1 { glBitmap by Steffen Xonna aka Lossy eX (2003-2008)
2 http://www.opengl24.de/index.php?cat=header&file=glbitmap
4 modified by Delphi OpenGL Community (http://delphigl.com/) (2013)
6 The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to
7 the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may
8 not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
9 obtain a copy of the License at
10 http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
12 The glBitmap is a Delphi/FPC unit that contains several wrapper classes
13 to manage OpenGL texture objects. Below you can find a list of the main
14 functionality of this classes:
15 - load texture data from file (e.g. BMP, TGA, DDS, PNG, JPEG, ...)
16 - load texture data from several other image objects (e.g. TBitmap, TLazIntfImage, SDL Surface)
17 - save texture data to file (e.g. BMP, TGA, DDS, PNG, JPEG, ...)
18 - save texture data to several other image objects (e.g. TBitmap, TLazIntfImage, SDL Surface)
19 - support for many texture formats (e.g. RGB8, BGR8, RGBA8, BGRA8, ...)
20 - manage texture properties (e.g. Filter, Clamp, Mipmap, ...)
21 - upload texture data to video card
22 - download texture data from video card
23 - manipulate texture data (e.g. add alpha, remove alpha, convert to other format, switch RGB, ...) }
56 // checking define combinations
60 {$MESSAGE warn 'SDL_image won''t work without SDL. SDL will be activated.'}
65 {$MESSAGE warn 'The Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphics will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
70 {$MESSAGE warn 'The unit pngimage will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
75 {$MESSAGE warn 'The Lazarus TJPEGImage will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
80 {$MESSAGE warn 'The unit JPEG will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
81 {$undef GLB_DELPHI_JPEG}
85 {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libPNG will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
90 {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libJPEG will be ignored because you are using SDL_image.'}
98 // Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphic
101 {$MESSAGE warn 'Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphic won''t work without Lazarus. Lazarus will be activated.'}
106 {$MESSAGE warn 'The pngimage will be ignored if you are using Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphic.'}
107 {$undef GLB_PNGIMAGE}
111 {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libPNG will be ignored if you are using Lazarus TPortableNetworkGraphic.'}
122 {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libPNG will be ignored if you are using pngimage.'}
136 // Lazarus TJPEGImage
139 {$MESSAGE warn 'Lazarus TJPEGImage won''t work without Lazarus. Lazarus will be activated.'}
144 {$MESSAGE warn 'The Delphi JPEGImage will be ignored if you are using the Lazarus TJPEGImage.'}
145 {$undef GLB_DELPHI_JPEG}
149 {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libJPEG will be ignored if you are using the Lazarus TJPEGImage.'}
150 {$undef GLB_LIB_JPEG}
160 {$MESSAGE warn 'The library libJPEG will be ignored if you are using the unit JPEG.'}
161 {$undef GLB_LIB_JPEG}
186 {$ELSE} dglOpenGL, {$ENDIF}
189 DEFINED(GLB_DELPHI)} windows, {$IFEND}
192 {$IFDEF GLB_LAZARUS} IntfGraphics, GraphType, Graphics, {$ENDIF}
193 {$IFDEF GLB_DELPHI} Dialogs, Graphics, Types, {$ENDIF}
196 {$IFDEF GLB_PNGIMAGE} pngimage, {$ENDIF}
205 QWord = System.UInt64;
213 { type that describes the format of the data stored in a texture.
214 the name of formats is composed of the following constituents:
216 - channel (e.g. R, G, B, A or Alpha, Luminance or X (reserved))
217 - width of the chanel in bit (4, 8, 16, ...)
218 - data type (e.g. ub, us, ui)
219 - number of elements of data types }
223 tfAlpha4ub1, //< 1 x unsigned byte
224 tfAlpha8ub1, //< 1 x unsigned byte
225 tfAlpha16us1, //< 1 x unsigned short
227 tfLuminance4ub1, //< 1 x unsigned byte
228 tfLuminance8ub1, //< 1 x unsigned byte
229 tfLuminance16us1, //< 1 x unsigned short
231 tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2, //< 1 x unsigned byte (lum), 1 x unsigned byte (alpha)
232 tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2, //< 1 x unsigned byte (lum), 1 x unsigned byte (alpha)
233 tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2, //< 1 x unsigned byte (lum), 1 x unsigned byte (alpha)
234 tfLuminance12Alpha4us2, //< 1 x unsigned short (lum), 1 x unsigned short (alpha)
235 tfLuminance16Alpha16us2, //< 1 x unsigned short (lum), 1 x unsigned short (alpha)
237 tfR3G3B2ub1, //< 1 x unsigned byte (3bit red, 3bit green, 2bit blue)
238 tfRGBX4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit red, 4bit green, 4bit blue, 4bit reserverd)
239 tfXRGB4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit reserved, 4bit red, 4bit green, 4bit blue)
240 tfR5G6B5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit red, 6bit green, 5bit blue)
241 tfRGB5X1us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit red, 5bit green, 5bit blue, 1bit reserved)
242 tfX1RGB5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (1bit reserved, 5bit red, 5bit green, 5bit blue)
243 tfRGB8ub3, //< 1 x unsigned byte (red), 1 x unsigned byte (green), 1 x unsigned byte (blue)
244 tfRGBX8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit red, 8bit green, 8bit blue, 8bit reserved)
245 tfXRGB8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit reserved, 8bit red, 8bit green, 8bit blue)
246 tfRGB10X2ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (10bit red, 10bit green, 10bit blue, 2bit reserved)
247 tfX2RGB10ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (2bit reserved, 10bit red, 10bit green, 10bit blue)
248 tfRGB16us3, //< 1 x unsigned short (red), 1 x unsigned short (green), 1 x unsigned short (blue)
250 tfRGBA4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit red, 4bit green, 4bit blue, 4bit alpha)
251 tfARGB4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit alpha, 4bit red, 4bit green, 4bit blue)
252 tfRGB5A1us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit red, 5bit green, 5bit blue, 1bit alpha)
253 tfA1RGB5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (1bit alpha, 5bit red, 5bit green, 5bit blue)
254 tfRGBA8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit red, 8bit green, 8bit blue, 8 bit alpha)
255 tfARGB8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8 bit alpha, 8bit red, 8bit green, 8bit blue)
256 tfRGBA8ub4, //< 1 x unsigned byte (red), 1 x unsigned byte (green), 1 x unsigned byte (blue), 1 x unsigned byte (alpha)
257 tfRGB10A2ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (10bit red, 10bit green, 10bit blue, 2bit alpha)
258 tfA2RGB10ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (2bit alpha, 10bit red, 10bit green, 10bit blue)
259 tfRGBA16us4, //< 1 x unsigned short (red), 1 x unsigned short (green), 1 x unsigned short (blue), 1 x unsigned short (alpha)
261 tfBGRX4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit blue, 4bit green, 4bit red, 4bit reserved)
262 tfXBGR4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit reserved, 4bit blue, 4bit green, 4bit red)
263 tfB5G6R5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit blue, 6bit green, 5bit red)
264 tfBGR5X1us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit blue, 5bit green, 5bit red, 1bit reserved)
265 tfX1BGR5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (1bit reserved, 5bit blue, 5bit green, 5bit red)
266 tfBGR8ub3, //< 1 x unsigned byte (blue), 1 x unsigned byte (green), 1 x unsigned byte (red)
267 tfBGRX8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit blue, 8bit green, 8bit red, 8bit reserved)
268 tfXBGR8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit reserved, 8bit blue, 8bit green, 8bit red)
269 tfBGR10X2ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (10bit blue, 10bit green, 10bit red, 2bit reserved)
270 tfX2BGR10ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (2bit reserved, 10bit blue, 10bit green, 10bit red)
271 tfBGR16us3, //< 1 x unsigned short (blue), 1 x unsigned short (green), 1 x unsigned short (red)
273 tfBGRA4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit blue, 4bit green, 4bit red, 4bit alpha)
274 tfABGR4us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (4bit alpha, 4bit blue, 4bit green, 4bit red)
275 tfBGR5A1us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (5bit blue, 5bit green, 5bit red, 1bit alpha)
276 tfA1BGR5us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (1bit alpha, 5bit blue, 5bit green, 5bit red)
277 tfBGRA8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit blue, 8bit green, 8bit red, 8bit alpha)
278 tfABGR8ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (8bit alpha, 8bit blue, 8bit green, 8bit red)
279 tfBGRA8ub4, //< 1 x unsigned byte (blue), 1 x unsigned byte (green), 1 x unsigned byte (red), 1 x unsigned byte (alpha)
280 tfBGR10A2ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (10bit blue, 10bit green, 10bit red, 2bit alpha)
281 tfA2BGR10ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (2bit alpha, 10bit blue, 10bit green, 10bit red)
282 tfBGRA16us4, //< 1 x unsigned short (blue), 1 x unsigned short (green), 1 x unsigned short (red), 1 x unsigned short (alpha)
284 tfDepth16us1, //< 1 x unsigned short (depth)
285 tfDepth24ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (depth)
286 tfDepth32ui1, //< 1 x unsigned int (depth)
293 { type to define suitable file formats }
294 TglBitmapFileType = (
295 {$IFDEF GLB_SUPPORT_PNG_WRITE} ftPNG, {$ENDIF} //< Portable Network Graphic file (PNG)
297 ftDDS, //< Direct Draw Surface file (DDS)
298 ftTGA, //< Targa Image File (TGA)
299 ftBMP, //< Windows Bitmap File (BMP)
300 ftRAW); //< glBitmap RAW file format
301 TglBitmapFileTypes = set of TglBitmapFileType;
303 { possible mipmap types }
305 mmNone, //< no mipmaps
306 mmMipmap, //< normal mipmaps
307 mmMipmapGlu); //< mipmaps generated with glu functions
309 { possible normal map functions }
310 TglBitmapNormalMapFunc = (
316 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
317 EglBitmap = class(Exception); //< glBitmap exception
318 EglBitmapNotSupported = class(Exception); //< exception for not supported functions
319 EglBitmapSizeToLarge = class(EglBitmap); //< exception for to large textures
320 EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo = class(EglBitmap); //< exception for non power of two textures
321 EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat = class(EglBitmap) //< exception for unsupporetd formats
323 constructor Create(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat); overload;
324 constructor Create(const aMsg: String; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat); overload;
327 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
328 { record that stores 4 unsigned integer values }
329 TglBitmapRec4ui = packed record
331 0: (r, g, b, a: Cardinal);
332 1: (arr: array[0..3] of Cardinal);
335 { record that stores 4 unsigned byte values }
336 TglBitmapRec4ub = packed record
338 0: (r, g, b, a: Byte);
339 1: (arr: array[0..3] of Byte);
342 { record that stores 4 unsigned long integer values }
343 TglBitmapRec4ul = packed record
345 0: (r, g, b, a: QWord);
346 1: (arr: array[0..3] of QWord);
349 { structure to store pixel data in }
350 TglBitmapPixelData = packed record
351 Data: TglBitmapRec4ui; //< color data for each color channel
352 Range: TglBitmapRec4ui; //< maximal color value for each channel
353 Format: TglBitmapFormat; //< format of the pixel
355 PglBitmapPixelData = ^TglBitmapPixelData;
357 TglBitmapSizeFields = set of (ffX, ffY);
358 TglBitmapSize = packed record
359 Fields: TglBitmapSizeFields;
363 TglBitmapPixelPosition = TglBitmapSize;
365 { describes the properties of a given texture data format }
366 TglBitmapFormatDescriptor = class(TObject)
369 fBytesPerPixel: Single; //< number of bytes for each pixel
370 fChannelCount: Integer; //< number of color channels
371 fMask: TglBitmapRec4ul; //< bitmask for each color channel
372 fRange: TglBitmapRec4ui; //< maximal value of each color channel
374 { @return @true if the format has a red color channel, @false otherwise }
375 function GetHasRed: Boolean;
377 { @return @true if the format has a green color channel, @false otherwise }
378 function GetHasGreen: Boolean;
380 { @return @true if the format has a blue color channel, @false otherwise }
381 function GetHasBlue: Boolean;
383 { @return @true if the format has a alpha color channel, @false otherwise }
384 function GetHasAlpha: Boolean;
386 { @return @true if the format has any color color channel, @false otherwise }
387 function GetHasColor: Boolean;
389 { @return @true if the format is a grayscale format, @false otherwise }
390 function GetIsGrayscale: Boolean;
392 { @return @true if the format is supported by OpenGL, @false otherwise }
393 function GetHasOpenGLSupport: Boolean;
396 fFormat: TglBitmapFormat; //< format this descriptor belongs to
397 fWithAlpha: TglBitmapFormat; //< suitable format with alpha channel
398 fWithoutAlpha: TglBitmapFormat; //< suitable format without alpha channel
399 fOpenGLFormat: TglBitmapFormat; //< suitable format that is supported by OpenGL
400 fRGBInverted: TglBitmapFormat; //< suitable format with inverted RGB channels
401 fUncompressed: TglBitmapFormat; //< suitable format with uncompressed data
403 fBitsPerPixel: Integer; //< number of bits per pixel
404 fIsCompressed: Boolean; //< @true if the format is compressed, @false otherwise
406 fPrecision: TglBitmapRec4ub; //< number of bits for each color channel
407 fShift: TglBitmapRec4ub; //< bit offset for each color channel
409 fglFormat: GLenum; //< OpenGL format enum (e.g. GL_RGB)
410 fglInternalFormat: GLenum; //< OpenGL internal format enum (e.g. GL_RGB8)
411 fglDataFormat: GLenum; //< OpenGL data format enum (e.g. GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
413 { set values for this format descriptor }
414 procedure SetValues; virtual;
416 { calculate cached values }
417 procedure CalcValues;
419 property Format: TglBitmapFormat read fFormat; //< format this descriptor belongs to
420 property ChannelCount: Integer read fChannelCount; //< number of color channels
421 property IsCompressed: Boolean read fIsCompressed; //< @true if the format is compressed, @false otherwise
422 property BitsPerPixel: Integer read fBitsPerPixel; //< number of bytes per pixel
423 property BytesPerPixel: Single read fBytesPerPixel; //< number of bits per pixel
425 property Precision: TglBitmapRec4ub read fPrecision; //< number of bits for each color channel
426 property Shift: TglBitmapRec4ub read fShift; //< bit offset for each color channel
427 property Range: TglBitmapRec4ui read fRange; //< maximal value of each color channel
428 property Mask: TglBitmapRec4ul read fMask; //< bitmask for each color channel
430 property RGBInverted: TglBitmapFormat read fRGBInverted; //< suitable format with inverted RGB channels
431 property WithAlpha: TglBitmapFormat read fWithAlpha; //< suitable format with alpha channel
432 property WithoutAlpha: TglBitmapFormat read fWithAlpha; //< suitable format without alpha channel
433 property OpenGLFormat: TglBitmapFormat read fOpenGLFormat; //< suitable format that is supported by OpenGL
434 property Uncompressed: TglBitmapFormat read fUncompressed; //< suitable format with uncompressed data
436 property glFormat: GLenum read fglFormat; //< OpenGL format enum (e.g. GL_RGB)
437 property glInternalFormat: GLenum read fglInternalFormat; //< OpenGL internal format enum (e.g. GL_RGB8)
438 property glDataFormat: GLenum read fglDataFormat; //< OpenGL data format enum (e.g. GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
440 property HasRed: Boolean read GetHasRed; //< @true if the format has a red color channel, @false otherwise
441 property HasGreen: Boolean read GetHasGreen; //< @true if the format has a green color channel, @false otherwise
442 property HasBlue: Boolean read GetHasBlue; //< @true if the format has a blue color channel, @false otherwise
443 property HasAlpha: Boolean read GetHasAlpha; //< @true if the format has a alpha color channel, @false otherwise
444 property HasColor: Boolean read GetHasColor; //< @true if the format has any color color channel, @false otherwise
445 property IsGrayscale: Boolean read GetIsGrayscale; //< @true if the format is a grayscale format, @false otherwise
447 property HasOpenGLSupport: Boolean read GetHasOpenGLSupport; //< @true if the format is supported by OpenGL, @false otherwise
449 function GetSize(const aSize: TglBitmapSize): Integer; overload; virtual;
450 function GetSize(const aWidth, aHeight: Integer): Integer; overload; virtual;
455 { get the format descriptor by a given OpenGL internal format
456 @param aInternalFormat OpenGL internal format to get format descriptor for
457 @returns suitable format descriptor or tfEmpty-Descriptor }
458 class function GetByFormat(const aInternalFormat: GLenum): TglBitmapFormatDescriptor; overload;
460 { get the format descriptor by the given format
461 @param aFormat format to get descriptor for
462 @return suitable format descriptor or tfEmpty-Descriptor }
463 class function GetByFormat(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TglBitmapFormatDescriptor; overload;
466 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
467 TglBitmapData = class;
469 { structure to store data for converting in }
470 TglBitmapFunctionRec = record
471 Sender: TglBitmapData; //< texture object that stores the data to convert
472 Size: TglBitmapSize; //< size of the texture
473 Position: TglBitmapPixelPosition; //< position of the currently pixel
474 Source: TglBitmapPixelData; //< pixel data of the current pixel
475 Dest: TglBitmapPixelData; //< new data of the pixel (must be filled in)
476 Args: Pointer; //< user defined args that was passed to the convert function
479 { callback to use for converting texture data }
480 TglBitmapFunction = procedure(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
482 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
483 { class to store texture data in. used to load, save and
484 manipulate data before assigned to texture object
485 all operations on a data object can be done from a background thread }
486 TglBitmapData = class
489 fData: PByte; //< texture data
490 fDimension: TglBitmapSize; //< pixel size of the data
491 fFormat: TglBitmapFormat; //< format the texture data is stored in
492 fFilename: String; //< file the data was load from
494 fScanlines: array of PByte; //< pointer to begin of each line
495 fHasScanlines: Boolean; //< @true if scanlines are initialized, @false otherwise
497 private { getter / setter }
499 { @returns the format descriptor suitable to the texture data format }
500 function GetFormatDescriptor: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
502 { @returns the width of the texture data (in pixel) or -1 if no data is set }
503 function GetWidth: Integer;
505 { @returns the height of the texture data (in pixel) or -1 if no data is set }
506 function GetHeight: Integer;
508 { get scanline at index aIndex
509 @returns Pointer to start of line or @nil }
510 function GetScanlines(const aIndex: Integer): PByte;
512 { set new value for the data format. only possible if new format has the same pixel size.
513 if you want to convert the texture data, see ConvertTo function }
514 procedure SetFormat(const aValue: TglBitmapFormat);
516 private { internal misc }
518 { splits a resource identifier into the resource and it's type
519 @param aResource resource identifier to split and store name in
520 @param aResType type of the resource }
521 procedure PrepareResType(var aResource: String; var aResType: PChar);
523 { updates scanlines array }
524 procedure UpdateScanlines;
526 private { internal load and save }
528 { try to load a PNG from a stream
529 @param aStream stream to load PNG from
530 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
531 function LoadPNG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
535 { save texture data as PNG to stream
536 @param aStream stream to save data to}
537 procedure SavePNG(const aStream: TStream); virtual;
541 { try to load a JPEG from a stream
542 @param aStream stream to load JPEG from
543 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
544 function LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
548 { save texture data as JPEG to stream
549 @param aStream stream to save data to}
550 procedure SaveJPEG(const aStream: TStream); virtual;
553 { try to load a RAW image from a stream
554 @param aStream stream to load RAW image from
555 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
556 function LoadRAW(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
558 { save texture data as RAW image to stream
559 @param aStream stream to save data to}
560 procedure SaveRAW(const aStream: TStream);
562 { try to load a BMP from a stream
563 @param aStream stream to load BMP from
564 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
565 function LoadBMP(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
567 { save texture data as BMP to stream
568 @param aStream stream to save data to}
569 procedure SaveBMP(const aStream: TStream);
571 { try to load a TGA from a stream
572 @param aStream stream to load TGA from
573 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
574 function LoadTGA(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
576 { save texture data as TGA to stream
577 @param aStream stream to save data to}
578 procedure SaveTGA(const aStream: TStream);
580 { try to load a DDS from a stream
581 @param aStream stream to load DDS from
582 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
583 function LoadDDS(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
585 { save texture data as DDS to stream
586 @param aStream stream to save data to}
587 procedure SaveDDS(const aStream: TStream);
589 public { properties }
590 property Data: PByte read fData; //< texture data (be carefull with this!)
591 property Dimension: TglBitmapSize read fDimension; //< size of the texture data (in pixel)
592 property Filename: String read fFilename; //< file the data was loaded from
593 property Width: Integer read GetWidth; //< width of the texture data (in pixel)
594 property Height: Integer read GetHeight; //< height of the texture data (in pixel)
595 property Format: TglBitmapFormat read fFormat write SetFormat; //< format the texture data is stored in
596 property Scanlines[const aIndex: Integer]: PByte read GetScanlines; //< pointer to begin of line at given index or @nil
598 property FormatDescriptor: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor read GetFormatDescriptor; //< descriptor object that describes the format of the stored data
602 { flip texture horizontal
603 @returns @true in success, @false otherwise }
604 function FlipHorz: Boolean; virtual;
606 { flip texture vertical
607 @returns @true in success, @false otherwise }
608 function FlipVert: Boolean; virtual;
612 { load a texture from a file
613 @param aFilename file to load texuture from }
614 procedure LoadFromFile(const aFilename: String);
616 { load a texture from a stream
617 @param aStream stream to load texture from }
618 procedure LoadFromStream(const aStream: TStream); virtual;
620 { use a function to generate texture data
621 @param aSize size of the texture
622 @param aFormat format of the texture data
623 @param aFunc callback to use for generation
624 @param aArgs user defined paramaters (use at will) }
625 procedure LoadFromFunc(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer = nil);
627 { load a texture from a resource
628 @param aInstance resource handle
629 @param aResource resource indentifier
630 @param aResType resource type (if known) }
631 procedure LoadFromResource(const aInstance: Cardinal; aResource: String; aResType: PChar = nil);
633 { load a texture from a resource id
634 @param aInstance resource handle
635 @param aResource resource ID
636 @param aResType resource type }
637 procedure LoadFromResourceID(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar);
641 { save texture data to a file
642 @param aFilename filename to store texture in
643 @param aFileType file type to store data into }
644 procedure SaveToFile(const aFilename: String; const aFileType: TglBitmapFileType);
646 { save texture data to a stream
647 @param aFilename filename to store texture in
648 @param aFileType file type to store data into }
649 procedure SaveToStream(const aStream: TStream; const aFileType: TglBitmapFileType); virtual;
653 { convert texture data using a user defined callback
654 @param aFunc callback to use for converting
655 @param aCreateTemp create a temporary buffer to use for converting
656 @param aArgs user defined paramters (use at will)
657 @returns @true if converting was successful, @false otherwise }
658 function Convert(const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aCreateTemp: Boolean; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean; overload;
660 { convert texture data using a user defined callback
661 @param aSource glBitmap to read data from
662 @param aFunc callback to use for converting
663 @param aCreateTemp create a temporary buffer to use for converting
664 @param aFormat format of the new data
665 @param aArgs user defined paramters (use at will)
666 @returns @true if converting was successful, @false otherwise }
667 function Convert(const aSource: TglBitmapData; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; aCreateTemp: Boolean;
668 const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean; overload;
670 { convert texture data using a specific format
671 @param aFormat new format of texture data
672 @returns @true if converting was successful, @false otherwise }
673 function ConvertTo(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): Boolean; virtual;
678 { assign texture data to SDL surface
679 @param aSurface SDL surface to write data to
680 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
681 function AssignToSurface(out aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
683 { assign texture data from SDL surface
684 @param aSurface SDL surface to read data from
685 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
686 function AssignFromSurface(const aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
688 { assign alpha channel data to SDL surface
689 @param aSurface SDL surface to write alpha channel data to
690 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
691 function AssignAlphaToSurface(out aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
693 { assign alpha channel data from SDL surface
694 @param aSurface SDL surface to read data from
695 @param aFunc callback to use for converting
696 @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
697 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
698 function AddAlphaFromSurface(const aSurface: PSDL_Surface; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
704 { assign texture data to TBitmap object
705 @param aBitmap TBitmap to write data to
706 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
707 function AssignToBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
709 { assign texture data from TBitmap object
710 @param aBitmap TBitmap to read data from
711 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
712 function AssignFromBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
714 { assign alpha channel data to TBitmap object
715 @param aBitmap TBitmap to write data to
716 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
717 function AssignAlphaToBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
719 { assign alpha channel data from TBitmap object
720 @param aBitmap TBitmap to read data from
721 @param aFunc callback to use for converting
722 @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
723 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
724 function AddAlphaFromBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
730 { assign texture data to TLazIntfImage object
731 @param aImage TLazIntfImage to write data to
732 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
733 function AssignToLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
735 { assign texture data from TLazIntfImage object
736 @param aImage TLazIntfImage to read data from
737 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
738 function AssignFromLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
740 { assign alpha channel data to TLazIntfImage object
741 @param aImage TLazIntfImage to write data to
742 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
743 function AssignAlphaToLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
745 { assign alpha channel data from TLazIntfImage object
746 @param aImage TLazIntfImage to read data from
747 @param aFunc callback to use for converting
748 @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
749 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
750 function AddAlphaFromLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
754 { load alpha channel data from resource
755 @param aInstance resource handle
756 @param aResource resource ID
757 @param aResType resource type
758 @param aFunc callback to use for converting
759 @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
760 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
761 function AddAlphaFromResource(const aInstance: Cardinal; aResource: String; aResType: PChar = nil; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
763 { load alpha channel data from resource ID
764 @param aInstance resource handle
765 @param aResourceID resource ID
766 @param aResType resource type
767 @param aFunc callback to use for converting
768 @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
769 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
770 function AddAlphaFromResourceID(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
772 { add alpha channel data from function
773 @param aFunc callback to get data from
774 @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
775 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
776 function AddAlphaFromFunc(const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean; virtual;
778 { add alpha channel data from file (macro for: new glBitmap, LoadFromFile, AddAlphaFromGlBitmap)
779 @param aFilename file to load alpha channel data from
780 @param aFunc callback to use for converting
781 @param aArgs SetFormat user defined parameters (use at will)
782 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
783 function AddAlphaFromFile(const aFileName: String; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
785 { add alpha channel data from stream (macro for: new glBitmap, LoadFromStream, AddAlphaFromGlBitmap)
786 @param aStream stream to load alpha channel data from
787 @param aFunc callback to use for converting
788 @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
789 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
790 function AddAlphaFromStream(const aStream: TStream; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
792 { add alpha channel data from existing glBitmap object
793 @param aBitmap TglBitmap to copy alpha channel data from
794 @param aFunc callback to use for converting
795 @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will)
796 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
797 function AddAlphaFromDataObj(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
799 { add alpha to pixel if the pixels color is greter than the given color value
800 @param aRed red threshold (0-255)
801 @param aGreen green threshold (0-255)
802 @param aBlue blue threshold (0-255)
803 @param aDeviatation accepted deviatation (0-255)
804 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
805 function AddAlphaFromColorKey(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Byte; const aDeviation: Byte = 0): Boolean;
807 { add alpha to pixel if the pixels color is greter than the given color value
808 @param aRed red threshold (0-Range.r)
809 @param aGreen green threshold (0-Range.g)
810 @param aBlue blue threshold (0-Range.b)
811 @param aDeviatation accepted deviatation (0-max(Range.rgb))
812 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
813 function AddAlphaFromColorKeyRange(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Cardinal; const aDeviation: Cardinal = 0): Boolean;
815 { add alpha to pixel if the pixels color is greter than the given color value
816 @param aRed red threshold (0.0-1.0)
817 @param aGreen green threshold (0.0-1.0)
818 @param aBlue blue threshold (0.0-1.0)
819 @param aDeviatation accepted deviatation (0.0-1.0)
820 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
821 function AddAlphaFromColorKeyFloat(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Single; const aDeviation: Single = 0): Boolean;
823 { add a constand alpha value to all pixels
824 @param aAlpha alpha value to add (0-255)
825 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
826 function AddAlphaFromValue(const aAlpha: Byte): Boolean;
828 { add a constand alpha value to all pixels
829 @param aAlpha alpha value to add (0-max(Range.rgb))
830 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
831 function AddAlphaFromValueRange(const aAlpha: Cardinal): Boolean;
833 { add a constand alpha value to all pixels
834 @param aAlpha alpha value to add (0.0-1.0)
835 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
836 function AddAlphaFromValueFloat(const aAlpha: Single): Boolean;
838 { remove alpha channel
839 @returns @true on success, @false otherwise }
840 function RemoveAlpha: Boolean; virtual;
843 { fill complete texture with one color
844 @param aRed red color for border (0-255)
845 @param aGreen green color for border (0-255)
846 @param aBlue blue color for border (0-255)
847 @param aAlpha alpha color for border (0-255) }
848 procedure FillWithColor(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Byte; const aAlpha: Byte = 255);
850 { fill complete texture with one color
851 @param aRed red color for border (0-Range.r)
852 @param aGreen green color for border (0-Range.g)
853 @param aBlue blue color for border (0-Range.b)
854 @param aAlpha alpha color for border (0-Range.a) }
855 procedure FillWithColorRange(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Cardinal; const aAlpha: Cardinal = $FFFFFFFF);
857 { fill complete texture with one color
858 @param aRed red color for border (0.0-1.0)
859 @param aGreen green color for border (0.0-1.0)
860 @param aBlue blue color for border (0.0-1.0)
861 @param aAlpha alpha color for border (0.0-1.0) }
862 procedure FillWithColorFloat(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Single; const aAlpha: Single = 1.0);
866 { set data pointer of texture data
867 @param aData pointer to new texture data
868 @param aFormat format of the data stored at aData
869 @param aWidth width of the texture data
870 @param aHeight height of the texture data }
