaultFilter (GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR);
+ glBitmapSetDefaultSwizzle(GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA);
+ glBitmapSetDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTexture(true);
+ glBitmapSetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree (true);
+ TFormatDescriptor.Init;
+ TFormatDescriptor.Finalize;