- ftBMP);
+ ftBMP,
+ ftRAW);
TglBitmapFileTypes = set of TglBitmapFileType;
TglBitmapMipMap = (
{$IFDEF GLB_SUPPORT_JPEG_READ} function LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean; virtual; {$ENDIF}
{$IFDEF GLB_SUPPORT_JPEG_WRITE} procedure SaveJPEG(const aStream: TStream); virtual; {$ENDIF}
- function LoadBMP(const aStream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
- procedure SaveBMP(const aStream: TStream); virtual;
+ function LoadRAW(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ procedure SaveRAW(const aStream: TStream);
- function LoadTGA(const aStream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
- procedure SaveTGA(const aStream: TStream); virtual;
+ function LoadBMP(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ procedure SaveBMP(const aStream: TStream);
- function LoadDDS(const aStream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
- procedure SaveDDS(const aStream: TStream); virtual;
+ function LoadTGA(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ procedure SaveTGA(const aStream: TStream);
+ function LoadDDS(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ procedure SaveDDS(const aStream: TStream);
function glBitmapRec4ub(const r, g, b, a: Byte): TglBitmapRec4ub;
function glBitmapRec4ui(const r, g, b, a: Cardinal): TglBitmapRec4ui;
function glBitmapRec4ul(const r, g, b, a: QWord): TglBitmapRec4ul;
+function glBitmapRec4ubCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ub): Boolean;
function glBitmapRec4uiCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ui): Boolean;
function glBitmapCreateTestTexture(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TglBitmap2D;
function MaskMatch(const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul): Boolean; virtual;
procedure PreparePixel(out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData); virtual;
+ constructor Create; virtual;
class procedure Init;
class function Get(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TFormatDescriptor;
class function GetAlpha(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TFormatDescriptor;
class function GetFromMask(const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul; const aBitCount: Integer = 0): TFormatDescriptor;
+ class function GetFromPrecShift(const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub; const aBitCount: Integer): TFormatDescriptor;
class procedure Clear;
class procedure Finalize;
+function glBitmapRec4ubCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ub): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ result := false;
+ for i := 0 to high(r1.arr) do
+ if (r1.arr[i] <> r2.arr[i]) then
+ exit;
+ result := true;
function glBitmapRec4uiCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ui): Boolean;
i: Integer;
+constructor TFormatDescriptor.Create;
+ inherited Create;
procedure TfdAlphaUB1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
procedure TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA.SetValues;
- inherited Create;
+ inherited SetValues;
fFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
fWithAlpha := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
fOpenGLFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
- result := FormatDescriptors[tfEmpty];
+ result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tfEmpty);
+class function TFormatDescriptor.GetFromPrecShift(const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub; const aBitCount: Integer): TFormatDescriptor;
+ ft: TglBitmapFormat;
+ // find matching format with OpenGL support
+ for ft := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
+ result := Get(ft);
+ if glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Shift, aShift) and
+ glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Precision, aPrec) and
+ (result.glFormat <> 0) and
+ (result.glInternalFormat <> 0) and
+ ((aBitCount = 0) or (aBitCount = result.BitsPerPixel))
+ then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // find matching format without OpenGL Support
+ for ft := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
+ result := Get(ft);
+ if glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Shift, aShift) and
+ glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Precision, aPrec) and
+ ((aBitCount = 0) or (aBitCount = result.BitsPerPixel)) then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tfEmpty);
if not LoadDDS(aStream) then
if not LoadTGA(aStream) then
if not LoadBMP(aStream) then
+ if not LoadRAW(aStream) then
raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadFromStream - Couldn''t load Stream. It''s possible to be an unknow Streamtype.');
ftDDS: SaveDDS(aStream);
ftTGA: SaveTGA(aStream);
ftBMP: SaveBMP(aStream);
+ ftRAW: SaveRAW(aStream);
+ RawHeader = packed record
+ Magic: String[5];
+ Version: Byte;
+ Width: Integer;
+ Height: Integer;
+ DataSize: Integer;
+ BitsPerPixel: Integer;
+ Precision: TglBitmapRec4ub;
+ Shift: TglBitmapRec4ub;
+ end;
+function TglBitmap.LoadRAW(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
+ header: RawHeader;
+ StartPos: Int64;
+ fd: TFormatDescriptor;
+ buf: PByte;
+ result := false;
+ StartPos := aStream.Position;
+ aStream.Read(header{%H-}, SizeOf(header));
+ if (header.Magic <> 'glBMP') then begin
+ aStream.Position := StartPos;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ fd := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromPrecShift(header.Precision, header.Shift, header.BitsPerPixel);
+ if (fd.Format = tfEmpty) then
+ raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('no supported format found');
+ buf := GetMem(header.DataSize);
+ aStream.Read(buf^, header.DataSize);
+ SetDataPointer(buf, fd.Format, header.Width, header.Height);
+ result := true;
+procedure TglBitmap.SaveRAW(const aStream: TStream);
+ header: RawHeader;
+ fd: TFormatDescriptor;
+ fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
+ header.Magic := 'glBMP';
+ header.Version := 1;
+ header.Width := Width;
+ header.Height := Height;
+ header.DataSize := fd.GetSize(fDimension);
+ header.BitsPerPixel := fd.BitsPerPixel;
+ header.Precision := fd.Precision;
+ header.Shift := fd.Shift;
+ aStream.Write(header, SizeOf(header));
+ aStream.Write(Data^, header.DataSize);