871 procedure SetData(const aData: PByte; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
872 const aWidth: Integer = -1; const aHeight: Integer = -1); virtual;
874 { create a clone of the current object
875 @returns clone of this object}
876 function Clone: TglBitmapData;
878 { invert color data (bitwise not)
879 @param aRed invert red channel
880 @param aGreen invert green channel
881 @param aBlue invert blue channel
882 @param aAlpha invert alpha channel }
883 procedure Invert(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aAlpha: Boolean);
885 { create normal map from texture data
886 @param aFunc normal map function to generate normalmap with
887 @param aScale scale of the normale stored in the normal map
888 @param aUseAlpha generate normalmap from alpha channel data (if present) }
889 procedure GenerateNormalMap(const aFunc: TglBitmapNormalMapFunc = nm3x3;
890 const aScale: Single = 2; const aUseAlpha: Boolean = false);
892 public { constructor }
894 { constructor - creates a texutre data object }
895 constructor Create; overload;
897 { constructor - creates a texture data object and loads it from a file
898 @param aFilename file to load texture from }
899 constructor Create(const aFileName: String); overload;
901 { constructor - creates a texture data object and loads it from a stream
902 @param aStream stream to load texture from }
903 constructor Create(const aStream: TStream); overload;
905 { constructor - creates a texture data object with the given size, format and data
906 @param aSize size of the texture
907 @param aFormat format of the given data
908 @param aData texture data - be carefull: the data will now be managed by the texture data object }
909 constructor Create(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; aData: PByte = nil); overload;
911 { constructor - creates a texture data object with the given size and format and uses the given callback to create the data
912 @param aSize size of the texture
913 @param aFormat format of the given data
914 @param aFunc callback to use for generating the data
915 @param aArgs user defined parameters (use at will) }
916 constructor Create(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer = nil); overload;
918 { constructor - creates a texture data object and loads it from a resource
919 @param aInstance resource handle
920 @param aResource resource indentifier
921 @param aResType resource type (if known) }
922 constructor Create(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResource: String; const aResType: PChar = nil); overload;
924 { constructor - creates a texture data object and loads it from a resource
925 @param aInstance resource handle
926 @param aResourceID resource ID
927 @param aResType resource type (if known) }
928 constructor Create(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar); overload;
931 destructor Destroy; override;
935 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
936 { base class for all glBitmap classes. used to manage OpenGL texture objects
937 all operations on a bitmap object must be done from the render thread }
940 fID: GLuint; //< name of the OpenGL texture object
941 fTarget: GLuint; //< texture target (e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D)
942 fDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean; //< delete OpenGL texture object when this object is destroyed
944 // texture properties
945 fFilterMin: GLenum; //< min filter to apply to the texture
946 fFilterMag: GLenum; //< mag filter to apply to the texture
947 fWrapS: GLenum; //< texture wrapping for x axis
948 fWrapT: GLenum; //< texture wrapping for y axis
949 fWrapR: GLenum; //< texture wrapping for z axis
950 fAnisotropic: Integer; //< anisotropic level
951 fBorderColor: array[0..3] of Single; //< color of the texture border
955 fSwizzle: array[0..3] of GLenum; //< color channel swizzle
958 fIsResident: GLboolean; //< @true if OpenGL texture object has data, @false otherwise
961 fDimension: TglBitmapSize; //< size of this texture
962 fMipMap: TglBitmapMipMap; //< mipmap type
965 fCustomData: Pointer; //< user defined data
966 fCustomName: String; //< user defined name
967 fCustomNameW: WideString; //< user defined name
969 { @returns the actual width of the texture }
970 function GetWidth: Integer; virtual;
972 { @returns the actual height of the texture }
973 function GetHeight: Integer; virtual;
976 { set a new value for fCustomData }
977 procedure SetCustomData(const aValue: Pointer);
979 { set a new value for fCustomName }
980 procedure SetCustomName(const aValue: String);
982 { set a new value for fCustomNameW }
983 procedure SetCustomNameW(const aValue: WideString);
985 { set new value for fDeleteTextureOnFree }
986 procedure SetDeleteTextureOnFree(const aValue: Boolean);
988 { set name of OpenGL texture object }
989 procedure SetID(const aValue: Cardinal);
991 { set new value for fMipMap }
992 procedure SetMipMap(const aValue: TglBitmapMipMap);
994 { set new value for target }
995 procedure SetTarget(const aValue: Cardinal);
997 { set new value for fAnisotrophic }
998 procedure SetAnisotropic(const aValue: Integer);
1001 { create OpenGL texture object (delete exisiting object if exists) }
1004 { setup texture parameters }
1005 procedure SetupParameters({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}out aBuildWithGlu: Boolean{$ENDIF});
1008 property Width: Integer read GetWidth; //< the actual width of the texture
1009 property Height: Integer read GetHeight; //< the actual height of the texture
1012 property ID: Cardinal read fID write SetID; //< name of the OpenGL texture object
1013 property Target: Cardinal read fTarget write SetTarget; //< texture target (e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D)
1014 property DeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean read fDeleteTextureOnFree write SetDeleteTextureOnFree; //< delete texture object when this object is destroyed
1016 property MipMap: TglBitmapMipMap read fMipMap write SetMipMap; //< mipmap type
1017 property Anisotropic: Integer read fAnisotropic write SetAnisotropic; //< anisotropic level
1019 property CustomData: Pointer read fCustomData write SetCustomData; //< user defined data (use at will)
1020 property CustomName: String read fCustomName write SetCustomName; //< user defined name (use at will)
1021 property CustomNameW: WideString read fCustomNameW write SetCustomNameW; //< user defined name (as WideString; use at will)
1023 property Dimension: TglBitmapSize read fDimension; //< size of the texture
1025 property IsResident: GLboolean read fIsResident; //< @true if OpenGL texture object has data, @false otherwise
1028 { this method is called after the constructor and sets the default values of this object }
1029 procedure AfterConstruction; override;
1031 { this method is called before the destructor and does some cleanup }
1032 procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
1036 { set the new value for texture border color
1037 @param aRed red color for border (0.0-1.0)
1038 @param aGreen green color for border (0.0-1.0)
1039 @param aBlue blue color for border (0.0-1.0)
1040 @param aAlpha alpha color for border (0.0-1.0) }
1041 procedure SetBorderColor(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aAlpha: Single);
1045 { set new texture filer
1046 @param aMin min filter
1047 @param aMag mag filter }
1048 procedure SetFilter(const aMin, aMag: GLenum);
1050 { set new texture wrapping
1051 @param S texture wrapping for x axis
1052 @param T texture wrapping for y axis
1053 @param R texture wrapping for z axis }
1055 const S: GLenum = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
1056 const T: GLenum = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
1057 const R: GLenum = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
1061 @param r swizzle for red channel
1062 @param g swizzle for green channel
1063 @param b swizzle for blue channel
1064 @param a swizzle for alpha channel }
1065 procedure SetSwizzle(const r, g, b, a: GLenum);
1070 @param aEnableTextureUnit enable texture unit for this texture (e.g. glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)) }
1071 procedure Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean = true{$ENDIF}); virtual;
1074 @param aDisableTextureUnit disable texture unit for this texture (e.g. glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)) }
1075 procedure Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean = true{$ENDIF}); virtual;
1077 { upload texture data from given data object to video card
1078 @param aData texture data object that contains the actual data
1079 @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
1080 procedure UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean = true); virtual;
1083 { download texture data from video card and store it into given data object
1084 @returns @true when download was successfull, @false otherwise }
1085 function DownloadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData): Boolean; virtual;
1088 { constructor - creates an empty texture }
1089 constructor Create; overload;
1091 { constructor - creates an texture object and uploads the given data }
1092 constructor Create(const aData: TglBitmapData); overload;
1096 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1098 { wrapper class for 1-dimensional textures (OpenGL target = GL_TEXTURE_1D
1099 all operations on a bitmap object must be done from the render thread }
1100 TglBitmap1D = class(TglBitmap)
1103 { upload the texture data to video card
1104 @param aDataObj texture data object that contains the actual data
1105 @param aBuildWithGlu use glu functions to build mipmaps }
1106 procedure UploadDataIntern(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aBuildWithGlu: Boolean);
1109 property Width; //< actual with of the texture
1111 { this method is called after constructor and initializes the object }
1112 procedure AfterConstruction; override;
1114 { upload texture data from given data object to video card
1115 @param aData texture data object that contains the actual data
1116 @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
1117 procedure UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean = true); override;
1122 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1123 { wrapper class for 2-dimensional textures (OpenGL target = GL_TEXTURE_2D)
1124 all operations on a bitmap object must be done from the render thread }
1125 TglBitmap2D = class(TglBitmap)
1128 { upload the texture data to video card
1129 @param aDataObj texture data object that contains the actual data
1130 @param aTarget target o upload data to (e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D)
1131 @param aBuildWithGlu use glu functions to build mipmaps }
1132 procedure UploadDataIntern(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aTarget: GLenum
1133 {$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}; const aBuildWithGlu: Boolean{$ENDIF});
1136 property Width; //< actual width of the texture
1137 property Height; //< actual height of the texture
1139 { this method is called after constructor and initializes the object }
1140 procedure AfterConstruction; override;
1142 { upload texture data from given data object to video card
1143 @param aData texture data object that contains the actual data
1144 @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
1145 procedure UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean = true); override;
1149 { copy a part of the frame buffer to the texture
1150 @param aTop topmost pixel to copy
1151 @param aLeft leftmost pixel to copy
1152 @param aRight rightmost pixel to copy
1153 @param aBottom bottommost pixel to copy
1154 @param aFormat format to store data in
1155 @param aDataObj texture data object to store the data in }
1156 class procedure GrabScreen(const aTop, aLeft, aRight, aBottom: Integer; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aDataObj: TglBitmapData);
1160 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1162 { wrapper class for cube maps (OpenGL target = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
1163 all operations on a bitmap object must be done from the render thread }
1164 TglBitmapCubeMap = class(TglBitmap2D)
1167 fGenMode: Integer; //< generation mode for the cube map (e.g. GL_REFLECTION_MAP)
1171 { this method is called after constructor and initializes the object }
1172 procedure AfterConstruction; override;
1174 { upload texture data from given data object to video card
1175 @param aData texture data object that contains the actual data
1176 @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
1177 procedure UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean = true); override;
1179 { upload texture data from given data object to video card
1180 @param aData texture data object that contains the actual data
1181 @param aCubeTarget cube map target to upload data to (e.g. GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X)
1182 @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
1183 procedure UploadCubeMap(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCubeTarget: Cardinal; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
1186 @param aEnableTexCoordsGen enable cube map generator
1187 @param aEnableTextureUnit enable texture unit }
1188 procedure Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aEnableTexCoordsGen: Boolean = true; const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean = true{$ENDIF}); reintroduce; virtual;
1191 @param aDisableTexCoordsGen disable cube map generator
1192 @param aDisableTextureUnit disable texture unit }
1193 procedure Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aDisableTexCoordsGen: Boolean = true; const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean = true{$ENDIF}); reintroduce; virtual;
1198 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1199 { wrapper class for cube normal maps
1200 all operations on a bitmap object must be done from the render thread }
1201 TglBitmapNormalMap = class(TglBitmapCubeMap)
1203 { this method is called after constructor and initializes the object }
1204 procedure AfterConstruction; override;
1206 { create cube normal map from texture data and upload it to video card
1207 @param aSize size of each cube map texture
1208 @param aCheckSize check size before upload and throw exception if something is wrong }
1209 procedure GenerateNormalMap(const aSize: Integer = 32; const aCheckSize: Boolean = true);
1214 NULL_SIZE: TglBitmapSize = (Fields: []; X: 0; Y: 0);
1216 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree(const aDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean);
1217 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTexture(const aFreeData: Boolean);
1218 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultMipmap(const aValue: TglBitmapMipMap);
1219 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFormat(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat);
1220 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFilter(const aMin, aMag: Integer);
1221 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultWrap(
1222 const S: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
1223 const T: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
1224 const R: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
1227 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultSwizzle(const r: GLenum = GL_RED; g: GLenum = GL_GREEN; b: GLenum = GL_BLUE; a: GLenum = GL_ALPHA);
1230 function glBitmapGetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean;
1231 function glBitmapGetDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTexture: Boolean;
1232 function glBitmapGetDefaultMipmap: TglBitmapMipMap;
1233 function glBitmapGetDefaultFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
1234 procedure glBitmapGetDefaultFilter(var aMin, aMag: Cardinal);
1235 procedure glBitmapGetDefaultTextureWrap(var S, T, R: Cardinal);
1237 procedure glBitmapGetDefaultSwizzle(var r, g, b, a: GLenum);
1240 function glBitmapSize(X: Integer = -1; Y: Integer = -1): TglBitmapSize;
1241 function glBitmapPosition(X: Integer = -1; Y: Integer = -1): TglBitmapPixelPosition;
1242 function glBitmapRec4ub(const r, g, b, a: Byte): TglBitmapRec4ub;
1243 function glBitmapRec4ui(const r, g, b, a: Cardinal): TglBitmapRec4ui;
1244 function glBitmapRec4ul(const r, g, b, a: QWord): TglBitmapRec4ul;
1245 function glBitmapRec4ubCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ub): Boolean;
1246 function glBitmapRec4uiCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ui): Boolean;
1248 function glBitmapCreateTestData(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TglBitmapData;
1251 function CreateGrayPalette: HPALETTE;
1257 Math, syncobjs, typinfo
1262 glBitmapDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean;
1263 glBitmapDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTextures: Boolean;
1264 glBitmapDefaultFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
1265 glBitmapDefaultMipmap: TglBitmapMipMap;
1266 glBitmapDefaultFilterMin: Cardinal;
1267 glBitmapDefaultFilterMag: Cardinal;
1268 glBitmapDefaultWrapS: Cardinal;
1269 glBitmapDefaultWrapT: Cardinal;
1270 glBitmapDefaultWrapR: Cardinal;
1271 glDefaultSwizzle: array[0..3] of GLenum;
1273 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1275 TFormatDescriptor = class(TglBitmapFormatDescriptor)
1277 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); virtual; abstract;
1278 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); virtual; abstract;
1280 function CreateMappingData: Pointer; virtual;
1281 procedure FreeMappingData(var aMappingData: Pointer); virtual;
1283 function IsEmpty: Boolean; virtual;
1284 function MaskMatch(const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul): Boolean; virtual;
1286 procedure PreparePixel(out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData); virtual;
1288 constructor Create; virtual;
1290 class procedure Init;
1291 class function Get(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TFormatDescriptor;
1292 class function GetAlpha(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TFormatDescriptor;
1293 class function GetFromMask(const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul; const aBitCount: Integer = 0): TFormatDescriptor;
1294 class function GetFromPrecShift(const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub; const aBitCount: Integer): TFormatDescriptor;
1295 class procedure Clear;
1296 class procedure Finalize;
1298 TFormatDescriptorClass = class of TFormatDescriptor;
1300 TfdEmpty = class(TFormatDescriptor);
1302 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1303 TfdAlphaUB1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned byte
1304 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1305 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1308 TfdLuminanceUB1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned byte
1309 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1310 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1313 TfdUniversalUB1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned byte
1314 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1315 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1318 TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2 = class(TfdLuminanceUB1) //2* unsigned byte
1319 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1320 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1323 TfdRGBub3 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //3* unsigned byte
1324 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1325 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1328 TfdBGRub3 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //3* unsigned byte (inverse)
1329 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1330 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1333 TfdRGBAub4 = class(TfdRGBub3) //3* unsigned byte
1334 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1335 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1338 TfdBGRAub4 = class(TfdBGRub3) //3* unsigned byte (inverse)
1339 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1340 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1343 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1344 TfdAlphaUS1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned short
1345 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1346 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1349 TfdLuminanceUS1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned short
1350 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1351 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1354 TfdUniversalUS1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned short
1355 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1356 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1359 TfdDepthUS1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned short
1360 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1361 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1364 TfdLuminanceAlphaUS2 = class(TfdLuminanceUS1) //2* unsigned short
1365 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1366 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1369 TfdRGBus3 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //3* unsigned short
1370 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1371 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1374 TfdBGRus3 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //3* unsigned short (inverse)
1375 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1376 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1379 TfdRGBAus4 = class(TfdRGBus3) //4* unsigned short
1380 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1381 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1384 TfdARGBus4 = class(TfdRGBus3) //4* unsigned short
1385 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1386 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1389 TfdBGRAus4 = class(TfdBGRus3) //4* unsigned short (inverse)
1390 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1391 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1394 TfdABGRus4 = class(TfdBGRus3) //4* unsigned short (inverse)
1395 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1396 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1399 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1400 TfdUniversalUI1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned int
1401 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1402 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1405 TfdDepthUI1 = class(TFormatDescriptor) //1* unsigned int
1406 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1407 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1410 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1411 TfdAlpha4ub1 = class(TfdAlphaUB1)
1412 procedure SetValues; override;
1415 TfdAlpha8ub1 = class(TfdAlphaUB1)
1416 procedure SetValues; override;
1419 TfdAlpha16us1 = class(TfdAlphaUS1)
1420 procedure SetValues; override;
1423 TfdLuminance4ub1 = class(TfdLuminanceUB1)
1424 procedure SetValues; override;
1427 TfdLuminance8ub1 = class(TfdLuminanceUB1)
1428 procedure SetValues; override;
1431 TfdLuminance16us1 = class(TfdLuminanceUS1)
1432 procedure SetValues; override;
1435 TfdLuminance4Alpha4ub2 = class(TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2)
1436 procedure SetValues; override;
1439 TfdLuminance6Alpha2ub2 = class(TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2)
1440 procedure SetValues; override;
1443 TfdLuminance8Alpha8ub2 = class(TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2)
1444 procedure SetValues; override;
1447 TfdLuminance12Alpha4us2 = class(TfdLuminanceAlphaUS2)
1448 procedure SetValues; override;
1451 TfdLuminance16Alpha16us2 = class(TfdLuminanceAlphaUS2)
1452 procedure SetValues; override;
1455 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1456 TfdR3G3B2ub1 = class(TfdUniversalUB1)
1457 procedure SetValues; override;
1460 TfdRGBX4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1461 procedure SetValues; override;
1464 TfdXRGB4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1465 procedure SetValues; override;
1468 TfdR5G6B5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1469 procedure SetValues; override;
1472 TfdRGB5X1us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1473 procedure SetValues; override;
1476 TfdX1RGB5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1477 procedure SetValues; override;
1480 TfdRGB8ub3 = class(TfdRGBub3)
1481 procedure SetValues; override;
1484 TfdRGBX8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1485 procedure SetValues; override;
1488 TfdXRGB8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1489 procedure SetValues; override;
1492 TfdRGB10X2ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1493 procedure SetValues; override;
1496 TfdX2RGB10ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1497 procedure SetValues; override;
1500 TfdRGB16us3 = class(TfdRGBus3)
1501 procedure SetValues; override;
1504 TfdRGBA4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1505 procedure SetValues; override;
1508 TfdARGB4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1509 procedure SetValues; override;
1512 TfdRGB5A1us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1513 procedure SetValues; override;
1516 TfdA1RGB5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1517 procedure SetValues; override;
1520 TfdRGBA8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1521 procedure SetValues; override;
1524 TfdARGB8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1525 procedure SetValues; override;
1528 TfdRGBA8ub4 = class(TfdRGBAub4)
1529 procedure SetValues; override;
1532 TfdRGB10A2ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1533 procedure SetValues; override;
1536 TfdA2RGB10ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1537 procedure SetValues; override;
1540 TfdRGBA16us4 = class(TfdRGBAus4)
1541 procedure SetValues; override;
1544 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1545 TfdBGRX4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1546 procedure SetValues; override;
1549 TfdXBGR4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1550 procedure SetValues; override;
1553 TfdB5G6R5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1554 procedure SetValues; override;
1557 TfdBGR5X1us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1558 procedure SetValues; override;
1561 TfdX1BGR5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1562 procedure SetValues; override;
1565 TfdBGR8ub3 = class(TfdBGRub3)
1566 procedure SetValues; override;
1569 TfdBGRX8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1570 procedure SetValues; override;
1573 TfdXBGR8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1574 procedure SetValues; override;
1577 TfdBGR10X2ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1578 procedure SetValues; override;
1581 TfdX2BGR10ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1582 procedure SetValues; override;
1585 TfdBGR16us3 = class(TfdBGRus3)
1586 procedure SetValues; override;
1589 TfdBGRA4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1590 procedure SetValues; override;
1593 TfdABGR4us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1594 procedure SetValues; override;
1597 TfdBGR5A1us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1598 procedure SetValues; override;
1601 TfdA1BGR5us1 = class(TfdUniversalUS1)
1602 procedure SetValues; override;
1605 TfdBGRA8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1606 procedure SetValues; override;
1609 TfdABGR8ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1610 procedure SetValues; override;
1613 TfdBGRA8ub4 = class(TfdBGRAub4)
1614 procedure SetValues; override;
1617 TfdBGR10A2ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1618 procedure SetValues; override;
1621 TfdA2BGR10ui1 = class(TfdUniversalUI1)
1622 procedure SetValues; override;
1625 TfdBGRA16us4 = class(TfdBGRAus4)
1626 procedure SetValues; override;
1629 TfdDepth16us1 = class(TfdDepthUS1)
1630 procedure SetValues; override;
1633 TfdDepth24ui1 = class(TfdDepthUI1)
1634 procedure SetValues; override;
1637 TfdDepth32ui1 = class(TfdDepthUI1)
1638 procedure SetValues; override;
1641 TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA = class(TFormatDescriptor)
1642 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1643 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1644 procedure SetValues; override;
1647 TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA = class(TFormatDescriptor)
1648 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1649 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1650 procedure SetValues; override;
1653 TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA = class(TFormatDescriptor)
1654 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1655 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1656 procedure SetValues; override;
1659 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1660 TbmpBitfieldFormat = class(TFormatDescriptor)
1662 procedure SetCustomValues(const aBPP: Integer; aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul); overload;
1663 procedure SetCustomValues(const aBBP: Integer; const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub); overload;
1664 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1665 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1668 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1669 TbmpColorTableEnty = packed record
1672 TbmpColorTable = array of TbmpColorTableEnty;
1673 TbmpColorTableFormat = class(TFormatDescriptor)
1675 fColorTable: TbmpColorTable;
1677 procedure SetValues; override;
1679 property ColorTable: TbmpColorTable read fColorTable write fColorTable;
1681 procedure SetCustomValues(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aBPP: Integer; const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub); overload;
1682 procedure CalcValues;
1683 procedure CreateColorTable;
1685 function CreateMappingData: Pointer; override;
1686 procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1687 procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override;
1688 destructor Destroy; override;
1696 ALPHA_WEIGHT_R = 0.30;
1697 ALPHA_WEIGHT_G = 0.59;
1698 ALPHA_WEIGHT_B = 0.11;
1700 DEPTH_WEIGHT_R = 0.333333333;
1701 DEPTH_WEIGHT_G = 0.333333333;
1702 DEPTH_WEIGHT_B = 0.333333333;
1704 FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR_CLASSES: array[TglBitmapFormat] of TFormatDescriptorClass = (
1715 TfdLuminance4Alpha4ub2,
1716 TfdLuminance6Alpha2ub2,
1717 TfdLuminance8Alpha8ub2,
1718 TfdLuminance12Alpha4us2,
1719 TfdLuminance16Alpha16us2,
1778 FormatDescriptorCS: TCriticalSection;
1779 FormatDescriptors: array[TglBitmapFormat] of TFormatDescriptor;
1781 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1782 constructor EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat);
1784 inherited Create('unsupported format: ' + GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TglBitmapFormat), Integer(aFormat)));
1787 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1788 constructor EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(const aMsg: String; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat);
1790 inherited Create(aMsg + GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TglBitmapFormat), Integer(aFormat)));
1793 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1794 function glBitmapSize(X: Integer; Y: Integer): TglBitmapSize;
1796 result.Fields := [];
1798 result.Fields := result.Fields + [ffX];
1800 result.Fields := result.Fields + [ffY];
1801 result.X := Max(0, X);
1802 result.Y := Max(0, Y);
1805 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1806 function glBitmapPosition(X: Integer; Y: Integer): TglBitmapPixelPosition;
1808 result := glBitmapSize(X, Y);
1811 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1812 function glBitmapRec4ub(const r, g, b, a: Byte): TglBitmapRec4ub;
1820 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1821 function glBitmapRec4ui(const r, g, b, a: Cardinal): TglBitmapRec4ui;
1829 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1830 function glBitmapRec4ul(const r, g, b, a: QWord): TglBitmapRec4ul;
1838 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1839 function glBitmapRec4ubCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ub): Boolean;
1844 for i := 0 to high(r1.arr) do
1845 if (r1.arr[i] <> r2.arr[i]) then
1850 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1851 function glBitmapRec4uiCompare(const r1, r2: TglBitmapRec4ui): Boolean;
1856 for i := 0 to high(r1.arr) do
1857 if (r1.arr[i] <> r2.arr[i]) then
1862 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1863 function glBitmapCreateTestData(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TglBitmapData;
1865 desc: TFormatDescriptor;
1869 px: TglBitmapPixelData;
1872 desc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
1873 if (desc.IsCompressed) or (desc.glFormat = 0) then
1876 p := GetMemory(ceil(25 * desc.BytesPerPixel)); // 5 x 5 pixel
1877 md := desc.CreateMappingData;
1880 desc.PreparePixel(px);
1882 for x := 0 to 4 do begin
1883 px.Data := glBitmapRec4ui(0, 0, 0, 0);
1884 for i := 0 to 3 do begin
1885 if ((y < 3) and (y = i)) or
1886 ((y = 3) and (i < 3)) or
1887 ((y = 4) and (i = 3))
1889 px.Data.arr[i] := Trunc(px.Range.arr[i] / 4 * x)
1890 else if ((y < 4) and (i = 3)) or
1891 ((y = 4) and (i < 3))
1893 px.Data.arr[i] := px.Range.arr[i]
1895 px.Data.arr[i] := 0; //px.Range.arr[i];
1897 desc.Map(px, tmp, md);
1900 desc.FreeMappingData(md);
1903 result := TglBitmapData.Create(glBitmapPosition(5, 5), aFormat, p);
1906 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1907 function glBitmapShiftRec(const r, g, b, a: Byte): TglBitmapRec4ub;
1915 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1916 function FormatGetSupportedFiles(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TglBitmapFileTypes;
1922 tfAlpha4ub1, tfAlpha8ub1,
1923 tfLuminance4ub1, tfLuminance8ub1, tfR3G3B2ub1,
1926 tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2, tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2,
1927 tfRGBX4us1, tfXRGB4us1, tfRGB5X1us1, tfX1RGB5us1, tfR5G6B5us1, tfRGB5A1us1, tfA1RGB5us1, tfRGBA4us1, tfARGB4us1,
1928 tfBGRX4us1, tfXBGR4us1, tfBGR5X1us1, tfX1BGR5us1, tfB5G6R5us1, tfBGR5A1us1, tfA1BGR5us1, tfBGRA4us1, tfABGR4us1,
1931 tfBGR8ub3, tfRGB8ub3,
1934 tfRGBX8ui1, tfXRGB8ui1, tfRGB10X2ui1, tfX2RGB10ui1, tfRGBA8ui1, tfARGB8ui1, tfRGBA8ub4, tfRGB10A2ui1, tfA2RGB10ui1,
1935 tfBGRX8ui1, tfXBGR8ui1, tfBGR10X2ui1, tfX2BGR10ui1, tfBGRA8ui1, tfABGR8ui1, tfBGRA8ub4, tfBGR10A2ui1, tfA2BGR10ui1])
1937 result := result + [ ftBMP ];
1941 tfAlpha4ub1, tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance4ub1, tfLuminance8ub1,
1944 tfAlpha16us1, tfLuminance16us1,
1945 tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2, tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2,
1946 tfX1RGB5us1, tfARGB4us1, tfA1RGB5us1, tfDepth16us1,
1952 tfX2RGB10ui1, tfARGB8ui1, tfBGRA8ub4, tfA2RGB10ui1,
1953 tfDepth24ui1, tfDepth32ui1])
1955 result := result + [ftTGA];
1957 if not (aFormat in [tfEmpty, tfRGB16us3, tfBGR16us3]) then
1958 result := result + [ftDDS];
1962 tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2,
1963 tfRGB8ub3, tfRGBA8ui1,
1964 tfBGR8ub3, tfBGRA8ui1] then
1965 result := result + [ftPNG];
1969 if aFormat in [tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1, tfRGB8ub3, tfBGR8ub3] then
1970 result := result + [ftJPEG];
1974 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1975 function IsPowerOfTwo(aNumber: Integer): Boolean;
1977 while (aNumber and 1) = 0 do
1978 aNumber := aNumber shr 1;
1979 result := aNumber = 1;
1982 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1983 function GetTopMostBit(aBitSet: QWord): Integer;
1986 while aBitSet > 0 do begin
1988 aBitSet := aBitSet shr 1;
1992 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1993 function CountSetBits(aBitSet: QWord): Integer;
1996 while aBitSet > 0 do begin
1997 if (aBitSet and 1) = 1 then
1999 aBitSet := aBitSet shr 1;
2003 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2004 function LuminanceWeight(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData): Cardinal;
2007 LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_R * aPixel.Data.r +
2008 LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_G * aPixel.Data.g +
2009 LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_B * aPixel.Data.b);
2012 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2013 function DepthWeight(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData): Cardinal;
2016 DEPTH_WEIGHT_R * aPixel.Data.r +
2017 DEPTH_WEIGHT_G * aPixel.Data.g +
2018 DEPTH_WEIGHT_B * aPixel.Data.b);
2022 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2023 // SDL Image Helper /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2024 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2025 function glBitmapRWseek(context: PSDL_RWops; offset: Integer; whence: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
2027 result := TStream(context^.unknown.data1).Seek(offset, whence);
2030 function glBitmapRWread(context: PSDL_RWops; Ptr: Pointer; size: Integer; maxnum : Integer): Integer; cdecl;
2032 result := TStream(context^.unknown.data1).Read(Ptr^, size * maxnum);
2035 function glBitmapRWwrite(context: PSDL_RWops; Ptr: Pointer; size: Integer; num: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
2037 result := TStream(context^.unknown.data1).Write(Ptr^, size * num);
2040 function glBitmapRWclose(context: PSDL_RWops): Integer; cdecl;
2045 function glBitmapCreateRWops(Stream: TStream): PSDL_RWops;
2047 result := SDL_AllocRW;
2049 if result = nil then
2050 raise EglBitmap.Create('glBitmapCreateRWops - SDL_AllocRW failed.');
2052 result^.seek := glBitmapRWseek;
2053 result^.read := glBitmapRWread;
2054 result^.write := glBitmapRWwrite;
2055 result^.close := glBitmapRWclose;
2056 result^.unknown.data1 := Stream;
2060 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2061 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree(const aDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean);
2063 glBitmapDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree := aDeleteTextureOnFree;
2066 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2067 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTexture(const aFreeData: Boolean);
2069 glBitmapDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTextures := aFreeData;
2072 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2073 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultMipmap(const aValue: TglBitmapMipMap);
2075 glBitmapDefaultMipmap := aValue;
2078 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2079 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFormat(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat);
2081 glBitmapDefaultFormat := aFormat;
2084 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2085 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultFilter(const aMin, aMag: Integer);
2087 glBitmapDefaultFilterMin := aMin;
2088 glBitmapDefaultFilterMag := aMag;
2091 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2092 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultWrap(const S: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; const T: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; const R: Cardinal = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
2094 glBitmapDefaultWrapS := S;
2095 glBitmapDefaultWrapT := T;
2096 glBitmapDefaultWrapR := R;
2099 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2101 procedure glBitmapSetDefaultSwizzle(const r: GLenum = GL_RED; g: GLenum = GL_GREEN; b: GLenum = GL_BLUE; a: GLenum = GL_ALPHA);
2103 glDefaultSwizzle[0] := r;
2104 glDefaultSwizzle[1] := g;
2105 glDefaultSwizzle[2] := b;
2106 glDefaultSwizzle[3] := a;
2110 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2111 function glBitmapGetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree: Boolean;
2113 result := glBitmapDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree;
2116 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2117 function glBitmapGetDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTexture: Boolean;
2119 result := glBitmapDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTextures;
2122 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2123 function glBitmapGetDefaultMipmap: TglBitmapMipMap;
2125 result := glBitmapDefaultMipmap;
2128 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2129 function glBitmapGetDefaultFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
2131 result := glBitmapDefaultFormat;
2134 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2135 procedure glBitmapGetDefaultFilter(var aMin, aMag: Cardinal);
2137 aMin := glBitmapDefaultFilterMin;
2138 aMag := glBitmapDefaultFilterMag;
2141 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2142 procedure glBitmapGetDefaultTextureWrap(var S, T, R: Cardinal);
2144 S := glBitmapDefaultWrapS;
2145 T := glBitmapDefaultWrapT;
2146 R := glBitmapDefaultWrapR;
2150 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2151 procedure glBitmapGetDefaultSwizzle(var r, g, b, a: GLenum);
2153 r := glDefaultSwizzle[0];
2154 g := glDefaultSwizzle[1];
2155 b := glDefaultSwizzle[2];
2156 a := glDefaultSwizzle[3];
2160 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2161 //TFormatDescriptor///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2162 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2163 function TFormatDescriptor.CreateMappingData: Pointer;
2168 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2169 procedure TFormatDescriptor.FreeMappingData(var aMappingData: Pointer);
2174 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2175 function TFormatDescriptor.IsEmpty: Boolean;
2177 result := (fFormat = tfEmpty);
2180 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2181 function TFormatDescriptor.MaskMatch(const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul): Boolean;
2187 if (aMask.r = 0) and (aMask.g = 0) and (aMask.b = 0) and (aMask.a = 0) then
2188 raise EglBitmap.Create('FormatCheckFormat - All Masks are 0');
2191 if (aMask.arr[i] <> m.arr[i]) then
2196 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2197 procedure TFormatDescriptor.PreparePixel(out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData);
2199 FillChar(aPixel{%H-}, SizeOf(aPixel), 0);
2200 aPixel.Data := Range;
2201 aPixel.Format := fFormat;
2202 aPixel.Range := Range;
2205 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2206 constructor TFormatDescriptor.Create;
2211 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2212 //TfdAlpha_UB1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2213 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2214 procedure TfdAlphaUB1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2216 aData^ := aPixel.Data.a;
2220 procedure TfdAlphaUB1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2225 aPixel.Data.a := aData^;
2229 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2230 //TfdLuminance_UB1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2231 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2232 procedure TfdLuminanceUB1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2234 aData^ := LuminanceWeight(aPixel);
2238 procedure TfdLuminanceUB1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2240 aPixel.Data.r := aData^;
2241 aPixel.Data.g := aData^;
2242 aPixel.Data.b := aData^;
2247 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2248 //TfdUniversal_UB1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2249 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2250 procedure TfdUniversalUB1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2256 if (Range.arr[i] > 0) then
2257 aData^ := aData^ or ((aPixel.Data.arr[i] and Range.arr[i]) shl fShift.arr[i]);
2261 procedure TfdUniversalUB1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2266 aPixel.Data.arr[i] := (aData^ shr fShift.arr[i]) and Range.arr[i];
2270 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2271 //TfdLuminanceAlpha_UB2///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2272 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2273 procedure TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2275 inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
2276 aData^ := aPixel.Data.a;
2280 procedure TfdLuminanceAlphaUB2.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2282 inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
2283 aPixel.Data.a := aData^;
2287 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2288 //TfdRGB_UB3//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2289 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2290 procedure TfdRGBub3.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2292 aData^ := aPixel.Data.r;
2294 aData^ := aPixel.Data.g;
2296 aData^ := aPixel.Data.b;
2300 procedure TfdRGBub3.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2302 aPixel.Data.r := aData^;
2304 aPixel.Data.g := aData^;
2306 aPixel.Data.b := aData^;
2311 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2312 //TfdBGR_UB3//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2313 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2314 procedure TfdBGRub3.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2316 aData^ := aPixel.Data.b;
2318 aData^ := aPixel.Data.g;
2320 aData^ := aPixel.Data.r;
2324 procedure TfdBGRub3.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2326 aPixel.Data.b := aData^;
2328 aPixel.Data.g := aData^;
2330 aPixel.Data.r := aData^;
2335 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2336 //TfdRGBA_UB4//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2337 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2338 procedure TfdRGBAub4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2340 inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
2341 aData^ := aPixel.Data.a;
2345 procedure TfdRGBAub4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2347 inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
2348 aPixel.Data.a := aData^;
2352 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2353 //TfdBGRA_UB4//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2354 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2355 procedure TfdBGRAub4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2357 inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
2358 aData^ := aPixel.Data.a;
2362 procedure TfdBGRAub4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2364 inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
2365 aPixel.Data.a := aData^;
2369 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2370 //TfdAlpha_US1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2371 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2372 procedure TfdAlphaUS1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2374 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
2378 procedure TfdAlphaUS1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2383 aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
2387 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2388 //TfdLuminance_US1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2389 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2390 procedure TfdLuminanceUS1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2392 PWord(aData)^ := LuminanceWeight(aPixel);
2396 procedure TfdLuminanceUS1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2398 aPixel.Data.r := PWord(aData)^;
2399 aPixel.Data.g := PWord(aData)^;
2400 aPixel.Data.b := PWord(aData)^;
2405 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2406 //TfdUniversal_US1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2407 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2408 procedure TfdUniversalUS1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2414 if (Range.arr[i] > 0) then
2415 PWord(aData)^ := PWord(aData)^ or ((aPixel.Data.arr[i] and Range.arr[i]) shl fShift.arr[i]);
2419 procedure TfdUniversalUS1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2424 aPixel.Data.arr[i] := (PWord(aData)^ shr fShift.arr[i]) and Range.arr[i];
2428 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2429 //TfdDepth_US1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2430 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2431 procedure TfdDepthUS1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2433 PWord(aData)^ := DepthWeight(aPixel);
2437 procedure TfdDepthUS1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2439 aPixel.Data.r := PWord(aData)^;
2440 aPixel.Data.g := PWord(aData)^;
2441 aPixel.Data.b := PWord(aData)^;
2442 aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;;
2446 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2447 //TfdLuminanceAlpha_US2///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2448 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2449 procedure TfdLuminanceAlphaUS2.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2451 inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
2452 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
2456 procedure TfdLuminanceAlphaUS2.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2458 inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
2459 aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
2463 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2464 //TfdRGB_US3//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2465 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2466 procedure TfdRGBus3.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2468 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.r;
2470 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.g;
2472 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.b;
2476 procedure TfdRGBus3.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2478 aPixel.Data.r := PWord(aData)^;
2480 aPixel.Data.g := PWord(aData)^;
2482 aPixel.Data.b := PWord(aData)^;
2487 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2488 //TfdBGR_US3//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2489 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2490 procedure TfdBGRus3.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2492 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.b;
2494 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.g;
2496 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.r;
2500 procedure TfdBGRus3.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2502 aPixel.Data.b := PWord(aData)^;
2504 aPixel.Data.g := PWord(aData)^;
2506 aPixel.Data.r := PWord(aData)^;
2511 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2512 //TfdRGBA_US4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2513 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2514 procedure TfdRGBAus4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2516 inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
2517 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
2521 procedure TfdRGBAus4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2523 inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
2524 aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
2528 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2529 //TfdARGB_US4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2530 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2531 procedure TfdARGBus4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2533 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
2535 inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
2538 procedure TfdARGBus4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2540 aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
2542 inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
2545 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2546 //TfdBGRA_US4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2547 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2548 procedure TfdBGRAus4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2550 inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
2551 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
2555 procedure TfdBGRAus4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2557 inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
2558 aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
2562 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2563 //TfdABGR_US4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2564 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2565 procedure TfdABGRus4.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2567 PWord(aData)^ := aPixel.Data.a;
2569 inherited Map(aPixel, aData, aMapData);
2572 procedure TfdABGRus4.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2574 aPixel.Data.a := PWord(aData)^;
2576 inherited Unmap(aData, aPixel, aMapData);
2579 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2580 //TfdUniversal_UI1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2581 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2582 procedure TfdUniversalUI1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2586 PCardinal(aData)^ := 0;
2588 if (Range.arr[i] > 0) then
2589 PCardinal(aData)^ := PCardinal(aData)^ or ((aPixel.Data.arr[i] and Range.arr[i]) shl fShift.arr[i]);
2593 procedure TfdUniversalUI1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2598 aPixel.Data.arr[i] := (PCardinal(aData)^ shr fShift.arr[i]) and Range.arr[i];
2602 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2603 //TfdDepth_UI1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2604 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2605 procedure TfdDepthUI1.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
2607 PCardinal(aData)^ := DepthWeight(aPixel);
2611 procedure TfdDepthUI1.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
2613 aPixel.Data.r := PCardinal(aData)^;
2614 aPixel.Data.g := PCardinal(aData)^;
2615 aPixel.Data.b := PCardinal(aData)^;
2616 aPixel.Data.a := PCardinal(aData)^;
2620 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2621 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2622 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2623 procedure TfdAlpha4ub1.SetValues;
2625 inherited SetValues;
2627 fFormat := tfAlpha4ub1;
2628 fWithAlpha := tfAlpha4ub1;
2629 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 8);
2630 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 0);
2632 fOpenGLFormat := tfAlpha4ub1;
2633 fglFormat := GL_ALPHA;
2634 fglInternalFormat := GL_ALPHA4;
2635 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
2637 fOpenGLFormat := tfAlpha8ub1;
2641 procedure TfdAlpha8ub1.SetValues;
2643 inherited SetValues;
2645 fFormat := tfAlpha8ub1;
2646 fWithAlpha := tfAlpha8ub1;
2647 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 8);
2648 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 0);
2649 fOpenGLFormat := tfAlpha8ub1;
2650 fglFormat := GL_ALPHA;
2651 fglInternalFormat := {$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}GL_ALPHA8{$ELSE}GL_ALPHA{$ENDIF};
2652 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
2655 procedure TfdAlpha16us1.SetValues;
2657 inherited SetValues;
2658 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
2659 fFormat := tfAlpha16us1;
2660 fWithAlpha := tfAlpha16us1;
2661 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 16);
2662 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 0);
2664 fOpenGLFormat := tfAlpha16us1;
2665 fglFormat := GL_ALPHA;
2666 fglInternalFormat := GL_ALPHA16;
2667 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
2669 fOpenGLFormat := tfAlpha8ub1;
2673 procedure TfdLuminance4ub1.SetValues;
2675 inherited SetValues;
2677 fFormat := tfLuminance4ub1;
2678 fWithAlpha := tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2;
2679 fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance4ub1;
2680 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 0);
2681 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 0);
2683 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance4ub1;
2684 fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE;
2685 fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE4;
2686 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
2688 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
2692 procedure TfdLuminance8ub1.SetValues;
2694 inherited SetValues;
2696 fFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
2697 fWithAlpha := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
2698 fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance8ub1;
2699 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
2700 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 0);
2701 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 0);
2702 fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE;
2704 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
2707 procedure TfdLuminance16us1.SetValues;
2709 inherited SetValues;
2710 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
2711 fFormat := tfLuminance16us1;
2712 fWithAlpha := tfLuminance16Alpha16us2;
2713 fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance16us1;
2714 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 0);
2715 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0);
2717 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance16us1;
2718 fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE;
2719 fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE16;
2720 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
2722 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
2726 procedure TfdLuminance4Alpha4ub2.SetValues;
2728 inherited SetValues;
2729 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
2730 fFormat := tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2;
2731 fWithAlpha := tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2;
2732 fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance4ub1;
2733 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 8);
2734 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 8);
2736 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2;
2737 fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
2738 fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4;
2739 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
2741 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
2745 procedure TfdLuminance6Alpha2ub2.SetValues;
2747 inherited SetValues;
2748 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
2749 fFormat := tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2;
2750 fWithAlpha := tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2;
2751 fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance8ub1;
2752 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 8);
2753 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 8);
2755 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2;
2756 fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
2757 fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2;
2758 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
2760 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
2764 procedure TfdLuminance8Alpha8ub2.SetValues;
2766 inherited SetValues;
2767 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
2768 fFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
2769 fWithAlpha := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
2770 fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance8ub1;
2771 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
2772 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 8);
2773 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 0, 0, 8);
2774 fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
2776 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
2779 procedure TfdLuminance12Alpha4us2.SetValues;
2781 inherited SetValues;
2782 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
2783 fFormat := tfLuminance12Alpha4us2;
2784 fWithAlpha := tfLuminance12Alpha4us2;
2785 fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance16us1;
2786 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 16);
2787 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 16);
2789 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance12Alpha4us2;
2790 fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
2791 fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4;
2792 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
2794 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
2798 procedure TfdLuminance16Alpha16us2.SetValues;
2800 inherited SetValues;
2801 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
2802 fFormat := tfLuminance16Alpha16us2;
2803 fWithAlpha := tfLuminance16Alpha16us2;
2804 fWithoutAlpha := tfLuminance16us1;
2805 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 16);
2806 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 16);
2808 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance16Alpha16us2;
2809 fglFormat := GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
2810 fglInternalFormat := GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16;
2811 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
2813 fOpenGLFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
2817 procedure TfdR3G3B2ub1.SetValues;
2819 inherited SetValues;
2821 fFormat := tfR3G3B2ub1;
2822 fWithAlpha := tfRGBA4us1;
2823 fWithoutAlpha := tfR3G3B2ub1;
2824 fRGBInverted := tfEmpty;
2825 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(3, 3, 2, 0);
2826 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(5, 2, 0, 0);
2828 fOpenGLFormat := tfR3G3B2ub1;
2829 fglFormat := GL_RGB;
2830 fglInternalFormat := GL_R3_G3_B2;
2831 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2;
2833 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
2837 procedure TfdRGBX4us1.SetValues;
2839 inherited SetValues;
2840 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
2841 fFormat := tfRGBX4us1;
2842 fWithAlpha := tfRGBA4us1;
2843 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGBX4us1;
2844 fRGBInverted := tfBGRX4us1;
2845 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 0);
2846 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(12, 8, 4, 0);
2848 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBX4us1;
2849 fglFormat := GL_RGBA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
2850 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB4;
2851 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
2853 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
2857 procedure TfdXRGB4us1.SetValues;
2859 inherited SetValues;
2860 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
2861 fFormat := tfXRGB4us1;
2862 fWithAlpha := tfARGB4us1;
2863 fWithoutAlpha := tfXRGB4us1;
2864 fRGBInverted := tfXBGR4us1;
2865 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(4, 4, 4, 0);
2866 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 4, 0, 0);
2868 fOpenGLFormat := tfXRGB4us1;
2869 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
2870 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB4;
2871 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV;
2873 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
2877 procedure TfdR5G6B5us1.SetValues;
2879 inherited SetValues;
2880 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
2881 fFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
2882 fWithAlpha := tfRGB5A1us1;
2883 fWithoutAlpha := tfR5G6B5us1;
2884 fRGBInverted := tfB5G6R5us1;
2885 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 6, 5, 0);
2886 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(11, 5, 0, 0);
2888 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
2889 fglFormat := GL_RGB;
2890 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB565;
2891 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5;
2893 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
2897 procedure TfdRGB5X1us1.SetValues;
2899 inherited SetValues;
2900 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
2901 fFormat := tfRGB5X1us1;
2902 fWithAlpha := tfRGB5A1us1;
2903 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB5X1us1;
2904 fRGBInverted := tfBGR5X1us1;
2905 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 0);
2906 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(11, 6, 1, 0);
2908 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB5X1us1;
2909 fglFormat := GL_RGBA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
2910 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5;
2911 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
2913 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
2917 procedure TfdX1RGB5us1.SetValues;
2919 inherited SetValues;
2920 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
2921 fFormat := tfX1RGB5us1;
2922 fWithAlpha := tfA1RGB5us1;
2923 fWithoutAlpha := tfX1RGB5us1;
2924 fRGBInverted := tfX1BGR5us1;
2925 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 0);
2926 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 5, 0, 0);
2928 fOpenGLFormat := tfX1RGB5us1;
2929 fglFormat := GL_BGRA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
2930 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5;
2931 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV;
2933 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
2937 procedure TfdRGB8ub3.SetValues;
2939 inherited SetValues;
2940 fBitsPerPixel := 24;
2941 fFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
2942 fWithAlpha := tfRGBA8ub4;
2943 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB8ub3;
2944 fRGBInverted := tfBGR8ub3;
2945 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 0);
2946 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(0, 8, 16, 0);
2947 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
2948 fglFormat := GL_RGB;
2950 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
2953 procedure TfdRGBX8ui1.SetValues;
2955 inherited SetValues;
2956 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
2957 fFormat := tfRGBX8ui1;
2958 fWithAlpha := tfRGBA8ui1;
2959 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGBX8ui1;
2960 fRGBInverted := tfBGRX8ui1;
2961 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 0);
2962 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(24, 16, 8, 0);
2964 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBX8ui1;
2965 fglFormat := GL_RGBA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
2966 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB8;
2967 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8;
2969 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
2973 procedure TfdXRGB8ui1.SetValues;
2975 inherited SetValues;
2976 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
2977 fFormat := tfXRGB8ui1;
2978 fWithAlpha := tfXRGB8ui1;
2979 fWithoutAlpha := tfXRGB8ui1;
2980 fOpenGLFormat := tfXRGB8ui1;
2981 fRGBInverted := tfXBGR8ui1;
2982 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 0);
2983 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 8, 0, 0);
2985 fOpenGLFormat := tfXRGB8ui1;
2986 fglFormat := GL_BGRA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
2987 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB8;
2988 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;
2990 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
2994 procedure TfdRGB10X2ui1.SetValues;
2996 inherited SetValues;
2997 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
2998 fFormat := tfRGB10X2ui1;
2999 fWithAlpha := tfRGB10A2ui1;
3000 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB10X2ui1;
3001 fRGBInverted := tfBGR10X2ui1;
3002 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 0);
3003 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(22, 12, 2, 0);
3005 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB10X2ui1;
3006 fglFormat := GL_RGBA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
3007 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10;
3008 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2;
3010 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
3014 procedure TfdX2RGB10ui1.SetValues;
3016 inherited SetValues;
3017 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3018 fFormat := tfX2RGB10ui1;
3019 fWithAlpha := tfA2RGB10ui1;
3020 fWithoutAlpha := tfX2RGB10ui1;
3021 fRGBInverted := tfX2BGR10ui1;
3022 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 0);
3023 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(20, 10, 0, 0);
3025 fOpenGLFormat := tfX2RGB10ui1;
3026 fglFormat := GL_BGRA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
3027 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10;
3028 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
3030 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
3034 procedure TfdRGB16us3.SetValues;
3036 inherited SetValues;
3037 fBitsPerPixel := 48;
3038 fFormat := tfRGB16us3;
3039 fWithAlpha := tfRGBA16us4;
3040 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB16us3;
3041 fRGBInverted := tfBGR16us3;
3042 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 0);
3043 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 16, 32, 0);
3045 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
3046 fglFormat := GL_RGB;
3047 fglInternalFormat := {$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}GL_RGB16{$ELSE}GL_RGB16UI{$ENDIF};
3048 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
3050 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
3054 procedure TfdRGBA4us1.SetValues;
3056 inherited SetValues;
3057 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3058 fFormat := tfRGBA4us1;
3059 fWithAlpha := tfRGBA4us1;
3060 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGBX4us1;
3061 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA4us1;
3062 fRGBInverted := tfBGRA4us1;
3063 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 4);
3064 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(12, 8, 4, 0);
3065 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3067 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
3070 procedure TfdARGB4us1.SetValues;
3072 inherited SetValues;
3073 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3074 fFormat := tfARGB4us1;
3075 fWithAlpha := tfARGB4us1;
3076 fWithoutAlpha := tfXRGB4us1;
3077 fRGBInverted := tfABGR4us1;
3078 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 4);
3079 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 4, 0, 12);
3081 fOpenGLFormat := tfARGB4us1;
3082 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3083 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA4;
3084 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV;
3086 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA4us1;
3090 procedure TfdRGB5A1us1.SetValues;
3092 inherited SetValues;
3093 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3094 fFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
3095 fWithAlpha := tfRGB5A1us1;
3096 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB5X1us1;
3097 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
3098 fRGBInverted := tfBGR5A1us1;
3099 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 1);
3100 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(11, 6, 1, 0);
3101 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3103 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
3106 procedure TfdA1RGB5us1.SetValues;
3108 inherited SetValues;
3109 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3110 fFormat := tfA1RGB5us1;
3111 fWithAlpha := tfA1RGB5us1;
3112 fWithoutAlpha := tfX1RGB5us1;
3113 fRGBInverted := tfA1BGR5us1;
3114 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 1);
3115 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 5, 0, 15);
3117 fOpenGLFormat := tfA1RGB5us1;
3118 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3119 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5_A1;
3120 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV;
3122 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
3126 procedure TfdRGBA8ui1.SetValues;
3128 inherited SetValues;
3129 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3130 fFormat := tfRGBA8ui1;
3131 fWithAlpha := tfRGBA8ui1;
3132 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGBX8ui1;
3133 fRGBInverted := tfBGRA8ui1;
3134 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
3135 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(24, 16, 8, 0);
3137 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ui1;
3138 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3139 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA8;
3140 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8;
3142 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
3146 procedure TfdARGB8ui1.SetValues;
3148 inherited SetValues;
3149 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3150 fFormat := tfARGB8ui1;
3151 fWithAlpha := tfARGB8ui1;
3152 fWithoutAlpha := tfXRGB8ui1;
3153 fRGBInverted := tfABGR8ui1;
3154 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
3155 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 8, 0, 24);
3157 fOpenGLFormat := tfARGB8ui1;
3158 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3159 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA8;
3160 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;
3162 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
3166 procedure TfdRGBA8ub4.SetValues;
3168 inherited SetValues;
3169 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3170 fFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
3171 fWithAlpha := tfRGBA8ub4;
3172 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB8ub3;
3173 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
3174 fRGBInverted := tfBGRA8ub4;
3175 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
3176 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 8, 16, 24);
3177 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3179 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
3182 procedure TfdRGB10A2ui1.SetValues;
3184 inherited SetValues;
3185 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3186 fFormat := tfRGB10A2ui1;
3187 fWithAlpha := tfRGB10A2ui1;
3188 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB10X2ui1;
3189 fRGBInverted := tfBGR10A2ui1;
3190 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 2);
3191 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(22, 12, 2, 0);
3193 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB10A2ui1;
3194 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3195 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10_A2;
3196 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2;
3198 fOpenGLFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
3202 procedure TfdA2RGB10ui1.SetValues;
3204 inherited SetValues;
3205 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3206 fFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
3207 fWithAlpha := tfA2RGB10ui1;
3208 fWithoutAlpha := tfX2RGB10ui1;
3209 fRGBInverted := tfA2BGR10ui1;
3210 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 2);
3211 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(20, 10, 0, 30);
3213 fOpenGLFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
3214 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3215 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10_A2;
3216 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
3218 fOpenGLFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
3219 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3220 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10_A2;
3221 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
3223 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ui1;
3227 procedure TfdRGBA16us4.SetValues;
3229 inherited SetValues;
3230 fBitsPerPixel := 64;
3231 fFormat := tfRGBA16us4;
3232 fWithAlpha := tfRGBA16us4;
3233 fWithoutAlpha := tfRGB16us3;
3234 fRGBInverted := tfBGRA16us4;
3235 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 16);
3236 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 16, 32, 48);
3238 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA16us4;
3239 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3240 fglInternalFormat := {$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}GL_RGBA16{$ELSE}GL_RGBA16UI{$ENDIF};
3241 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
3243 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
3247 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3248 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3249 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3250 procedure TfdBGRX4us1.SetValues;
3252 inherited SetValues;
3253 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3254 fFormat := tfBGRX4us1;
3255 fWithAlpha := tfBGRA4us1;
3256 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGRX4us1;
3257 fRGBInverted := tfRGBX4us1;
3258 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 0);
3259 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 8, 12, 0);
3261 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRX4us1;
3262 fglFormat := GL_BGRA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
3263 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB4;
3264 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
3266 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
3270 procedure TfdXBGR4us1.SetValues;
3272 inherited SetValues;
3273 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3274 fFormat := tfXBGR4us1;
3275 fWithAlpha := tfABGR4us1;
3276 fWithoutAlpha := tfXBGR4us1;
3277 fRGBInverted := tfXRGB4us1;
3278 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 0);
3279 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 4, 8, 0);
3281 fOpenGLFormat := tfXBGR4us1;
3282 fglFormat := GL_RGBA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
3283 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB4;
3284 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV;
3286 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
3290 procedure TfdB5G6R5us1.SetValues;
3292 inherited SetValues;
3293 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3294 fFormat := tfB5G6R5us1;
3295 fWithAlpha := tfBGR5A1us1;
3296 fWithoutAlpha := tfB5G6R5us1;
3297 fRGBInverted := tfR5G6B5us1;
3298 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 6, 5, 0);
3299 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 5, 11, 0);
3301 fOpenGLFormat := tfB5G6R5us1;
3302 fglFormat := GL_RGB;
3303 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB565;
3304 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV;
3306 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
3310 procedure TfdBGR5X1us1.SetValues;
3312 inherited SetValues;
3313 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3314 fFormat := tfBGR5X1us1;
3315 fWithAlpha := tfBGR5A1us1;
3316 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR5X1us1;
3317 fRGBInverted := tfRGB5X1us1;
3318 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 0);
3319 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 1, 6, 11, 0);
3321 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR5X1us1;
3322 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3323 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5;
3324 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
3326 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
3330 procedure TfdX1BGR5us1.SetValues;
3332 inherited SetValues;
3333 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3334 fFormat := tfX1BGR5us1;
3335 fWithAlpha := tfA1BGR5us1;
3336 fWithoutAlpha := tfX1BGR5us1;
3337 fRGBInverted := tfX1RGB5us1;
3338 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 0);
3339 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 5, 10, 0);
3341 fOpenGLFormat := tfX1BGR5us1;
3342 fglFormat := GL_RGBA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
3343 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5;
3344 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV;
3346 fOpenGLFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
3350 procedure TfdBGR8ub3.SetValues;
3352 inherited SetValues;
3353 fBitsPerPixel := 24;
3354 fFormat := tfBGR8ub3;
3355 fWithAlpha := tfBGRA8ub4;
3356 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR8ub3;
3357 fRGBInverted := tfRGB8ub3;
3358 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 0);
3359 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 8, 0, 0);
3361 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR8ub3;
3362 fglFormat := GL_BGR;
3363 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB8;
3364 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
3366 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
3370 procedure TfdBGRX8ui1.SetValues;
3372 inherited SetValues;
3373 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3374 fFormat := tfBGRX8ui1;
3375 fWithAlpha := tfBGRA8ui1;
3376 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGRX8ui1;
3377 fRGBInverted := tfRGBX8ui1;
3378 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 0);
3379 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 16, 24, 0);
3381 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRX8ui1;
3382 fglFormat := GL_BGRA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
3383 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB8;
3384 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8;
3386 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
3390 procedure TfdXBGR8ui1.SetValues;
3392 inherited SetValues;
3393 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3394 fFormat := tfXBGR8ui1;
3395 fWithAlpha := tfABGR8ui1;
3396 fWithoutAlpha := tfXBGR8ui1;
3397 fRGBInverted := tfXRGB8ui1;
3398 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 0);
3399 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 8, 16, 0);
3401 fOpenGLFormat := tfXBGR8ui1;
3402 fglFormat := GL_RGBA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
3403 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB8;
3404 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;
3406 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
3410 procedure TfdBGR10X2ui1.SetValues;
3412 inherited SetValues;
3413 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3414 fFormat := tfBGR10X2ui1;
3415 fWithAlpha := tfBGR10A2ui1;
3416 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR10X2ui1;
3417 fRGBInverted := tfRGB10X2ui1;
3418 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 0);
3419 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 2, 12, 22, 0);
3421 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR10X2ui1;
3422 fglFormat := GL_BGRA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
3423 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10;
3424 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2;
3426 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
3430 procedure TfdX2BGR10ui1.SetValues;
3432 inherited SetValues;
3433 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3434 fFormat := tfX2BGR10ui1;
3435 fWithAlpha := tfA2BGR10ui1;
3436 fWithoutAlpha := tfX2BGR10ui1;
3437 fRGBInverted := tfX2RGB10ui1;
3438 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 0);
3439 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 10, 20, 0);
3441 fOpenGLFormat := tfX2BGR10ui1;
3442 fglFormat := GL_RGBA; //GL_INVALID_OPERATION if not GL_BGRA or GL_RGBA
3443 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10;
3444 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
3446 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
3450 procedure TfdBGR16us3.SetValues;
3452 inherited SetValues;
3453 fBitsPerPixel := 48;
3454 fFormat := tfBGR16us3;
3455 fWithAlpha := tfBGRA16us4;
3456 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR16us3;
3457 fRGBInverted := tfRGB16us3;
3458 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 0);
3459 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(32, 16, 0, 0);
3461 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR16us3;
3462 fglFormat := GL_BGR;
3463 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB16;
3464 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
3466 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB16us3;
3470 procedure TfdBGRA4us1.SetValues;
3472 inherited SetValues;
3473 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3474 fFormat := tfBGRA4us1;
3475 fWithAlpha := tfBGRA4us1;
3476 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGRX4us1;
3477 fRGBInverted := tfRGBA4us1;
3478 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 4);
3479 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 8, 12, 0);
3481 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRA4us1;
3482 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3483 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA4;
3484 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
3486 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA4us1;
3490 procedure TfdABGR4us1.SetValues;
3492 inherited SetValues;
3493 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3494 fFormat := tfABGR4us1;
3495 fWithAlpha := tfABGR4us1;
3496 fWithoutAlpha := tfXBGR4us1;
3497 fRGBInverted := tfARGB4us1;
3498 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 4, 4, 4, 4);
3499 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 4, 8, 12);
3501 fOpenGLFormat := tfABGR4us1;
3502 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3503 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA4;
3504 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV;
3506 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA4us1;
3510 procedure TfdBGR5A1us1.SetValues;
3512 inherited SetValues;
3513 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3514 fFormat := tfBGR5A1us1;
3515 fWithAlpha := tfBGR5A1us1;
3516 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR5X1us1;
3517 fRGBInverted := tfRGB5A1us1;
3518 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 1);
3519 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 1, 6, 11, 0);
3521 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR5A1us1;
3522 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3523 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5_A1;
3524 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
3526 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
3530 procedure TfdA1BGR5us1.SetValues;
3532 inherited SetValues;
3533 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3534 fFormat := tfA1BGR5us1;
3535 fWithAlpha := tfA1BGR5us1;
3536 fWithoutAlpha := tfX1BGR5us1;
3537 fRGBInverted := tfA1RGB5us1;
3538 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 5, 5, 5, 1);
3539 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 5, 10, 15);
3541 fOpenGLFormat := tfA1BGR5us1;
3542 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3543 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB5_A1;
3544 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV;
3546 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
3550 procedure TfdBGRA8ui1.SetValues;
3552 inherited SetValues;
3553 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3554 fFormat := tfBGRA8ui1;
3555 fWithAlpha := tfBGRA8ui1;
3556 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGRX8ui1;
3557 fRGBInverted := tfRGBA8ui1;
3558 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
3559 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 16, 24, 0);
3561 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRA8ui1;
3562 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3563 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA8;
3564 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8;
3566 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
3570 procedure TfdABGR8ui1.SetValues;
3572 inherited SetValues;
3573 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3574 fFormat := tfABGR8ui1;
3575 fWithAlpha := tfABGR8ui1;
3576 fWithoutAlpha := tfXBGR8ui1;
3577 fRGBInverted := tfARGB8ui1;
3578 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
3579 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 8, 16, 24);
3581 fOpenGLFormat := tfABGR8ui1;
3582 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3583 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA8;
3584 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;
3586 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4
3590 procedure TfdBGRA8ub4.SetValues;
3592 inherited SetValues;
3593 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3594 fFormat := tfBGRA8ub4;
3595 fWithAlpha := tfBGRA8ub4;
3596 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR8ub3;
3597 fRGBInverted := tfRGBA8ub4;
3598 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub( 8, 8, 8, 8);
3599 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 8, 0, 24);
3601 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRA8ub4;
3602 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3603 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA8;
3604 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
3606 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA8ub4;
3610 procedure TfdBGR10A2ui1.SetValues;
3612 inherited SetValues;
3613 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3614 fFormat := tfBGR10A2ui1;
3615 fWithAlpha := tfBGR10A2ui1;
3616 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR10X2ui1;
3617 fRGBInverted := tfRGB10A2ui1;
3618 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 2);
3619 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 2, 12, 22, 0);
3621 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGR10A2ui1;
3622 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3623 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10_A2;
3624 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2;
3626 fOpenGLFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
3630 procedure TfdA2BGR10ui1.SetValues;
3632 inherited SetValues;
3633 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3634 fFormat := tfA2BGR10ui1;
3635 fWithAlpha := tfA2BGR10ui1;
3636 fWithoutAlpha := tfX2BGR10ui1;
3637 fRGBInverted := tfA2RGB10ui1;
3638 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(10, 10, 10, 2);
3639 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 10, 20, 30);
3641 fOpenGLFormat := tfA2BGR10ui1;
3642 fglFormat := GL_RGBA;
3643 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGB10_A2;
3644 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
3646 fOpenGLFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
3650 procedure TfdBGRA16us4.SetValues;
3652 inherited SetValues;
3653 fBitsPerPixel := 64;
3654 fFormat := tfBGRA16us4;
3655 fWithAlpha := tfBGRA16us4;
3656 fWithoutAlpha := tfBGR16us3;
3657 fRGBInverted := tfRGBA16us4;
3658 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 16);
3659 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(32, 16, 0, 48);
3661 fOpenGLFormat := tfBGRA16us4;
3662 fglFormat := GL_BGRA;
3663 fglInternalFormat := GL_RGBA16;
3664 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
3666 fOpenGLFormat := tfRGBA16us4;
3670 procedure TfdDepth16us1.SetValues;
3672 inherited SetValues;
3673 fBitsPerPixel := 16;
3674 fFormat := tfDepth16us1;
3675 fWithoutAlpha := tfDepth16us1;
3676 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(16, 16, 16, 16);
3677 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0);
3679 fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth16us1;
3680 fglFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT;
3681 fglInternalFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16;
3682 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
3686 procedure TfdDepth24ui1.SetValues;
3688 inherited SetValues;
3689 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3690 fFormat := tfDepth24ui1;
3691 fWithoutAlpha := tfDepth24ui1;
3692 fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth24ui1;
3693 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(32, 32, 32, 32);
3694 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0);
3696 fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth24ui1;
3697 fglFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT;
3698 fglInternalFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24;
3699 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
3703 procedure TfdDepth32ui1.SetValues;
3705 inherited SetValues;
3706 fBitsPerPixel := 32;
3707 fFormat := tfDepth32ui1;
3708 fWithoutAlpha := tfDepth32ui1;
3709 fPrecision := glBitmapRec4ub(32, 32, 32, 32);
3710 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0);
3712 fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth32ui1;
3713 fglFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT;
3714 fglInternalFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32;
3715 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
3717 fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth24ui1;
3719 fOpenGLFormat := tfDepth16us1;
3723 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3724 //TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3725 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3726 procedure TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
3728 raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
3731 procedure TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
3733 raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
3736 procedure TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA.SetValues;
3738 inherited SetValues;
3739 fFormat := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA;
3740 fWithAlpha := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA;
3741 fUncompressed := tfRGB5A1us1;
3743 fIsCompressed := true;
3745 fOpenGLFormat := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA;
3746 fglFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA;
3747 fglInternalFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
3748 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
3750 fOpenGLFormat := fUncompressed;
3754 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3755 //TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3756 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3757 procedure TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
3759 raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
3762 procedure TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
3764 raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
3767 procedure TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA.SetValues;
3769 inherited SetValues;
3770 fFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
3771 fWithAlpha := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
3772 fUncompressed := tfRGBA8ub4;
3774 fIsCompressed := true;
3776 fOpenGLFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
3777 fglFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA;
3778 fglInternalFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT;
3779 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
3781 fOpenGLFormat := fUncompressed;
3785 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3786 //TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3787 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3788 procedure TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
3790 raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
3793 procedure TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
3795 raise EglBitmap.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported');
3798 procedure TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA.SetValues;
3800 inherited SetValues;
3801 fFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
3802 fWithAlpha := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
3803 fUncompressed := tfRGBA8ub4;
3805 fIsCompressed := true;
3807 fOpenGLFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
3808 fglFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA;
3809 fglInternalFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT;
3810 fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
3812 fOpenGLFormat := fUncompressed;
3816 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3817 //TglBitmapFormatDescriptor///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3818 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3819 function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasRed: Boolean;
3821 result := (fPrecision.r > 0);
3824 function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasGreen: Boolean;
3826 result := (fPrecision.g > 0);
3829 function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasBlue: Boolean;
3831 result := (fPrecision.b > 0);
3834 function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasAlpha: Boolean;
3836 result := (fPrecision.a > 0);
3839 function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasColor: Boolean;
3841 result := HasRed or HasGreen or HasBlue;
3844 function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetIsGrayscale: Boolean;
3846 result := (Mask.r = Mask.g) and (Mask.g = Mask.b) and (Mask.r > 0);
3849 function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetHasOpenGLSupport: Boolean;
3851 result := (OpenGLFormat = Format);
3854 procedure TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.SetValues;
3857 fWithAlpha := tfEmpty;
3858 fWithoutAlpha := tfEmpty;
3859 fOpenGLFormat := tfEmpty;
3860 fRGBInverted := tfEmpty;
3861 fUncompressed := tfEmpty;
3864 fIsCompressed := false;
3867 fglInternalFormat := 0;
3870 FillChar(fPrecision, 0, SizeOf(fPrecision));
3871 FillChar(fShift, 0, SizeOf(fShift));
3874 procedure TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.CalcValues;
3878 fBytesPerPixel := fBitsPerPixel / 8;
3880 for i := 0 to 3 do begin
3881 if (fPrecision.arr[i] > 0) then
3883 fRange.arr[i] := (1 shl fPrecision.arr[i]) - 1;
3884 fMask.arr[i] := fRange.arr[i] shl fShift.arr[i];
3888 function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetSize(const aSize: TglBitmapSize): Integer;
3892 if (ffX in aSize.Fields) or (ffY in aSize.Fields) then begin
3893 w := Max(1, aSize.X);
3894 h := Max(1, aSize.Y);
3895 result := GetSize(w, h);
3900 function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetSize(const aWidth, aHeight: Integer): Integer;
3903 if (aWidth <= 0) or (aHeight <= 0) then
3905 result := Ceil(aWidth * aHeight * BytesPerPixel);
3908 constructor TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.Create;
3915 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3916 class function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetByFormat(const aInternalFormat: GLenum): TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
3920 for f := Low(TglBitmapFormat) to High(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
3921 result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(f);
3922 if (result.glInternalFormat = aInternalFormat) then
3925 result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tfEmpty);
3928 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3929 class function TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetByFormat(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
3931 result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
3932 if not Assigned(result) then
3933 result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tfEmpty);
3936 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3937 //TFormatDescriptor///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3938 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3939 class procedure TFormatDescriptor.Init;
3941 if not Assigned(FormatDescriptorCS) then
3942 FormatDescriptorCS := TCriticalSection.Create;
3945 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3946 class function TFormatDescriptor.Get(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TFormatDescriptor;
3948 FormatDescriptorCS.Enter;
3950 result := FormatDescriptors[aFormat];
3951 if not Assigned(result) then begin
3952 result := FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR_CLASSES[aFormat].Create;
3953 FormatDescriptors[aFormat] := result;
3956 FormatDescriptorCS.Leave;
3960 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3961 class function TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TFormatDescriptor;
3963 result := Get(Get(aFormat).WithAlpha);
3966 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3967 class function TFormatDescriptor.GetFromMask(const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul; const aBitCount: Integer): TFormatDescriptor;
3969 ft: TglBitmapFormat;
3971 // find matching format with OpenGL support
3972 for ft := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
3974 if (result.MaskMatch(aMask)) and
3975 (result.glFormat <> 0) and
3976 (result.glInternalFormat <> 0) and
3977 ((aBitCount = 0) or (aBitCount = result.BitsPerPixel))
3982 // find matching format without OpenGL Support
3983 for ft := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
3985 if result.MaskMatch(aMask) and ((aBitCount = 0) or (aBitCount = result.BitsPerPixel)) then
3989 result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tfEmpty);
3992 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3993 class function TFormatDescriptor.GetFromPrecShift(const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub; const aBitCount: Integer): TFormatDescriptor;
3995 ft: TglBitmapFormat;
3997 // find matching format with OpenGL support
3998 for ft := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
4000 if glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Shift, aShift) and
4001 glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Precision, aPrec) and
4002 (result.glFormat <> 0) and
4003 (result.glInternalFormat <> 0) and
4004 ((aBitCount = 0) or (aBitCount = result.BitsPerPixel))
4009 // find matching format without OpenGL Support
4010 for ft := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
4012 if glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Shift, aShift) and
4013 glBitmapRec4ubCompare(result.Precision, aPrec) and
4014 ((aBitCount = 0) or (aBitCount = result.BitsPerPixel)) then
4018 result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tfEmpty);
4021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4022 class procedure TFormatDescriptor.Clear;
4026 FormatDescriptorCS.Enter;
4028 for f := low(FormatDescriptors) to high(FormatDescriptors) do
4029 FreeAndNil(FormatDescriptors[f]);
4031 FormatDescriptorCS.Leave;
4035 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4036 class procedure TFormatDescriptor.Finalize;
4039 FreeAndNil(FormatDescriptorCS);
4042 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4043 //TBitfieldFormat/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4044 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4045 procedure TbmpBitfieldFormat.SetCustomValues(const aBPP: Integer; aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul);
4049 for i := 0 to 3 do begin
4051 while (aMask.arr[i] > 0) and ((aMask.arr[i] and 1) = 0) do begin
4052 aMask.arr[i] := aMask.arr[i] shr 1;
4055 fPrecision.arr[i] := CountSetBits(aMask.arr[i]);
4057 fBitsPerPixel := aBPP;
4061 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4062 procedure TbmpBitfieldFormat.SetCustomValues(const aBBP: Integer; const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub);
4064 fBitsPerPixel := aBBP;
4065 fPrecision := aPrec;
4070 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4071 procedure TbmpBitfieldFormat.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
4076 ((aPixel.Data.r and Range.r) shl Shift.r) or
4077 ((aPixel.Data.g and Range.g) shl Shift.g) or
4078 ((aPixel.Data.b and Range.b) shl Shift.b) or
4079 ((aPixel.Data.a and Range.a) shl Shift.a);
4080 case BitsPerPixel of
4082 16: PWord(aData)^ := data;
4083 32: PCardinal(aData)^ := data;
4084 64: PQWord(aData)^ := data;
4086 raise EglBitmap.CreateFmt('invalid pixel size: %d', [BitsPerPixel]);
4088 inc(aData, Round(BytesPerPixel));
4091 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4092 procedure TbmpBitfieldFormat.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
4097 case BitsPerPixel of
4099 16: data := PWord(aData)^;
4100 32: data := PCardinal(aData)^;
4101 64: data := PQWord(aData)^;
4103 raise EglBitmap.CreateFmt('invalid pixel size: %d', [BitsPerPixel]);
4106 aPixel.Data.arr[i] := (data shr fShift.arr[i]) and Range.arr[i];
4107 inc(aData, Round(BytesPerPixel));
4110 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4111 //TColorTableFormat///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4112 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4113 procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.SetValues;
4115 inherited SetValues;
4116 fShift := glBitmapRec4ub(8, 8, 8, 0);
4119 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4120 procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.SetCustomValues(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aBPP: Integer; const aPrec, aShift: TglBitmapRec4ub);
4123 fBitsPerPixel := aBPP;
4124 fPrecision := aPrec;
4129 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4130 procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.CalcValues;
4132 inherited CalcValues;
4135 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4136 procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.CreateColorTable;
4140 SetLength(fColorTable, 256);
4141 if not HasColor then begin
4143 for i := 0 to High(fColorTable) do begin
4144 fColorTable[i].r := Round(((i shr Shift.a) and Range.a) / Range.a * 255);
4145 fColorTable[i].g := Round(((i shr Shift.a) and Range.a) / Range.a * 255);
4146 fColorTable[i].b := Round(((i shr Shift.a) and Range.a) / Range.a * 255);
4147 fColorTable[i].a := 0;
4151 for i := 0 to High(fColorTable) do begin
4152 fColorTable[i].r := Round(((i shr Shift.r) and Range.r) / Range.r * 255);
4153 fColorTable[i].g := Round(((i shr Shift.g) and Range.g) / Range.g * 255);
4154 fColorTable[i].b := Round(((i shr Shift.b) and Range.b) / Range.b * 255);
4155 fColorTable[i].a := 0;
4160 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4161 function TbmpColorTableFormat.CreateMappingData: Pointer;
4163 result := Pointer(0);
4166 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4167 procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer);
4169 if (BitsPerPixel <> 8) then
4170 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('color table are only supported for 8bit formats');
4171 if not HasColor then
4173 aData^ := aPixel.Data.a
4177 ((aPixel.Data.r shr Shift.r) and Range.r) * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_R +
4178 ((aPixel.Data.g shr Shift.g) and Range.g) * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_G +
4179 ((aPixel.Data.b shr Shift.b) and Range.b) * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_B);
4183 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4184 procedure TbmpColorTableFormat.Unmap(var aData: PByte; out aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer);
4186 function ReadValue: Byte;
4190 if (BitsPerPixel = 8) then begin
4194 i := {%H-}PtrUInt(aMapData);
4195 if (BitsPerPixel > 1) then
4196 result := (aData^ shr i) and ((1 shl BitsPerPixel) - 1)
4198 result := (aData^ shr (7-i)) and ((1 shl BitsPerPixel) - 1);
4199 inc(i, BitsPerPixel);
4200 while (i >= 8) do begin
4204 aMapData := {%H-}Pointer(i);
4209 if (BitsPerPixel > 8) then
4210 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('color table are only supported for 8bit formats');
4211 with fColorTable[ReadValue] do begin
4219 destructor TbmpColorTableFormat.Destroy;
4221 SetLength(fColorTable, 0);
4225 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4226 //TglBitmap - Helper//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4227 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4228 procedure glBitmapConvertPixel(var aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; const aSourceFD, aDestFD: TFormatDescriptor);
4232 for i := 0 to 3 do begin
4233 if (aSourceFD.Range.arr[i] <> aDestFD.Range.arr[i]) then begin
4234 if (aSourceFD.Range.arr[i] > 0) then
4235 aPixel.Data.arr[i] := Round(aPixel.Data.arr[i] / aSourceFD.Range.arr[i] * aDestFD.Range.arr[i])
4237 aPixel.Data.arr[i] := 0;
4242 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4243 procedure glBitmapConvertCopyFunc(var aFuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
4245 with aFuncRec do begin
4246 if (Source.Range.r > 0) then
4247 Dest.Data.r := Source.Data.r;
4248 if (Source.Range.g > 0) then
4249 Dest.Data.g := Source.Data.g;
4250 if (Source.Range.b > 0) then
4251 Dest.Data.b := Source.Data.b;
4252 if (Source.Range.a > 0) then
4253 Dest.Data.a := Source.Data.a;
4257 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4258 procedure glBitmapConvertCalculateRGBAFunc(var aFuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
4262 with aFuncRec do begin
4264 if (Source.Range.arr[i] > 0) then
4265 Dest.Data.arr[i] := Round(Dest.Range.arr[i] * Source.Data.arr[i] / Source.Range.arr[i]);
4270 TShiftData = packed record
4272 0: (r, g, b, a: SmallInt);
4273 1: (arr: array[0..3] of SmallInt);
4275 PShiftData = ^TShiftData;
4277 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4278 procedure glBitmapConvertShiftRGBAFunc(var aFuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
4284 if (Source.Range.arr[i] > 0) then
4285 Dest.Data.arr[i] := Source.Data.arr[i] shr PShiftData(Args)^.arr[i];
4288 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4289 procedure glBitmapInvertFunc(var aFuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
4293 with aFuncRec do begin
4294 Dest.Data := Source.Data;
4296 if ({%H-}PtrUInt(Args) and (1 shl i) > 0) then
4297 Dest.Data.arr[i] := Dest.Data.arr[i] xor Dest.Range.arr[i];
4301 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4302 procedure glBitmapFillWithColorFunc(var aFuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
4306 with aFuncRec do begin
4308 Dest.Data.arr[i] := PglBitmapPixelData(Args)^.Data.arr[i];
4312 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4313 procedure glBitmapAlphaFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
4317 with FuncRec do begin
4318 if (FuncRec.Args = nil) then begin //source has no alpha
4320 Source.Data.r / Source.Range.r * ALPHA_WEIGHT_R +
4321 Source.Data.g / Source.Range.g * ALPHA_WEIGHT_G +
4322 Source.Data.b / Source.Range.b * ALPHA_WEIGHT_B;
4323 Dest.Data.a := Round(Dest.Range.a * Temp);
4325 Dest.Data.a := Round(Source.Data.a / Source.Range.a * Dest.Range.a);
4329 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4330 procedure glBitmapColorKeyAlphaFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
4332 PglBitmapPixelData = ^TglBitmapPixelData;
4334 with FuncRec do begin
4335 Dest.Data.r := Source.Data.r;
4336 Dest.Data.g := Source.Data.g;
4337 Dest.Data.b := Source.Data.b;
4339 with PglBitmapPixelData(Args)^ do
4340 if ((Dest.Data.r <= Data.r) and (Dest.Data.r >= Range.r) and
4341 (Dest.Data.g <= Data.g) and (Dest.Data.g >= Range.g) and
4342 (Dest.Data.b <= Data.b) and (Dest.Data.b >= Range.b)) then
4345 Dest.Data.a := Dest.Range.a;
4349 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4350 procedure glBitmapValueAlphaFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
4352 with FuncRec do begin
4353 Dest.Data.r := Source.Data.r;
4354 Dest.Data.g := Source.Data.g;
4355 Dest.Data.b := Source.Data.b;
4356 Dest.Data.a := PCardinal(Args)^;
4360 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4361 procedure SwapRGB(aData: PByte; aWidth: Integer; const aHasAlpha: Boolean);
4364 TRGBPix = array [0..2] of byte;
4368 while aWidth > 0 do begin
4369 Temp := PRGBPix(aData)^[0];
4370 PRGBPix(aData)^[0] := PRGBPix(aData)^[2];
4371 PRGBPix(aData)^[2] := Temp;
4381 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4382 //TglBitmapData///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4383 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4384 function TglBitmapData.GetFormatDescriptor: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
4386 result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(fFormat);
4389 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4390 function TglBitmapData.GetWidth: Integer;
4392 if (ffX in fDimension.Fields) then
4393 result := fDimension.X
4398 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4399 function TglBitmapData.GetHeight: Integer;
4401 if (ffY in fDimension.Fields) then
4402 result := fDimension.Y
4407 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4408 function TglBitmapData.GetScanlines(const aIndex: Integer): PByte;
4410 if fHasScanlines and (aIndex >= Low(fScanlines)) and (aIndex <= High(fScanlines)) then
4411 result := fScanlines[aIndex]
4416 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4417 procedure TglBitmapData.SetFormat(const aValue: TglBitmapFormat);
4419 if fFormat = aValue then
4421 if TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).BitsPerPixel <> TFormatDescriptor.Get(aValue).BitsPerPixel then
4422 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
4423 SetData(fData, aValue, Width, Height);
4426 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4427 procedure TglBitmapData.PrepareResType(var aResource: String; var aResType: PChar);
4431 if not Assigned(aResType) then begin
4432 TempPos := Pos('.', aResource);
4433 aResType := PChar(UpperCase(Copy(aResource, TempPos + 1, Length(aResource) - TempPos)));
4434 aResource := UpperCase(Copy(aResource, 0, TempPos -1));
4438 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4439 procedure TglBitmapData.UpdateScanlines;
4441 w, h, i, LineWidth: Integer;
4445 fHasScanlines := Assigned(fData) and (w > 0) and (h > 0);
4446 if fHasScanlines then begin
4447 SetLength(fScanlines, h);
4448 LineWidth := Trunc(w * FormatDescriptor.BytesPerPixel);
4449 for i := 0 to h-1 do begin
4450 fScanlines[i] := fData;
4451 Inc(fScanlines[i], i * LineWidth);
4454 SetLength(fScanlines, 0);
4459 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4460 //PNG/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4461 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4462 function TglBitmapData.LoadPNG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
4465 PNG_MAGIC: String[MAGIC_LEN] = #$89#$50#$4E#$47#$0D#$0A#$1A#$0A;
4467 reader: TLazReaderPNG;
4468 intf: TLazIntfImage;
4470 magic: String[MAGIC_LEN];
4473 StreamPos := aStream.Position;
4475 SetLength(magic, MAGIC_LEN);
4476 aStream.Read(magic[1], MAGIC_LEN);
4477 aStream.Position := StreamPos;
4478 if (magic <> PNG_MAGIC) then begin
4483 intf := TLazIntfImage.Create(0, 0);
4484 reader := TLazReaderPNG.Create;
4486 reader.UpdateDescription := true;
4487 reader.ImageRead(aStream, intf);
4488 AssignFromLazIntfImage(intf);
4491 aStream.Position := StreamPos;
4501 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4502 function TglBitmapData.LoadPNG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
4504 Surface: PSDL_Surface;
4508 RWops := glBitmapCreateRWops(aStream);
4510 if IMG_isPNG(RWops) > 0 then begin
4511 Surface := IMG_LoadPNG_RW(RWops);
4513 AssignFromSurface(Surface);
4516 SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
4525 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4526 procedure glBitmap_libPNG_read_func(png: png_structp; buffer: png_bytep; size: cardinal); cdecl;
4528 TStream(png_get_io_ptr(png)).Read(buffer^, size);
4531 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4532 function TglBitmapData.LoadPNG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
4535 signature: array [0..7] of byte;
4537 png_info: png_infop;
4539 TempHeight, TempWidth: Integer;
4540 Format: TglBitmapFormat;
4543 png_rows: array of pByte;
4544 Row, LineSize: Integer;
4548 if not init_libPNG then
4549 raise Exception.Create('LoadPNG - unable to initialize libPNG.');
4553 StreamPos := aStream.Position;
4554 aStream.Read(signature{%H-}, 8);
4555 aStream.Position := StreamPos;
4557 if png_check_sig(@signature, 8) <> 0 then begin
4559 png := png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nil, nil, nil);
4561 raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadPng - couldn''t create read struct.');
4564 png_info := png_create_info_struct(png);
4565 if png_info = nil then begin
4566 png_destroy_read_struct(@png, nil, nil);
4567 raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadPng - couldn''t create info struct.');
4570 // set read callback
4571 png_set_read_fn(png, aStream, glBitmap_libPNG_read_func);
4573 // read informations
4574 png_read_info(png, png_info);
4577 TempHeight := png_get_image_height(png, png_info);
4578 TempWidth := png_get_image_width(png, png_info);
4581 case png_get_color_type(png, png_info) of
4583 Format := tfLuminance8ub1;
4585 Format := tfLuminance8Alpha8us1;
4587 Format := tfRGB8ub3;
4589 Format := tfRGBA8ub4;
4591 raise EglBitmapException.Create ('LoadPng - Unsupported Colortype found.');
4594 // cut upper 8 bit from 16 bit formats
4595 if png_get_bit_depth(png, png_info) > 8 then
4596 png_set_strip_16(png);
4598 // expand bitdepth smaller than 8
4599 if png_get_bit_depth(png, png_info) < 8 then
4600 png_set_expand(png);
4602 // allocating mem for scanlines
4603 LineSize := png_get_rowbytes(png, png_info);
4604 GetMem(png_data, TempHeight * LineSize);
4606 SetLength(png_rows, TempHeight);
4607 for Row := Low(png_rows) to High(png_rows) do begin
4608 png_rows[Row] := png_data;
4609 Inc(png_rows[Row], Row * LineSize);
4612 // read complete image into scanlines
4613 png_read_image(png, @png_rows[0]);
4616 png_read_end(png, png_info);
4618 // destroy read struct
4619 png_destroy_read_struct(@png, @png_info, nil);
4621 SetLength(png_rows, 0);
4624 SetData(png_data, Format, TempWidth, TempHeight);
4628 if Assigned(png_data) then
4639 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4640 function TglBitmapData.LoadPNG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
4645 Row, Col, PixSize, LineSize: Integer;
4646 NewImage, pSource, pDest, pAlpha: pByte;
4647 PngFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
4648 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
4651 PngHeader: String[8] = #137#80#78#71#13#10#26#10;
4656 StreamPos := aStream.Position;
4657 aStream.Read(Header[0], SizeOf(Header));
4658 aStream.Position := StreamPos;
4660 {Test if the header matches}
4661 if Header = PngHeader then begin
4662 Png := TPNGObject.Create;
4664 Png.LoadFromStream(aStream);
4666 case Png.Header.ColorType of
4668 PngFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
4670 PngFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8us1;
4672 PngFormat := tfBGR8ub3;
4674 PngFormat := tfBGRA8ub4;
4676 raise EglBitmapException.Create ('LoadPng - Unsupported Colortype found.');
4679 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(PngFormat);
4680 PixSize := Round(FormatDesc.PixelSize);
4681 LineSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(Png.Header.Width, 1);
4683 GetMem(NewImage, LineSize * Integer(Png.Header.Height));
4687 case Png.Header.ColorType of
4690 for Row := 0 to Png.Height -1 do begin
4691 Move (Png.Scanline[Row]^, pDest^, LineSize);
4692 Inc(pDest, LineSize);
4697 PixSize := PixSize -1;
4699 for Row := 0 to Png.Height -1 do begin
4700 pSource := Png.Scanline[Row];
4701 pAlpha := pByte(Png.AlphaScanline[Row]);
4703 for Col := 0 to Png.Width -1 do begin
4704 Move (pSource^, pDest^, PixSize);
4705 Inc(pSource, PixSize);
4706 Inc(pDest, PixSize);
4715 raise EglBitmapException.Create ('LoadPng - Unsupported Colortype found.');
4718 SetData(NewImage, PngFormat, Png.Header.Width, Png.Header.Height);
4722 if Assigned(NewImage) then
4736 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4737 procedure glBitmap_libPNG_write_func(png: png_structp; buffer: png_bytep; size: cardinal); cdecl;
4739 TStream(png_get_io_ptr(png)).Write(buffer^, size);
4744 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4745 procedure TglBitmapData.SavePNG(const aStream: TStream);
4747 png: TPortableNetworkGraphic;
4748 intf: TLazIntfImage;
4751 png := TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
4752 intf := TLazIntfImage.Create(0, 0);
4754 if not AssignToLazIntfImage(intf) then
4755 raise EglBitmap.Create('unable to create LazIntfImage from glBitmap');
4756 intf.GetRawImage(raw);
4757 png.LoadFromRawImage(raw, false);
4758 png.SaveToStream(aStream);
4766 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4767 procedure TglBitmapData.SavePNG(const aStream: TStream);
4770 png_info: png_infop;
4771 png_rows: array of pByte;
4775 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
4777 if not (ftPNG in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
4778 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
4780 if not init_libPNG then
4781 raise Exception.Create('unable to initialize libPNG.');
4785 tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1:
4786 ColorType := PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY;
4787 tfLuminance8Alpha8us1:
4789 tfBGR8ub3, tfRGB8ub3:
4790 ColorType := PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
4791 tfBGRA8ub4, tfRGBA8ub4:
4792 ColorType := PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA;
4794 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
4797 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
4798 LineSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(Width, 1);
4800 // creating array for scanline
4801 SetLength(png_rows, Height);
4803 for Row := 0 to Height - 1 do begin
4804 png_rows[Row] := Data;
4805 Inc(png_rows[Row], Row * LineSize)
4809 png := png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nil, nil, nil);
4811 raise EglBitmapException.Create('SavePng - couldn''t create write struct.');
4814 png_info := png_create_info_struct(png);
4815 if png_info = nil then begin
4816 png_destroy_write_struct(@png, nil);
4817 raise EglBitmapException.Create('SavePng - couldn''t create info struct.');
4820 // set read callback
4821 png_set_write_fn(png, aStream, glBitmap_libPNG_write_func, nil);
4824 png_set_compression_level(png, 6);
4826 if Format in [tfBGR8ub3, tfBGRA8ub4] then
4830 png_write_info(png, png_info);
4831 png_write_image(png, @png_rows[0]);
4832 png_write_end(png, png_info);
4833 png_destroy_write_struct(@png, @png_info);
4835 SetLength(png_rows, 0);
4843 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4844 procedure TglBitmapData.SavePNG(const aStream: TStream);
4848 pSource, pDest: pByte;
4849 X, Y, PixSize: Integer;
4850 ColorType: Cardinal;
4856 if not (ftPNG in FormatGetSupportedFiles (Format)) then
4857 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
4860 tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1: begin
4861 ColorType := COLOR_GRAYSCALE;
4865 tfLuminance8Alpha8us1: begin
4870 tfBGR8ub3, tfRGB8ub3: begin
4871 ColorType := COLOR_RGB;
4875 tfBGRA8ub4, tfRGBA8ub4: begin
4876 ColorType := COLOR_RGBALPHA;
4881 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
4884 Png := TPNGObject.CreateBlank(ColorType, 8, Width, Height);
4888 for Y := 0 to Height -1 do begin
4889 pDest := png.ScanLine[Y];
4890 for X := 0 to Width -1 do begin
4891 Move(pSource^, pDest^, PixSize);
4892 Inc(pDest, PixSize);
4893 Inc(pSource, PixSize);
4895 png.AlphaScanline[Y]^[X] := pSource^;
4900 // convert RGB line to BGR
4901 if Format in [tfRGB8ub3, tfRGBA8ub4] then begin
4902 pTemp := png.ScanLine[Y];
4903 for X := 0 to Width -1 do begin
4904 Temp := pByteArray(pTemp)^[0];
4905 pByteArray(pTemp)^[0] := pByteArray(pTemp)^[2];
4906 pByteArray(pTemp)^[2] := Temp;
4913 Png.CompressionLevel := 6;
4914 Png.SaveToStream(aStream);
4922 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4923 //JPEG////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4924 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4927 glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr = ^glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr;
4928 glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr = record
4929 pub: jpeg_source_mgr;
4932 SrcBuffer: array [1..4096] of byte;
4935 glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr = ^glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr;
4936 glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr = record
4937 pub: jpeg_destination_mgr;
4939 DestStream: TStream;
4940 DestBuffer: array [1..4096] of byte;
4943 procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_error_exit(cinfo: j_common_ptr); cdecl;
4949 procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_output_message(cinfo: j_common_ptr); cdecl;
4955 procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_init_source(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr); cdecl;
4960 procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_term_source(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr); cdecl;
4966 procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_init_destination(cinfo: j_compress_ptr); cdecl;
4972 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4973 function glBitmap_libJPEG_fill_input_buffer(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr): boolean; cdecl;
4975 src: glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr;
4978 src := glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr(cinfo^.src);
4980 bytes := src^.SrcStream.Read(src^.SrcBuffer[1], 4096);
4981 if (bytes <= 0) then begin
4982 src^.SrcBuffer[1] := $FF;
4983 src^.SrcBuffer[2] := JPEG_EOI;
4987 src^.pub.next_input_byte := @(src^.SrcBuffer[1]);
4988 src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer := bytes;
4993 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4994 procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_skip_input_data(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr; num_bytes: Longint); cdecl;
4996 src: glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr;
4998 src := glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr(cinfo^.src);
5000 if num_bytes > 0 then begin
5001 // wanted byte isn't in buffer so set stream position and read buffer
5002 if num_bytes > src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer then begin
5003 src^.SrcStream.Position := src^.SrcStream.Position + num_bytes - src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer;
5004 src^.pub.fill_input_buffer(cinfo);
5006 // wanted byte is in buffer so only skip
5007 inc(src^.pub.next_input_byte, num_bytes);
5008 dec(src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer, num_bytes);
5013 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5014 function glBitmap_libJPEG_empty_output_buffer(cinfo: j_compress_ptr): boolean; cdecl;
5016 dest: glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr;
5018 dest := glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr(cinfo^.dest);
5020 if dest^.pub.free_in_buffer < Cardinal(Length(dest^.DestBuffer)) then begin
5021 // write complete buffer
5022 dest^.DestStream.Write(dest^.DestBuffer[1], SizeOf(dest^.DestBuffer));
5025 dest^.pub.next_output_byte := @dest^.DestBuffer[1];
5026 dest^.pub.free_in_buffer := Length(dest^.DestBuffer);
5032 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5033 procedure glBitmap_libJPEG_term_destination(cinfo: j_compress_ptr); cdecl;
5036 dest: glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr;
5038 dest := glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr(cinfo^.dest);
5040 for Idx := Low(dest^.DestBuffer) to High(dest^.DestBuffer) do begin
5041 // check for endblock
5042 if (Idx < High(dest^.DestBuffer)) and (dest^.DestBuffer[Idx] = $FF) and (dest^.DestBuffer[Idx +1] = JPEG_EOI) then begin
5044 dest^.DestStream.Write(dest^.DestBuffer[Idx], 2);
5049 dest^.DestStream.Write(dest^.DestBuffer[Idx], 1);
5056 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5057 function TglBitmapData.LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
5060 JPEG_MAGIC: String[MAGIC_LEN] = #$FF#$D8;
5062 intf: TLazIntfImage;
5063 reader: TFPReaderJPEG;
5065 magic: String[MAGIC_LEN];
5068 StreamPos := aStream.Position;
5070 SetLength(magic, MAGIC_LEN);
5071 aStream.Read(magic[1], MAGIC_LEN);
5072 aStream.Position := StreamPos;
5073 if (magic <> JPEG_MAGIC) then begin
5078 reader := TFPReaderJPEG.Create;
5079 intf := TLazIntfImage.Create(0, 0);
5081 intf.DataDescription := GetDescriptionFromDevice(0, 0, 0);
5082 reader.ImageRead(aStream, intf);
5083 AssignFromLazIntfImage(intf);
5086 aStream.Position := StreamPos;
5096 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5097 function TglBitmapData.LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
5099 Surface: PSDL_Surface;
5104 RWops := glBitmapCreateRWops(aStream);
5106 if IMG_isJPG(RWops) > 0 then begin
5107 Surface := IMG_LoadJPG_RW(RWops);
5109 AssignFromSurface(Surface);
5112 SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
5121 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5122 function TglBitmapData.LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
5125 Temp: array[0..1]of Byte;
5127 jpeg: jpeg_decompress_struct;
5128 jpeg_err: jpeg_error_mgr;
5130 IntFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
5132 TempHeight, TempWidth: Integer;
5137 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
5141 if not init_libJPEG then
5142 raise Exception.Create('LoadJPG - unable to initialize libJPEG.');
5145 // reading first two bytes to test file and set cursor back to begin
5146 StreamPos := aStream.Position;
5147 aStream.Read({%H-}Temp[0], 2);
5148 aStream.Position := StreamPos;
5150 // if Bitmap then read file.
5151 if ((Temp[0] = $FF) and (Temp[1] = $D8)) then begin
5152 FillChar(jpeg{%H-}, SizeOf(jpeg_decompress_struct), $00);
5153 FillChar(jpeg_err{%H-}, SizeOf(jpeg_error_mgr), $00);
5156 jpeg.err := jpeg_std_error(@jpeg_err);
5157 jpeg_err.error_exit := glBitmap_libJPEG_error_exit;
5158 jpeg_err.output_message := glBitmap_libJPEG_output_message;
5160 // decompression struct
5161 jpeg_create_decompress(@jpeg);
5163 // allocation space for streaming methods
5164 jpeg.src := jpeg.mem^.alloc_small(@jpeg, JPOOL_PERMANENT, SizeOf(glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr));
5166 // seeting up custom functions
5167 with glBitmap_libJPEG_source_mgr_ptr(jpeg.src)^ do begin
5168 pub.init_source := glBitmap_libJPEG_init_source;
5169 pub.fill_input_buffer := glBitmap_libJPEG_fill_input_buffer;
5170 pub.skip_input_data := glBitmap_libJPEG_skip_input_data;
5171 pub.resync_to_restart := jpeg_resync_to_restart; // use default method
5172 pub.term_source := glBitmap_libJPEG_term_source;
5174 pub.bytes_in_buffer := 0; // forces fill_input_buffer on first read
5175 pub.next_input_byte := nil; // until buffer loaded
5177 SrcStream := aStream;
5180 // set global decoding state
5181 jpeg.global_state := DSTATE_START;
5183 // read header of jpeg
5184 jpeg_read_header(@jpeg, false);
5186 // setting output parameter
5187 case jpeg.jpeg_color_space of
5190 jpeg.out_color_space := JCS_GRAYSCALE;
5191 IntFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
5194 jpeg.out_color_space := JCS_RGB;
5195 IntFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
5199 jpeg_start_decompress(@jpeg);
5201 TempHeight := jpeg.output_height;
5202 TempWidth := jpeg.output_width;
5204 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(IntFormat);
5206 // creating new image
5207 GetMem(pImage, FormatDesc.GetSize(TempWidth, TempHeight));
5211 for Row := 0 to TempHeight -1 do begin
5212 jpeg_read_scanlines(@jpeg, @pTemp, 1);
5213 Inc(pTemp, FormatDesc.GetSize(TempWidth, 1));
5216 // finish decompression
5217 jpeg_finish_decompress(@jpeg);
5219 // destroy decompression
5220 jpeg_destroy_decompress(@jpeg);
5222 SetData(pImage, IntFormat, TempWidth, TempHeight);
5226 if Assigned(pImage) then
5237 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5238 function TglBitmapData.LoadJPEG(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
5243 Temp: array[0..1]of Byte;
5247 // reading first two bytes to test file and set cursor back to begin
5248 StreamPos := aStream.Position;
5249 aStream.Read(Temp[0], 2);
5250 aStream.Position := StreamPos;
5252 // if Bitmap then read file.
5253 if ((Temp[0] = $FF) and (Temp[1] = $D8)) then begin
5254 bmp := TBitmap.Create;
5256 jpg := TJPEGImage.Create;
5258 jpg.LoadFromStream(aStream);
5260 result := AssignFromBitmap(bmp);
5274 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5275 procedure TglBitmapData.SaveJPEG(const aStream: TStream);
5278 intf: TLazIntfImage;
5281 jpeg := TJPEGImage.Create;
5282 intf := TLazIntfImage.Create(0, 0);
5284 if not AssignToLazIntfImage(intf) then
5285 raise EglBitmap.Create('unable to create LazIntfImage from glBitmap');
5286 intf.GetRawImage(raw);
5287 jpeg.LoadFromRawImage(raw, false);
5288 jpeg.SaveToStream(aStream);
5296 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5297 procedure TglBitmapData.SaveJPEG(const aStream: TStream);
5299 jpeg: jpeg_compress_struct;
5300 jpeg_err: jpeg_error_mgr;
5302 pTemp, pTemp2: pByte;
5304 procedure CopyRow(pDest, pSource: pByte);
5308 for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin
5309 pByteArray(pDest)^[0] := pByteArray(pSource)^[2];
5310 pByteArray(pDest)^[1] := pByteArray(pSource)^[1];
5311 pByteArray(pDest)^[2] := pByteArray(pSource)^[0];
5318 if not (ftJPEG in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
5319 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
5321 if not init_libJPEG then
5322 raise Exception.Create('SaveJPG - unable to initialize libJPEG.');
5325 FillChar(jpeg{%H-}, SizeOf(jpeg_compress_struct), $00);
5326 FillChar(jpeg_err{%H-}, SizeOf(jpeg_error_mgr), $00);
5329 jpeg.err := jpeg_std_error(@jpeg_err);
5330 jpeg_err.error_exit := glBitmap_libJPEG_error_exit;
5331 jpeg_err.output_message := glBitmap_libJPEG_output_message;
5333 // compression struct
5334 jpeg_create_compress(@jpeg);
5336 // allocation space for streaming methods
5337 jpeg.dest := jpeg.mem^.alloc_small(@jpeg, JPOOL_PERMANENT, SizeOf(glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr));
5339 // seeting up custom functions
5340 with glBitmap_libJPEG_dest_mgr_ptr(jpeg.dest)^ do begin
5341 pub.init_destination := glBitmap_libJPEG_init_destination;
5342 pub.empty_output_buffer := glBitmap_libJPEG_empty_output_buffer;
5343 pub.term_destination := glBitmap_libJPEG_term_destination;
5345 pub.next_output_byte := @DestBuffer[1];
5346 pub.free_in_buffer := Length(DestBuffer);
5348 DestStream := aStream;
5351 // very important state
5352 jpeg.global_state := CSTATE_START;
5353 jpeg.image_width := Width;
5354 jpeg.image_height := Height;
5356 tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1: begin
5357 jpeg.input_components := 1;
5358 jpeg.in_color_space := JCS_GRAYSCALE;
5360 tfRGB8ub3, tfBGR8ub3: begin
5361 jpeg.input_components := 3;
5362 jpeg.in_color_space := JCS_RGB;
5366 jpeg_set_defaults(@jpeg);
5367 jpeg_set_quality(@jpeg, 95, true);
5368 jpeg_start_compress(@jpeg, true);
5371 if Format = tfBGR8ub3 then
5372 GetMem(pTemp2, fRowSize)
5377 for Row := 0 to jpeg.image_height -1 do begin
5379 if Format = tfBGR8ub3 then
5380 CopyRow(pTemp2, pTemp)
5385 jpeg_write_scanlines(@jpeg, @pTemp2, 1);
5386 inc(pTemp, fRowSize);
5390 if Format = tfBGR8ub3 then
5393 jpeg_finish_compress(@jpeg);
5394 jpeg_destroy_compress(@jpeg);
5401 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5402 procedure TglBitmapData.SaveJPEG(const aStream: TStream);
5407 if not (ftJPEG in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
5408 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
5410 Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
5412 Jpg := TJPEGImage.Create;
5414 AssignToBitmap(Bmp);
5415 if (Format in [tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1]) then begin
5416 Jpg.Grayscale := true;
5417 Jpg.PixelFormat := jf8Bit;
5420 Jpg.SaveToStream(aStream);
5431 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5432 //RAW/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5433 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5435 RawHeader = packed record
5441 BitsPerPixel: Integer;
5442 Precision: TglBitmapRec4ub;
5443 Shift: TglBitmapRec4ub;
5446 function TglBitmapData.LoadRAW(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
5450 fd: TFormatDescriptor;
5454 StartPos := aStream.Position;
5455 aStream.Read(header{%H-}, SizeOf(header));
5456 if (header.Magic <> 'glBMP') then begin
5457 aStream.Position := StartPos;
5461 fd := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromPrecShift(header.Precision, header.Shift, header.BitsPerPixel);
5462 if (fd.Format = tfEmpty) then
5463 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('no supported format found');
5465 buf := GetMemory(header.DataSize);
5466 aStream.Read(buf^, header.DataSize);
5467 SetData(buf, fd.Format, header.Width, header.Height);
5472 procedure TglBitmapData.SaveRAW(const aStream: TStream);
5475 fd: TFormatDescriptor;
5477 fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
5478 header.Magic := 'glBMP';
5479 header.Version := 1;
5480 header.Width := Width;
5481 header.Height := Height;
5482 header.DataSize := fd.GetSize(fDimension);
5483 header.BitsPerPixel := fd.BitsPerPixel;
5484 header.Precision := fd.Precision;
5485 header.Shift := fd.Shift;
5486 aStream.Write(header, SizeOf(header));
5487 aStream.Write(Data^, header.DataSize);
5490 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5491 //BMP/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5492 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5502 TBMPHeader = packed record
5507 bfOffBits: Cardinal;
5510 TBMPInfo = packed record
5516 biCompression: Cardinal;
5517 biSizeImage: Cardinal;
5518 biXPelsPerMeter: Longint;
5519 biYPelsPerMeter: Longint;
5520 biClrUsed: Cardinal;
5521 biClrImportant: Cardinal;
5524 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5525 function TglBitmapData.LoadBMP(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
5527 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5528 function ReadInfo(out aInfo: TBMPInfo; out aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul): TglBitmapFormat;
5533 aStream.Read(aInfo{%H-}, SizeOf(aInfo));
5534 FillChar(aMask{%H-}, SizeOf(aMask), 0);
5537 case aInfo.biCompression of
5539 BMP_COMP_RLE8: begin
5540 raise EglBitmap.Create('RLE compression is not supported');
5543 if (aInfo.biBitCount = 16) or (aInfo.biBitCount = 32) then begin
5544 for i := 0 to 2 do begin
5545 aStream.Read(tmp{%H-}, SizeOf(tmp));
5546 aMask.arr[i] := tmp;
5549 raise EglBitmap.Create('Bitfields are only supported for 16bit and 32bit formats');
5553 //get suitable format
5554 case aInfo.biBitCount of
5555 8: result := tfLuminance8ub1;
5556 16: result := tfX1RGB5us1;
5557 24: result := tfBGR8ub3;
5558 32: result := tfXRGB8ui1;
5562 function ReadColorTable(var aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aInfo: TBMPInfo): TbmpColorTableFormat;
5565 fd: TFormatDescriptor;
5566 ColorTable: TbmpColorTable;
5569 if (aInfo.biBitCount >= 16) then
5571 aFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
5572 c := aInfo.biClrUsed;
5574 c := 1 shl aInfo.biBitCount;
5575 SetLength(ColorTable, c);
5576 for i := 0 to c-1 do begin
5577 aStream.Read(ColorTable[i], SizeOf(TbmpColorTableEnty));
5578 if (ColorTable[i].r <> ColorTable[i].g) or (ColorTable[i].g <> ColorTable[i].b) then
5579 aFormat := tfRGB8ub3;
5582 fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
5583 result := TbmpColorTableFormat.Create;
5584 result.ColorTable := ColorTable;
5585 result.SetCustomValues(aFormat, aInfo.biBitCount, fd.Precision, fd.Shift);
5588 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5589 function CheckBitfields(var aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aMask: TglBitmapRec4ul; const aInfo: TBMPInfo): TbmpBitfieldFormat;
5591 fd: TFormatDescriptor;
5594 if (aMask.r <> 0) or (aMask.g <> 0) or (aMask.b <> 0) or (aMask.a <> 0) then begin
5596 // find suitable format ...
5597 fd := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromMask(aMask);
5598 if (fd.Format <> tfEmpty) then begin
5599 aFormat := fd.Format;
5603 // or create custom bitfield format
5604 result := TbmpBitfieldFormat.Create;
5605 result.SetCustomValues(aInfo.biBitCount, aMask);
5612 ImageSize, rbLineSize, wbLineSize, Padding, i: Integer;
5613 PaddingBuff: Cardinal;
5614 LineBuf, ImageData, TmpData: PByte;
5615 SourceMD, DestMD: Pointer;
5616 BmpFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
5619 Mask: TglBitmapRec4ul;
5624 SpecialFormat: TFormatDescriptor;
5625 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
5627 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5628 procedure SpecialFormatReadLine(aData: PByte; aLineBuf: PByte);
5631 Pixel: TglBitmapPixelData;
5633 aStream.Read(aLineBuf^, rbLineSize);
5634 SpecialFormat.PreparePixel(Pixel);
5635 for i := 0 to Info.biWidth-1 do begin
5636 SpecialFormat.Unmap(aLineBuf, Pixel, SourceMD);
5637 glBitmapConvertPixel(Pixel, SpecialFormat, FormatDesc);
5638 FormatDesc.Map(Pixel, aData, DestMD);
5644 BmpFormat := tfEmpty;
5645 SpecialFormat := nil;
5651 StartPos := aStream.Position;
5652 aStream.Read(Header{%H-}, SizeOf(Header));
5654 if Header.bfType = BMP_MAGIC then begin
5656 BmpFormat := ReadInfo(Info, Mask);
5657 SpecialFormat := ReadColorTable(BmpFormat, Info);
5658 if not Assigned(SpecialFormat) then
5659 SpecialFormat := CheckBitfields(BmpFormat, Mask, Info);
5660 aStream.Position := StartPos + Header.bfOffBits;
5662 if (BmpFormat <> tfEmpty) then begin
5663 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(BmpFormat);
5664 rbLineSize := Round(Info.biWidth * Info.biBitCount / 8); //ReadBuffer LineSize
5665 wbLineSize := Trunc(Info.biWidth * FormatDesc.BytesPerPixel);
5666 Padding := (((Info.biWidth * Info.biBitCount + 31) and - 32) shr 3) - rbLineSize;
5669 DestMD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData;
5670 ImageSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(Info.biWidth, abs(Info.biHeight));
5671 GetMem(ImageData, ImageSize);
5672 if Assigned(SpecialFormat) then begin
5673 GetMem(LineBuf, rbLineSize); //tmp Memory for converting Bitfields
5674 SourceMD := SpecialFormat.CreateMappingData;
5679 FillChar(ImageData^, ImageSize, $FF);
5680 TmpData := ImageData;
5681 if (Info.biHeight > 0) then
5682 Inc(TmpData, wbLineSize * (Info.biHeight-1));
5683 for i := 0 to Abs(Info.biHeight)-1 do begin
5684 if Assigned(SpecialFormat) then
5685 SpecialFormatReadLine(TmpData, LineBuf) //if is special format read and convert data
5687 aStream.Read(TmpData^, wbLineSize); //else only read data
5688 if (Info.biHeight > 0) then
5689 dec(TmpData, wbLineSize)
5691 inc(TmpData, wbLineSize);
5692 aStream.Read(PaddingBuff{%H-}, Padding);
5694 SetData(ImageData, BmpFormat, Info.biWidth, abs(Info.biHeight));
5697 if Assigned(LineBuf) then
5699 if Assigned(SourceMD) then
5700 SpecialFormat.FreeMappingData(SourceMD);
5701 FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(DestMD);
5704 if Assigned(ImageData) then
5709 raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadBMP - No suitable format found');
5711 aStream.Position := StartPos;
5715 FreeAndNil(SpecialFormat);
5718 else aStream.Position := StartPos;
5721 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5722 procedure TglBitmapData.SaveBMP(const aStream: TStream);
5726 Converter: TFormatDescriptor;
5727 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
5728 SourceFD, DestFD: Pointer;
5729 pData, srcData, dstData, ConvertBuffer: pByte;
5731 Pixel: TglBitmapPixelData;
5732 ImageSize, wbLineSize, rbLineSize, Padding, LineIdx, PixelIdx: Integer;
5733 RedMask, GreenMask, BlueMask, AlphaMask: Cardinal;
5735 PaddingBuff: Cardinal;
5737 function GetLineWidth : Integer;
5739 result := ((Info.biWidth * Info.biBitCount + 31) and - 32) shr 3;
5743 if not (ftBMP in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
5744 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
5747 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
5748 ImageSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(Dimension);
5750 FillChar(Header{%H-}, SizeOf(Header), 0);
5751 Header.bfType := BMP_MAGIC;
5752 Header.bfSize := SizeOf(Header) + SizeOf(Info) + ImageSize;
5753 Header.bfReserved1 := 0;
5754 Header.bfReserved2 := 0;
5755 Header.bfOffBits := SizeOf(Header) + SizeOf(Info);
5757 FillChar(Info{%H-}, SizeOf(Info), 0);
5758 Info.biSize := SizeOf(Info);
5759 Info.biWidth := Width;
5760 Info.biHeight := Height;
5762 Info.biCompression := BMP_COMP_RGB;
5763 Info.biSizeImage := ImageSize;
5767 tfAlpha4ub1, tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance4ub1, tfLuminance8ub1, tfR3G3B2ub1:
5769 Info.biBitCount := 8;
5770 Header.bfSize := Header.bfSize + 256 * SizeOf(Cardinal);
5771 Header.bfOffBits := Header.bfOffBits + 256 * SizeOf(Cardinal); //256 ColorTable entries
5772 Converter := TbmpColorTableFormat.Create;
5773 with (Converter as TbmpColorTableFormat) do begin
5774 SetCustomValues(fFormat, 8, FormatDesc.Precision, FormatDesc.Shift);
5779 tfLuminance4Alpha4ub2, tfLuminance6Alpha2ub2, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2,
5780 tfRGBX4us1, tfXRGB4us1, tfRGB5X1us1, tfX1RGB5us1, tfR5G6B5us1, tfRGB5A1us1, tfA1RGB5us1, tfRGBA4us1, tfARGB4us1,
5781 tfBGRX4us1, tfXBGR4us1, tfBGR5X1us1, tfX1BGR5us1, tfB5G6R5us1, tfBGR5A1us1, tfA1BGR5us1, tfBGRA4us1, tfABGR4us1:
5783 Info.biBitCount := 16;
5784 Info.biCompression := BMP_COMP_BITFIELDS;
5787 tfBGR8ub3, tfRGB8ub3:
5789 Info.biBitCount := 24;
5790 if (Format = tfRGB8ub3) then
5791 Converter := TfdBGR8ub3.Create; //use BGR8 Format Descriptor to Swap RGB Values
5794 tfRGBX8ui1, tfXRGB8ui1, tfRGB10X2ui1, tfX2RGB10ui1, tfRGBA8ui1, tfARGB8ui1, tfRGBA8ub4, tfRGB10A2ui1, tfA2RGB10ui1,
5795 tfBGRX8ui1, tfXBGR8ui1, tfBGR10X2ui1, tfX2BGR10ui1, tfBGRA8ui1, tfABGR8ui1, tfBGRA8ub4, tfBGR10A2ui1, tfA2BGR10ui1:
5797 Info.biBitCount := 32;
5798 Info.biCompression := BMP_COMP_BITFIELDS;
5801 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
5803 Info.biXPelsPerMeter := 2835;
5804 Info.biYPelsPerMeter := 2835;
5807 if Info.biCompression = BMP_COMP_BITFIELDS then begin
5808 Header.bfSize := Header.bfSize + 4 * SizeOf(Cardinal);
5809 Header.bfOffBits := Header.bfOffBits + 4 * SizeOf(Cardinal);
5811 RedMask := FormatDesc.Mask.r;
5812 GreenMask := FormatDesc.Mask.g;
5813 BlueMask := FormatDesc.Mask.b;
5814 AlphaMask := FormatDesc.Mask.a;
5818 aStream.Write(Header, SizeOf(Header));
5819 aStream.Write(Info, SizeOf(Info));
5822 if Assigned(Converter) and (Converter is TbmpColorTableFormat) then
5823 with (Converter as TbmpColorTableFormat) do
5824 aStream.Write(ColorTable[0].b,
5825 SizeOf(TbmpColorTableEnty) * Length(ColorTable));
5828 if Info.biCompression = BMP_COMP_BITFIELDS then begin
5829 aStream.Write(RedMask, SizeOf(Cardinal));
5830 aStream.Write(GreenMask, SizeOf(Cardinal));
5831 aStream.Write(BlueMask, SizeOf(Cardinal));
5832 aStream.Write(AlphaMask, SizeOf(Cardinal));
5836 rbLineSize := Round(Info.biWidth * FormatDesc.BytesPerPixel);
5837 wbLineSize := Round(Info.biWidth * Info.biBitCount / 8);
5838 Padding := GetLineWidth - wbLineSize;
5842 inc(pData, (Height-1) * rbLineSize);
5844 // prepare row buffer. But only for RGB because RGBA supports color masks
5845 // so it's possible to change color within the image.
5846 if Assigned(Converter) then begin
5847 FormatDesc.PreparePixel(Pixel);
5848 GetMem(ConvertBuffer, wbLineSize);
5849 SourceFD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData;
5850 DestFD := Converter.CreateMappingData;
5852 ConvertBuffer := nil;
5855 for LineIdx := 0 to Height - 1 do begin
5857 if Assigned(Converter) then begin
5859 dstData := ConvertBuffer;
5860 for PixelIdx := 0 to Info.biWidth-1 do begin
5861 FormatDesc.Unmap(srcData, Pixel, SourceFD);
5862 glBitmapConvertPixel(Pixel, FormatDesc, Converter);
5863 Converter.Map(Pixel, dstData, DestFD);
5865 aStream.Write(ConvertBuffer^, wbLineSize);
5867 aStream.Write(pData^, rbLineSize);
5869 dec(pData, rbLineSize);
5870 if (Padding > 0) then
5871 aStream.Write(PaddingBuff, Padding);
5874 // destroy row buffer
5875 if Assigned(ConvertBuffer) then begin
5876 FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(SourceFD);
5877 Converter.FreeMappingData(DestFD);
5878 FreeMem(ConvertBuffer);
5882 if Assigned(Converter) then
5887 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5888 //TGA/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5889 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5891 TTGAHeader = packed record
5895 //ColorMapSpec: Array[0..4] of Byte;
5896 ColorMapStart: Word;
5897 ColorMapLength: Word;
5898 ColorMapEntrySize: Byte;
5915 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5916 function TglBitmapData.LoadTGA(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
5919 ImageData: System.PByte;
5920 StartPosition: Int64;
5921 PixelSize, LineSize: Integer;
5922 tgaFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
5923 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
5924 Counter: packed record
5926 low, high, dir: Integer;
5933 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5934 procedure ReadUncompressed;
5937 buf, tmp1, tmp2: System.PByte;
5940 if (Counter.X.dir < 0) then
5941 GetMem(buf, LineSize);
5943 while (Counter.Y.low <> Counter.Y.high + counter.Y.dir) do begin
5945 inc(tmp1, (Counter.Y.low * LineSize)); //pointer to LineStart
5946 if (Counter.X.dir < 0) then begin //flip X
5947 aStream.Read(buf^, LineSize);
5949 inc(tmp2, LineSize - PixelSize); //pointer to last pixel in line
5950 for i := 0 to Header.Width-1 do begin //for all pixels in line
5951 for j := 0 to PixelSize-1 do begin //for all bytes in pixel
5956 dec(tmp2, 2*PixelSize); //move 2 backwards, because j-loop moved 1 forward
5959 aStream.Read(tmp1^, LineSize);
5960 inc(Counter.Y.low, Counter.Y.dir); //move to next line index
5963 if Assigned(buf) then
5968 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5969 procedure ReadCompressed;
5971 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5973 TmpData: System.PByte;
5974 LinePixelsRead: Integer;
5975 procedure CheckLine;
5977 if (LinePixelsRead >= Header.Width) then begin
5978 LinePixelsRead := 0;
5979 inc(Counter.Y.low, Counter.Y.dir); //next line index
5980 TmpData := ImageData;
5981 inc(TmpData, Counter.Y.low * LineSize); //set line
5982 if (Counter.X.dir < 0) then //if x flipped then
5983 inc(TmpData, LineSize - PixelSize); //set last pixel
5987 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5990 CacheSize, CachePos: Integer;
5991 procedure CachedRead(out Buffer; Count: Integer);
5995 if (CachePos + Count > CacheSize) then begin
5996 //if buffer overflow save non read bytes
5998 if (CacheSize - CachePos > 0) then begin
5999 BytesRead := CacheSize - CachePos;
6000 Move(PByteArray(Cache)^[CachePos], Buffer{%H-}, BytesRead);
6001 inc(CachePos, BytesRead);
6004 //load cache from file
6005 CacheSize := Min(CACHE_SIZE, aStream.Size - aStream.Position);
6006 aStream.Read(Cache^, CacheSize);
6009 //read rest of requested bytes
6010 if (Count - BytesRead > 0) then begin
6011 Move(PByteArray(Cache)^[CachePos], TByteArray(Buffer)[BytesRead], Count - BytesRead);
6012 inc(CachePos, Count - BytesRead);
6015 //if no buffer overflow just read the data
6016 Move(PByteArray(Cache)^[CachePos], Buffer, Count);
6017 inc(CachePos, Count);
6021 procedure PixelToBuffer(const aData: PByte; var aBuffer: PByte);
6026 inc(aBuffer, Counter.X.dir);
6029 PWord(aBuffer)^ := PWord(aData)^;
6030 inc(aBuffer, 2 * Counter.X.dir);
6033 PByteArray(aBuffer)^[0] := PByteArray(aData)^[0];
6034 PByteArray(aBuffer)^[1] := PByteArray(aData)^[1];
6035 PByteArray(aBuffer)^[2] := PByteArray(aData)^[2];
6036 inc(aBuffer, 3 * Counter.X.dir);
6039 PCardinal(aBuffer)^ := PCardinal(aData)^;
6040 inc(aBuffer, 4 * Counter.X.dir);
6046 TotalPixelsToRead, TotalPixelsRead: Integer;
6048 buf: array [0..3] of Byte; //1 pixel is max 32bit long
6049 PixelRepeat: Boolean;
6050 PixelsToRead, PixelCount: Integer;
6055 TotalPixelsToRead := Header.Width * Header.Height;
6056 TotalPixelsRead := 0;
6057 LinePixelsRead := 0;
6059 GetMem(Cache, CACHE_SIZE);
6061 TmpData := ImageData;
6062 inc(TmpData, Counter.Y.low * LineSize); //set line
6063 if (Counter.X.dir < 0) then //if x flipped then
6064 inc(TmpData, LineSize - PixelSize); //set last pixel
6068 CachedRead(Temp, 1);
6069 PixelRepeat := (Temp and $80) > 0;
6070 PixelsToRead := (Temp and $7F) + 1;
6071 inc(TotalPixelsRead, PixelsToRead);
6074 CachedRead(buf[0], PixelSize);
6075 while (PixelsToRead > 0) do begin
6077 PixelCount := Min(Header.Width - LinePixelsRead, PixelsToRead); //max read to EOL or EOF
6078 while (PixelCount > 0) do begin
6079 if not PixelRepeat then
6080 CachedRead(buf[0], PixelSize);
6081 PixelToBuffer(@buf[0], TmpData);
6082 inc(LinePixelsRead);
6087 until (TotalPixelsRead >= TotalPixelsToRead);
6093 function IsGrayFormat: Boolean;
6095 result := Header.ImageType in [TGA_UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY, TGA_COMPRESSED_GRAY];
6101 // reading header to test file and set cursor back to begin
6102 StartPosition := aStream.Position;
6103 aStream.Read(Header{%H-}, SizeOf(Header));
6105 // no colormapped files
6106 if (Header.ColorMapType = TGA_NONE_COLOR_TABLE) and (Header.ImageType in [
6110 if Header.ImageID <> 0 then // skip image ID
6111 aStream.Position := aStream.Position + Header.ImageID;
6113 tgaFormat := tfEmpty;
6115 8: if IsGrayFormat then case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
6116 0: tgaFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
6117 8: tgaFormat := tfAlpha8ub1;
6120 16: if IsGrayFormat then case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
6121 0: tgaFormat := tfLuminance16us1;
6122 8: tgaFormat := tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2;
6123 end else case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
6124 0: tgaFormat := tfX1RGB5us1;
6125 1: tgaFormat := tfA1RGB5us1;
6126 4: tgaFormat := tfARGB4us1;
6129 24: if not IsGrayFormat then case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
6130 0: tgaFormat := tfBGR8ub3;
6133 32: if IsGrayFormat then case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
6134 0: tgaFormat := tfDepth32ui1;
6135 end else case (Header.ImageDesc and $F) of
6136 0: tgaFormat := tfX2RGB10ui1;
6137 2: tgaFormat := tfA2RGB10ui1;
6138 8: tgaFormat := tfARGB8ui1;
6142 if (tgaFormat = tfEmpty) then
6143 raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadTga - unsupported format');
6145 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(tgaFormat);
6146 PixelSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(1, 1);
6147 LineSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(Header.Width, 1);
6149 GetMem(ImageData, LineSize * Header.Height);
6152 if ((Header.ImageDesc and (1 shl 4)) > 0) then begin
6153 Counter.X.low := Header.Height-1;;
6154 Counter.X.high := 0;
6155 Counter.X.dir := -1;
6158 Counter.X.high := Header.Height-1;
6163 if ((Header.ImageDesc and (1 shl 5)) > 0) then begin
6165 Counter.Y.high := Header.Height-1;
6168 Counter.Y.low := Header.Height-1;;
6169 Counter.Y.high := 0;
6170 Counter.Y.dir := -1;
6174 case Header.ImageType of
6181 SetData(ImageData, tgaFormat, Header.Width, Header.Height);
6184 if Assigned(ImageData) then
6189 aStream.Position := StartPosition;
6192 else aStream.Position := StartPosition;
6195 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6196 procedure TglBitmapData.SaveTGA(const aStream: TStream);
6200 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
6202 if not (ftTGA in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
6203 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
6206 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
6207 FillChar(Header{%H-}, SizeOf(Header), 0);
6208 Header.ImageDesc := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.a) and $F;
6209 Header.Bpp := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
6210 Header.Width := Width;
6211 Header.Height := Height;
6212 Header.ImageDesc := Header.ImageDesc or $20; //flip y
6213 if FormatDesc.IsGrayscale or (not FormatDesc.IsGrayscale and not FormatDesc.HasRed and FormatDesc.HasAlpha) then
6214 Header.ImageType := TGA_UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY
6216 Header.ImageType := TGA_UNCOMPRESSED_RGB;
6217 aStream.Write(Header, SizeOf(Header));
6220 Size := FormatDesc.GetSize(Dimension);
6221 aStream.Write(Data^, Size);
6224 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6225 //DDS/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6228 DDS_MAGIC: Cardinal = $20534444;
6230 // DDS_header.dwFlags
6231 DDSD_CAPS = $00000001;
6232 DDSD_HEIGHT = $00000002;
6233 DDSD_WIDTH = $00000004;
6234 DDSD_PIXELFORMAT = $00001000;
6236 // DDS_header.sPixelFormat.dwFlags
6237 DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS = $00000001;
6238 DDPF_ALPHA = $00000002;
6239 DDPF_FOURCC = $00000004;
6240 DDPF_RGB = $00000040;
6241 DDPF_LUMINANCE = $00020000;
6243 // DDS_header.sCaps.dwCaps1
6244 DDSCAPS_TEXTURE = $00001000;
6246 // DDS_header.sCaps.dwCaps2
6247 DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP = $00000200;
6249 D3DFMT_DXT1 = $31545844;
6250 D3DFMT_DXT3 = $33545844;
6251 D3DFMT_DXT5 = $35545844;
6254 TDDSPixelFormat = packed record
6258 dwRGBBitCount: Cardinal;
6259 dwRBitMask: Cardinal;
6260 dwGBitMask: Cardinal;
6261 dwBBitMask: Cardinal;
6262 dwABitMask: Cardinal;
6265 TDDSCaps = packed record
6269 dwReserved: Cardinal;
6272 TDDSHeader = packed record
6277 dwPitchOrLinearSize: Cardinal;
6279 dwMipMapCount: Cardinal;
6280 dwReserved: array[0..10] of Cardinal;
6281 PixelFormat: TDDSPixelFormat;
6283 dwReserved2: Cardinal;
6286 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6287 function TglBitmapData.LoadDDS(const aStream: TStream): Boolean;
6290 Converter: TbmpBitfieldFormat;
6292 function GetDDSFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
6294 fd: TFormatDescriptor;
6296 Mask: TglBitmapRec4ul;
6297 Range: TglBitmapRec4ui;
6301 with Header.PixelFormat do begin
6303 if ((dwFlags and DDPF_FOURCC) > 0) then begin
6304 case Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC of
6305 D3DFMT_DXT1: result := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA;
6306 D3DFMT_DXT3: result := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA;
6307 D3DFMT_DXT5: result := tfS3tcDtx5RGBA;
6309 end else if ((dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS or DDPF_LUMINANCE or DDPF_ALPHA)) > 0) then begin
6311 if ((dwFlags and DDPF_LUMINANCE) = 0) then begin
6312 Mask.r := dwRBitMask;
6313 Mask.g := dwGBitMask;
6314 Mask.b := dwBBitMask;
6316 Mask.r := dwRBitMask;
6317 Mask.g := dwRBitMask;
6318 Mask.b := dwRBitMask;
6320 if (dwFlags and DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS > 0) then
6321 Mask.a := dwABitMask
6325 //find matching format
6326 fd := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromMask(Mask, dwRGBBitCount);
6327 result := fd.Format;
6328 if (result <> tfEmpty) then
6331 //find format with same Range
6333 Range.arr[i] := (2 shl CountSetBits(Mask.arr[i])) - 1;
6334 for result := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin
6335 fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(result);
6338 if (fd.Range.arr[i] <> Range.arr[i]) then begin
6346 //no format with same range found -> use default
6347 if (result = tfEmpty) then begin
6348 if (dwABitMask > 0) then
6349 result := tfRGBA8ui1
6351 result := tfRGB8ub3;
6354 Converter := TbmpBitfieldFormat.Create;
6355 Converter.SetCustomValues(dwRGBBitCount, glBitmapRec4ul(dwRBitMask, dwGBitMask, dwBBitMask, dwABitMask));
6362 x, y, LineSize, RowSize, Magic: Cardinal;
6363 NewImage, TmpData, RowData, SrcData: System.PByte;
6364 SourceMD, DestMD: Pointer;
6365 Pixel: TglBitmapPixelData;
6366 ddsFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
6367 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
6372 StreamPos := aStream.Position;
6375 aStream.Read(Magic{%H-}, sizeof(Magic));
6376 if (Magic <> DDS_MAGIC) then begin
6377 aStream.Position := StreamPos;
6382 aStream.Read(Header{%H-}, sizeof(Header));
6383 if (Header.dwSize <> SizeOf(Header)) or
6384 ((Header.dwFlags and (DDSD_PIXELFORMAT or DDSD_CAPS or DDSD_WIDTH or DDSD_HEIGHT)) <>
6387 aStream.Position := StreamPos;
6391 if ((Header.Caps.dwCaps1 and DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP) > 0) then
6392 raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadDDS - CubeMaps are not supported');
6394 ddsFormat := GetDDSFormat;
6396 if (ddsFormat = tfEmpty) then
6397 raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadDDS - unsupported Pixelformat found.');
6399 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(ddsFormat);
6400 LineSize := Trunc(Header.dwWidth * FormatDesc.BytesPerPixel);
6401 GetMem(NewImage, Header.dwHeight * LineSize);
6403 TmpData := NewImage;
6406 if Assigned(Converter) then begin
6407 RowSize := Round(Header.dwWidth * Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount / 8);
6408 GetMem(RowData, RowSize);
6409 SourceMD := Converter.CreateMappingData;
6410 DestMD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData;
6412 for y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin
6413 TmpData := NewImage;
6414 inc(TmpData, y * LineSize);
6416 aStream.Read(SrcData^, RowSize);
6417 for x := 0 to Header.dwWidth-1 do begin
6418 Converter.Unmap(SrcData, Pixel, SourceMD);
6419 glBitmapConvertPixel(Pixel, Converter, FormatDesc);
6420 FormatDesc.Map(Pixel, TmpData, DestMD);
6424 Converter.FreeMappingData(SourceMD);
6425 FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(DestMD);
6431 if ((Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and DDPF_FOURCC) > 0) then begin
6432 RowSize := Header.dwPitchOrLinearSize div Header.dwWidth;
6433 for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin
6434 aStream.Read(TmpData^, RowSize);
6435 Inc(TmpData, LineSize);
6440 if (Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS or DDPF_LUMINANCE)) > 0 then begin
6441 RowSize := (Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount * Header.dwWidth) shr 3;
6442 for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin
6443 aStream.Read(TmpData^, RowSize);
6444 Inc(TmpData, LineSize);
6447 raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadDDS - unsupported Pixelformat found.');
6449 SetData(NewImage, ddsFormat, Header.dwWidth, Header.dwHeight);
6452 if Assigned(NewImage) then
6457 FreeAndNil(Converter);
6461 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6462 procedure TglBitmapData.SaveDDS(const aStream: TStream);
6465 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
6467 if not (ftDDS in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then
6468 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
6470 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
6473 FillChar(Header{%H-}, SizeOf(Header), 0);
6474 Header.dwSize := SizeOf(Header);
6477 Header.dwWidth := Max(1, Width);
6478 Header.dwHeight := Max(1, Height);
6481 Header.Caps.dwCaps1 := DDSCAPS_TEXTURE;
6484 Header.PixelFormat.dwSize := sizeof(Header);
6485 if (FormatDesc.IsCompressed) then begin
6486 Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_FOURCC;
6488 tfS3tcDtx1RGBA: Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC := D3DFMT_DXT1;
6489 tfS3tcDtx3RGBA: Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC := D3DFMT_DXT3;
6490 tfS3tcDtx5RGBA: Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC := D3DFMT_DXT5;
6492 end else if not FormatDesc.HasColor and FormatDesc.HasAlpha then begin
6493 Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_ALPHA;
6494 Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
6495 Header.PixelFormat.dwABitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.a;
6496 end else if FormatDesc.IsGrayscale then begin
6497 Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_LUMINANCE;
6498 Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
6499 Header.PixelFormat.dwRBitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.r;
6500 Header.PixelFormat.dwABitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.a;
6502 Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_RGB;
6503 Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
6504 Header.PixelFormat.dwRBitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.r;
6505 Header.PixelFormat.dwGBitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.g;
6506 Header.PixelFormat.dwBBitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.b;
6507 Header.PixelFormat.dwABitMask := FormatDesc.Mask.a;
6510 if (FormatDesc.HasAlpha) then
6511 Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS;
6513 aStream.Write(DDS_MAGIC, sizeof(DDS_MAGIC));
6514 aStream.Write(Header, SizeOf(Header));
6515 aStream.Write(Data^, FormatDesc.GetSize(Dimension));
6518 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6519 function TglBitmapData.FlipHorz: Boolean;
6521 fd: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
6522 Col, RowSize, PixelSize: Integer;
6523 pTempDest, pDest, pSource: PByte;
6526 fd := FormatDescriptor;
6527 PixelSize := Ceil(fd.BytesPerPixel);
6528 RowSize := fd.GetSize(Width, 1);
6529 if Assigned(Data) and not fd.IsCompressed then begin
6531 GetMem(pDest, RowSize);
6534 Inc(pTempDest, RowSize);
6535 for Col := 0 to Width-1 do begin
6536 dec(pTempDest, PixelSize); //dec before, because ptr is behind last byte of data
6537 Move(pSource^, pTempDest^, PixelSize);
6538 Inc(pSource, PixelSize);
6540 SetData(pDest, Format, Width);
6543 if Assigned(pDest) then
6550 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6551 function TglBitmapData.FlipVert: Boolean;
6553 fd: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
6554 Row, RowSize, PixelSize: Integer;
6555 TempDestData, DestData, SourceData: PByte;
6558 fd := FormatDescriptor;
6559 PixelSize := Ceil(fd.BytesPerPixel);
6560 RowSize := fd.GetSize(Width, 1);
6561 if Assigned(Data) then begin
6563 GetMem(DestData, Height * RowSize);
6565 TempDestData := DestData;
6566 Inc(TempDestData, Width * (Height -1) * PixelSize);
6567 for Row := 0 to Height -1 do begin
6568 Move(SourceData^, TempDestData^, RowSize);
6569 Dec(TempDestData, RowSize);
6570 Inc(SourceData, RowSize);
6572 SetData(DestData, Format, Width, Height);
6575 if Assigned(DestData) then
6582 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6583 procedure TglBitmapData.LoadFromFile(const aFilename: String);
6587 if not FileExists(aFilename) then
6588 raise EglBitmap.Create('file does not exist: ' + aFilename);
6589 fs := TFileStream.Create(aFilename, fmOpenRead);
6593 fFilename := aFilename;
6599 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6600 procedure TglBitmapData.LoadFromStream(const aStream: TStream);
6603 if not LoadPNG(aStream) then
6606 if not LoadJPEG(aStream) then
6608 if not LoadDDS(aStream) then
6609 if not LoadTGA(aStream) then
6610 if not LoadBMP(aStream) then
6611 if not LoadRAW(aStream) then
6612 raise EglBitmap.Create('LoadFromStream - Couldn''t load Stream. It''s possible to be an unknow Streamtype.');
6615 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6616 procedure TglBitmapData.LoadFromFunc(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
6617 const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer);
6622 size := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat).GetSize(aSize);
6623 GetMem(tmpData, size);
6625 FillChar(tmpData^, size, #$FF);
6626 SetData(tmpData, aFormat, aSize.X, aSize.Y);
6628 if Assigned(tmpData) then
6632 Convert(Self, aFunc, false, aFormat, aArgs);
6635 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6636 procedure TglBitmapData.LoadFromResource(const aInstance: Cardinal; aResource: String; aResType: PChar);
6638 rs: TResourceStream;
6640 PrepareResType(aResource, aResType);
6641 rs := TResourceStream.Create(aInstance, aResource, aResType);
6649 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6650 procedure TglBitmapData.LoadFromResourceID(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar);
6652 rs: TResourceStream;
6654 rs := TResourceStream.CreateFromID(aInstance, aResourceID, aResType);
6662 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6663 procedure TglBitmapData.SaveToFile(const aFilename: String; const aFileType: TglBitmapFileType);
6667 fs := TFileStream.Create(aFileName, fmCreate);
6670 SaveToStream(fs, aFileType);
6676 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6677 procedure TglBitmapData.SaveToStream(const aStream: TStream; const aFileType: TglBitmapFileType);
6681 ftPNG: SavePNG(aStream);
6684 ftJPEG: SaveJPEG(aStream);
6686 ftDDS: SaveDDS(aStream);
6687 ftTGA: SaveTGA(aStream);
6688 ftBMP: SaveBMP(aStream);
6689 ftRAW: SaveRAW(aStream);
6693 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6694 function TglBitmapData.Convert(const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aCreateTemp: Boolean; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
6696 result := Convert(Self, aFunc, aCreateTemp, Format, aArgs);
6699 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6700 function TglBitmapData.Convert(const aSource: TglBitmapData; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; aCreateTemp: Boolean;
6701 const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
6703 DestData, TmpData, SourceData: pByte;
6704 TempHeight, TempWidth: Integer;
6705 SourceFD, DestFD: TFormatDescriptor;
6706 SourceMD, DestMD: Pointer;
6708 FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec;
6710 Assert(Assigned(Data));
6711 Assert(Assigned(aSource));
6712 Assert(Assigned(aSource.Data));
6715 if Assigned(aSource.Data) and ((aSource.Height > 0) or (aSource.Width > 0)) then begin
6716 SourceFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aSource.Format);
6717 DestFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
6719 if (SourceFD.IsCompressed) then
6720 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('compressed formats are not supported: ', SourceFD.Format);
6721 if (DestFD.IsCompressed) then
6722 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create('compressed formats are not supported: ', DestFD.Format);
6724 // inkompatible Formats so CreateTemp
6725 if (SourceFD.BitsPerPixel <> DestFD.BitsPerPixel) then
6726 aCreateTemp := true;
6729 TempHeight := Max(1, aSource.Height);
6730 TempWidth := Max(1, aSource.Width);
6732 FuncRec.Sender := Self;
6733 FuncRec.Args := aArgs;
6736 if aCreateTemp then begin
6737 GetMem(TmpData, DestFD.GetSize(TempWidth, TempHeight));
6738 DestData := TmpData;
6743 SourceFD.PreparePixel(FuncRec.Source);
6744 DestFD.PreparePixel (FuncRec.Dest);
6746 SourceMD := SourceFD.CreateMappingData;
6747 DestMD := DestFD.CreateMappingData;
6749 FuncRec.Size := aSource.Dimension;
6750 FuncRec.Position.Fields := FuncRec.Size.Fields;
6753 SourceData := aSource.Data;
6754 FuncRec.Position.Y := 0;
6755 while FuncRec.Position.Y < TempHeight do begin
6756 FuncRec.Position.X := 0;
6757 while FuncRec.Position.X < TempWidth do begin
6758 SourceFD.Unmap(SourceData, FuncRec.Source, SourceMD);
6760 DestFD.Map(FuncRec.Dest, DestData, DestMD);
6761 inc(FuncRec.Position.X);
6763 inc(FuncRec.Position.Y);
6766 // Updating Image or InternalFormat
6768 SetData(TmpData, aFormat, aSource.Width, aSource.Height)
6769 else if (aFormat <> fFormat) then
6774 SourceFD.FreeMappingData(SourceMD);
6775 DestFD.FreeMappingData(DestMD);
6778 if aCreateTemp and Assigned(TmpData) then
6785 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6786 function TglBitmapData.ConvertTo(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): Boolean;
6788 SourceFD, DestFD: TFormatDescriptor;
6789 SourcePD, DestPD: TglBitmapPixelData;
6790 ShiftData: TShiftData;
6792 function DataIsIdentical: Boolean;
6794 result := SourceFD.MaskMatch(DestFD.Mask);
6797 function CanCopyDirect: Boolean;
6800 ((SourcePD.Range.r = DestPD.Range.r) or (SourcePD.Range.r = 0) or (DestPD.Range.r = 0)) and
6801 ((SourcePD.Range.g = DestPD.Range.g) or (SourcePD.Range.g = 0) or (DestPD.Range.g = 0)) and
6802 ((SourcePD.Range.b = DestPD.Range.b) or (SourcePD.Range.b = 0) or (DestPD.Range.b = 0)) and
6803 ((SourcePD.Range.a = DestPD.Range.a) or (SourcePD.Range.a = 0) or (DestPD.Range.a = 0));
6806 function CanShift: Boolean;
6809 ((SourcePD.Range.r >= DestPD.Range.r) or (SourcePD.Range.r = 0) or (DestPD.Range.r = 0)) and
6810 ((SourcePD.Range.g >= DestPD.Range.g) or (SourcePD.Range.g = 0) or (DestPD.Range.g = 0)) and
6811 ((SourcePD.Range.b >= DestPD.Range.b) or (SourcePD.Range.b = 0) or (DestPD.Range.b = 0)) and
6812 ((SourcePD.Range.a >= DestPD.Range.a) or (SourcePD.Range.a = 0) or (DestPD.Range.a = 0));
6815 function GetShift(aSource, aDest: Cardinal) : ShortInt;
6818 while (aSource > aDest) and (aSource > 0) do begin
6820 aSource := aSource shr 1;
6825 if (aFormat <> fFormat) and (aFormat <> tfEmpty) then begin
6826 SourceFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
6827 DestFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
6829 if DataIsIdentical then begin
6835 SourceFD.PreparePixel(SourcePD);
6836 DestFD.PreparePixel (DestPD);
6838 if CanCopyDirect then
6839 result := Convert(Self, glBitmapConvertCopyFunc, false, aFormat)
6840 else if CanShift then begin
6841 ShiftData.r := GetShift(SourcePD.Range.r, DestPD.Range.r);
6842 ShiftData.g := GetShift(SourcePD.Range.g, DestPD.Range.g);
6843 ShiftData.b := GetShift(SourcePD.Range.b, DestPD.Range.b);
6844 ShiftData.a := GetShift(SourcePD.Range.a, DestPD.Range.a);
6845 result := Convert(Self, glBitmapConvertShiftRGBAFunc, false, aFormat, @ShiftData);
6847 result := Convert(Self, glBitmapConvertCalculateRGBAFunc, false, aFormat);
6853 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6854 function TglBitmapData.AssignToSurface(out aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
6856 Row, RowSize: Integer;
6857 SourceData, TmpData: PByte;
6859 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
6861 function GetRowPointer(Row: Integer): pByte;
6863 result := aSurface.pixels;
6864 Inc(result, Row * RowSize);
6870 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
6871 if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then
6872 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
6874 if Assigned(Data) then begin
6875 case Trunc(FormatDesc.PixelSize) of
6881 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
6884 aSurface := SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, Width, Height, TempDepth,
6885 FormatDesc.RedMask, FormatDesc.GreenMask, FormatDesc.BlueMask, FormatDesc.AlphaMask);
6887 RowSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(FileWidth, 1);
6889 for Row := 0 to FileHeight-1 do begin
6890 TmpData := GetRowPointer(Row);
6891 if Assigned(TmpData) then begin
6892 Move(SourceData^, TmpData^, RowSize);
6893 inc(SourceData, RowSize);
6900 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6901 function TglBitmapData.AssignFromSurface(const aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
6903 pSource, pData, pTempData: PByte;
6904 Row, RowSize, TempWidth, TempHeight: Integer;
6905 IntFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
6906 fd: TFormatDescriptor;
6907 Mask: TglBitmapMask;
6909 function GetRowPointer(Row: Integer): pByte;
6911 result := aSurface^.pixels;
6912 Inc(result, Row * RowSize);
6917 if (Assigned(aSurface)) then begin
6918 with aSurface^.format^ do begin
6923 IntFormat := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromMask(Mask).Format;
6924 if (IntFormat = tfEmpty) then
6925 raise EglBitmap.Create('AssignFromSurface - Invalid Pixelformat.');
6928 fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(IntFormat);
6929 TempWidth := aSurface^.w;
6930 TempHeight := aSurface^.h;
6931 RowSize := fd.GetSize(TempWidth, 1);
6932 GetMem(pData, TempHeight * RowSize);
6935 for Row := 0 to TempHeight -1 do begin
6936 pSource := GetRowPointer(Row);
6937 if (Assigned(pSource)) then begin
6938 Move(pSource^, pTempData^, RowSize);
6939 Inc(pTempData, RowSize);
6942 SetData(pData, IntFormat, TempWidth, TempHeight);
6945 if Assigned(pData) then
6952 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6953 function TglBitmapData.AssignAlphaToSurface(out aSurface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean;
6955 Row, Col, AlphaInterleave: Integer;
6956 pSource, pDest: PByte;
6958 function GetRowPointer(Row: Integer): pByte;
6960 result := aSurface.pixels;
6961 Inc(result, Row * Width);
6966 if Assigned(Data) then begin
6967 if Format in [tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2, tfBGRA8ub4, tfRGBA8ub4] then begin
6968 aSurface := SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, Width, Height, 8, $FF, $FF, $FF, 0);
6970 AlphaInterleave := 0;
6972 tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2:
6973 AlphaInterleave := 1;
6974 tfBGRA8ub4, tfRGBA8ub4:
6975 AlphaInterleave := 3;
6979 for Row := 0 to Height -1 do begin
6980 pDest := GetRowPointer(Row);
6981 if Assigned(pDest) then begin
6982 for Col := 0 to Width -1 do begin
6983 Inc(pSource, AlphaInterleave);
6995 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6996 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromSurface(const aSurface: PSDL_Surface; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction = nil; const aArgs: Pointer = nil): Boolean;
7000 bmp := TglBitmap2D.Create;
7002 bmp.AssignFromSurface(aSurface);
7003 result := AddAlphaFromGlBitmap(bmp, aFunc, aArgs);
7011 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7012 function CreateGrayPalette: HPALETTE;
7017 GetMem(Pal, SizeOf(TLogPalette) + (SizeOf(TPaletteEntry) * 256));
7019 Pal.palVersion := $300;
7020 Pal.palNumEntries := 256;
7022 for Idx := 0 to Pal.palNumEntries - 1 do begin
7023 Pal.palPalEntry[Idx].peRed := Idx;
7024 Pal.palPalEntry[Idx].peGreen := Idx;
7025 Pal.palPalEntry[Idx].peBlue := Idx;
7026 Pal.palPalEntry[Idx].peFlags := 0;
7028 Result := CreatePalette(Pal^);
7032 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7033 function TglBitmapData.AssignToBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
7035 Row, RowSize: Integer;
7036 pSource, pData: PByte;
7039 if Assigned(Data) then begin
7040 if Assigned(aBitmap) then begin
7041 aBitmap.Width := Width;
7042 aBitmap.Height := Height;
7045 tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8ub1: begin
7046 aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit;
7047 aBitmap.Palette := CreateGrayPalette;
7050 aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf15bit;
7052 aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf16bit;
7053 tfRGB8ub3, tfBGR8ub3:
7054 aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
7055 tfRGBA8ub4, tfBGRA8ub4:
7056 aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf32bit;
7058 raise EglBitmap.Create('AssignToBitmap - Invalid Pixelformat.');
7061 RowSize := FormatDescriptor.GetSize(Width, 1);
7063 for Row := 0 to Height-1 do begin
7064 pData := aBitmap.Scanline[Row];
7065 Move(pSource^, pData^, RowSize);
7066 Inc(pSource, RowSize);
7067 if (Format in [tfRGB8ub3, tfRGBA8ub4]) then // swap RGB(A) to BGR(A)
7068 SwapRGB(pData, Width, Format = tfRGBA8ub4);
7075 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7076 function TglBitmapData.AssignFromBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
7078 pSource, pData, pTempData: PByte;
7079 Row, RowSize, TempWidth, TempHeight: Integer;
7080 IntFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
7084 if (Assigned(aBitmap)) then begin
7085 case aBitmap.PixelFormat of
7087 IntFormat := tfLuminance8ub1;
7089 IntFormat := tfRGB5A1us1;
7091 IntFormat := tfR5G6B5us1;
7093 IntFormat := tfBGR8ub3;
7095 IntFormat := tfBGRA8ub4;
7097 raise EglBitmap.Create('AssignFromBitmap - Invalid Pixelformat.');
7100 TempWidth := aBitmap.Width;
7101 TempHeight := aBitmap.Height;
7102 RowSize := TFormatDescriptor.Get(IntFormat).GetSize(TempWidth, 1);
7103 GetMem(pData, TempHeight * RowSize);
7106 for Row := 0 to TempHeight -1 do begin
7107 pSource := aBitmap.Scanline[Row];
7108 if (Assigned(pSource)) then begin
7109 Move(pSource^, pTempData^, RowSize);
7110 Inc(pTempData, RowSize);
7113 SetData(pData, IntFormat, TempWidth, TempHeight);
7116 if Assigned(pData) then
7123 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7124 function TglBitmapData.AssignAlphaToBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap): Boolean;
7126 Row, Col, AlphaInterleave: Integer;
7127 pSource, pDest: PByte;
7131 if Assigned(Data) then begin
7132 if (Format in [tfAlpha8ub1, tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2, tfRGBA8ub4, tfBGRA8ub4]) then begin
7133 if Assigned(aBitmap) then begin
7134 aBitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit;
7135 aBitmap.Palette := CreateGrayPalette;
7136 aBitmap.Width := Width;
7137 aBitmap.Height := Height;
7140 tfLuminance8Alpha8ub2:
7141 AlphaInterleave := 1;
7142 tfRGBA8ub4, tfBGRA8ub4:
7143 AlphaInterleave := 3;
7145 AlphaInterleave := 0;
7151 for Row := 0 to Height -1 do begin
7152 pDest := aBitmap.Scanline[Row];
7153 if Assigned(pDest) then begin
7154 for Col := 0 to Width -1 do begin
7155 Inc(pSource, AlphaInterleave);
7168 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7169 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromBitmap(const aBitmap: TBitmap; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
7171 data: TglBitmapData;
7173 data := TglBitmapData.Create;
7175 data.AssignFromBitmap(aBitmap);
7176 result := AddAlphaFromDataObj(data, aFunc, aArgs);
7184 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7185 function TglBitmapData.AssignToLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
7187 rid: TRawImageDescription;
7188 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
7190 if not Assigned(Data) then
7191 raise EglBitmap.Create('no pixel data assigned. load data before save');
7194 if not Assigned(aImage) or (Format = tfEmpty) then
7196 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
7197 if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then
7200 FillChar(rid{%H-}, SizeOf(rid), 0);
7201 if FormatDesc.IsGrayscale then
7202 rid.Format := ricfGray
7204 rid.Format := ricfRGBA;
7207 rid.Height := Height;
7208 rid.Depth := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
7209 rid.BitOrder := riboBitsInOrder;
7210 rid.ByteOrder := riboLSBFirst;
7211 rid.LineOrder := riloTopToBottom;
7212 rid.LineEnd := rileTight;
7213 rid.BitsPerPixel := FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel;
7214 rid.RedPrec := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.r);
7215 rid.GreenPrec := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.g);
7216 rid.BluePrec := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.b);
7217 rid.AlphaPrec := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.a);
7218 rid.RedShift := FormatDesc.Shift.r;
7219 rid.GreenShift := FormatDesc.Shift.g;
7220 rid.BlueShift := FormatDesc.Shift.b;
7221 rid.AlphaShift := FormatDesc.Shift.a;
7223 rid.MaskBitsPerPixel := 0;
7224 rid.PaletteColorCount := 0;
7226 aImage.DataDescription := rid;
7229 if not Assigned(aImage.PixelData) then
7230 raise EglBitmap.Create('error while creating LazIntfImage');
7231 Move(Data^, aImage.PixelData^, FormatDesc.GetSize(Dimension));
7236 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7237 function TglBitmapData.AssignFromLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
7240 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
7244 Mask: TglBitmapRec4ul;
7246 procedure CopyConvert;
7248 bfFormat: TbmpBitfieldFormat;
7249 pSourceLine, pDestLine: PByte;
7250 pSourceMD, pDestMD: Pointer;
7251 Shift, Prec: TglBitmapRec4ub;
7253 pixel: TglBitmapPixelData;
7255 bfFormat := TbmpBitfieldFormat.Create;
7256 with aImage.DataDescription do begin
7258 Prec.g := GreenPrec;
7260 Prec.a := AlphaPrec;
7261 Shift.r := RedShift;
7262 Shift.g := GreenShift;
7263 Shift.b := BlueShift;
7264 Shift.a := AlphaShift;
7265 bfFormat.SetCustomValues(BitsPerPixel, Prec, Shift);
7267 pSourceMD := bfFormat.CreateMappingData;
7268 pDestMD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData;
7270 for y := 0 to aImage.Height-1 do begin
7271 pSourceLine := aImage.PixelData + y {%H-}* aImage.DataDescription.BytesPerLine;
7272 pDestLine := ImageData + y * Round(FormatDesc.BytesPerPixel * aImage.Width);
7273 for x := 0 to aImage.Width-1 do begin
7274 bfFormat.Unmap(pSourceLine, pixel, pSourceMD);
7275 FormatDesc.Map(pixel, pDestLine, pDestMD);
7279 FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(pDestMD);
7280 bfFormat.FreeMappingData(pSourceMD);
7287 if not Assigned(aImage) then
7290 with aImage.DataDescription do begin
7291 Mask.r := (QWord(1 shl RedPrec )-1) shl RedShift;
7292 Mask.g := (QWord(1 shl GreenPrec)-1) shl GreenShift;
7293 Mask.b := (QWord(1 shl BluePrec )-1) shl BlueShift;
7294 Mask.a := (QWord(1 shl AlphaPrec)-1) shl AlphaShift;
7296 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.GetFromMask(Mask);
7297 f := FormatDesc.Format;
7298 if (f = tfEmpty) then
7302 (FormatDesc.BitsPerPixel = aImage.DataDescription.Depth) and
7303 (aImage.DataDescription.BitsPerPixel = aImage.DataDescription.Depth);
7305 ImageSize := FormatDesc.GetSize(aImage.Width, aImage.Height);
7306 ImageData := GetMem(ImageSize);
7309 Move(aImage.PixelData^, ImageData^, ImageSize)
7312 SetData(ImageData, f, aImage.Width, aImage.Height);
7314 if Assigned(ImageData) then
7322 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7323 function TglBitmapData.AssignAlphaToLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage): Boolean;
7325 rid: TRawImageDescription;
7326 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
7327 Pixel: TglBitmapPixelData;
7333 if not Assigned(aImage) or (Format = tfEmpty) then
7335 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
7336 if FormatDesc.IsCompressed or not FormatDesc.HasAlpha then
7339 FillChar(rid{%H-}, SizeOf(rid), 0);
7340 rid.Format := ricfGray;
7342 rid.Height := Height;
7343 rid.Depth := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.a);
7344 rid.BitOrder := riboBitsInOrder;
7345 rid.ByteOrder := riboLSBFirst;
7346 rid.LineOrder := riloTopToBottom;
7347 rid.LineEnd := rileTight;
7348 rid.BitsPerPixel := 8 * Ceil(rid.Depth / 8);
7349 rid.RedPrec := CountSetBits(FormatDesc.Range.a);
7354 rid.GreenShift := 0;
7356 rid.AlphaShift := 0;
7358 rid.MaskBitsPerPixel := 0;
7359 rid.PaletteColorCount := 0;
7361 aImage.DataDescription := rid;
7364 srcMD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData;
7366 FormatDesc.PreparePixel(Pixel);
7368 dst := aImage.PixelData;
7369 for y := 0 to Height-1 do
7370 for x := 0 to Width-1 do begin
7371 FormatDesc.Unmap(src, Pixel, srcMD);
7372 case rid.BitsPerPixel of
7374 dst^ := Pixel.Data.a;
7378 PWord(dst)^ := Pixel.Data.a;
7382 PByteArray(dst)^[0] := PByteArray(@Pixel.Data.a)^[0];
7383 PByteArray(dst)^[1] := PByteArray(@Pixel.Data.a)^[1];
7384 PByteArray(dst)^[2] := PByteArray(@Pixel.Data.a)^[2];
7388 PCardinal(dst)^ := Pixel.Data.a;
7392 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
7396 FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(srcMD);
7401 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7402 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromLazIntfImage(const aImage: TLazIntfImage; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
7404 data: TglBitmapData;
7406 data := TglBitmapData.Create;
7408 data.AssignFromLazIntfImage(aImage);
7409 result := AddAlphaFromDataObj(data, aFunc, aArgs);
7416 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7417 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromResource(const aInstance: Cardinal; aResource: String; aResType: PChar;
7418 const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
7420 rs: TResourceStream;
7422 PrepareResType(aResource, aResType);
7423 rs := TResourceStream.Create(aInstance, aResource, aResType);
7425 result := AddAlphaFromStream(rs, aFunc, aArgs);
7431 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7432 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromResourceID(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar;
7433 const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
7435 rs: TResourceStream;
7437 rs := TResourceStream.CreateFromID(aInstance, aResourceID, aResType);
7439 result := AddAlphaFromStream(rs, aFunc, aArgs);
7445 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7446 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromFunc(const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
7448 if TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).IsCompressed then
7449 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
7450 result := Convert(Self, aFunc, false, TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).WithAlpha, aArgs);
7453 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7454 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromFile(const aFileName: String; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
7458 FS := TFileStream.Create(aFileName, fmOpenRead);
7460 result := AddAlphaFromStream(FS, aFunc, aArgs);
7466 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7467 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromStream(const aStream: TStream; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
7469 data: TglBitmapData;
7471 data := TglBitmapData.Create(aStream);
7473 result := AddAlphaFromDataObj(data, aFunc, aArgs);
7479 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7480 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromDataObj(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer): Boolean;
7482 DestData, DestData2, SourceData: pByte;
7483 TempHeight, TempWidth: Integer;
7484 SourceFD, DestFD: TFormatDescriptor;
7485 SourceMD, DestMD, DestMD2: Pointer;
7487 FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec;
7491 Assert(Assigned(Data));
7492 Assert(Assigned(aDataObj));
7493 Assert(Assigned(aDataObj.Data));
7495 if ((aDataObj.Width = Width) and (aDataObj.Height = Height)) then begin
7496 result := ConvertTo(TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).WithAlpha);
7498 SourceFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aDataObj.Format);
7499 DestFD := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
7501 if not Assigned(aFunc) then begin
7502 aFunc := glBitmapAlphaFunc;
7503 FuncRec.Args := {%H-}Pointer(SourceFD.HasAlpha);
7505 FuncRec.Args := aArgs;
7508 TempWidth := aDataObj.Width;
7509 TempHeight := aDataObj.Height;
7510 if (TempWidth <= 0) or (TempHeight <= 0) then
7513 FuncRec.Sender := Self;
7514 FuncRec.Size := Dimension;
7515 FuncRec.Position.Fields := FuncRec.Size.Fields;
7519 SourceData := aDataObj.Data;
7522 SourceFD.PreparePixel(FuncRec.Source);
7523 DestFD.PreparePixel (FuncRec.Dest);
7525 SourceMD := SourceFD.CreateMappingData;
7526 DestMD := DestFD.CreateMappingData;
7527 DestMD2 := DestFD.CreateMappingData;
7529 FuncRec.Position.Y := 0;
7530 while FuncRec.Position.Y < TempHeight do begin
7531 FuncRec.Position.X := 0;
7532 while FuncRec.Position.X < TempWidth do begin
7533 SourceFD.Unmap(SourceData, FuncRec.Source, SourceMD);
7534 DestFD.Unmap (DestData, FuncRec.Dest, DestMD);
7536 DestFD.Map(FuncRec.Dest, DestData2, DestMD2);
7537 inc(FuncRec.Position.X);
7539 inc(FuncRec.Position.Y);
7542 SourceFD.FreeMappingData(SourceMD);
7543 DestFD.FreeMappingData(DestMD);
7544 DestFD.FreeMappingData(DestMD2);
7549 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7550 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromColorKey(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Byte; const aDeviation: Byte): Boolean;
7552 result := AddAlphaFromColorKeyFloat(aRed / $FF, aGreen / $FF, aBlue / $FF, aDeviation / $FF);
7555 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7556 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromColorKeyRange(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Cardinal; const aDeviation: Cardinal): Boolean;
7558 PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
7560 TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
7561 result := AddAlphaFromColorKeyFloat(
7562 aRed / PixelData.Range.r,
7563 aGreen / PixelData.Range.g,
7564 aBlue / PixelData.Range.b,
7565 aDeviation / Max(PixelData.Range.r, Max(PixelData.Range.g, PixelData.Range.b)));
7568 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7569 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromColorKeyFloat(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Single; const aDeviation: Single): Boolean;
7571 values: array[0..2] of Single;
7574 PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
7576 TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
7577 with PixelData do begin
7579 values[1] := aGreen;
7582 for i := 0 to 2 do begin
7583 tmp := Trunc(Range.arr[i] * aDeviation);
7584 Data.arr[i] := Min(Range.arr[i], Trunc(Range.arr[i] * values[i] + tmp));
7585 Range.arr[i] := Max(0, Trunc(Range.arr[i] * values[i] - tmp));
7590 result := AddAlphaFromFunc(glBitmapColorKeyAlphaFunc, @PixelData);
7593 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7594 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromValue(const aAlpha: Byte): Boolean;
7596 result := AddAlphaFromValueFloat(aAlpha / $FF);
7599 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7600 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromValueRange(const aAlpha: Cardinal): Boolean;
7602 PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
7604 TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
7605 result := AddAlphaFromValueFloat(aAlpha / PixelData.Range.a);
7608 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7609 function TglBitmapData.AddAlphaFromValueFloat(const aAlpha: Single): Boolean;
7611 PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
7613 TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
7615 Data.a := Min(Range.a, Max(0, Round(Range.a * aAlpha)));
7616 result := AddAlphaFromFunc(glBitmapValueAlphaFunc, @PixelData.Data.a);
7619 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7620 function TglBitmapData.RemoveAlpha: Boolean;
7622 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
7625 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format);
7626 if Assigned(Data) then begin
7627 if FormatDesc.IsCompressed or not FormatDesc.HasAlpha then
7628 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
7629 result := ConvertTo(FormatDesc.WithoutAlpha);
7633 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7634 procedure TglBitmapData.FillWithColor(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Byte;
7635 const aAlpha: Byte);
7637 FillWithColorFloat(aRed/$FF, aGreen/$FF, aBlue/$FF, aAlpha/$FF);
7640 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7641 procedure TglBitmapData.FillWithColorRange(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Cardinal; const aAlpha: Cardinal);
7643 PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
7645 TFormatDescriptor.GetAlpha(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
7647 aRed / PixelData.Range.r,
7648 aGreen / PixelData.Range.g,
7649 aBlue / PixelData.Range.b,
7650 aAlpha / PixelData.Range.a);
7653 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7654 procedure TglBitmapData.FillWithColorFloat(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue: Single; const aAlpha: Single);
7656 PixelData: TglBitmapPixelData;
7658 TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).PreparePixel(PixelData);
7659 with PixelData do begin
7660 Data.r := Max(0, Min(Range.r, Trunc(Range.r * aRed)));
7661 Data.g := Max(0, Min(Range.g, Trunc(Range.g * aGreen)));
7662 Data.b := Max(0, Min(Range.b, Trunc(Range.b * aBlue)));
7663 Data.a := Max(0, Min(Range.a, Trunc(Range.a * aAlpha)));
7665 Convert(glBitmapFillWithColorFunc, false, @PixelData);
7668 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7669 procedure TglBitmapData.SetData(const aData: PByte; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aWidth: Integer; const aHeight: Integer);
7671 if (Data <> aData) then begin
7672 if (Assigned(Data)) then
7677 if Assigned(fData) then begin
7678 FillChar(fDimension, SizeOf(fDimension), 0);
7679 if aWidth <> -1 then begin
7680 fDimension.Fields := fDimension.Fields + [ffX];
7681 fDimension.X := aWidth;
7684 if aHeight <> -1 then begin
7685 fDimension.Fields := fDimension.Fields + [ffY];
7686 fDimension.Y := aHeight;
7696 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7697 function TglBitmapData.Clone: TglBitmapData;
7699 Temp: TglBitmapData;
7704 Temp := (ClassType.Create as TglBitmapData);
7706 // copy texture data if assigned
7707 if Assigned(Data) then begin
7708 Size := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).GetSize(fDimension);
7709 GetMem(TempPtr, Size);
7711 Move(Data^, TempPtr^, Size);
7712 Temp.SetData(TempPtr, Format, Width, Height);
7714 if Assigned(TempPtr) then
7720 Temp.SetData(TempPtr, Format, Width, Height);
7724 Temp.fFormat := Format;
7732 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7733 procedure TglBitmapData.Invert(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aAlpha: Boolean);
7738 (Byte(aRed) and 1) or
7739 ((Byte(aGreen) and 1) shl 1) or
7740 ((Byte(aBlue) and 1) shl 2) or
7741 ((Byte(aAlpha) and 1) shl 3);
7743 Convert(glBitmapInvertFunc, false, {%H-}Pointer(mask));
7746 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7748 TMatrixItem = record
7753 PglBitmapToNormalMapRec = ^TglBitmapToNormalMapRec;
7754 TglBitmapToNormalMapRec = Record
7756 Heights: array of Single;
7757 MatrixU : array of TMatrixItem;
7758 MatrixV : array of TMatrixItem;
7762 ONE_OVER_255 = 1 / 255;
7764 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7765 procedure glBitmapToNormalMapPrepareFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
7769 with FuncRec do begin
7771 Source.Data.r * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_R +
7772 Source.Data.g * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_G +
7773 Source.Data.b * LUMINANCE_WEIGHT_B;
7774 PglBitmapToNormalMapRec(Args)^.Heights[Position.Y * Size.X + Position.X] := Val * ONE_OVER_255;
7778 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7779 procedure glBitmapToNormalMapPrepareAlphaFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
7782 PglBitmapToNormalMapRec(Args)^.Heights[Position.Y * Size.X + Position.X] := Source.Data.a * ONE_OVER_255;
7785 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7786 procedure glBitmapToNormalMapFunc (var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
7788 TVec = Array[0..2] of Single;
7795 function GetHeight(X, Y: Integer): Single;
7797 with FuncRec do begin
7798 X := Max(0, Min(Size.X -1, X));
7799 Y := Max(0, Min(Size.Y -1, Y));
7800 result := PglBitmapToNormalMapRec(Args)^.Heights[Y * Size.X + X];
7805 with FuncRec do begin
7806 with PglBitmapToNormalMapRec(Args)^ do begin
7808 for Idx := Low(MatrixU) to High(MatrixU) do
7809 du := du + GetHeight(Position.X + MatrixU[Idx].X, Position.Y + MatrixU[Idx].Y) * MatrixU[Idx].W;
7812 for Idx := Low(MatrixU) to High(MatrixU) do
7813 dv := dv + GetHeight(Position.X + MatrixV[Idx].X, Position.Y + MatrixV[Idx].Y) * MatrixV[Idx].W;
7815 Vec[0] := -du * Scale;
7816 Vec[1] := -dv * Scale;
7821 Len := 1 / Sqrt(Sqr(Vec[0]) + Sqr(Vec[1]) + Sqr(Vec[2]));
7822 if Len <> 0 then begin
7823 Vec[0] := Vec[0] * Len;
7824 Vec[1] := Vec[1] * Len;
7825 Vec[2] := Vec[2] * Len;
7829 Dest.Data.r := Trunc((Vec[0] + 1) * 127.5);
7830 Dest.Data.g := Trunc((Vec[1] + 1) * 127.5);
7831 Dest.Data.b := Trunc((Vec[2] + 1) * 127.5);
7835 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7836 procedure TglBitmapData.GenerateNormalMap(const aFunc: TglBitmapNormalMapFunc; const aScale: Single; const aUseAlpha: Boolean);
7838 Rec: TglBitmapToNormalMapRec;
7840 procedure SetEntry (var Matrix: array of TMatrixItem; Index, X, Y: Integer; W: Single);
7842 if (Index >= Low(Matrix)) and (Index <= High(Matrix)) then begin
7843 Matrix[Index].X := X;
7844 Matrix[Index].Y := Y;
7845 Matrix[Index].W := W;
7850 if TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).IsCompressed then
7851 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(Format);
7853 if aScale > 100 then
7855 else if aScale < -100 then
7858 Rec.Scale := aScale;
7860 SetLength(Rec.Heights, Width * Height);
7864 SetLength(Rec.MatrixU, 2);
7865 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 0, -1, 0, -0.5);
7866 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 1, 1, 0, 0.5);
7868 SetLength(Rec.MatrixV, 2);
7869 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 0, 0, 1, 0.5);
7870 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 1, 0, -1, -0.5);
7874 SetLength(Rec.MatrixU, 6);
7875 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 0, -1, 1, -1.0);
7876 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 1, -1, 0, -2.0);
7877 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 2, -1, -1, -1.0);
7878 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 3, 1, 1, 1.0);
7879 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 4, 1, 0, 2.0);
7880 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 5, 1, -1, 1.0);
7882 SetLength(Rec.MatrixV, 6);
7883 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 0, -1, 1, 1.0);
7884 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 1, 0, 1, 2.0);
7885 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 2, 1, 1, 1.0);
7886 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 3, -1, -1, -1.0);
7887 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 4, 0, -1, -2.0);
7888 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 5, 1, -1, -1.0);
7892 SetLength(Rec.MatrixU, 6);
7893 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 0, -1, 1, -1/6);
7894 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 1, -1, 0, -1/6);
7895 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 2, -1, -1, -1/6);
7896 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 3, 1, 1, 1/6);
7897 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 4, 1, 0, 1/6);
7898 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 5, 1, -1, 1/6);
7900 SetLength(Rec.MatrixV, 6);
7901 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 0, -1, 1, 1/6);
7902 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 1, 0, 1, 1/6);
7903 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 2, 1, 1, 1/6);
7904 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 3, -1, -1, -1/6);
7905 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 4, 0, -1, -1/6);
7906 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 5, 1, -1, -1/6);
7910 SetLength(Rec.MatrixU, 20);
7911 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 0, -2, 2, -1 / 16);
7912 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 1, -1, 2, -1 / 10);
7913 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 2, 1, 2, 1 / 10);
7914 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 3, 2, 2, 1 / 16);
7915 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 4, -2, 1, -1 / 10);
7916 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 5, -1, 1, -1 / 8);
7917 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 6, 1, 1, 1 / 8);
7918 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 7, 2, 1, 1 / 10);
7919 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 8, -2, 0, -1 / 2.8);
7920 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 9, -1, 0, -0.5);
7921 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 10, 1, 0, 0.5);
7922 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 11, 2, 0, 1 / 2.8);
7923 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 12, -2, -1, -1 / 10);
7924 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 13, -1, -1, -1 / 8);
7925 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 14, 1, -1, 1 / 8);
7926 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 15, 2, -1, 1 / 10);
7927 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 16, -2, -2, -1 / 16);
7928 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 17, -1, -2, -1 / 10);
7929 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 18, 1, -2, 1 / 10);
7930 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixU, 19, 2, -2, 1 / 16);
7932 SetLength(Rec.MatrixV, 20);
7933 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 0, -2, 2, 1 / 16);
7934 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 1, -1, 2, 1 / 10);
7935 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 2, 0, 2, 0.25);
7936 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 3, 1, 2, 1 / 10);
7937 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 4, 2, 2, 1 / 16);
7938 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 5, -2, 1, 1 / 10);
7939 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 6, -1, 1, 1 / 8);
7940 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 7, 0, 1, 0.5);
7941 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 8, 1, 1, 1 / 8);
7942 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 9, 2, 1, 1 / 16);
7943 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 10, -2, -1, -1 / 16);
7944 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 11, -1, -1, -1 / 8);
7945 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 12, 0, -1, -0.5);
7946 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 13, 1, -1, -1 / 8);
7947 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 14, 2, -1, -1 / 10);
7948 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 15, -2, -2, -1 / 16);
7949 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 16, -1, -2, -1 / 10);
7950 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 17, 0, -2, -0.25);
7951 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 18, 1, -2, -1 / 10);
7952 SetEntry(Rec.MatrixV, 19, 2, -2, -1 / 16);
7957 if aUseAlpha and TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).HasAlpha then
7958 Convert(glBitmapToNormalMapPrepareAlphaFunc, false, @Rec)
7960 Convert(glBitmapToNormalMapPrepareFunc, false, @Rec);
7961 Convert(glBitmapToNormalMapFunc, false, @Rec);
7963 SetLength(Rec.Heights, 0);
7967 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7968 constructor TglBitmapData.Create;
7971 fFormat := glBitmapDefaultFormat;
7974 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7975 constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aFileName: String);
7978 LoadFromFile(aFileName);
7981 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7982 constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aStream: TStream);
7985 LoadFromStream(aStream);
7988 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7989 constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; aData: PByte);
7994 if not Assigned(aData) then begin
7995 ImageSize := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat).GetSize(aSize);
7996 GetMem(aData, ImageSize);
7998 FillChar(aData^, ImageSize, #$FF);
7999 SetData(aData, aFormat, aSize.X, aSize.Y);
8001 if Assigned(aData) then
8006 SetData(aData, aFormat, aSize.X, aSize.Y);
8010 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8011 constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aSize: TglBitmapSize; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aFunc: TglBitmapFunction; const aArgs: Pointer);
8014 LoadFromFunc(aSize, aFormat, aFunc, aArgs);
8017 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8018 constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResource: String; const aResType: PChar);
8021 LoadFromResource(aInstance, aResource, aResType);
8024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8025 constructor TglBitmapData.Create(const aInstance: Cardinal; const aResourceID: Integer; const aResType: PChar);
8028 LoadFromResourceID(aInstance, aResourceID, aResType);
8031 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8032 destructor TglBitmapData.Destroy;
8034 SetData(nil, tfEmpty);
8038 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8039 //TglBitmap - PROTECTED///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8040 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8041 function TglBitmap.GetWidth: Integer;
8043 if (ffX in fDimension.Fields) then
8044 result := fDimension.X
8049 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8050 function TglBitmap.GetHeight: Integer;
8052 if (ffY in fDimension.Fields) then
8053 result := fDimension.Y
8058 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8059 procedure TglBitmap.SetCustomData(const aValue: Pointer);
8061 if fCustomData = aValue then
8063 fCustomData := aValue;
8066 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8067 procedure TglBitmap.SetCustomName(const aValue: String);
8069 if fCustomName = aValue then
8071 fCustomName := aValue;
8074 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8075 procedure TglBitmap.SetCustomNameW(const aValue: WideString);
8077 if fCustomNameW = aValue then
8079 fCustomNameW := aValue;
8082 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8083 procedure TglBitmap.SetDeleteTextureOnFree(const aValue: Boolean);
8085 if fDeleteTextureOnFree = aValue then
8087 fDeleteTextureOnFree := aValue;
8090 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8091 procedure TglBitmap.SetID(const aValue: Cardinal);
8093 if fID = aValue then
8098 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8099 procedure TglBitmap.SetMipMap(const aValue: TglBitmapMipMap);
8101 if fMipMap = aValue then
8106 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8107 procedure TglBitmap.SetTarget(const aValue: Cardinal);
8109 if fTarget = aValue then
8114 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8115 procedure TglBitmap.SetAnisotropic(const aValue: Integer);
8118 MaxAnisotropic: Integer;
8121 fAnisotropic := aValue;
8122 if (ID > 0) then begin
8124 if GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic then begin
8125 if fAnisotropic > 0 then begin
8126 Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}false{$ENDIF});
8127 glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, @MaxAnisotropic);
8128 if aValue > MaxAnisotropic then
8129 fAnisotropic := MaxAnisotropic;
8130 glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, fAnisotropic);
8141 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8142 procedure TglBitmap.CreateID;
8145 glDeleteTextures(1, @fID);
8146 glGenTextures(1, @fID);
8147 Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}false{$ENDIF});
8150 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8151 procedure TglBitmap.SetupParameters({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}out aBuildWithGlu: Boolean{$ENDIF});
8153 // Set Up Parameters
8154 SetWrap(fWrapS, fWrapT, fWrapR);
8155 SetFilter(fFilterMin, fFilterMag);
8156 SetAnisotropic(fAnisotropic);
8159 SetBorderColor(fBorderColor[0], fBorderColor[1], fBorderColor[2], fBorderColor[3]);
8160 if (GL_ARB_texture_swizzle or GL_EXT_texture_swizzle or GL_VERSION_3_3) then
8161 SetSwizzle(fSwizzle[0], fSwizzle[1], fSwizzle[2], fSwizzle[3]);
8165 // Mip Maps Generation Mode
8166 aBuildWithGlu := false;
8167 if (MipMap = mmMipmap) then begin
8168 if (GL_VERSION_1_4 or GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap) then
8169 glTexParameteri(Target, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GLint(GL_TRUE))
8171 aBuildWithGlu := true;
8172 end else if (MipMap = mmMipmapGlu) then
8173 aBuildWithGlu := true;
8175 if (MipMap = mmMipmap) then
8176 glGenerateMipmap(Target);
8180 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8181 //TglBitmap - PUBLIC//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8182 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8183 procedure TglBitmap.AfterConstruction;
8185 inherited AfterConstruction;
8190 fIsResident := false;
8193 fMipMap := glBitmapDefaultMipmap;
8194 fDeleteTextureOnFree := glBitmapGetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree;
8196 glBitmapGetDefaultFilter (fFilterMin, fFilterMag);
8197 glBitmapGetDefaultTextureWrap(fWrapS, fWrapT, fWrapR);
8199 glBitmapGetDefaultSwizzle (fSwizzle[0], fSwizzle[1], fSwizzle[2], fSwizzle[3]);
8203 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8204 procedure TglBitmap.BeforeDestruction;
8206 if (fID > 0) and fDeleteTextureOnFree then
8207 glDeleteTextures(1, @fID);
8208 inherited BeforeDestruction;
8212 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8213 procedure TglBitmap.SetBorderColor(const aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aAlpha: Single);
8215 fBorderColor[0] := aRed;
8216 fBorderColor[1] := aGreen;
8217 fBorderColor[2] := aBlue;
8218 fBorderColor[3] := aAlpha;
8219 if (ID > 0) then begin
8221 glTexParameterfv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, @fBorderColor[0]);
8226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8227 procedure TglBitmap.SetFilter(const aMin, aMag: GLenum);
8232 fFilterMin := GL_NEAREST;
8234 fFilterMin := GL_LINEAR;
8244 raise EglBitmap.Create('SetFilter - Unknow MIN filter.');
8250 fFilterMag := GL_NEAREST;
8252 fFilterMag := GL_LINEAR;
8254 raise EglBitmap.Create('SetFilter - Unknow MAG filter.');
8258 if (ID > 0) then begin
8259 Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}false{$ENDIF});
8260 glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, fFilterMag);
8262 if (MipMap = mmNone) {$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}or (Target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE){$ENDIF} then begin
8265 glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, fFilterMin);
8267 glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
8269 glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
8272 glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, fFilterMin);
8276 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8277 procedure TglBitmap.SetWrap(const S: GLenum; const T: GLenum; const R: GLenum);
8279 procedure CheckAndSetWrap(const aValue: Cardinal; var aTarget: Cardinal);
8284 aTarget := GL_CLAMP;
8288 aTarget := GL_REPEAT;
8290 GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: begin
8292 if not GL_VERSION_1_2 and not GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp then
8296 aTarget := GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
8300 GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER: begin
8301 if GL_VERSION_1_3 or GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp then
8302 aTarget := GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER
8304 aTarget := GL_CLAMP;
8311 if GL_VERSION_1_4 or GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat or GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat then
8313 if GL_VERSION_2_0 then
8315 aTarget := GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT
8317 raise EglBitmap.Create('SetWrap - Unsupported Texturewrap GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT (S).');
8321 raise EglBitmap.Create('SetWrap - Unknow Texturewrap');
8326 CheckAndSetWrap(S, fWrapS);
8327 CheckAndSetWrap(T, fWrapT);
8328 CheckAndSetWrap(R, fWrapR);
8330 if (ID > 0) then begin
8331 Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}false{$ENDIF});
8332 glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, fWrapS);
8333 glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, fWrapT);
8335 {$IFDEF OPENGL_ES} if GL_VERSION_3_0 then{$ENDIF}
8336 glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, fWrapR);
8342 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8343 procedure TglBitmap.SetSwizzle(const r, g, b, a: GLenum);
8345 procedure CheckAndSetValue(const aValue: GLenum; const aIndex: Integer);
8347 if (aValue = GL_ZERO) or (aValue = GL_ONE) or (aValue = GL_ALPHA) or
8348 (aValue = GL_RED) or (aValue = GL_GREEN) or (aValue = GL_BLUE) then
8349 fSwizzle[aIndex] := aValue
8351 raise EglBitmap.Create('SetSwizzle - Unknow Swizle Value');
8356 if not (GL_ARB_texture_swizzle or GL_EXT_texture_swizzle or GL_VERSION_3_3) then
8357 raise EglBitmapNotSupported.Create('texture swizzle is not supported');
8359 if not GL_VERSION_3_0 then
8360 raise EglBitmapNotSupported.Create('texture swizzle is not supported');
8362 CheckAndSetValue(r, 0);
8363 CheckAndSetValue(g, 1);
8364 CheckAndSetValue(b, 2);
8365 CheckAndSetValue(a, 3);
8367 if (ID > 0) then begin
8370 glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA, PGLint(@fSwizzle[0]));
8372 glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, PGLint(@fSwizzle[0]));
8373 glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G, PGLint(@fSwizzle[1]));
8374 glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, PGLint(@fSwizzle[2]));
8375 glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A, PGLint(@fSwizzle[3]));
8381 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8382 procedure TglBitmap.Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean{$ENDIF});
8385 if aEnableTextureUnit then
8389 glBindTexture(Target, ID);
8392 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8393 procedure TglBitmap.Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean{$ENDIF});
8396 if aDisableTextureUnit then
8399 glBindTexture(Target, 0);
8402 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8403 procedure TglBitmap.UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
8407 w := aDataObj.Width;
8408 h := aDataObj.Height;
8409 fDimension.Fields := [];
8411 fDimension.Fields := fDimension.Fields + [ffX];
8413 fDimension.Fields := fDimension.Fields + [ffY];
8419 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8420 function TglBitmap.DownloadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData): Boolean;
8423 TempWidth, TempHeight: Integer;
8424 TempIntFormat: GLint;
8425 IntFormat: TglBitmapFormat;
8426 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
8432 glGetTexLevelParameteriv(Target, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, @TempWidth);
8433 glGetTexLevelParameteriv(Target, 0, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, @TempHeight);
8434 glGetTexLevelParameteriv(Target, 0, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, @TempIntFormat);
8436 FormatDesc := (TglBitmapFormatDescriptor.GetByFormat(TempIntFormat) as TFormatDescriptor);
8437 IntFormat := FormatDesc.Format;
8439 // Getting data from OpenGL
8440 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(IntFormat);
8441 GetMem(Temp, FormatDesc.GetSize(TempWidth, TempHeight));
8443 glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
8444 if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then begin
8445 if not Assigned(glGetCompressedTexImage) then
8446 raise EglBitmap.Create('compressed formats not supported by video adapter');
8447 glGetCompressedTexImage(Target, 0, Temp)
8449 glGetTexImage(Target, 0, FormatDesc.glFormat, FormatDesc.glDataFormat, Temp);
8450 aDataObj.SetData(Temp, IntFormat, TempWidth, TempHeight);
8453 if Assigned(Temp) then
8460 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8461 constructor TglBitmap.Create;
8463 if (ClassType = TglBitmap) then
8464 raise EglBitmap.Create('Don''t create TglBitmap directly. Use one of the deviated classes (TglBitmap2D) instead.');
8468 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8469 constructor TglBitmap.Create(const aData: TglBitmapData);
8476 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8477 //TglBitmap1D/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8478 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8479 procedure TglBitmap1D.UploadDataIntern(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aBuildWithGlu: Boolean);
8481 fd: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
8484 fd := aDataObj.FormatDescriptor;
8485 if (fd.glFormat = 0) or (fd.glInternalFormat = 0) or (fd.glDataFormat = 0) then
8486 raise EglBitmap.Create('format is not supported by video adapter, please convert before uploading data');
8488 if fd.IsCompressed then begin
8489 if not Assigned(glCompressedTexImage1D) then
8490 raise EglBitmap.Create('compressed formats not supported by video adapter');
8491 glCompressedTexImage1D(Target, 0, fd.glInternalFormat, aDataObj.Width, 0, fd.GetSize(aDataObj.Width, 1), aDataObj.Data)
8492 end else if aBuildWithGlu then
8493 gluBuild1DMipmaps(Target, fd.glInternalFormat, aDataObj.Width, fd.glFormat, fd.glDataFormat, aDataObj.Data)
8495 glTexImage1D(Target, 0, fd.glInternalFormat, aDataObj.Width, 0, fd.glFormat, fd.glDataFormat, aDataObj.Data);
8498 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8499 procedure TglBitmap1D.AfterConstruction;
8502 Target := GL_TEXTURE_1D;
8505 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8506 procedure TglBitmap1D.UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
8508 BuildWithGlu, TexRec: Boolean;
8511 if not Assigned(aDataObj) then
8514 // Check Texture Size
8515 if (aCheckSize) then begin
8516 glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @TexSize);
8518 if (aDataObj.Width > TexSize) then
8519 raise EglBitmapSizeToLarge.Create('TglBitmap1D.GenTexture - The size for the texture is to large. It''s may be not conform with the Hardware.');
8521 TexRec := (GL_ARB_texture_rectangle or GL_EXT_texture_rectangle or GL_NV_texture_rectangle) and
8523 if not (IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Width) or GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two or GL_VERSION_2_0 or TexRec) then
8524 raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmap1D.GenTexture - Rendercontex dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
8529 SetupParameters(BuildWithGlu);
8530 UploadDataIntern(aDataObj, BuildWithGlu);
8531 glAreTexturesResident(1, @fID, @fIsResident);
8533 inherited UploadData(aDataObj, aCheckSize);
8537 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8538 //TglBitmap2D/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8539 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8540 procedure TglBitmap2D.UploadDataIntern(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aTarget: GLenum{$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}; const aBuildWithGlu: Boolean{$ENDIF});
8542 fd: TglBitmapFormatDescriptor;
8544 fd := aDataObj.FormatDescriptor;
8545 if (fd.glFormat = 0) or (fd.glInternalFormat = 0) or (fd.glDataFormat = 0) then
8546 raise EglBitmap.Create('format is not supported by video adapter, please convert before uploading data');
8548 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
8550 if fd.IsCompressed then begin
8551 if not Assigned(glCompressedTexImage2D) then
8552 raise EglBitmap.Create('compressed formats not supported by video adapter');
8553 glCompressedTexImage2D(aTarget, 0, fd.glInternalFormat, aDataObj.Width, aDataObj.Height, 0, fd.GetSize(fDimension), aDataObj.Data)
8555 end else if aBuildWithGlu then begin
8556 gluBuild2DMipmaps(aTarget, fd.ChannelCount, aDataObj.Width, aDataObj.Height, fd.glFormat, fd.glDataFormat, aDataObj.Data)
8559 glTexImage2D(aTarget, 0, fd.glInternalFormat, aDataObj.Width, aDataObj.Height, 0, fd.glFormat, fd.glDataFormat, aDataObj.Data);
8563 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8564 procedure TglBitmap2D.AfterConstruction;
8567 Target := GL_TEXTURE_2D;
8570 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8571 procedure TglBitmap2D.UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
8574 BuildWithGlu, TexRec: Boolean;
8579 if not Assigned(aDataObj) then
8582 // Check Texture Size
8583 if (aCheckSize) then begin
8584 glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @TexSize);
8586 if ((aDataObj.Width > TexSize) or (aDataObj.Height > TexSize)) then
8587 raise EglBitmapSizeToLarge.Create('TglBitmap2D.GenTexture - The size for the texture is to large. It''s may be not conform with the Hardware.');
8589 PotTex := IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Width) and IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Height);
8591 TexRec := (GL_ARB_texture_rectangle or GL_EXT_texture_rectangle or GL_NV_texture_rectangle) and (Target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE);
8592 if not (PotTex or GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two or GL_VERSION_2_0 or TexRec) then
8593 raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmap2D.GenTexture - Rendercontex dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
8595 if not PotTex and not GL_OES_texture_npot then
8596 raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmap2D.GenTexture - Rendercontex dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
8599 raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmap2D.GenTexture - Rendercontex dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
8605 SetupParameters({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}BuildWithGlu{$ENDIF});
8606 UploadDataIntern(aDataObj, Target{$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}, BuildWithGlu{$ENDIF});
8608 glAreTexturesResident(1, @fID, @fIsResident);
8611 inherited UploadData(aDataObj, aCheckSize);
8614 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8615 class procedure TglBitmap2D.GrabScreen(const aTop, aLeft, aRight, aBottom: Integer; const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat; const aDataObj: TglBitmapData);
8618 Size, w, h: Integer;
8619 FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor;
8621 FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat);
8622 if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then
8623 raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormat.Create(aFormat);
8625 w := aRight - aLeft;
8626 h := aBottom - aTop;
8627 Size := FormatDesc.GetSize(w, h);
8630 glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
8631 glReadPixels(aLeft, aTop, w, h, FormatDesc.glFormat, FormatDesc.glDataFormat, Temp);
8632 aDataObj.SetData(Temp, aFormat, w, h);
8635 if Assigned(Temp) then
8642 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8643 //TglBitmapCubeMap////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8644 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8645 procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.AfterConstruction;
8650 if not (GL_VERSION_1_3 or GL_ARB_texture_cube_map or GL_EXT_texture_cube_map) then
8651 raise EglBitmap.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.AfterConstruction - CubeMaps are unsupported.');
8653 if not (GL_VERSION_2_0) then
8654 raise EglBitmap.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.AfterConstruction - CubeMaps are unsupported.');
8658 Target := GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP;
8660 fGenMode := GL_REFLECTION_MAP;
8664 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8665 procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.UploadData(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
8667 Assert(false, 'TglBitmapCubeMap.UploadData - Don''t call UploadData directly, use UploadCubeMap instead');
8670 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8671 procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.UploadCubeMap(const aDataObj: TglBitmapData; const aCubeTarget: Cardinal; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
8674 BuildWithGlu: Boolean;
8678 if (aCheckSize) then begin
8679 glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE, @TexSize);
8681 if (aDataObj.Width > TexSize) or (aDataObj.Height > TexSize) then
8682 raise EglBitmapSizeToLarge.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.GenerateCubeMap - The size for the Cubemap is to large. It''s may be not conform with the Hardware.');
8685 if not ((IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Width) and IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Height)) or GL_VERSION_2_0 or GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two) then
8686 raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.GenerateCubeMap - Cubemaps dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
8688 if not (IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Width) and IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Height)) and not GL_OES_texture_npot then
8689 raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.GenerateCubeMap - Cubemaps dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
8691 if not (IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Width) and IsPowerOfTwo(aDataObj.Height)) then
8692 raise EglBitmapNonPowerOfTwo.Create('TglBitmapCubeMap.GenerateCubeMap - Cubemaps dosn''t support non power of two texture.');
8698 SetupParameters({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}BuildWithGlu{$ENDIF});
8699 UploadDataIntern(aDataObj, aCubeTarget{$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}, BuildWithGlu{$ENDIF});
8701 inherited UploadData(aDataObj, aCheckSize);
8704 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8705 procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aEnableTexCoordsGen: Boolean; const aEnableTextureUnit: Boolean{$ENDIF});
8707 inherited Bind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}aEnableTextureUnit{$ENDIF});
8709 if aEnableTexCoordsGen then begin
8710 glTexGeni(GL_S, GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, fGenMode);
8711 glTexGeni(GL_T, GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, fGenMode);
8712 glTexGeni(GL_R, GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, fGenMode);
8713 glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S);
8714 glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T);
8715 glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R);
8720 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8721 procedure TglBitmapCubeMap.Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}const aDisableTexCoordsGen: Boolean; const aDisableTextureUnit: Boolean{$ENDIF});
8723 inherited Unbind({$IFNDEF OPENGL_ES}aDisableTextureUnit{$ENDIF});
8725 if aDisableTexCoordsGen then begin
8726 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S);
8727 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T);
8728 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R);
8735 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8736 //TglBitmapNormalMap//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8737 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8739 TVec = Array[0..2] of Single;
8740 TglBitmapNormalMapGetVectorFunc = procedure (out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
8742 PglBitmapNormalMapRec = ^TglBitmapNormalMapRec;
8743 TglBitmapNormalMapRec = record
8745 Func: TglBitmapNormalMapGetVectorFunc;
8748 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8749 procedure glBitmapNormalMapPosX(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
8751 aVec[0] := aHalfSize;
8752 aVec[1] := - (aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
8753 aVec[2] := - (aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
8756 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8757 procedure glBitmapNormalMapNegX(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
8759 aVec[0] := - aHalfSize;
8760 aVec[1] := - (aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
8761 aVec[2] := aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize;
8764 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8765 procedure glBitmapNormalMapPosY(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
8767 aVec[0] := aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize;
8768 aVec[1] := aHalfSize;
8769 aVec[2] := aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize;
8772 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8773 procedure glBitmapNormalMapNegY(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
8775 aVec[0] := aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize;
8776 aVec[1] := - aHalfSize;
8777 aVec[2] := - (aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
8780 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8781 procedure glBitmapNormalMapPosZ(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
8783 aVec[0] := aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize;
8784 aVec[1] := - (aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
8785 aVec[2] := aHalfSize;
8788 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8789 procedure glBitmapNormalMapNegZ(out aVec: TVec; const aPosition: TglBitmapPixelPosition; const aHalfSize: Integer);
8791 aVec[0] := - (aPosition.X + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
8792 aVec[1] := - (aPosition.Y + 0.5 - aHalfSize);
8793 aVec[2] := - aHalfSize;
8796 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8797 procedure glBitmapNormalMapFunc(var FuncRec: TglBitmapFunctionRec);
8803 with FuncRec do begin
8804 with PglBitmapNormalMapRec(Args)^ do begin
8805 Func(Vec, Position, HalfSize);
8808 Len := 1 / Sqrt(Sqr(Vec[0]) + Sqr(Vec[1]) + Sqr(Vec[2]));
8809 if Len <> 0 then begin
8810 Vec[0] := Vec[0] * Len;
8811 Vec[1] := Vec[1] * Len;
8812 Vec[2] := Vec[2] * Len;
8815 // Scale Vector and AddVectro
8816 Vec[0] := Vec[0] * 0.5 + 0.5;
8817 Vec[1] := Vec[1] * 0.5 + 0.5;
8818 Vec[2] := Vec[2] * 0.5 + 0.5;
8823 Dest.Data.arr[i] := Round(Vec[i] * 255);
8827 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8828 procedure TglBitmapNormalMap.AfterConstruction;
8832 fGenMode := GL_NORMAL_MAP;
8836 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8837 procedure TglBitmapNormalMap.GenerateNormalMap(const aSize: Integer; const aCheckSize: Boolean);
8839 Rec: TglBitmapNormalMapRec;
8840 SizeRec: TglBitmapSize;
8841 DataObj: TglBitmapData;
8843 Rec.HalfSize := aSize div 2;
8845 SizeRec.Fields := [ffX, ffY];
8849 DataObj := TglBitmapData.Create;
8852 Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapPosX;
8853 DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
8854 UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, aCheckSize);
8857 Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapNegX;
8858 DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
8859 UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, aCheckSize);
8862 Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapPosY;
8863 DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
8864 UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, aCheckSize);
8867 Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapNegY;
8868 DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
8869 UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, aCheckSize);
8872 Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapPosZ;
8873 DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
8874 UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, aCheckSize);
8877 Rec.Func := glBitmapNormalMapNegZ;
8878 DataObj.LoadFromFunc(SizeRec, tfBGR8ub3, glBitmapNormalMapFunc, @Rec);
8879 UploadCubeMap(DataObj, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, aCheckSize);
8881 FreeAndNil(DataObj);
8887 glBitmapSetDefaultFormat (tfEmpty);
8888 glBitmapSetDefaultMipmap (mmMipmap);
8889 glBitmapSetDefaultFilter (GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR);
8892 glBitmapSetDefaultSwizzle(GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA);
8895 glBitmapSetDefaultFreeDataAfterGenTexture(true);
8896 glBitmapSetDefaultDeleteTextureOnFree (true);
8898 TFormatDescriptor.Init;
8901 TFormatDescriptor.Finalize;